Elie Wiesel sponsors petition that assaults Greek and European democratic independence
Europe (above) should be wide open to all comers, according to Elie Wiesel, EGAM (European Grassroots Antiracist Movement) and SOS-Racisme.org.
By Carolyn Yeager
Elie Wiesel wants you to sign a petition that proclaims “We are all Greek Jews. ” It in essence will mean that you approve that Greek voters (and voters in every other European nation) must comply with the wishes of the Jewish community in their nation when it comes to their political choices. This is such insanity that the world media are not even carrying the story. The Guardian was chosen to publish the petition as a news story, but it has not spread very far.
Elie Wiesel, however, is one of the original signatories, lending whatever prestige he may still possess to the misbegotten venture. The other signers are mostly Jewish, with a possible smattering of water-carriers and communists. The sponsors include two antiracist organizations: EGAN and SOS Racisme. What do they want? They want to destroy Europe as a white homeland. Can anyone really think this is a good idea?
Voice of conscience
Organized Jewry presents itself as the voice of conscience of the world. This has long been a favored method of control and, though there is no basis for it, many white European peoples, because of the constant media barrage portraying Jews as “wise and super smart,” seem to fall for it. The mass media is the new “Holy Scripture” that gives us our modern morality in the form of “anything goes.”
The main intention of Elie Wiesel and the other signatories is to enforce “The Holocaust” as the world’s religion for the goyim … as they term all non-Jews. For the same reasons they seek to make the world accept Jerusalem as the supreme seat of international justice, from whence the final decisions on all matters—for which there will be no appeal—will flow. We are to view the world through Jewish eyes and only through Jewish eyes. The very first paragraph of the petition tells us this.
The neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn entered the Greek parliament this month. With its swastika-inspired emblem, Hitlerian salute, reference to Mein Kampf, antisemitic and racist ideology, Holocaust denial, violence against migrants, threats against journalists and personality cult, the party is the lineal heir of the German national-socialist party that led Europe and the world into chaos and bloodshed.
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