Elie Wiesel condemns Günter Grass for "going too far"
By Carolyn Yeager
Wiesel rushes to the defense of Israel once again, proving he is always a political person ahead of being an artistic person.
Zionism has always come first for Elie Wiesel. You might even say all his writing has been in the service of Zionism, one way or another. Now a poem made public by one of Germany’s most famous novelists is causing an uproar in the Jewish/Israeli world, of which Wiesel is an integral part. The poet is Günter Grass; the poem’s title is “What Must Be Said.” It is a criticism of Israel’s nuclear capability and it’s willingness to use it against Iran.
In an article in the New York Daily News, Wiesel for the second time in the past month, speaks out on a controversy affecting Jews and Israel. While Wiesel is often portrayed as a kind of suffering saint who stays above the fray in his capacity as “teacher” and one who represents “victims of the Jewish holocaust” for the sake of greater humanity, this has never been the case in reality. He is a scrapper and a partisan in every circumstance involving Israel. Everything he does is done to advance the interests of World Jewry. This latest article makes it clear enough.
It is titled “Guenter Grass’ buried hatred comes to light.” The subtitle brings out that “He once served in the Nazi Waffen SS; today, he is attacking Israel.”
Well, that pretty much covers the Jew’s reasons why we should hate Grass. He was a Nazi! He’s been a secret Nazi, therefore a Jew-hater, all along! He is not an honest man. Therefore, ignore what he has to say … a version of “attack the messenger,” a tried and true tactic which Wiesel is not above using.
This particular spat can be seen as another chapter in the historic German-Jewish conflict between two nations that are at eternal odds with each other. The idea that these two “races” will ever overcome their inherent “unlikeness” and be able to live together is a pipe-dream. It never will be, as they are opposites. The problem with Grass’ reasoning is that he believes a reconciliation is possible, and has even been made. As long as he holds this belief he will never get it right.
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The following are some highlights from what Wiesel wrote, with commentary by me. You can read the entire article by Wiesel by following the link above.
Wiesel: […] the German Nobel Prize-winning novelist Guenter Grass has obviously chosen to set himself up as judge over the state and people of Israel.
As we know, Elie Wiesel has since even before 1945 set himself up as judge over the nation and people of Germany. But, of course, in Wiesel’s very biased mind he has every right, while Grass has not. Grass, in the eyes of the Jews is a German perpetrator, without any rights at all.
Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World
Elie Wiesel, Germany, Holocaust Industry Exposed, Jews- 2248 reads