The Enemy in Our Midst - Elie Wiesel's USHMM celebrates 20 years
By Carolyn Yeager
How the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC uses our money to further goals that serve international Jews.
Elie Wiesel and the above-named holohoax museum are as linked together as the military-industrial complex. Wiesel serves Israel and the International Jewish power structure and, in turn, it looks after him and ensures that he is not only wealthy but famous and covered with honors and decorations that bring him respect.
The United States, since Woodrow Wilson and the 1913 takeover of the U.S. Treasury by the Jewish banking cabal’s Federal Reserve System, has been a captive nation. Even though it appears to be the most powerful nation on earth – that is appearance only if you define a nation as being governed by and serving the people who formed and created that nation.
The truth is, the American people have a foreign parasitical entity attached to our nation, which has changed its very demographic make-up and just keeps spawning more and more anti-American policies. One of the spreading tentacles of this parasite is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
When one studies this museum, how it came into being and how it operates, one can clearly discern it’s parasitical nature – and why, rather than contributing to the national well-being, it takes away from it.
This week, Sunday and Monday April 28-29, is the culmination of several months of “commemoration” of the museum’s 20th year of existence.1 It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003, so I assume there will be a propaganda-filled anniversary commemoration every 10 years from now on – and maybe they’ll throw in a 25th too – unless it is put out of business. Following are some reasons the USHMM should be closed down.
Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World
Elie Wiesel, Holocaust Industry Exposed, Jews- 772 reads