Euro an instrument to enslave Europe

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-09 16:20

6 April 2013

Angela Merkel is not Germany – The €uro is an instrument to enslave all Europe


by Sternbald

The so called €uro crisis has been planned; the foreseeable consequences of the monetary union were well known to the responsible politicians. Top politicians in all countries are lying to their people and cooperating with high finance. Similar to the two world wars, the Germans have been chosen as a scapegoat. We would like the world to know: Angela Merkel is not Germany but a traitor to our nation and all of Europe. The following article will give you the necessary information to understand the mechanisms of the €uro fraud.


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Prehistory and origins of the EU and the €uro

Without the Second World War, a monetary union in Europe would not have been possible. The defeat of France (in 1940), Italy (in 1943), and Germany (in 1945) and the hegemony of the USA over Europe were necessary to overcome the resistance autonomous nations would have opposed to such a project. (The fact that countries with a rest of political autonomy such as GB, Switzerland, and Norway did not introduce the €uro confirms this.)

The German nation lost its autonomy completely and has never been able to recover it. The socialist Carlo Schmidt, one of the experts in international law that were asked to elaborate the German ‘basic law’ (‘Grundgesetz’ – the FRG does not have a real constitution) under American supervision said about the new American client state Federal Republic of Germany:

This organization as a state-like entity, of course, can go very far. However, it will always be different from a democratically legitimated state because the self-organization in the face of not existing liberty depends on the acceptance of a superior foreign power as the legitimate ruler; it thus is noting more than the organized form of a modality of foreign domination.

When the USA started the European Recovery Program in 1947 (also known as Marshall Plan), they obliged the participating nations to accept an accompanying strategic plan. The loans were spend in a way that stimulated the American economy. Germany was forced to receive $ US 1.4 billion (6.4 billion Deutsche Mark, ca. 1/10 of the integral sum) from 1949 to 1952 and had to pay back 13 billion Deutsche Mark from 1953 to 1962. The ERP set the base for a common European policy and the respective institutions.

In 1950, the French minister of foreign affairs Robert Schuman proposed “to put the complete German and French production of coal and steel under a common surveillance authority” (“haute autorité”). The following year, the European Coal and Steel Community was founded, and France gained control over the German coal and steel industry.

In 1957, the European Economic Community was founded, canceling custom barriers between France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg, starting a common economic policy towards third countries and creating supranational institutions. With the EEC, the bases for the complete abolition of national autonomy were set. The EEC was eventually converted to the European Union and has been constantly enlarged. Since then, the FRG, an occupied country (still today approximately 100 000 American and British occupation forces are located in Germany and financed by the German taxpayers), has been the paymaster but never the leader, although the mass media try to make a different impression.

On September 19, 2000, the British Telegraph revealed:

Euro-federalists financed by US spy chiefs

DECLASSIFIED American government documents show that the US intelligence community ran a campaign in the Fifties and Sixties to build momentum for a united Europe. It funded and directed the European federalist movement.

The documents confirm suspicions voiced at the time that America was working aggressively behind the scenes to push Britain into a European state. One memorandum, dated July 26, 1950, gives instructions for a campaign to promote a fully fledged European parliament. It is signed by Gen William J Donovan, head of the American wartime Office of Strategic Services, precursor of the CIA.

The documents were found by Joshua Paul, a researcher at Georgetown University in Washington. They include files released by the US National Archives. Washington’s main tool for shaping the European agenda was the American Committee for a United Europe, created in 1948. The chairman was Donovan, ostensibly a private lawyer by then.

The vice-chairman was Allen Dulles, the CIA director in the Fifties. The board included Walter Bedell Smith, the CIA’s first director, and a roster of ex-OSS figures and officials who moved in and out of the CIA. The documents show that ACUE financed the European Movement, the most important federalist organisation in the post-war years. In 1958, for example, it provided 53.5 per cent of the movement’s funds.

The European Youth Campaign, an arm of the European Movement, was wholly funded and controlled by Washington. The Belgian director, Baron Boel, received monthly payments into a special account. When the head of the European Movement, Polish-born Joseph Retinger, bridled at this degree of American control and tried to raise money in Europe, he was quickly reprimanded.

The leaders of the European Movement – Retinger, the visionary Robert Schuman and the former Belgian prime minister Paul-Henri Spaak – were all treated as hired hands by their American sponsors. The US role was handled as a covert operation. ACUE’s funding came from the Ford and Rockefeller foundations as well as business groups with close ties to the US government.

The head of the Ford Foundation, ex-OSS officer Paul Hoffman, doubled as head of ACUE in the late Fifties. The State Department also played a role. A memo from the European section, dated June 11, 1965, advises the vice-president of the European Economic Community, Robert Marjolin, to pursue monetary union by stealth.

It recommends suppressing debate until the point at which “adoption of such proposals would become virtually inescapable”.

The EU: an authoritarian system

José Manuel Barroso: never elected

José Manuel Barroso: never elected

The official leaders of the EU such as José Manuel Barroso (President of the EU Commission) or Jean Claude Juncker (President of the €uro Group) were never elected by the people of the member states. The EU is everything but democratic.

Officially, the general lines of the EU policy are established by the European council, a bi-annual meeting of the chiefs of government of the member states. Actually, the most influential politicians such as Barroso, Juncker, and the chiefs of government of the big countries meet constantly with politicians from outside the EU and international economic leaders (people who are invited to Davos and the Bilderberg Conference) behind closed doors.

The only organ in the EU that can initiate new laws is the European Commission. The commissioners are not elected but chosen by the member states. Of course, they are not independent but follow directions.

The laws are voted by the Council of the EU, whose members are chosen by the governments as well; they do not take autonomous decisions neither. The voting weight each member state has in the Council does not represent the importance of the countries, i.e. their population and their financial commitment with the EU.

As we can see, two institutions (the Commission and the Council) that are dominated by some few personalities have all the power. The only democratically legitimated institution, the European Parliament, is not consulted in important questions. It is a mere talking shop. Since EU law stands above national law, the democratically elected national parliaments are deprived of their power. In many cases, one can speak of a violation of the different member states by the EU.

Is Germany the dominant nation in the EU?

This is the voting weight of the different member states:

29 votes: GB, France, Italy, FRG

27: Poland, Spain

14: Rumania

13: The Netherlands

12: Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary

10: Austria, Sweden, Bulgaria

7: Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Latvia Slovakia

4: Estonia, Latvia, Luxemburg, Slovenia, Cyprus

3: Malta

The FRG is the state that pays mot, Greece is the country that receives most (numbers from 2008)

The FRG is the state that pays most, Greece is the country that receives most (numbers from 2008)

As mentioned, the voting weight does not correspond to the population and the financial contributions of the different countries. From 1990 to 2011, Germany has remitted € 324 billions to the EU – that is 45 % of the entire budget! – but has received only € 174 billions (source: Franz-Ulrich Willeke: Deutschland, Zahlmeister der EU, 2011 – the “rescue fond” is not included here). That means that the German tax payers where so kind to make a “present” of € 145 billions to the other countries. But although the FRG pays more than any other country and although it is the biggest country in the EU (82 million inhabitants versus 65 in France, 63 in GB, and 61 in Italy), it has only as much votes as the mentioned neighbors and only one more vote than Spain and Poland. As you can see, Germany will always be easily outnumbered by countries who have benefits from the FRG’s role as the paymaster when it is time to vote. Strangely enough, the mass media present Angela Merkel as the strong lady of the EU and Germany as the dominating nation.

According to the mass media, Angela Merkel would not be a puppet of the NWO elite but the "strong woman" of the EU. Actually, Germany is not the master but only the paymaster as the statistic clearly show.

According to the mass media, Angela Merkel would not be a puppet of the NWO elite but the “strong woman” of the EU. Actually, Germany is not the master but only the paymaster as the statistics clearly show.

The €uro

The €uro, which was introduced as cash money in 2002 and which today is the official currency of 22 states, has served high finance to create the “crisis” and allows them to expropriate entire nations. You will learn how this is possible.

How does a currency work?

There are basically two kinds of currencies: such with a gold standard and such without one. Gold standard means that for every banknote a corresponding amount of gold (i.e. real value) is held in the central bank. In both cases, the value of the currency reflects the economic power and stability of the country. Without a gold standard, a currency can only be strong and stable if people have confidence in the reliability of the nation’s economy.

The economic situation in Europe before the monetary union

The wealth of the different economies/societies was reflected by the different currencies: Especially the FRG and GB had strong currencies, which meant that they had favorable import conditions but that they had to produce high quality in order to be able to export their relatively expensive products. Countries such as Greece and Portugal with a weak economy had high inflation: they exported low value products and had to contract debt in order to be able to import expensive quality goods.

Countries with a powerful economy and a strong currency get loans at low interests. Countries with a weak economy, inflation, and high debt have to pay high interests because it is a risk to lend them money. This natural mechanism prevents countries of the second category to enter into a vicious circle of indebtedness.

According to the before mentioned basic insights, the following consequences were foreseeable:

  • The €uro would bring inflation and impoverishment to strong economies (i.e. they would have to pay for the weaker economies).

  • It would bring deflation and lower interest rates to the weaker economies.

  • The weaker economies would run the risk of entering a vicious circle of indebtedness.

As mentioned, countries with a rest of political autonomy do not participate in the monetary union: GB, Switzerland, and Norway did not introduce the €uro!

The €uro has caused inflation and impoverishment in Germany

In Germany, the exchange rate was ap. € 1 = DM 2. Before 2002, a bread roll costed around DM 0,30 and a beer at the pub around DM 2,40. Due to the inflation, a bread roll now costs € 0,30 (= DM 0,60) and more, and a beer at the pub € 2,40 (= DM 4,80) and more, but the salaries did not rise: somebody who earned DM 2000 now earns € 1000. Thus, prices doubled in a few weeks (and have risen more since then), and especially the working class is struggling because of the €uro.

False arguments in favor of the €uro

The German media repeat a number of slogans to convince the citizens of the necessity of the €uro. The following are the two most important:

“The €uro is necessary to maintain peace in Europe.” Very interesting! Who would start war without the €uro?! France, GB, the USA – or high finance?

“The €uro is necessary for exportation; the German economy has benefits.” Even if that was true: the German citizens do not have benefits, they have impoverished. But actually, Germany never has had problems to export high quality products such as cars, and China does not need a monetary union to export their products to the whole world. Arguments in favor of the €uro are merely propaganda.

Complaint before the supreme court

Because of the foreseeable consequences, a team of four German university professors (Wilhelm Hankel, Wilhelm Nölling, Karl Albrecht Schachtschneider und Joachim Starbatty) complained at the Supreme Court of the FRG before the beginning of the monetary union. The mass media did hardly cover the complaint. Instead of reproducing their arguments they portrayed them as “right wing radicals” and “enemies of Europe”. The complaint was rejected by the Supreme Court. Everything the professors predicted has happened.

Fraud, Defalcation, and the role of Goldman Sachs

The monetary union would have had negative consequences for all the participating countries anyway. These consequences have been aggravated by corruption and defalcation. The most representative case is Greece, a country that did not comply with the minimum conditions of economic stability and that, thus, normally would not have been allowed to participate.

However, Goldman Sachs, one of the most powerful banks in the world, helped Greece to manipulate their numbers and thus to be admitted into the €uro zone. Today, Greece practically belongs to Goldman Sachs.

According to official EU law (Treaty of Lisbon, 2007), there should be no bail out (i.e. that a country has to pay for the debts of another country of the €uro zone).Violating its own law, the EU has made bail out a common practice. When Greece was close to bankruptcy in 2009, it was decided that the other members would guarantee for the Greek debts. Naturally, Germany as the strongest economy has been paying more than any other country for the debts of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc. The money goes from Germany (and other strong economies) to the Greek (Portuguese, etc.) government, and from there to the banks, especially to Goldman Sachs.

At the same time, Greece (Ireland, Portugal, etc.) are asked to privatize infrastructure (i.e. to sell it to Goldman Sachs and other banks and “investors”) such as airports, railways, and even the water supply. Since the citizens paid for the infrastructure with their taxes, this is expropriation and robbery.

Actually, the bail out does not even cover the debts but only part of the interests. The debts are so high that they cannot be paid. Thus, the bail out pushes other countries into the vicious circle of indebtedness, and Goldman Sachs et al. gain power over the whole continent.

The Germans are the perfect scapegoat: mentioning the word "Nazi" explains everything

The Germans are the perfect scapegoat: mentioning the word “Nazi” explains everything and Merkel cooperates willingly because she has sold her soul to high finance.

According to the mass media, Angela Merkel (i.e. Germany), who is portrayed as “the strong lady of Europe”, is responsible for this sellout of entire nations. While Germany has no benefits but, on the opposite, becomes more indebted itself, it is blamed for the crisis by other countries. Germany has to play the role of a scapegoat, making use of anti-German propaganda clichés which have been known since WWI.

The anti-German propaganda has not changed very much since WWI

The anti-German propaganda has not changed very much since WWI

The version of the media is true in so far as the German top politicians cooperate with the banks and harm the citizens of their country without scruples. They are traitors, as well as all the other European top politicians. In the meanwhile, important positions (European Central Bank, governments of Greece and Italy, many administrative positions) have been occupied by Goldman Sachs employees (Draghi, Papademos, Monti, etc.). Goldman Sachs’ CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s comment is that he “is doing God’s work” (probably alluding to the Jewish conviction that Jehovah wants the “chosen people” to subjugate all other nations).

Lloyd Blanfein: "Doing God's own work"

Lloyd Blankfein: “Doing God’s work”

The €uro fraud is necessary to introduce the New World Order

Politicians such as Mario Monti and Wolfgang Schäuble admit openly: “the crisis is necessary to force the European citizens to accept a political union and the abolition of the European nations. The goal is a New World Order.”

Working for the NWO with Blankfein, Barroso, Monti, et a.: Wolfgang Schäuble

Working for the NWO together with Blankfein, Barroso, Monti, et al.: Wolfgang Schäuble

Thus, we see that the political leaders (respectively high finance) have been well aware of the inevitable consequences of the monetary union.They are desired and necessary to establish the New World Order (“One World, one Government”).

As can be seen in Europe, this New World Order means:

  • No democracy but instead authoritarianism.

  • The impoverishment of common people versus immense benefits for an international elite.

  • Hatred between the different nations.


Anti-EU and anti-€uro movements have been founded in all European countries. They have to fight against high finance, the political establishment, and the mass media. The next years will show if the megalomaniac project of the New World Order will succeed or fail in Europe. Please contribute to make the last option come true and to prevent hatred between us European brothers by circulating this information!

This article is re-posted from As der Schwerter.