The great Udo Walendy dies in Germany at age 95
There is not as much information on the Internet as there should be for this important revisionist historian. But that's the story of our time.
Walendy was born in Berlin on 21 January 1927. He died November 17 in the same city at the ripe age of 95. His best-known book is the classic Truth for Germany – The Question of Guilt for the Second World War, first published in 1964.
He served in the Reich Labor Service and then as a Luftwaffe helper as a teenager before being drafted into the Wehrmacht when he turned 18 in 1945. Walendy completed his secondary education after the war, then attended journalism school in Aachen. Between 1950 to 1956 he studied political science at the Hochschule für Politik in West Berlin, receiving a diploma (a degree in Germany). For the next ten years he was employed as the director of a folk high school (adult education) in Herford and as business leader of an employers association in Bielefeld. [Remember, he was associated with “undesireable” political views in post-war Germany.]
In 1965, Walendy independently founded the Verlag für Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung ("Publishing House for Folklore and Contemporary Historical Research") in Vlotho, which continues today under his wife Margarethe's name. It maintains close contact with the Belgian revisionist organisation Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (VHO).
Walendy as author and publisher
As early as 1964 he published his own book, Wahrheit für Deutschland – Die Schuldfrage des Zweiten Weltkriegs (Truth for Germany – The Question of Guilt for the Second World War), which in 1979 was listed by Germany's 'Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons' as material that could not be publicly advertised or given to young readers. The sole reason was that it differed from the official history in the way it presented the events that led up to WWII. In other words, it didn't put the full blame on the German Third Reich.
After a long legal battle, this restriction was lifted in 1994 on the grounds that Walendy's constitutional rights (as an academic) had been violated.
Castle Hill Publishers (UK) republished an "updated, expanded and corrected," and re-translated 2nd edition in September 2014, under the title Who Started World War II: Truth for a War-Torn World. [Edit 11-29: I personally don't appreciate the change of title but, after further investigation, I find the Barnes Review edition is also "re-translated", so both new reprints are probably the same text, the only difference being the title.]
Walendy's historical revisionist magazine series Historische Tatsachen (Historical Facts), continues to be published by the Vrij Historisch Onderzoek (VHO) in Flanders. It began in 1974 with a translation of Richard Harwood's booklet "Did Six Million Really Die?".
Walendy was also responsible for the German translation of Arthur Butz's ground-breaking book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, which shed a shining light on so much of the faulty, often concocted, “evidence” for the “Holocaust.”
Walendy also authored Forged War Crimes Malign the German Nation, a very popular resource not currently available at online booksellers, but can be downloaded here ( and here (
Udo Walendy was imprisoned in 1999 for fifteen months for "publicly questioning the Holocaust" under Germany's Volksverhetzung law (incitement to hatred).
NOT TO BE MISSED: Walendy's research into the World Jewish Congress organization (which I have used to great benefit) is summed up in this article still on the Internet: "Unity in Dispersion," a history of the World Jewish Congress, Don't fear to bypass the censor, nothing will happen. See also (or alternately), which drew heavily on Walendy's research.
We've now lost one of the best of the German patriots, who continued to fight throughout all these years, sacrificing personal material ambitions and comfort in the interests of justice and truth for his so maltreated people. A true fighter. Herzlichen Dank, Udo Walendy.
If anyone finds any errors or has further information on Walendy that should be included, please let me know. Thanks. -cy
Germany, Historical Revisionism- 915 reads
Sad ....
All the good pple are either dead or in jailed or simply gave up, understandably. Like Haverbeck, Mahler....
to clarify ...
Thanks for writing, but neither Haverbeck or Mahler are presently in jail, nor have they given up or are they dead. They both keep up their spirits very well bc they have inner strength and know they are in the right. Please see from two years ago:
What they need is support. Ursula is scheduled to be returned to prison soon on new charges, but is currently still 'free.' (If one can be called 'free' under such un-free censorship laws.)
Thank you
I recently discovered your site, and am very impressed with your work. I added the RSS feed to my RSS feed reader.
I did not know Udo Walendy, but have downloaded both of his books you mentioned.
I wonder if there ever was any contact between Walendy and Ernst Zündel?
Good for you.
I'm sure there was some contact between Walendy and Ernst Zundel, since they were contemporaries. It only makes sense, and would follow the usual pattern. However, I know of no specific examples. Anyone else out there?
Well of course they met on
Well of course they met on conferences and Ernst also did a video interview with him, you can find it on Bitchute, but it's in German only.
It's good to know Ernst did a video with Walendy. Ernst's videos are the best! I hope it has sub-titles ...
Thank you
Thanks for your feedback, Slovak.
Truth for Germany
Udo Walendy did not agree with the change of title and the "updated, expanded and corrected 2d edition of 2014".
The correct title of Udo Walendy's book is : TRUTH FOR GERMANY - The Guilt Question of the Second World War - Reprinted and retranslated in 2008 in faithful adherence to the original 1965 German text; new edition 2013 - Published by THE BARNES REVIEW 2013 - ISBN 978-1-937787-20-2
Thx for the info
I looked on the Barnes Review website and am confused. Both publishers use the same new cover art, but with different titles! I've contacted Germar Rudolf for his explanation, but can you offer any more information/evidence that Walendy did not agree with the changes Castle Hill Publishers made to his book? This all took place before he died.