Is Germany Responsible for the Financial Crisis?
German bloggers Skeptissimus and Kairos contribute to the websites As der Schwerter. Kairos is also at Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit.
By Skeptizissimus
translated by Kairos, translation edited by Carolyn Yeager
First of all, we Germans are hurt to hear such things. No one among the average citizens has the wish to harm other countries, or to exploit them. Especially for Greece and Spain, most of us have great sympathy. But more important, we ourselves suffer also from the Euro, the EU, the so-called financial crisis, and the crimes that are justified through it. As in Greece and Spain, everything has become more expensive in Germany through the Euro, partly the prices doubled and more. Germany is exactly like these countries—highly in debt, with the only difference that Germany still can afford to borrow. As in the other countries, the average citizens will pay for these national debts and will have to do without many things when it abruptly happens that there are no more loans to be had. As the other Europeans, the EU dictatorship also exploits and overrules the Germans. We Germans feel already that we will – again – become the scapegoat and be held responsible for everything. This is an experience that we already had to suffer in the context of the two “World Wars.”
But now the following question: What is true in this picture of evil Germans who benefit from the Euro at the expense of the other countries, and dominate them politically? Especially: Why are such things claimed, and who benefits from these claims? We cannot blame anyone for believing it because politics and media in all countries repeat it, and our own chancellor joins them!
Is it really true that Germany totally benefits from the Euro and the EU because it can export more easily to other European countries? German top-quality products such as Mercedes Benz and BMW cars will always be wanted around the entire world as long as they are better than similar products from other countries. When someone has their heart set on a German luxury car it is irrelevant if he pays 500 Euro more or less. The products Germany is famous for always sold well and Germany was “world champion of exports” even before the implementation of the Euro. Meanwhile, China exports more than Germany does, and this in spite of the Euro. China sells its products without problems to the whole world, in spite of the use of foreign currencies and import restrictions. Even before the Euro, most oranges in German supermarkets came from Spain and grapes and strawberries from Greece. This has not changed. One does not need a common currency for trade; a free-trade zone is enough.
Let us assume that some private companies do benefit from the Euro; is the Euro also in the interest of the German people, then? As said before, the German people have only drawbacks from the Euro. Nearly everything has become more expensive, while salaries have not been raised. Franz-Ulrich Willeke (Deutschland, Zahlmeister der EU, Olzog Verlag, München 2011, 158 pages, 19.90 Euro) said that Germany paid 324 billion Euro to the EU since the “reunion" (that is 54,1% of the whole EU budget!) and got just 178 billion Euro from it (the “emergency chute” [Rettungsschirm] not being included here). That means Germany has donated 146 billion Euro to other countries in this timeframe! Why? This is money that should have been spent to satisfy the needs of the Germans in Germany. German streets have pot holes; the plaster comes off the walls in German schools; German swimming pools, libraries and theatres have to be closed because there is no money for them; and the retirement pay to the elderly is eaten up by inflation. But before this Germany has to pay her debts, as of 24.11.2011: 217, 282, 103, 154 Euro. The main beneficiaries of the transaction were other countries such as Spain and Greece, where streets, autobahns, seaports, train stations and tracks, airports and so on were renovated or built with EU grants.
Ostensibly, it seems that the southern European countries benefit from the Euro. But as the “crisis” shows us, the Euro and the EU are bad for all.
What exactly is happening now and how did the southern European countries come into their debt-entanglement? Greece, Spain and the other overly-indebted Eurozone countries had a weak economy long before World War II. They produced few export goods and had to go into debt to import many things they wanted and needed. The least painful way to deal with their mounting debt was inflation (printing more paper currency). Because of national debts, inflation, and a weak economy these countries had to pay ever higher interest rates for new loans, which is actually what saved them from increasing their indebtedness beyond a certain point. This situation changed abruptly with the Euro. With the substance of the economic giant Germany, a stable, hard currency and low priced loan conditions, the interest rates for these inflation-prone countries fell.
During the course of an initial deceptive boom (the grants drove their economies and granted an illusion of improvement that, in fact, was not grounded in their own achievement), they borrowed unscrupulously and lived beyond their means.
At a certain point in time it became clear that they could not pay back their debts. Now the stronger countries, with Germany at the head of the list, should assist them. The so- called “emergency chute” (Rettungsschirm) was born. This term, however, is thoroughly deceptive. The debts are so high that they never can be paid. The payments and guarantees from Germany only have the effect that the banks continue to collect interest at good rates for some time. This detail reveals that the real beneficiaries of the EU and the Euro is no one else but the banks—surely not the citizens of Germany. And as Germany is herself heavily over-indebted, and the guarantees and payments are beyond her strength, it is just a matter of time until Germany is forced into the abyss, too. Now it becomes clear how we come to the picture of Angela Merkel as strong women of Europe. The German chancellorette has to play a game—for reasons that will become clear in the following paragraphs—a game that clearly ruins the future of Germany. She can only belie it by acting as if it were possible for countries like Greece and Spain to solve their debt problem through saving measures. This she demands repeatedly and loudly, and tries to simulate strength.
How did it come to a European Union and Euro in the first place? The question arises as to why Germany participates at all when there are only downsides for us. To understand this one has to go way back into the nineteenth century. It is a complex matter that will be hard for younger people to understand because in the educational system and in the media a different story is told. When one recognizes that history is written by the winners and that Germany was very destructively defeated in two world wars, the following explanations become easier to grasp.
From the 17th to the first half of the 19th century, the Germany of today was divided into a mass of tiny, politically insignificant states. For the great powers of that time it was a blessing, as the German-speaking population was the largest folk of Europe. Germany was a sleeping giant. With the union of these states (without Austria and, of course, Switzerland) into the German Empire in the year 1871, France and England suddenly had a new competitor in the neighbourhood. The problem was not Germany’s military strength, as the Reich did not want to expand territorially (as stated by Bismarck).
In fact, the German Empire until 1914 did everything to prevent wars. Economically, the new state left the former hegemony of England behind in many areas. The production of indigo is an example. England was leading in the global marketplace with the production of this dye, as the blue colour was fabricated in the crown-colony of India. After Germany developed a process to produce indigo chemically, England lost this role to its neighbour. So it was in many areas, and even other states (especially France and Russia, then also the USA) were not happy with the achievements of the Reich in science and economy. Already in 1897 England, France and the USA decided secretly to put away the competitors Germany and Spain. (This was first published in 1918 in the book The Problem of Japan by an anonymous author.)
Already a war was waged against Spain in 1898 (the USA invaded with the ironclad USS Maine into the port of La Habana in the Spanish colony Cuba; the ship exploded and the Spanish were made responsible for it). The war against the German Empire could not be acted out until 1914. Germany and Austria faced 28 enemy states! Even though it is normally told differently today, sources such as the memoirs of Emperor Wilhelm II show that both states had no interest in acting out this war because it was clear from the beginning that they would face an invincible superiority. There was nothing to win.
Although their enemies thought they would destroy the two Empires and occupy them, Germany especially defended herself unexpectedly well. In the end, the dictate of Versailles demanded loss of regions and astronomical reparation payments, but Germany continued to exist as a state. With Hitler there came a statesman who succeeded in freeing Germany step by step from this catastrophic situation. This brought the first signs that a new war would start. (Some things are seen as proof that Hitler was primarily, systematically supported by Germany’s enemies in order to have a justification for a destructive war. This, however, cannot be discussed here in detail.) England, France and the USA did everything to make a war happen (what the Allies also deny today). The activator was the conflict with Poland. This state was newly founded after World War I and had been given large areas that were former German territory. The German minority was brutally harassed. Poland tried to force new territories from Germany by continually threatening war.
This attitude of Poland was backed and supported by England with a promise to protect her in case of a war. Germany declared war on Poland after provocations and crimes (e.g. mass murder of Germans) reached a level that no sovereign state can tolerate. Thereupon England and France declared war on Germany, the 40-some peace offerings made by Hitler since the beginning of the war having been declined, and this also is concealed today. In the end, Germany was destructively beaten by an unbelievably superior enemy. The Nazis did know that they could not win, but the Germans fought desperately because they knew that the enemy was remorseless. All cities with more than 60,000 inhabitants were destroyed by bombs. Millions of Germans were slain, burnt alive, raped and expelled, and the country was occupied. The allies took all that was left, first of all advanced technology and patents. The Germans are held responsible for terrible crimes. Through all the media and educational institutions that were first closed and then re- opened under the control of the allies, the accusations are constantly repeated but it is forbidden by law to discuss the topic freely. (Up till today it remains forbidden to talk freely about the so-called “Holocaust” and to research it scientifically; thousands of people are in jail for “the denial of the Holocaust” – a thought crime, and this not only in Germany.) Through a re-education program that was created mainly by Jewish scientists, ideologists and politicians, the German nation was forced to take the exclusive responsibility for World War II, and for many other crimes besides.
He who takes the trouble to investigate with sources and to question the information of the school books and media critically can find proof for all of this. Educated people in all countries of the world know this background, but there are few of them and it is a forbidden truth. The mass of the population knows nothing about it because they get all their information from school, TV and the big newspapers.
After Germany was wracked and ruined it took four years until the occupied country was given a new form of administration with the foundation of the BRD (FRG, West Germany). Until 1955, the allies had the official suzerainty over this state. Behind the curtains they’re still doing it today. In addition, they bound the new state to a bunch of structures that made sure they would stay in control. This began in 1951 with the Montan Union that allowed France to get access to the German coal-and steel production. From this structure emerged at first the European Community, then the European Union. As the end of the Soviet Union and the DDR (GDR, East Germany) became obvious and everyone knew that a reunion of the two Germany’s was at hand, France demanded that Germany accept a currency union (until today the French have control of the Euro through the European Central Bank). It was clear from the beginning that this would not be to the advantage of Germany: What advantage does it bring for a land with a strong economy and a hard currency to join with countries that have a weaker economy and inflation? Exactly for this reason England, Norway and Switzerland declined to participate in the Euro. They would only have disadvantages from it.
The true background of the EU and the Euro were clearly spoken out by top German politicians within the last years. The EU-Commisario Günter Verheugen said on a talk show that both (EU and Euro) are there only for one reason: to control Germany. The current Finance Minister of Germany, Wolfgang Schäuble, said last month, November 2011, at a bank-summit, that Germany has not been sovereign since 1945, and that in the next months the EU will become a financial union! Angela Merkel and the majority of the other politicians are still lying that the Euro will only bring luck and blessings to the Germans. Frequently it is said that peace in Europe is bound to the Euro. When one has the information delivered in this paper, he knows what is meant by these words.
The whole thing is even more complex because wars are never waged because they are in the interest of the participating folks. Even the two World Wars did not happen because Frenchmen, Englishmen and Russians simply hate Germans and the other way around. There were war-beneficiaries then and there are war-beneficiaries now. In both cases the trail can be followed to the banks, to Wall Street and to the Rothschild Empire. (A study at the University of Zurich showed that there are 147 company-groups behind the 40,000 largest multinational companies, such as Goldman Sachs, AXA and the Deutsche Bank. If one researches further it becomes clear that all these companies are bound directly or indirectly to the Rothschild Empire.)
In this dirty game, it is routine to agitate folks and religions against one another. But Germans, Greeks, Spaniards and other European folk have no reason to hate one another. Please help more people get this information to help in our struggle against these life-threatening lies!
European Union, Euro zone, Germany- 4800 reads