The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945 - Final Installment
Nov. 2, 2015
Carolyn reads Chapter 23 "Shipwrecked Survivors" and Chapter 24 "Hospital Ships."
Though it is more difficult to investigate the deaths of shipwrecked sailors and air crews downed in the ocean than it is deaths on land, the War Crimes Bureau found clear evidence of crimes by the British during the attack on the Erich Giese destroyer at Narvik, Norway; the Osia Paraskevi caique in the Aegean Sea; and on paratroopers traveling by caique to western Crete. The shooting of downed German airmen in the Channel during the 1942 Battle of Dieppe, France, and in the Mediterranean in 1944 were also crimes by some British RAF pilots.
The investigation of the November 1944 attack which sank the German hospital ship Tubingen in the Adriatic Sea is discussed in detail, but far less attention was given to the frequent British attacks and bombings of the smaller German hospital carriers. The Soviet Union unilaterally refused to recognize any German hospital ships.
This ends the reading of this very important book – the only one of its kind, as far as I know, that gives exposure to the German Military's professional investigations into the war crimes committed by the Allies against German soldiers. 1h14m
Below: The Tubingen hospital ship going down after being attacked by British RAF pilots on 18 November 1944 while crossing from Bari to Triest in the North Adriatic Sea. The responsible pilots were not prosecuted.
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Readings on "The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945"
Good Day Carolyn
I wanted to listen to your readings. Unfortunately all stop after a few minutes. The same happens with the podcasts -honestly, I don't know what a podcast actually is, will inform myself via wiki.
As a formerly reeducated German (*1939) I do appreciate your untiring efforts towards the truth - not only for Germans, but most importantly for brainwashed Whites.
Dear Klaus
Greetings to you! I am really sorry for this problem with the podcast players. Not everyone has the problem, just some people depending on their browser, I am told. So for you special people, here is the solution:
If you are on the front page, click on the title of the post, which will take you to the individual program page and pre-loads the podcast. When the full length of the recording appears, it should be downloaded into your browser and it should play with no problems.
If you still have the problem, then right click on "click here to download" and select "save link as". That will save it to your computer's files and you can play it as often as you like from there ... until you decide to delete it.
If any of this is unclear, don't hesitate to ask again.