The Heretics' Hour: “Anti-Racist Hitler” and Other Nonsense About “Nazis”
Dec. 30, 2013
In the last show of this year, Hadding Scott comes on with Carolyn in the 2nd hour to discuss whether there ever was, or could be, such a thing as “Black Nazis,” and other questions about National Socialism. In the first hour Carolyn emphasizes the need for continuing to destroy the holocaust lies because of the enormous damage it does to the psyches of the German people. Some highlights:
- David Irving did say in 2007 that “In my opinion the real killing operations took place in the Reinhardt camps … Heinrich Himmler’s men killed possibly as many as 2.4 million in the two years up to 1943.”
- The BNP goes after Goebbels, Eichmann and Mengele with crude propaganda;
- Manfred Roeder’s eloquent Introduction to Thies Christophersen’s The Auschwitz Lie;
- Hadding Scott reads from the National-Socialist Political Primer on racial rules, which remained substantially the same from 1933 to 1945;
- What Hitler said in the Platterhof speech was identical to what was in that manual;
- Veronica Clark’s focus on Blacks in Germany is “much ado about nothing” when it comes to real historical scholarship.
- 2077 reads
Original comments on this program
90 Responses
Nick Dean
December 31, 2013 at 7:46 am
Well, that BNP thing is so confused. Why did he even bother writing it? For me the take home point is how few are the people in nationalist politics or alternative media who can speak simply and sensibly to our needs without needlessly bringing in all kinds of distractions and divisions.
December 31, 2013 at 8:17 am
Good show. Great dynamics.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:25 am
Another excellent show Carolyn, I enjoyed it very much. And also a thank you to Hadding Scott (whose blog I also follow)! Thank you for being the light bearers of Truth!
Weber, Irving and co conveniently look pass the bombing raids or should I say hell fire of the all-lies over Germany and Europe! They and all of their lackeys ALL contribute to the “final solution” of the German People with their vile, sick and banal propaganda in pushing the holohoax.
Combat Chronology of the USAAF (
American and British Chiefs of Staff (CoSs) formally adopt an agreement to begin the movement of US air forces to the United Kingdom as soon as possible in order to intensify the attack on Germany.
(Fifteenth Air Force):460+ B-24s and B-17s, some fighter-escorted, bomb the airfield and marshalling yard at Szolnok, Hungary and oil refineries at Dubova, Czechoslovakia, and Czechowice and Auschwitz, Poland.
(Fifteenth Air Force):350+ fighter-escorted B-17s and B-24s bomb targets in Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, and Poland; B-17s hit Blechhamer N oil refinery; B-24s hit the oil refinery at Odertal, Germany and, in Poland, the Auschwitz oil and rubber works and the Cracow-Auschwitz area, and bomb the marshalling yard at Vrutky, Czechoslovakia. In Italy, 100+ B-24s attack the Avisio viaduct, and Mezzocorona and Ora railroad bridges.
(Fifteenth Air Force):560+ B-17s and B-24s hit oil refineries at Blechhammer N and S and Odertal, Germany; Floridsdorf refinery at Vienna, Austria; Moravska-Ostrava, Czechoslovakia; and Auschwitz, Poland; marshalling yards at Graz and Studenzen, Austria, and Sopron, Hungary; the Bruck an der Mur, Austria industrial area, and various scattered targets of opportunity; fighters fly escort and reconnaissance missions
(Fifteenth Air Force):Around 380 B-24s and B-17s bomb Odertal, and Blechhammer S, Germany, and Auschwitz, Poland oil refineries, a railroad bridge at Ora and viaduct at Avisio, Italy, plus scattered targets of opportunity; 26 P-38s bomb railroad bridge at Latisana, Italy; P-38s and P-51s escort the bomber missions.
For all these “movements”, the “Judeo-Anglo-Murkans” have always been a chauvinistic, arrogant, decadent, murderous and land-grabbing people long before they willingly made a pact with the Jews. Their movements are infested with morons and degenerates who, while claiming to be against the Jews/Muslims and their Marxist culture-destroying agendas, willingly embrace other facets of the Jewish agenda because it fits their warped, individualistic and hedonistic worldviews, such as promiscuity, pornography, hatred of Christ and Christianity, amongst many other forms of degeneracy and stupidity.
Germany is still occupied by the very same allied war criminals until today!
As for Veronica Clark:
VKC (goes to her blog Spade of Aces Faves | Veronica Clark – Ace Militant blog) says:
August 27, 2013 at 4:56 am
Frederico wrote, ” Only a few thousand people have crossed that bridge but the bridge is built and it not going anywhere unless Veronica turns into another Carolyn Yeager and marginalizes herself for good. I’m not saying that people will become National Socialists or Fascists nor do they have to but they will cross that bridge leading to a nice lady like Veronica Clark and / or Deanna Spingola and finally come to a proper understanding of it.”
I do NOT support white nationalism, national socialism or fascism. All three are extremely sexist and hate-driven. I have nothing to do with any of them other than my WW2 research, which I have since decided to no longer do as a direct result of white nationalists citing my work and trying to utilize me as their “social proof” of validation for their sexist movement.
I hereby renounce publicly everything positive I have ever said about Hitler and National Socialism. Hopefully you will all respect this and discontinue promoting my work accordingly. I will not be doing another radio show ever again.
I am a feminist and anti-fascist and proudly so.
Some people follow the same type of bloggers, (with the attention span of copy and paste) (with investigation) “We (Germans) know how you feel (Native Americans, Palestinians etc)”. NO, they do not know how we(Germans) feel and neither do they care.
GermanResearcher (LOL!!!!!)
phpBB New Member
Posts: 3
Re: Audio- Charlie Giuliani/Veronica Clark 7/11/12
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2013, 03:15:21 PM »
I, V. K. Clark, do hereby declare in this public forum that I was at fault to point out anything (emphasis) positive about Hitler, German military aggression, and national socialism. For one can really judge a movement by the fruit that it yields. Hitler and NS yielded destruction and death on an unprecedented scale, as well as inspired modern day white nationalism, neo-nazism and neo-fascism (rotten fruit), all three of which I denounce and reject in toto. Obviously my research findings have had no positive bearing whatsoever, thus I have decided to end all future essays, radio shows, books, and other projects associated with Hitler and NS. I will not continue to feed the fires of apologism and hatred.
All of my books have subsequently been delisted on in protest against white nationalists, neo-nazis, NS apologists, Hitler worshipers, and neo-fascists promoting and using my work and research for their nefarious agendas.
Conclusion: a total pro-multicultural decadent communist LOON! To her and all of her followers: you are part of the problem!
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:28 am
And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Carolyn and all your supporters!
Adolf Hitler
31. Dezember 1944
Zur Jahreswende spricht der Führer aus seinem Hauptquartier zum deutschen Volk.
Deutsches Volk, Nationalsozialisten, Nationalsozialistinnen, meine Volksgenossen.
Nur der Jahreswechsel veranlaßt mich heute, zu Ihnen, meine deutschen Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen, zu sprechen. ……..
Heil Jahreswende
Quelle: Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
December 31, 2013 at 10:38 am
Hi Dietlef, Thanks for all the great information you bring. I had read this post at Total Fascism when it appeared in Dec. 2012, and also some of the comments written in January 2013. I don’t now recall if I had read “Frederico”‘s or not. VKC did not write her comment until August 27, so I had not seen it until now. (At tWn we have a time limit of about 4 weeks on comments for a particular show.)
There is a whole lot to answer here, lol, which I may do sometime. But really, the people who need to answer for themselves are those who were so taken in by Veronica Clark, which shows that they themselves did not have the knowledge necessary to make the proper judgements. This is invariably the case, and this post and attached comments linked to above are a perfect illustration of what “Internet Truth” so easily becomes — misleading people by those who are themselves misled or not qualified.
I kept reading comments like this from her since around the time of September, but always her books remained at Amazon just as they had been, and still are there. Not only that, she’s been busy recommending their purchase to people, including WNs! Are we just dealing with a person who can’t distinguish truth from lies? I think so. She likes to quote lately from Nietzsche: “There are no facts, only interpretations.” [Actual translation: "Against that positivism which stops before phenomena, saying "there are only facts," I should say: no, it is precisely facts that do not exist, only interpretations…"] This takes her off the hook, she thinks, for being factually incorrect.
After all, VKC is now into psychology, the final resort for those with confused minds. And of course, also Sexology. You found the right word, Dietlef – LOON.
December 31, 2013 at 12:05 pm
The first time I encountered Veronica Clark she was writing under the pseudonym of Emma Goldman who was a self proclaimed Jewish/Feminist Anarcho communist. Clark or whatever she is calling herself these days was espousing garbage then and she is still doing it now,nothing has changed.
Clark can say whatever she likes about the Third Reich but in 30s Germany she would have rightly found herself in a camp or expelled.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 1:42 pm
LOL Carolyn, VCK also described Adolf Hitler as “asexual” in one of her chats to Deanna Spingola, another iPod persona being what I call a Devil’s Advocate
Russell A. James
December 31, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Thanks for mentioning my list Carolyn. I’ll keep your site in mind when I update the list. I’ve visited in the past, but wasn’t aware that it is as well trafficked as it is.
Also, I’d like to make one correction, the address of my blog is
Wishing you continued success,
December 31, 2013 at 3:44 pm
This senselessly poisonous attitude was buried in Dietlef Busch’s comment:
Midwest “Murka” was settled largely by heterodox Germans. Does that make them complicit in what you call degeneracy and stupidity, or are you just looking for excuses to insult Anglo-Saxons?
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 4:15 pm
While Hadding seems to be in his element discussing NSDAP history, why is Hadding Scott misrepresenting or ‘spinning’ the genetics of the E1b1b Y-DNA marker? I followed that Spingola link:
According to geneticists, this paternal marker originates in the Horn of Africa where it still has its highest concentration upwards of 80%. This means they are highly homogenous as far as paternal lineage is concerned, not ‘race-mixed’ as he asserts in his blog. Does Hadding have any special information that geneticists don’t have? Did he just make it up that the E1b1b Y-DNA marker comes from Europe? Also, what evidence does he have of the Berbers having been originally blonde-haired, blue-eyed and from Europe? Over 80% of Somalis have this Y-DNA, and there isn’t a single Somali blonde-haired blue-eyed person on Earth. It is a fact that the E1b1b North-African Berbers came into contact with the Vikings and other Europeans whereas those E1b1b Somali-type people in the Horn of Africa didn’t.
While it exists in Southern Europe and the Balkans more commonly than in Northern Europe, even there it doesn’t go upwards of 30% except in Albania where it may be 50%. And they are actually subclades (or subgroups) of the major branch so it’s impossible to assert that it originated in Europe.
This would be like saying the R1 paternal marker has a source in Africa just because there are pockets of R1 in Africa. Is this logical?
As for Hadding’s claims about being able to instantly tell even a small fraction of negro admixture, he is prone to exaggeration.
This is a woman w/ an Afro-Venezuelan grandfather. I’m sure Hadding could see this a mile a way, right?
December 31, 2013 at 4:39 pm
I invite Dietlef to reply to this, but I’d like to say I don’t much appreciate the use of “Murkans” either, which I guess goes back to LBJ days. Quite a long time ago. There are a lot of both Americans and Europeans who truly hate the image of what they see Imperial America standing for, but I think D. went overboard with his descriptive terms. There are plenty of morons and degenerates among the Germans, too. LOL
December 31, 2013 at 5:12 pm
I will be listening to this as my main show for New Year’s Day. Happy New year Carolyn and hope you got my Christmas card,
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 6:28 pm
I did send a rather long reply, which did not go through. I am fourth generation German (of World War I) and I rather know my own history extremely well. Until today, I have to deal with insults of being a “nazi”, the “after-birth” of “baby killers”, a “kraut”, a “fritz”, a “hun (Mongoloid)” etc etc. My great grandparents and grandparents were spat on, (and much more), many of us Germans are still being spoken down on by the occupied forces here in Germany, not only in Germany, but also on-line. I could do two things, let it deter me on my quest of unravelling my history more (as, if and when documents become free) or join the crowd to want to see the German Nation fully obliterated, I chose the first option.
“Midwest “Murka” was settled largely by heterodox Germans.”
I am fully aware of that, hence I also know of the anti-German Hysteria and propaganda against the Germans in the USA, I know of the “internment” camps for these Germans (, (, I know of their property being confiscated, the burning down of German Churches, Schools, businesses etc etc.
Tanstaafl, the “Anglo-Saxons” (an oxymoron IMO), I always get the excuse, it was the “misguided and brainwashed actions of a few” — a few MILLION. It was entire armies that invaded Germany and Europe and destroyed our cities, the spirit of our nations. Please make yourself familiar with SHAEF programme and the “denazification” of Germany (and Europe)and the yoke under Jewry.
On another post I have also sent Carolyn the article of “nationalists movements in Europe”, which explained the “Nationalists” parties in Europe (
With my description, I see these groups/movements in Britain, in America and Europe, which promotes the “European” religion of Cosmotheism, proclaims that “God does not exist” (Nietzsche), and attacks Christianity.
My apologies to have pressed buttons with that remark, but those tattooed 14/88′ers do not represent what my forebear fought against and to answer your question Carolyn, yes, even my own people (especially after the reunification) think its fashion to use English terms for beautiful German words (a term we refer to as Denglisch or Pidgin Sprache). Yes, I see morons and degenerates among the Germans too, too many lately, sadly. We, on the other hand, do not have the luxury of freedom of speech, so I ask of you Tanstaafl and Carolyn (and the rest) to not take it personal please.
December 31, 2013 at 7:51 pm
Your comments need to be brief and to the point. I had to take a bunch out of this one too. but I posted most of it so you could have your say in reply to Tan and me. I am sorry but no matter how just you feel is your cause, this is not a place for you to write essays. It is behavior like this from a German that makes people dislike Germans. Please read The White Network Comment Policy and follow it. Thanks and Happy New Year to you.
December 31, 2013 at 7:52 pm
Yes, I did. Happy New Year, endzog.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Comment Policy acknowledged Carolyn and a Happy New Year to you, Tanstaafl and all your listeners and readers.
December 31, 2013 at 8:29 pm
“Jean Valjean” says:
This is not hard to figure out.
If you want to know how the original Berbers looked, examine the populations that have had the least interaction with other races. Those would be the ones in the mountains. In the mountains of Morocco, there are still blond and blue-eyed Berbers.
Also, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, called Guanches, were a people resembling Scandinavians, whose language resembled that of the Berbers. In their case the sea protected them from racial mixture.
Alfred Rosenberg actually mentioned this in The Myth of the Twentieth Century:
The same Ice-Age migration that carried White people from Europe into Africa also carried them into North America. See for example the Windover Bog People.
Labels like “Afro-Venezuelan” can by no means be assumed to designate a 100% Negro. That kind of label is commonly applied to anybody whose phenotype is significantly Negroid, no matter how little Negroid ancestry that person may actually have. Many of the so-called Blacks in the United States today, especially in Northern cities, are only octoroons or less. Such a “Black” may produce an offspring that can pass for White to the highly unobservant. I addressed the confusion about this recently by posting an image of a bona fide one-eighth Negro for comparison. The typical specimen exhibits a broad nose, orange-brown skin, and woolly hair.
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 8:31 pm
In Dietlef’s defense, middle Murka was settled by a lot of Germans, but were they ever the “blue-blood” Anglo-aristocracy? Or were they the farmers, factory workers and hard-working Americans who made up the heartland?
December 31, 2013 at 8:38 pm
I wonder if you have any idea what you’re talking about.
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 9:53 pm
I have news for you. The Vikings are on record as having invaded and pillaged this secluded and mountainous Morroccan area that you speak of, at least once. Nakur is in the Rif Mountains. Don’t forget that the Vikings were traveling all along the Baltic and taking war prisoners and slaves according to Norwegian-American Judith Gabriel’s article on The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan.
Despite the truce, the Danes returned to attack Spain again in 859 under the command of Hastein and Bjorn Ironsides, two of the most famous Viking leaders. But their 62 dragon ships were no match for the Umayyad forces. After the rout, the survivors slipped through the Straits of Gibraltar to raid along the Moroccan coast, which prompted another Muslim observer to record that “al-Majus—may God curse them!—invaded the little Moroccan state of Nakur and pillaged it. They took into captivity all the inhabitants with the exception of those who saved their lives by flight.” The marauding fleet then went on to harry the south of France and Italy, where they sacked the town of Luna on the northwest coast, believing it to be Rome. Some Arab sources say they reached Greece and even Egypt. When they returned to the Iberian coast two years after their first attack, they were defeated again, and Vikings never returned to the Mediterranean.
January 1, 2014 at 2:52 am
Yeah, I know, and Rosenberg also addresses it. Uninformed people want to explain the presence of blonds in North Africa as due to Vandals in the 5th century A.D. or to some later migration, but the presence of blonds there is attested in ancient sources.
The Kingdom of Nekor (or Nakur) was just a little strip of territory on the Mediterranean coast. A Danish “raid” on that little coastal area doesn’t come close to explaining the distribution of blonds in North Africa.
Furthermore, if the Berbers (and the Guanches) had descended from Vandals or Danes it would be evident in their language, but it’s not.
January 1, 2014 at 1:25 pm
You are particularly critical of Anglo-Saxons, but the qualities you complain about aren’t particular to Anglo-Saxons. You put forth German as your primary identity but it obviously takes a back seat to Christianity. You wrap these things in sugar coating and copy pasta. For all three reasons you strike me as false.
On the outside chance you’re sincere you must not be aware what this site is about. My apologies if you don’t like it.
January 1, 2014 at 1:32 pm
Actually, I liked Dietlef’s comments about both Irving and Weber, and also about Judeo-Anglo-Murkans …whatever they are. I liked both his righteous indignation and his command of the English language. As a “Brit”, I did not feel insulted one bit. His words reminded me of that disgusting statue raised in Green Park in the centre of London commemorating “Bomber Command”. It was unveiled by the parasite that we British call our Queen, or even affectionately, “Queenie!”. When you try to point out to 99% of the British people how obscene that is, it just does not compute. There is no feeling of disgust or anger; there is no feeling at all!
However, Dietlef have a look at the photo here….!
That photo was taken in Dresden!
January 1, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Deanna assumes that her listeners are astute enough to discern the truth, whether that is seeing through disinfo agents’ lies or innocent misinformation. Deanna subscribes to the theory that if you give ‘em enough rope, they will hang themselves. But if you never give them a chance (i.e. invite them on the program) the truth will never be revealed. It would not be wise for Deanna to attack a radio guest, no matter how clever (sly) the deception, as that person, and other potential guests would never agree to be interviewed. Would you rather have no interview at all or one that reveals true character and/or agenda? Deanna has a different style than you, and that is to be applauded, not attacked. You and Hadding have brought up some very important truths, and you have left us with lots to think about and direction to study more, and I for one, am grateful to you both for that. I really wish both of you would stop attacking Deanna or anyone else who would interview VC or any other liar/co-intel/shill. Let’s never lose sight of who the real enemies are.
Thank you and Happy New Year.
January 1, 2014 at 8:21 pm
Veronica Clark in 2007 (perhaps going overboard to establish credibility with people that she would later denounce):
Veronica Clark, September 2013:
Clark verified in her December 2013 interview with Deanna Spingola that she had supported the SPLC since 2009, but instead of questioning her about it, Spingola made up an excuse and let her off the hook.
Veronica Clark (responding to criticisms that using “Nazi” instead of National-Socialist conveyed a lack of seriousness), December 2013:
Who is really the “psychopath”?
If anything should be clear, it is that this woman is untrustworthy.
January 1, 2014 at 8:53 pm
Ragen said:
I have never attacked Deanna Spingola. I have no interest in attacking Deanna Spingola. I have simply stated what I heard.
January 1, 2014 at 9:37 pm
You have been a fan of Deanna’s for a long time. You used to listen to my shows too, I believe, and maybe still do. What you call Deanna’s theory that listeners can discern the truth on their own is discredited by the fact that her listener/callers do not, and neither does Deanna herself. If guests did not have Deanna’s softball show to go on, they would have to go on a tougher show or not go on at all. I truly believe Truth would be served if Deanna were to retire from the airwaves. What she does is to give a friendly platform for liars to ply their lies and she plays the game right along with them. If she manages to ask a slightly difficult question, she allows the “guest” to give his/her practiced evasion, etc. and Deanna never asks follow-up questions. So it’s a win for the guest.
Veronica Clark had already given herself away completely and fully before she and Deanna “talked together” on Dec. 30th. So that program was not at all necessary to reveal the real Veronica. And in fact, it actually did the opposite. Many people are so dense and paying so little attention that they came away with a good impression of Veronica. So you see, listeners are NOT astute enough, especially when their idol Deanna is not having any problem with Veronica and is always agreeing with her. I know of some tough questions presented from the chat room on Monday night but they were never asked by Deanna.
What would you say if I told you that Deanna already said she was “betrayed” by Veronica several weeks ago. But she went ahead and had her on again and behaved in a super friendly manner. Do you explain that as Deanna’s theory of interviewing? I don’t. I had sent Deanna the link to VC’s personal “transvestite” blog 2 days before; Deanna wrote back and indicated she had looked at it. But not very carefully I don’t think … it scared her too much to do so. You know: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That is Deanna’s radio interview “theory” and radio persona in a nutshell … it’s fine to talk about the evil Jews from 1918 Russia, but not the degeneracy in our midst today.
So there you have my answer, Ragen. I will not stop anything that I am doing that I think is right, and I do know who the real enemies are in the battle that I am waging … or at least some of them. I’m not sure what battle you’re waging, but it may not be exactly the same as mine.
Best wishes to you; my sincere thanks for writing. You are always welcome here.
January 2, 2014 at 12:06 am
Hi Carolyn,
Good show thanks i would like to point out that Veronica Kuzniar Clark told me that she has been an splc member since the early 2000.
January 2, 2014 at 12:34 am
did you verify those quotes with Veronika? Especially the first ones about the SPLC subversive activities?
It would certainly explain her disproportional hatred for “White Nationalism” (in whatever form that may express itself).
January 2, 2014 at 1:29 am
Markus, read the post. VKC verified to Deanna Spingola that she supported the SPLC. We also talked about it in the show.
January 2, 2014 at 2:50 am
I found the quotes attributed to Veronica Kuzniar-Clark about the SPLC here and a couple of other places
I have little doubt of their accuracy since she confirmed the most shocking part.
Nick Dean
January 2, 2014 at 1:13 pm
“My job as an activist is to help undermine white nationalism, which I have been doing for a while now.”
That’s not at the link and the quote doesn’t yield to a google search, Hadding. (Even though it’s been posted here for 24 hours, so ya know …)
Though the rest is disappointing enough.
January 2, 2014 at 2:19 pm
I read your questions to Veronika on WN and her activities to destroy it. She is clearly changing the topic and brings up some drunk twats that talk bad about women. These kind of men are found in any camp. That has nothing to do with WN.
Why doesn’t she cite potential leaders and their opinion on women. Be it David Duke, the Golden Dawn leaders, Kevin McDonald, Rodney Martin (I know Carolyn but forget about eventual “little lies”), or the young generation: Dana or Kyle or Andre?
Tila even said that a number of Neo-Nazi skinheads would have probably put into camps for their lack of moral disciplin. And Veronika wants to only point to those men in our ranks for her propaganda.
Justice4Germans published several articles on “Nazi”, and he is an outspoken Non-WN, yet she continues to claim that not using Nazi is WN PC. She also has no problem abbreviating WN, but types 2 more letters each time she refers to Nazi, instead of NS.
January 2, 2014 at 4:17 pm
Markus, stop your constant name-dropping or I will drop you. Are you being paid to do that? People don’t realize how transparent they are. For example, Jean Valjean is Veronica Clark. For certain. S/he is still trying to post genetic marker material here. Thus we learn that she uses sock puppets. VC and Harold Covington, lol.
January 2, 2014 at 4:41 pm
I’m not being paid, but I can stop with name dropping for sure.
January 2, 2014 at 4:42 pm
Marcus – Thank you for being considerate. I didn’t really think you were being paid.
Dietlef Busch
January 2, 2014 at 5:22 pm
@ JoshuaF
Thank you, yes, Dresden is just the “surface”, over 1000+ villages, towns and cities were bombed, between 50%-80% of the inhabitants survived. And every-time we have a march to commemorate our forbear, we get confronted by the same Antifa leftist with those type of provocations. I agree with you one 100% “When you try to point out to 99% of the British (and other Europeans) people how obscene that is, it just does not compute. There is no feeling of disgust or anger; there is no feeling at all!”
JoshuaF, not sure if you read the evaluation of Claus Nordbruch i.e. about all the political parties in the UK and Europe? To choose either Islam or Zionism?
@ Hadding, not sure if you have heard this yet?
Veronica Kuzniar Clark: Mass conversion to Islam may be the last stronghold for Europeans against against Masonic-Jewzi (Gypsy?) -Anglo-Saxon (sic) power ???? (erroneously misquoting Adolf Hitler)
January 2, 2014 at 5:24 pm
Look a little closer. It’s there on the alternativesocial page, just above the video.
I do want to correct something that I said Monday night. My comments then of course were based on hearing the Spingola-Clark interview only once.
Listening again, I find that it was not Spingola who made the excuse for Clark’s support of the SPLC. But, I would say that Spingola has embraced Clark’s excuse far too eagerly and uncritically, especially since Clark has said explicitly in connection with being a “paid supporter of the SPLC” that she is an “activist” whose “duty is to undermine all white pride movements.”
January 2, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to read the emotional and stunning Preface to Thies Chistophersen’s “Auschwitz” pamphlet written by Manfred Roeder and to learn more about David Irving’s limited and limiting attitudes toward “the big H.”
Also, thank you and Hadding Scott as well for your purposeful and courageous investigation into VKC’s books and “thinking.”
January 2, 2014 at 6:08 pm
Spingola started to quote Clark’s “I, V. K. Clark, do hereby declare…” statement posted by Hadding above, but Clark cut her off at the pass, so listeners were deprived of the full extent of Clark’s volte-face.
“I’m not so sure Mr Hoffmann would accept my anti-racist stance, my asexuality, my paleoliberalism or my feminism.” – Clark on the axishistory forum.
An asexual feminist sounds a contradiction in terms.
January 2, 2014 at 10:52 pm
Here is where Spingola should not have allowed herself to be put off like that. Here is where she allows the guest to run the show.
Not in the terms of a political feminist, as its popular meaning has nothing to do with feminism, but of militancy.
January 2, 2014 at 11:22 pm
Something similar happened when Spingola had Tubby Tubbington on.
When she was asking Tubby some uncomfortable questions, and started to give some information that Matt Koehl had told her, Tubby Tubbington diverted the discussion by impugning Koehl’s character and credibility, and she never got around to saying whatever it was.
January 3, 2014 at 10:02 am
Dietlef – Thank you for suggesting this Verohnika Clark-Kyle Hunt video:
It’s really dynamite. I didn’t know Kyle had interviewed Verohnika in July 2013; did not follow his shows. I have to find out what Star Theory Radio is.
Once again we hear (from VC) that out-of-context and inaccurately-quoted “quote” from Hitler that he preferred Islam to Christianity for Germans. What rot. She is really in the Mark Glenn camp, where Mike Piper is stuck too. What we need, perhaps, is a “True Germans” club where we can agree on what is true about Hitler and then put it out there in a systematic, uncompromising way.
P.S. I see, it comes from the now defunct Oracle Broadcasting.
Show: Star Theory Radio with Kyle Hunt
Email: [email protected] (no longer valid) Today:
Kyle has been continuously introducing ground-breaking new theories into the alternative media since 2008. In addition to writing many articles, hosting his own show, and being a guest on a number of popular shows (Red Ice Creations, The Rebel Path, Inside The Eye Live), Kyle is also published in The Sync Book, wherein he lays out the basis for The Rainbow Alphabet, an occult construction based around the English language. The topics of Star Theory Radio will vary, but often involve linguistics, philosophy, theology, mythology, numerology, mathematics, current events, revisionist history, movies, literature, and much more.
[Kind of a Rense-type program?]
Nick Dean
January 3, 2014 at 1:05 pm
@ Hadding
That wouldn’t be looking closer but further away. I naturally expected the quote to be at the link beneath it. But thanks.
@ Carolyn
See also here:
No neat category. Crypto-linguistics, the occult, political and media analysis informed by an individual take on symbolism and conspiracy lore (always anti-Alex Jones and that whole genre). Gradually becoming more openly pro-White and anti-Jew before he launched Renegade.
He’s an artist and it shows in all his radio shows which are crafted more than the normal and his speech which is more deliberately chosen, not just to inform but also to invoke feeling.
I think he’s a real asset to our side.
Ben G.
January 3, 2014 at 5:41 pm
Veronica Clark posted on my site a while back denouncing white nationalism with her name linked to a now defunct blog where she had pictures of naked penises all over it. Some of them were diseased and deformed it was absolutely horrific and disgusting. I couldn’t believe it was her at first but it was. I told her it was disgusting and that I was shocked that she would stoop to that level and she said “if that offends you good, that’s how white nationalism makes me feel.” I told her that it doesn’t “offend” me, it disgusts me. The site was gone the next day. A snapshot is still found in the wayback machine but fortunately you can’t see the pictures:
Just look at the names of the blog posts and the gross names of the pictures which you can still see (not for the easily offended). That tells me all I need to know about her. She is as vicious and nasty as any other white hating antifa out there.
And the SPLC thing, despite her excuse for it, it obviously nothing more than a big middle finger to us.
January 3, 2014 at 7:39 pm
Evidently Clark was traumatised by the poisonous anonymous comments on Grizzom.blogspot. To assume that the anonymous comments posted there were by “White Nationalists” is beyond naive.
January 3, 2014 at 8:03 pm
We know you do, Nick. But you thought Veronica Clark was a real asset to our side too. I never did. I found her first website interesting and “curious”; her 3rd website (as far as I know) I did not like at all and recall criticizing it to Hans Krampe. When she came out with “Black Nazis” I was done with her from then on. When Inconvenient History Journal published her summary of it, I wrote to her and to the Journal editor pointing out the poor scholarship — that she had jumped from one little example to a whole thesis, without the necessary steps in between. I was right, then, but everyone was too enthralled with a young female revisionist writer to care. It’s still going on.
January 3, 2014 at 8:14 pm
Actually a blog like that was still up until a day or two ago. The link is posted on the AlternativeSocial page along with the quotes attributed to Miss Kuzniar-Clark.
Apparently she is now trying to cover her tracks by pulling the blog.
I can’t imagine a man-hating bitch like that getting on with Muslims. Dream on, freak!
January 4, 2014 at 2:48 am
Joshua said – It was unveiled by the parasite that we British call our Queen, or even affectionately, “Queenie!”
I’m a Brit too and I have to say I’ve rarely heard the term ‘Queenie’ used for the Queen.
Are you quite sure you’re a Brit Joshua? Sounds to me like a veiled anti-Anglo-Saxon attack. Though ironically the Queen has a lot of German ancestry.
January 4, 2014 at 6:00 am
It’s still in the Google cache. NSFW
She has also deleted a lot of her shows with Spingola from and added her “I, V.K. Clark do hereby declare….” comment.
Nick Dean
January 4, 2014 at 7:58 am
@ Carolyn
“But you thought Veronica Clark was a real asset to our side too.”
I have never said that because I had never known whether she was actually nationalist. Though I did think she was a good asset to WWII revisionism specifically. I have recommended her ‘Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP’ in a couple of online exchanges about the ‘Hitler was a Stooge’ myth, but aside from that I think the only comment I have made online about VC is at Star Theory, where I say I have always enjoyed hearing her (I have), but take issue with some things she said, where in fact she was over generalising about White nations and not distinguishing us from Jews as well as she should.
You mustn’t let your ideological anti-niceness run away with you.
Dietlef Busch
January 4, 2014 at 8:46 am
Carolyn I agree with you regarding the “True Germans” club
As for Kyle, [Kind of a Rense-type program?], I agree with your evaluation.
For Verohnika/Goldman (found a couple of more finds under that name) to tell us Europeans to embrace Islam, is what the Imperium Europa Club is really about, “Jesus Christ must die, that the Aryan Allah may live.”. This deception runs very deep! Or churches have been fully infiltrated, subverted and what many do not know that our priests are being prosecuted in Germany. There are many issues here that are not being told in the MSM (not that its expected). It sent a shudder down my spine when she mentioned that erroneous quote in the same sentence of Mr Ernst Zündel, I beg to differ that he will approve of that.
As for Verohnika/Veronica, she has this listed on her spadeofaces blog, as “Veronica Clark’s fave men: Chris Harms” . Is this art to her?
I rest my case lol
January 4, 2014 at 10:02 am
All I can say on the WN Men site is: WOW. She is really deeply retaliatory. Her rage seems to know no bounds. But then again, I suppose she might just see it as funny. However, I’m not interested in psychoanalyzing her, except I can’t help noticing that she is super-controlling. Super-duper controlling! Thanks Nemeth, for digging this up.
January 4, 2014 at 10:36 am
Lol, Nick.
Here is my position and what drives me to make that type of reply to you. I think we better get real clear about what is promoting and what is hindering the desired end of “What’s good for Whites.” All this tolerance of individual points of view because something or someone is entertaining, or INFORMATIVE-for-the-totally-uninformed-who-will-fall-for-anything-and-then-pass-it-on is why we are in the deep sh-t we now find ourselves in. How many men just listen to what someone they “like” is saying than study the issues themselves and learn for themselves? How many radio hosts give a platform to people they know essentially nothing about, but think it will be “an interesting show” to keep their listeners fed from week to week. They do NOT care whether the information going out is good or isn’t. Their main interest, it appears, is to have a show that people will like. That is called Show Business.
You’ve never seen Verohnika on one of my shows, during all these almost 4 years. Why is that? Don’t I want to improve my ratings with a very popular guest? No, that’s not ever my reason for what I do. You admit you thought you could take some of Clark, if not all of Clark. It doesn’t work that way, we’re all total packages. Her article you like, ‘Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP’ is taken totally from the Pool book in its important parts, which is her typical method. If you had always enjoyed hearing her (without alarm bells going off as they did for me), can you admit that you were taken in? Do you enjoy hearing her now? We can’t improve if we will not take responsibility for our mistakes.
January 4, 2014 at 7:01 pm
Nemeth said:
She’s also asking the person that posted her Patriot Dames interview to remove it or make it hard to find:
Covering those tracks.
January 4, 2014 at 7:29 pm
Lurker, in case Joshua doesn’t see this, I can tell you that he is indeed British, but born and raised outside of Britain “in one of the colonies”, where he lives now.
I’ll say. “Queenie” Elizabeth is the great-great granddaughter of Queen Victoria, hence Queen Elizabeth is a patrilineal descendant of Albert’s family, the German princely House of Wettin.
January 4, 2014 at 7:35 pm
Nemeth – She gives herself the name of “kaulitzfan”, yet she told Hadding in the Tila T. blog comments that she ONLY posts under VKC and Veronica Clarke (I think it was). A lie. Sometimes she adds an “e” to Clark, sometimes not. However she’s feeling, don’t ya know.
January 4, 2014 at 7:41 pm
She also uses the names Ace Militant and GermanResearcher.
Anyway it was obvious enough that Jean Valjean was the same person as Veronica Clark, and it’s also obvious that she lies a lot.
January 4, 2014 at 7:58 pm
That was the other one – Ace Militant. VKC and Ace Militant was all she uses, she said.
I got an email answer from a person with initials A.S. who insisted he was not Veronica and that I was just protecting you from his arguments (which is not true). But why did he all of a sudden write here, and with such poor arguments? Why the passion about it? An old enemy of yours? Doesn’t seem likely. The writing style is that of VC.
Dietlef Busch
January 4, 2014 at 8:52 pm
Hadding said:
Reviewer: abigsecret – – January 9, 2013
Subject: To the uploader
On behalf of V.C., please remove this file or change the title of this upload and the name of the mp3. She would appreciate it. Thx
“a big secret” is also Wayne Prante (J4G) who promotes her work and a massive fan of her, a con-man in itself and a liar of the highest order! Supporting that low life communist George Galloway (
[email protected]
January 4, 2014 at 10:12 pm
Dietlef – you are so right. A big secret is “Wayne from Canada,” but this was a year ago, Jan. 2013 and they were all tight then, Wayne, Deanna, Rodney Martin, Verohnika … but they knew, anyway, that V wanted to remove these files then.
January 5, 2014 at 6:17 am
Shes calling herself Emma Goldmann on the Patriot Dames show, hence the request to “change the title” of the “Veronica Clark Interview” on
The Emma Goldmann episode is still in the Patriot Dames archives.
Funny that she’s offering signed copies of all her books to Tila Tequila. Books she repudiated and “withdrew” just a few weeks ago.
Tila would be mad to give her address to a paid up member of the SPLC. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts….”
January 5, 2014 at 10:58 am
That wouldn’t be the reason because she admits to using that name in the past to “protect” herself. I listened to that show last night. Tom Metzger called in and disputed some of what VC was saying, since she was standing up for blacks and mexicans big-time. She said Mexico was a “shit-hole” and she didn’t blame Mexicans for coming here if they could. [Of course, once they're here we're obligated to treat them well in the American fashion - that what the SPLC works for.] Well, why is Mexico a shit-hole? They bring it with them. She said if it became a shit-hole here (U.S.) she would illegally cross over to Canada to get away from it. This shows that her reasoning powers are turned off and she only thinks ideologically that Whites must accept living among colored races. That’s her bottom line and always has been, from the very beginning in 2006.
She probably wants the file removed because she was talking for a long time with “horrible” White Nationalist Tom Metzger and he came off better than she did.
January 5, 2014 at 4:16 pm
She’s pursuing a line similar to that of David Irving, that major undertakings happened in the name of National-Socialism without Hitler’s support.
The argument (stated in the Patriot Dames interview of April 2009) that Hitler didn’t really want the 500 Rhineland Bastards sterilized lacks credibility on its face. Hitler certainly supported the sterilization of 400,000 pure-German genetic defectives. What are 500 half-Negroes compared to that? You have to be very uninformed to find some of Kuzniar-Clark’s claims credible.
Dietlef Busch
January 5, 2014 at 7:49 pm
Hadding said:
Hitler certainly supported the sterilization of 400,000 pure-German genetic defectives.
Any solid resources out of the German Bundesarhiv and not the The Holocaust Encyclopedia?
It is no secret about the sterilization of Rheinland Bastards.
January 5, 2014 at 9:56 pm
Patriod Dames interview with “Emma Peters” from March 2009
At 0:55:30 Mike Delaney comes on. He asks why Veronica Clark had sent him an e-mail on 7 February 2009 accusing him of being a Jew.
In her response, Veronica Clark (calling herself Emma Peters for this appearance) explains what kind of White Nationalist she approves:
A spiritual Jew would have been a non-Jew that put his own pecuniary gain ahead of the wellbeing of his people. The proposition that Hitler would have considered somebody a spiritual Jew for saying nigger is absurd.
Mike Delaney said on this show in March 2009 that it should be obvious from her associations what Veronica/Emma was really about. That evidently is a reference to Bradford-Smith and Hufschmid. I never paid much attention to Eric Hufschmid or Daryl Bradford-Smith, apart from hearing Peter Schaenk discuss at great length his belief that they had bad motives.
It was also in 2009, when — as we hear — Veronica/Emma was preaching to White Nationalists about how they should conduct themselves in order to succeed, that she became (according to her own recent pronouncements) a supporter of the anti-White-Nationalist and certainly, anti-Hitler and anti-revisionist, SPLC.
January 6, 2014 at 12:36 am
Dietlef Busch said:
400,000 was the number of anticipated sterilizations consistently reported in American newspapers in 1933 when Germany’s eugenic sterilization law was enacted. I see no reason to regard it as an exaggeration for a nation of 65 million.
January 6, 2014 at 10:20 am
American newspapers is the source you’re using for that?! I think it sounds too high also. This is something that needs to be checked into more. There were avenues to object to and appeal this decisions made against oneself and they were used successfully by many.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 11:46 am
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics, opened its doors in 1927 and was closed in 1945. A certain Schmuhl, Hans-Walter (and a couple of others like Edwin Black) seem to be latching onto that one source, which are mainly their “basis of proof” for the following, I quote from the introduction of Schmuhl’s book:
“When the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics opened its doors in 1927, it could rely on wide political approval, ranging from the Social Democrats over the Catholic Centre to the far rightwing of the party spectrum. In 1933 the institute and its founding director Eugen Fischer came under pressure to adjust, which they were able to ward off through Selbstgleichschaltung (auto-coordination). The Third Reich brought about a mutual beneficial servicing of science and politics. With their research into hereditary health and racial policies the institute’s employees provided the Brownshirt rulers with legitimating grounds. At international meetings they used their scientific standing and authority to defend the abundance of forced sterilizations performed in Nazi Germany. Their expertise was instrumental in registering and selecting/eliminating Jews, Sinti and Roma, “Rhineland bastards”, Erbkranke and Fremdvölkische (T4 Program, also called T4 Euthanasia Program, Kaufbeuren-Irsee euthanasia facility etc). In return, hereditary health and racial policies proved to be beneficial for the institute, which beginning in 1942, directed by Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, performed a conceptual change from the traditional study of races and eugenics into apparently modern phenogenetics – not least owing to the entgrenzte (unrestricted) accessibility of people in concentration camps or POW camps, in the ghetto, in homes and asylums. In 1943/44 Josef Mengele, a student of Verschuer, supplied Dahlem with human blood samples and eye pairs from Auschwitz, while vice versa seizing issues and methods of the institute in his criminal researches.”
Just from this, I agree with Carolyn that this needs to be looked into, as I feel putting out numbers, can lead to assumptions being drawn (like Weber and co) for “more proof” of a “Final Solution” plan.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 12:20 pm
p.s. and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science (German Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften) was a German scientific institution established in the German Kaiserreich in 1911, a rather broad umbrella term (
It also gives “Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates”
Nick Dean
January 6, 2014 at 1:01 pm
Is it just one of those happy coincidences that 400,000 was the number being promoted by the Jewish American newspaper industry prior to the program (including the New York Times of December 20th 1933), and 400,000 turned out to be pretty much exactly the number Jewish American academics found were sterilized in their studies after the war?
Shades of 6,000,000 there …
Nick Dean
January 6, 2014 at 1:07 pm
Carolyn, Clark cites the Pools in her DEMYSTIFYING article. It’s good information, and she was good at putting that kind of information across.
If she made errors you were aware of I hope you corrected them, but if you just had one of your ‘feelings’ I’m glad you kept it to yourself pretty much. In any event, she has destroyed herself.
January 6, 2014 at 2:55 pm
What Schmuhl wrote is obvious crap. Sterilization,euthanasia, and internment of Jews had entirely different purposes. Sterilization was eugenic. Euthanasia (1939-1941) was to make medical personnel and facilities available for war-wounded. Internment of Jewish populations (1942-1945) was mainly to prevent sabotage and insurrection (like internment of Japanese in the USA).
January 6, 2014 at 3:26 pm
Nick, I KNOW and I KNEW clark cites the Pools in her Demystifying article. I can read. All I said was that it’s mainly from their book, so her research consists of reading their book. Don’t make fun of my “feelings” or I might have a “feeling” about you someday. My feelings are more accurate than anything else.
“She has destroyed herself”, but with no help from you.
January 6, 2014 at 3:35 pm
I would say, be careful of making such tidy statements. There is more to it than that. Even without war-wounded, these cases were using up tremendous resources that needed to be used for positive purposes in a National-Socialist society … a society based on the good of the whole over the individual “selfish” good. I think that needs to be recognized and defended. It is not immoral.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 4:57 pm
I have seen this 400.000 figure popping up in documentaries and propaganda e.g. as in here American Journal of Public Health ( and so forth and all leads to assumptions of the forerunner for the Holocaust. I have found nothing in German archives or anything in German. Neither, have Germans come forward to claim this happened to them.
January 6, 2014 at 5:45 pm
That seems to be typical for her. Her narrative of changing racial policy in National-Socialist Germany seems to be mainly a regurgitation of A. James Gregor’s 1958 essay “National-Socialism and Race.”
Gregor says that there were three phases of National-Socialist racial thought, the middle phase, 1930-1934 (not a very long time), being a period of excesses inspired by Hans F.K. Guenther’s nordicism. Gregor portrays it as a period of crazy excesses by citing some statements from a list of fringe characters, most of them obscure names (although some of the statements that Gregor ridicules, such as the claim that there was Nordic heritage to be found among certain groups of Redskins in North America, are apparently true).
It may be that Gregor is exaggerating the importance of extreme Nordicism. Gregor sees Hitler already repudiating this at the Nuremberg Parteitag in 1933 (not 1944). In fact, Gregor never shows that Hitler himself had ever adopted such views. The main focus of National-Socialist racial policy was always on preventing national decline, not on creating a blond superman.
VKC’s discussion of shifting racial policy is like an exaggerated version of Gregor’s presentation. She asserts that Hitler had to reverse his own position, and there’s no evidence for that. There is also zero evidence that the passing of the fad for extreme nordicism meant a total abandonment of the principle of race, which is what she really wants to argue. It cannot be argued that Hitler had abandoned the principle of race with his Platterhof Speech in 1944 and just hadn’t gotten around to implementing his changed views, because the last sentence under which Hitler ever signed his name was an affirmation of the principle of race:
January 6, 2014 at 7:16 pm
Fritz Berg of the website was a supporter of Veronica Clark. Does anyone know if he still backs her? As for Clark’s feminism is she claiming that the third reich kept women down? That would be news to Leni Reifenstahl and Hanna Reitsch – the former a prominent film director and the latter the world’s first female helicopter pilot.
January 6, 2014 at 11:10 pm
Les, why don’t you ask Fritz Berg directly. He’s not hard to find. He’s even on CODOH.
January 6, 2014 at 11:19 pm
Ms. Goldmann,
One of your insiders?! ROTFL. I myself received this same audio interview today from David Baillie, who no doubt sent it to many people. Is he “one of your insiders.” ROTFL.
This ‘audio interview’ has been around for over 6 months now, maybe 9. It’s not news. But there is a new impetus from some Butt-Hurt people to do damage to Andrew Anglin. As for you, you’re becoming a joke. For someone who says she just wants to be left alone by White Nationalists, you sure do a lot of jumping into the ring. That’s my comment.
January 7, 2014 at 6:17 am
“on the 8th (December 1944), the head of the Zentralbauleitung, SS-Obersturmführer Werner Jothann, requested Abteilung IIIa (prisoner labor employment) for the immediate assignment of 100 prisoners for the demolition work “at the crematorium [in] Camp II” (beim Krematorium Lager II) 258, undoubtedly Crematorium II.”
Carlo Mattogno
“The Truth About the Gas Chambers?” Historical Considerations relating to Shlomo Venezia’s “Unique Testimony”
January 7, 2014 at 6:47 am
Thanks Dietlef for your comment (Carolyn too!) I had not heard of Claus Nordbruch. Looks interesting so I have ordered his book,
“Bleeding Germany Dry (The Aftermath of World War II from the German Perspective)”
January 7, 2014 at 10:12 am
Jay – Would you like to move your comment to the right page: “The ‘liberation’ of Auschwitz” program page. Then I will answer it. Thanks.
January 7, 2014 at 7:10 pm
I have seen several English translations of Mein Kampf. Do you know which version is most accurate and readable? I saw the warning about Ford’s translation, and have read his long infomercial about it. Do you know of a reliable online source for the original text?
January 7, 2014 at 11:03 pm
Rusty – I have the James Murphy translation in a reprint of the March 21, 1939 first printing, reset in April 1942 published by Hurst and Blackett Ltd. It’s the only one I’ve read and I’m happy with it. It’s said to have been approved by the 3rd Reich. You can read it online here:
I would not read the Ford translation. Online you can also find – Reynal and Hitchcock, which has a good reputation. Although, it was translated by a committee, which doesn’t sound too good to me. It’s supposed to be very objective. You can do some comparison between the two.
You might find something helpful here:
January 8, 2014 at 2:16 am
If the Reynal and Hitchcock edition has a good reputation, it’s undeserved. The Why We Fight series of propaganda-films uses that translation, probably because it’s the most hostile. I even found a hostile mistranslation in it, as I explain here:
January 8, 2014 at 11:50 am
Thanks, Hadding Scott, for your recent comment and your article on the problems with the Reynal and Hitchcock edition of Mein Kampf.
BTW, I bought your translation of Gottfried Feder’s Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery. I’m heartened to know a bit more just who the translator really is.
And thanks, Carolyn, for this interim discussion of good translations of Hitler’s work.
January 8, 2014 at 2:08 pm
Thank you. I’ve only skimmed through it, but some of the notes in the Reynal version, though they might be helpful, seem hostile. I wonder if another version is needed, one in good English with notes, as in the Reynal version, but that support the Author’s message instead of contradicting it.
January 8, 2014 at 3:44 pm
Rusty, I don’t think you need all those notes. It’s just someone else trying to influence how you understand Hitler’s words. He makes himself quite plain, it seems to me.
January 8, 2014 at 7:02 pm
Well, certainly, the Germans of his time knew what he meant, but fewer and fewer of us English speakers do. I was thinking about how I would like to have notes about geography and notes to explain his allusions to historical events and literature. I would not want notes telling me what to think, i.e., what is good or bad about the text, what is right or wrong, etc.
90 Responses
Nick Dean
December 31, 2013 at 7:46 am
Well, that BNP thing is so confused. Why did he even bother writing it? For me the take home point is how few are the people in nationalist politics or alternative media who can speak simply and sensibly to our needs without needlessly bringing in all kinds of distractions and divisions.
December 31, 2013 at 8:17 am
Good show. Great dynamics.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:25 am
Another excellent show Carolyn, I enjoyed it very much. And also a thank you to Hadding Scott (whose blog I also follow)! Thank you for being the light bearers of Truth!
Weber, Irving and co conveniently look pass the bombing raids or should I say hell fire of the all-lies over Germany and Europe! They and all of their lackeys ALL contribute to the “final solution” of the German People with their vile, sick and banal propaganda in pushing the holohoax.
Combat Chronology of the USAAF (
American and British Chiefs of Staff (CoSs) formally adopt an agreement to begin the movement of US air forces to the United Kingdom as soon as possible in order to intensify the attack on Germany.
(Fifteenth Air Force):460+ B-24s and B-17s, some fighter-escorted, bomb the airfield and marshalling yard at Szolnok, Hungary and oil refineries at Dubova, Czechoslovakia, and Czechowice and Auschwitz, Poland.
(Fifteenth Air Force):350+ fighter-escorted B-17s and B-24s bomb targets in Czechoslovakia, Germany, Italy, and Poland; B-17s hit Blechhamer N oil refinery; B-24s hit the oil refinery at Odertal, Germany and, in Poland, the Auschwitz oil and rubber works and the Cracow-Auschwitz area, and bomb the marshalling yard at Vrutky, Czechoslovakia. In Italy, 100+ B-24s attack the Avisio viaduct, and Mezzocorona and Ora railroad bridges.
(Fifteenth Air Force):560+ B-17s and B-24s hit oil refineries at Blechhammer N and S and Odertal, Germany; Floridsdorf refinery at Vienna, Austria; Moravska-Ostrava, Czechoslovakia; and Auschwitz, Poland; marshalling yards at Graz and Studenzen, Austria, and Sopron, Hungary; the Bruck an der Mur, Austria industrial area, and various scattered targets of opportunity; fighters fly escort and reconnaissance missions
(Fifteenth Air Force):Around 380 B-24s and B-17s bomb Odertal, and Blechhammer S, Germany, and Auschwitz, Poland oil refineries, a railroad bridge at Ora and viaduct at Avisio, Italy, plus scattered targets of opportunity; 26 P-38s bomb railroad bridge at Latisana, Italy; P-38s and P-51s escort the bomber missions.
For all these “movements”, the “Judeo-Anglo-Murkans” have always been a chauvinistic, arrogant, decadent, murderous and land-grabbing people long before they willingly made a pact with the Jews. Their movements are infested with morons and degenerates who, while claiming to be against the Jews/Muslims and their Marxist culture-destroying agendas, willingly embrace other facets of the Jewish agenda because it fits their warped, individualistic and hedonistic worldviews, such as promiscuity, pornography, hatred of Christ and Christianity, amongst many other forms of degeneracy and stupidity.
Germany is still occupied by the very same allied war criminals until today!
As for Veronica Clark:
VKC (goes to her blog Spade of Aces Faves | Veronica Clark – Ace Militant blog) says:
August 27, 2013 at 4:56 am
Frederico wrote, ” Only a few thousand people have crossed that bridge but the bridge is built and it not going anywhere unless Veronica turns into another Carolyn Yeager and marginalizes herself for good. I’m not saying that people will become National Socialists or Fascists nor do they have to but they will cross that bridge leading to a nice lady like Veronica Clark and / or Deanna Spingola and finally come to a proper understanding of it.”
I do NOT support white nationalism, national socialism or fascism. All three are extremely sexist and hate-driven. I have nothing to do with any of them other than my WW2 research, which I have since decided to no longer do as a direct result of white nationalists citing my work and trying to utilize me as their “social proof” of validation for their sexist movement.
I hereby renounce publicly everything positive I have ever said about Hitler and National Socialism. Hopefully you will all respect this and discontinue promoting my work accordingly. I will not be doing another radio show ever again.
I am a feminist and anti-fascist and proudly so.
Some people follow the same type of bloggers, (with the attention span of copy and paste) (with investigation) “We (Germans) know how you feel (Native Americans, Palestinians etc)”. NO, they do not know how we(Germans) feel and neither do they care.
GermanResearcher (LOL!!!!!)
phpBB New Member
Posts: 3
Re: Audio- Charlie Giuliani/Veronica Clark 7/11/12
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2013, 03:15:21 PM »
I, V. K. Clark, do hereby declare in this public forum that I was at fault to point out anything (emphasis) positive about Hitler, German military aggression, and national socialism. For one can really judge a movement by the fruit that it yields. Hitler and NS yielded destruction and death on an unprecedented scale, as well as inspired modern day white nationalism, neo-nazism and neo-fascism (rotten fruit), all three of which I denounce and reject in toto. Obviously my research findings have had no positive bearing whatsoever, thus I have decided to end all future essays, radio shows, books, and other projects associated with Hitler and NS. I will not continue to feed the fires of apologism and hatred.
All of my books have subsequently been delisted on in protest against white nationalists, neo-nazis, NS apologists, Hitler worshipers, and neo-fascists promoting and using my work and research for their nefarious agendas.
Conclusion: a total pro-multicultural decadent communist LOON! To her and all of her followers: you are part of the problem!
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:28 am
And a HAPPY NEW YEAR to you Carolyn and all your supporters!
Adolf Hitler
31. Dezember 1944
Zur Jahreswende spricht der Führer aus seinem Hauptquartier zum deutschen Volk.
Deutsches Volk, Nationalsozialisten, Nationalsozialistinnen, meine Volksgenossen.
Nur der Jahreswechsel veranlaßt mich heute, zu Ihnen, meine deutschen Volksgenossen und Volksgenossinnen, zu sprechen. ……..
Heil Jahreswende
Quelle: Deutsches Rundfunkarchiv
December 31, 2013 at 10:38 am
Hi Dietlef, Thanks for all the great information you bring. I had read this post at Total Fascism when it appeared in Dec. 2012, and also some of the comments written in January 2013. I don’t now recall if I had read “Frederico”‘s or not. VKC did not write her comment until August 27, so I had not seen it until now. (At tWn we have a time limit of about 4 weeks on comments for a particular show.)
There is a whole lot to answer here, lol, which I may do sometime. But really, the people who need to answer for themselves are those who were so taken in by Veronica Clark, which shows that they themselves did not have the knowledge necessary to make the proper judgements. This is invariably the case, and this post and attached comments linked to above are a perfect illustration of what “Internet Truth” so easily becomes — misleading people by those who are themselves misled or not qualified.
I kept reading comments like this from her since around the time of September, but always her books remained at Amazon just as they had been, and still are there. Not only that, she’s been busy recommending their purchase to people, including WNs! Are we just dealing with a person who can’t distinguish truth from lies? I think so. She likes to quote lately from Nietzsche: “There are no facts, only interpretations.” [Actual translation: "Against that positivism which stops before phenomena, saying "there are only facts," I should say: no, it is precisely facts that do not exist, only interpretations…"] This takes her off the hook, she thinks, for being factually incorrect.
After all, VKC is now into psychology, the final resort for those with confused minds. And of course, also Sexology. You found the right word, Dietlef – LOON.
December 31, 2013 at 12:05 pm
The first time I encountered Veronica Clark she was writing under the pseudonym of Emma Goldman who was a self proclaimed Jewish/Feminist Anarcho communist. Clark or whatever she is calling herself these days was espousing garbage then and she is still doing it now,nothing has changed.
Clark can say whatever she likes about the Third Reich but in 30s Germany she would have rightly found herself in a camp or expelled.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 1:42 pm
LOL Carolyn, VCK also described Adolf Hitler as “asexual” in one of her chats to Deanna Spingola, another iPod persona being what I call a Devil’s Advocate
Russell A. James
December 31, 2013 at 2:20 pm
Thanks for mentioning my list Carolyn. I’ll keep your site in mind when I update the list. I’ve visited in the past, but wasn’t aware that it is as well trafficked as it is.
Also, I’d like to make one correction, the address of my blog is
Wishing you continued success,
December 31, 2013 at 3:44 pm
This senselessly poisonous attitude was buried in Dietlef Busch’s comment:
Midwest “Murka” was settled largely by heterodox Germans. Does that make them complicit in what you call degeneracy and stupidity, or are you just looking for excuses to insult Anglo-Saxons?
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 4:15 pm
While Hadding seems to be in his element discussing NSDAP history, why is Hadding Scott misrepresenting or ‘spinning’ the genetics of the E1b1b Y-DNA marker? I followed that Spingola link:
According to geneticists, this paternal marker originates in the Horn of Africa where it still has its highest concentration upwards of 80%. This means they are highly homogenous as far as paternal lineage is concerned, not ‘race-mixed’ as he asserts in his blog. Does Hadding have any special information that geneticists don’t have? Did he just make it up that the E1b1b Y-DNA marker comes from Europe? Also, what evidence does he have of the Berbers having been originally blonde-haired, blue-eyed and from Europe? Over 80% of Somalis have this Y-DNA, and there isn’t a single Somali blonde-haired blue-eyed person on Earth. It is a fact that the E1b1b North-African Berbers came into contact with the Vikings and other Europeans whereas those E1b1b Somali-type people in the Horn of Africa didn’t.
While it exists in Southern Europe and the Balkans more commonly than in Northern Europe, even there it doesn’t go upwards of 30% except in Albania where it may be 50%. And they are actually subclades (or subgroups) of the major branch so it’s impossible to assert that it originated in Europe.
This would be like saying the R1 paternal marker has a source in Africa just because there are pockets of R1 in Africa. Is this logical?
As for Hadding’s claims about being able to instantly tell even a small fraction of negro admixture, he is prone to exaggeration.
This is a woman w/ an Afro-Venezuelan grandfather. I’m sure Hadding could see this a mile a way, right?
December 31, 2013 at 4:39 pm
I invite Dietlef to reply to this, but I’d like to say I don’t much appreciate the use of “Murkans” either, which I guess goes back to LBJ days. Quite a long time ago. There are a lot of both Americans and Europeans who truly hate the image of what they see Imperial America standing for, but I think D. went overboard with his descriptive terms. There are plenty of morons and degenerates among the Germans, too. LOL
December 31, 2013 at 5:12 pm
I will be listening to this as my main show for New Year’s Day. Happy New year Carolyn and hope you got my Christmas card,
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 6:28 pm
I did send a rather long reply, which did not go through. I am fourth generation German (of World War I) and I rather know my own history extremely well. Until today, I have to deal with insults of being a “nazi”, the “after-birth” of “baby killers”, a “kraut”, a “fritz”, a “hun (Mongoloid)” etc etc. My great grandparents and grandparents were spat on, (and much more), many of us Germans are still being spoken down on by the occupied forces here in Germany, not only in Germany, but also on-line. I could do two things, let it deter me on my quest of unravelling my history more (as, if and when documents become free) or join the crowd to want to see the German Nation fully obliterated, I chose the first option.
“Midwest “Murka” was settled largely by heterodox Germans.”
I am fully aware of that, hence I also know of the anti-German Hysteria and propaganda against the Germans in the USA, I know of the “internment” camps for these Germans (, (, I know of their property being confiscated, the burning down of German Churches, Schools, businesses etc etc.
Tanstaafl, the “Anglo-Saxons” (an oxymoron IMO), I always get the excuse, it was the “misguided and brainwashed actions of a few” — a few MILLION. It was entire armies that invaded Germany and Europe and destroyed our cities, the spirit of our nations. Please make yourself familiar with SHAEF programme and the “denazification” of Germany (and Europe)and the yoke under Jewry.
On another post I have also sent Carolyn the article of “nationalists movements in Europe”, which explained the “Nationalists” parties in Europe (
With my description, I see these groups/movements in Britain, in America and Europe, which promotes the “European” religion of Cosmotheism, proclaims that “God does not exist” (Nietzsche), and attacks Christianity.
My apologies to have pressed buttons with that remark, but those tattooed 14/88′ers do not represent what my forebear fought against and to answer your question Carolyn, yes, even my own people (especially after the reunification) think its fashion to use English terms for beautiful German words (a term we refer to as Denglisch or Pidgin Sprache). Yes, I see morons and degenerates among the Germans too, too many lately, sadly. We, on the other hand, do not have the luxury of freedom of speech, so I ask of you Tanstaafl and Carolyn (and the rest) to not take it personal please.
December 31, 2013 at 7:51 pm
Your comments need to be brief and to the point. I had to take a bunch out of this one too. but I posted most of it so you could have your say in reply to Tan and me. I am sorry but no matter how just you feel is your cause, this is not a place for you to write essays. It is behavior like this from a German that makes people dislike Germans. Please read The White Network Comment Policy and follow it. Thanks and Happy New Year to you.
December 31, 2013 at 7:52 pm
Yes, I did. Happy New Year, endzog.
Dietlef Busch
December 31, 2013 at 8:20 pm
Comment Policy acknowledged Carolyn and a Happy New Year to you, Tanstaafl and all your listeners and readers.
December 31, 2013 at 8:29 pm
“Jean Valjean” says:
This is not hard to figure out.
If you want to know how the original Berbers looked, examine the populations that have had the least interaction with other races. Those would be the ones in the mountains. In the mountains of Morocco, there are still blond and blue-eyed Berbers.
Also, the original inhabitants of the Canary Islands, called Guanches, were a people resembling Scandinavians, whose language resembled that of the Berbers. In their case the sea protected them from racial mixture.
Alfred Rosenberg actually mentioned this in The Myth of the Twentieth Century:
The same Ice-Age migration that carried White people from Europe into Africa also carried them into North America. See for example the Windover Bog People.
Labels like “Afro-Venezuelan” can by no means be assumed to designate a 100% Negro. That kind of label is commonly applied to anybody whose phenotype is significantly Negroid, no matter how little Negroid ancestry that person may actually have. Many of the so-called Blacks in the United States today, especially in Northern cities, are only octoroons or less. Such a “Black” may produce an offspring that can pass for White to the highly unobservant. I addressed the confusion about this recently by posting an image of a bona fide one-eighth Negro for comparison. The typical specimen exhibits a broad nose, orange-brown skin, and woolly hair.
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 8:31 pm
In Dietlef’s defense, middle Murka was settled by a lot of Germans, but were they ever the “blue-blood” Anglo-aristocracy? Or were they the farmers, factory workers and hard-working Americans who made up the heartland?
December 31, 2013 at 8:38 pm
I wonder if you have any idea what you’re talking about.
Jean Valjean
December 31, 2013 at 9:53 pm
I have news for you. The Vikings are on record as having invaded and pillaged this secluded and mountainous Morroccan area that you speak of, at least once. Nakur is in the Rif Mountains. Don’t forget that the Vikings were traveling all along the Baltic and taking war prisoners and slaves according to Norwegian-American Judith Gabriel’s article on The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan.
Despite the truce, the Danes returned to attack Spain again in 859 under the command of Hastein and Bjorn Ironsides, two of the most famous Viking leaders. But their 62 dragon ships were no match for the Umayyad forces. After the rout, the survivors slipped through the Straits of Gibraltar to raid along the Moroccan coast, which prompted another Muslim observer to record that “al-Majus—may God curse them!—invaded the little Moroccan state of Nakur and pillaged it. They took into captivity all the inhabitants with the exception of those who saved their lives by flight.” The marauding fleet then went on to harry the south of France and Italy, where they sacked the town of Luna on the northwest coast, believing it to be Rome. Some Arab sources say they reached Greece and even Egypt. When they returned to the Iberian coast two years after their first attack, they were defeated again, and Vikings never returned to the Mediterranean.
January 1, 2014 at 2:52 am
Yeah, I know, and Rosenberg also addresses it. Uninformed people want to explain the presence of blonds in North Africa as due to Vandals in the 5th century A.D. or to some later migration, but the presence of blonds there is attested in ancient sources.
The Kingdom of Nekor (or Nakur) was just a little strip of territory on the Mediterranean coast. A Danish “raid” on that little coastal area doesn’t come close to explaining the distribution of blonds in North Africa.
Furthermore, if the Berbers (and the Guanches) had descended from Vandals or Danes it would be evident in their language, but it’s not.
January 1, 2014 at 1:25 pm
You are particularly critical of Anglo-Saxons, but the qualities you complain about aren’t particular to Anglo-Saxons. You put forth German as your primary identity but it obviously takes a back seat to Christianity. You wrap these things in sugar coating and copy pasta. For all three reasons you strike me as false.
On the outside chance you’re sincere you must not be aware what this site is about. My apologies if you don’t like it.
January 1, 2014 at 1:32 pm
Actually, I liked Dietlef’s comments about both Irving and Weber, and also about Judeo-Anglo-Murkans …whatever they are. I liked both his righteous indignation and his command of the English language. As a “Brit”, I did not feel insulted one bit. His words reminded me of that disgusting statue raised in Green Park in the centre of London commemorating “Bomber Command”. It was unveiled by the parasite that we British call our Queen, or even affectionately, “Queenie!”. When you try to point out to 99% of the British people how obscene that is, it just does not compute. There is no feeling of disgust or anger; there is no feeling at all!
However, Dietlef have a look at the photo here….!
That photo was taken in Dresden!
January 1, 2014 at 8:11 pm
Deanna assumes that her listeners are astute enough to discern the truth, whether that is seeing through disinfo agents’ lies or innocent misinformation. Deanna subscribes to the theory that if you give ‘em enough rope, they will hang themselves. But if you never give them a chance (i.e. invite them on the program) the truth will never be revealed. It would not be wise for Deanna to attack a radio guest, no matter how clever (sly) the deception, as that person, and other potential guests would never agree to be interviewed. Would you rather have no interview at all or one that reveals true character and/or agenda? Deanna has a different style than you, and that is to be applauded, not attacked. You and Hadding have brought up some very important truths, and you have left us with lots to think about and direction to study more, and I for one, am grateful to you both for that. I really wish both of you would stop attacking Deanna or anyone else who would interview VC or any other liar/co-intel/shill. Let’s never lose sight of who the real enemies are.
Thank you and Happy New Year.
January 1, 2014 at 8:21 pm
Veronica Clark in 2007 (perhaps going overboard to establish credibility with people that she would later denounce):
Veronica Clark, September 2013:
Clark verified in her December 2013 interview with Deanna Spingola that she had supported the SPLC since 2009, but instead of questioning her about it, Spingola made up an excuse and let her off the hook.
Veronica Clark (responding to criticisms that using “Nazi” instead of National-Socialist conveyed a lack of seriousness), December 2013:
Who is really the “psychopath”?
If anything should be clear, it is that this woman is untrustworthy.
January 1, 2014 at 8:53 pm
Ragen said:
I have never attacked Deanna Spingola. I have no interest in attacking Deanna Spingola. I have simply stated what I heard.
January 1, 2014 at 9:37 pm
You have been a fan of Deanna’s for a long time. You used to listen to my shows too, I believe, and maybe still do. What you call Deanna’s theory that listeners can discern the truth on their own is discredited by the fact that her listener/callers do not, and neither does Deanna herself. If guests did not have Deanna’s softball show to go on, they would have to go on a tougher show or not go on at all. I truly believe Truth would be served if Deanna were to retire from the airwaves. What she does is to give a friendly platform for liars to ply their lies and she plays the game right along with them. If she manages to ask a slightly difficult question, she allows the “guest” to give his/her practiced evasion, etc. and Deanna never asks follow-up questions. So it’s a win for the guest.
Veronica Clark had already given herself away completely and fully before she and Deanna “talked together” on Dec. 30th. So that program was not at all necessary to reveal the real Veronica. And in fact, it actually did the opposite. Many people are so dense and paying so little attention that they came away with a good impression of Veronica. So you see, listeners are NOT astute enough, especially when their idol Deanna is not having any problem with Veronica and is always agreeing with her. I know of some tough questions presented from the chat room on Monday night but they were never asked by Deanna.
What would you say if I told you that Deanna already said she was “betrayed” by Veronica several weeks ago. But she went ahead and had her on again and behaved in a super friendly manner. Do you explain that as Deanna’s theory of interviewing? I don’t. I had sent Deanna the link to VC’s personal “transvestite” blog 2 days before; Deanna wrote back and indicated she had looked at it. But not very carefully I don’t think … it scared her too much to do so. You know: see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. That is Deanna’s radio interview “theory” and radio persona in a nutshell … it’s fine to talk about the evil Jews from 1918 Russia, but not the degeneracy in our midst today.
So there you have my answer, Ragen. I will not stop anything that I am doing that I think is right, and I do know who the real enemies are in the battle that I am waging … or at least some of them. I’m not sure what battle you’re waging, but it may not be exactly the same as mine.
Best wishes to you; my sincere thanks for writing. You are always welcome here.
January 2, 2014 at 12:06 am
Hi Carolyn,
Good show thanks i would like to point out that Veronica Kuzniar Clark told me that she has been an splc member since the early 2000.
January 2, 2014 at 12:34 am
did you verify those quotes with Veronika? Especially the first ones about the SPLC subversive activities?
It would certainly explain her disproportional hatred for “White Nationalism” (in whatever form that may express itself).
January 2, 2014 at 1:29 am
Markus, read the post. VKC verified to Deanna Spingola that she supported the SPLC. We also talked about it in the show.
January 2, 2014 at 2:50 am
I found the quotes attributed to Veronica Kuzniar-Clark about the SPLC here and a couple of other places
I have little doubt of their accuracy since she confirmed the most shocking part.
Nick Dean
January 2, 2014 at 1:13 pm
“My job as an activist is to help undermine white nationalism, which I have been doing for a while now.”
That’s not at the link and the quote doesn’t yield to a google search, Hadding. (Even though it’s been posted here for 24 hours, so ya know …)
Though the rest is disappointing enough.
January 2, 2014 at 2:19 pm
I read your questions to Veronika on WN and her activities to destroy it. She is clearly changing the topic and brings up some drunk twats that talk bad about women. These kind of men are found in any camp. That has nothing to do with WN.
Why doesn’t she cite potential leaders and their opinion on women. Be it David Duke, the Golden Dawn leaders, Kevin McDonald, Rodney Martin (I know Carolyn but forget about eventual “little lies”), or the young generation: Dana or Kyle or Andre?
Tila even said that a number of Neo-Nazi skinheads would have probably put into camps for their lack of moral disciplin. And Veronika wants to only point to those men in our ranks for her propaganda.
Justice4Germans published several articles on “Nazi”, and he is an outspoken Non-WN, yet she continues to claim that not using Nazi is WN PC. She also has no problem abbreviating WN, but types 2 more letters each time she refers to Nazi, instead of NS.
January 2, 2014 at 4:17 pm
Markus, stop your constant name-dropping or I will drop you. Are you being paid to do that? People don’t realize how transparent they are. For example, Jean Valjean is Veronica Clark. For certain. S/he is still trying to post genetic marker material here. Thus we learn that she uses sock puppets. VC and Harold Covington, lol.
January 2, 2014 at 4:41 pm
I’m not being paid, but I can stop with name dropping for sure.
January 2, 2014 at 4:42 pm
Marcus – Thank you for being considerate. I didn’t really think you were being paid.
Dietlef Busch
January 2, 2014 at 5:22 pm
@ JoshuaF
Thank you, yes, Dresden is just the “surface”, over 1000+ villages, towns and cities were bombed, between 50%-80% of the inhabitants survived. And every-time we have a march to commemorate our forbear, we get confronted by the same Antifa leftist with those type of provocations. I agree with you one 100% “When you try to point out to 99% of the British (and other Europeans) people how obscene that is, it just does not compute. There is no feeling of disgust or anger; there is no feeling at all!”
JoshuaF, not sure if you read the evaluation of Claus Nordbruch i.e. about all the political parties in the UK and Europe? To choose either Islam or Zionism?
@ Hadding, not sure if you have heard this yet?
Veronica Kuzniar Clark: Mass conversion to Islam may be the last stronghold for Europeans against against Masonic-Jewzi (Gypsy?) -Anglo-Saxon (sic) power ???? (erroneously misquoting Adolf Hitler)
January 2, 2014 at 5:24 pm
Look a little closer. It’s there on the alternativesocial page, just above the video.
I do want to correct something that I said Monday night. My comments then of course were based on hearing the Spingola-Clark interview only once.
Listening again, I find that it was not Spingola who made the excuse for Clark’s support of the SPLC. But, I would say that Spingola has embraced Clark’s excuse far too eagerly and uncritically, especially since Clark has said explicitly in connection with being a “paid supporter of the SPLC” that she is an “activist” whose “duty is to undermine all white pride movements.”
January 2, 2014 at 5:42 pm
Thank you for giving us an opportunity to read the emotional and stunning Preface to Thies Chistophersen’s “Auschwitz” pamphlet written by Manfred Roeder and to learn more about David Irving’s limited and limiting attitudes toward “the big H.”
Also, thank you and Hadding Scott as well for your purposeful and courageous investigation into VKC’s books and “thinking.”
January 2, 2014 at 6:08 pm
Spingola started to quote Clark’s “I, V. K. Clark, do hereby declare…” statement posted by Hadding above, but Clark cut her off at the pass, so listeners were deprived of the full extent of Clark’s volte-face.
“I’m not so sure Mr Hoffmann would accept my anti-racist stance, my asexuality, my paleoliberalism or my feminism.” – Clark on the axishistory forum.
An asexual feminist sounds a contradiction in terms.
January 2, 2014 at 10:52 pm
Here is where Spingola should not have allowed herself to be put off like that. Here is where she allows the guest to run the show.
Not in the terms of a political feminist, as its popular meaning has nothing to do with feminism, but of militancy.
January 2, 2014 at 11:22 pm
Something similar happened when Spingola had Tubby Tubbington on.
When she was asking Tubby some uncomfortable questions, and started to give some information that Matt Koehl had told her, Tubby Tubbington diverted the discussion by impugning Koehl’s character and credibility, and she never got around to saying whatever it was.
January 3, 2014 at 10:02 am
Dietlef – Thank you for suggesting this Verohnika Clark-Kyle Hunt video:
It’s really dynamite. I didn’t know Kyle had interviewed Verohnika in July 2013; did not follow his shows. I have to find out what Star Theory Radio is.
Once again we hear (from VC) that out-of-context and inaccurately-quoted “quote” from Hitler that he preferred Islam to Christianity for Germans. What rot. She is really in the Mark Glenn camp, where Mike Piper is stuck too. What we need, perhaps, is a “True Germans” club where we can agree on what is true about Hitler and then put it out there in a systematic, uncompromising way.
P.S. I see, it comes from the now defunct Oracle Broadcasting.
Show: Star Theory Radio with Kyle Hunt
Email: [email protected] (no longer valid) Today:
Kyle has been continuously introducing ground-breaking new theories into the alternative media since 2008. In addition to writing many articles, hosting his own show, and being a guest on a number of popular shows (Red Ice Creations, The Rebel Path, Inside The Eye Live), Kyle is also published in The Sync Book, wherein he lays out the basis for The Rainbow Alphabet, an occult construction based around the English language. The topics of Star Theory Radio will vary, but often involve linguistics, philosophy, theology, mythology, numerology, mathematics, current events, revisionist history, movies, literature, and much more.
[Kind of a Rense-type program?]
Nick Dean
January 3, 2014 at 1:05 pm
@ Hadding
That wouldn’t be looking closer but further away. I naturally expected the quote to be at the link beneath it. But thanks.
@ Carolyn
See also here:
No neat category. Crypto-linguistics, the occult, political and media analysis informed by an individual take on symbolism and conspiracy lore (always anti-Alex Jones and that whole genre). Gradually becoming more openly pro-White and anti-Jew before he launched Renegade.
He’s an artist and it shows in all his radio shows which are crafted more than the normal and his speech which is more deliberately chosen, not just to inform but also to invoke feeling.
I think he’s a real asset to our side.
Ben G.
January 3, 2014 at 5:41 pm
Veronica Clark posted on my site a while back denouncing white nationalism with her name linked to a now defunct blog where she had pictures of naked penises all over it. Some of them were diseased and deformed it was absolutely horrific and disgusting. I couldn’t believe it was her at first but it was. I told her it was disgusting and that I was shocked that she would stoop to that level and she said “if that offends you good, that’s how white nationalism makes me feel.” I told her that it doesn’t “offend” me, it disgusts me. The site was gone the next day. A snapshot is still found in the wayback machine but fortunately you can’t see the pictures:
Just look at the names of the blog posts and the gross names of the pictures which you can still see (not for the easily offended). That tells me all I need to know about her. She is as vicious and nasty as any other white hating antifa out there.
And the SPLC thing, despite her excuse for it, it obviously nothing more than a big middle finger to us.
January 3, 2014 at 7:39 pm
Evidently Clark was traumatised by the poisonous anonymous comments on Grizzom.blogspot. To assume that the anonymous comments posted there were by “White Nationalists” is beyond naive.
January 3, 2014 at 8:03 pm
We know you do, Nick. But you thought Veronica Clark was a real asset to our side too. I never did. I found her first website interesting and “curious”; her 3rd website (as far as I know) I did not like at all and recall criticizing it to Hans Krampe. When she came out with “Black Nazis” I was done with her from then on. When Inconvenient History Journal published her summary of it, I wrote to her and to the Journal editor pointing out the poor scholarship — that she had jumped from one little example to a whole thesis, without the necessary steps in between. I was right, then, but everyone was too enthralled with a young female revisionist writer to care. It’s still going on.
January 3, 2014 at 8:14 pm
Actually a blog like that was still up until a day or two ago. The link is posted on the AlternativeSocial page along with the quotes attributed to Miss Kuzniar-Clark.
Apparently she is now trying to cover her tracks by pulling the blog.
I can’t imagine a man-hating bitch like that getting on with Muslims. Dream on, freak!
January 4, 2014 at 2:48 am
Joshua said – It was unveiled by the parasite that we British call our Queen, or even affectionately, “Queenie!”
I’m a Brit too and I have to say I’ve rarely heard the term ‘Queenie’ used for the Queen.
Are you quite sure you’re a Brit Joshua? Sounds to me like a veiled anti-Anglo-Saxon attack. Though ironically the Queen has a lot of German ancestry.
January 4, 2014 at 6:00 am
It’s still in the Google cache. NSFW
She has also deleted a lot of her shows with Spingola from and added her “I, V.K. Clark do hereby declare….” comment.
Nick Dean
January 4, 2014 at 7:58 am
@ Carolyn
“But you thought Veronica Clark was a real asset to our side too.”
I have never said that because I had never known whether she was actually nationalist. Though I did think she was a good asset to WWII revisionism specifically. I have recommended her ‘Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP’ in a couple of online exchanges about the ‘Hitler was a Stooge’ myth, but aside from that I think the only comment I have made online about VC is at Star Theory, where I say I have always enjoyed hearing her (I have), but take issue with some things she said, where in fact she was over generalising about White nations and not distinguishing us from Jews as well as she should.
You mustn’t let your ideological anti-niceness run away with you.
Dietlef Busch
January 4, 2014 at 8:46 am
Carolyn I agree with you regarding the “True Germans” club
As for Kyle, [Kind of a Rense-type program?], I agree with your evaluation.
For Verohnika/Goldman (found a couple of more finds under that name) to tell us Europeans to embrace Islam, is what the Imperium Europa Club is really about, “Jesus Christ must die, that the Aryan Allah may live.”. This deception runs very deep! Or churches have been fully infiltrated, subverted and what many do not know that our priests are being prosecuted in Germany. There are many issues here that are not being told in the MSM (not that its expected). It sent a shudder down my spine when she mentioned that erroneous quote in the same sentence of Mr Ernst Zündel, I beg to differ that he will approve of that.
As for Verohnika/Veronica, she has this listed on her spadeofaces blog, as “Veronica Clark’s fave men: Chris Harms” . Is this art to her?
I rest my case lol
January 4, 2014 at 10:02 am
All I can say on the WN Men site is: WOW. She is really deeply retaliatory. Her rage seems to know no bounds. But then again, I suppose she might just see it as funny. However, I’m not interested in psychoanalyzing her, except I can’t help noticing that she is super-controlling. Super-duper controlling! Thanks Nemeth, for digging this up.
January 4, 2014 at 10:36 am
Lol, Nick.
Here is my position and what drives me to make that type of reply to you. I think we better get real clear about what is promoting and what is hindering the desired end of “What’s good for Whites.” All this tolerance of individual points of view because something or someone is entertaining, or INFORMATIVE-for-the-totally-uninformed-who-will-fall-for-anything-and-then-pass-it-on is why we are in the deep sh-t we now find ourselves in. How many men just listen to what someone they “like” is saying than study the issues themselves and learn for themselves? How many radio hosts give a platform to people they know essentially nothing about, but think it will be “an interesting show” to keep their listeners fed from week to week. They do NOT care whether the information going out is good or isn’t. Their main interest, it appears, is to have a show that people will like. That is called Show Business.
You’ve never seen Verohnika on one of my shows, during all these almost 4 years. Why is that? Don’t I want to improve my ratings with a very popular guest? No, that’s not ever my reason for what I do. You admit you thought you could take some of Clark, if not all of Clark. It doesn’t work that way, we’re all total packages. Her article you like, ‘Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP’ is taken totally from the Pool book in its important parts, which is her typical method. If you had always enjoyed hearing her (without alarm bells going off as they did for me), can you admit that you were taken in? Do you enjoy hearing her now? We can’t improve if we will not take responsibility for our mistakes.
January 4, 2014 at 7:01 pm
Nemeth said:
She’s also asking the person that posted her Patriot Dames interview to remove it or make it hard to find:
Covering those tracks.
January 4, 2014 at 7:29 pm
Lurker, in case Joshua doesn’t see this, I can tell you that he is indeed British, but born and raised outside of Britain “in one of the colonies”, where he lives now.
I’ll say. “Queenie” Elizabeth is the great-great granddaughter of Queen Victoria, hence Queen Elizabeth is a patrilineal descendant of Albert’s family, the German princely House of Wettin.
January 4, 2014 at 7:35 pm
Nemeth – She gives herself the name of “kaulitzfan”, yet she told Hadding in the Tila T. blog comments that she ONLY posts under VKC and Veronica Clarke (I think it was). A lie. Sometimes she adds an “e” to Clark, sometimes not. However she’s feeling, don’t ya know.
January 4, 2014 at 7:41 pm
She also uses the names Ace Militant and GermanResearcher.
Anyway it was obvious enough that Jean Valjean was the same person as Veronica Clark, and it’s also obvious that she lies a lot.
January 4, 2014 at 7:58 pm
That was the other one – Ace Militant. VKC and Ace Militant was all she uses, she said.
I got an email answer from a person with initials A.S. who insisted he was not Veronica and that I was just protecting you from his arguments (which is not true). But why did he all of a sudden write here, and with such poor arguments? Why the passion about it? An old enemy of yours? Doesn’t seem likely. The writing style is that of VC.
Dietlef Busch
January 4, 2014 at 8:52 pm
Hadding said:
Reviewer: abigsecret – – January 9, 2013
Subject: To the uploader
On behalf of V.C., please remove this file or change the title of this upload and the name of the mp3. She would appreciate it. Thx
“a big secret” is also Wayne Prante (J4G) who promotes her work and a massive fan of her, a con-man in itself and a liar of the highest order! Supporting that low life communist George Galloway (
[email protected]
January 4, 2014 at 10:12 pm
Dietlef – you are so right. A big secret is “Wayne from Canada,” but this was a year ago, Jan. 2013 and they were all tight then, Wayne, Deanna, Rodney Martin, Verohnika … but they knew, anyway, that V wanted to remove these files then.
January 5, 2014 at 6:17 am
Shes calling herself Emma Goldmann on the Patriot Dames show, hence the request to “change the title” of the “Veronica Clark Interview” on
The Emma Goldmann episode is still in the Patriot Dames archives.
Funny that she’s offering signed copies of all her books to Tila Tequila. Books she repudiated and “withdrew” just a few weeks ago.
Tila would be mad to give her address to a paid up member of the SPLC. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts….”
January 5, 2014 at 10:58 am
That wouldn’t be the reason because she admits to using that name in the past to “protect” herself. I listened to that show last night. Tom Metzger called in and disputed some of what VC was saying, since she was standing up for blacks and mexicans big-time. She said Mexico was a “shit-hole” and she didn’t blame Mexicans for coming here if they could. [Of course, once they're here we're obligated to treat them well in the American fashion - that what the SPLC works for.] Well, why is Mexico a shit-hole? They bring it with them. She said if it became a shit-hole here (U.S.) she would illegally cross over to Canada to get away from it. This shows that her reasoning powers are turned off and she only thinks ideologically that Whites must accept living among colored races. That’s her bottom line and always has been, from the very beginning in 2006.
She probably wants the file removed because she was talking for a long time with “horrible” White Nationalist Tom Metzger and he came off better than she did.
January 5, 2014 at 4:16 pm
She’s pursuing a line similar to that of David Irving, that major undertakings happened in the name of National-Socialism without Hitler’s support.
The argument (stated in the Patriot Dames interview of April 2009) that Hitler didn’t really want the 500 Rhineland Bastards sterilized lacks credibility on its face. Hitler certainly supported the sterilization of 400,000 pure-German genetic defectives. What are 500 half-Negroes compared to that? You have to be very uninformed to find some of Kuzniar-Clark’s claims credible.
Dietlef Busch
January 5, 2014 at 7:49 pm
Hadding said:
Hitler certainly supported the sterilization of 400,000 pure-German genetic defectives.
Any solid resources out of the German Bundesarhiv and not the The Holocaust Encyclopedia?
It is no secret about the sterilization of Rheinland Bastards.
January 5, 2014 at 9:56 pm
Patriod Dames interview with “Emma Peters” from March 2009
At 0:55:30 Mike Delaney comes on. He asks why Veronica Clark had sent him an e-mail on 7 February 2009 accusing him of being a Jew.
In her response, Veronica Clark (calling herself Emma Peters for this appearance) explains what kind of White Nationalist she approves:
A spiritual Jew would have been a non-Jew that put his own pecuniary gain ahead of the wellbeing of his people. The proposition that Hitler would have considered somebody a spiritual Jew for saying nigger is absurd.
Mike Delaney said on this show in March 2009 that it should be obvious from her associations what Veronica/Emma was really about. That evidently is a reference to Bradford-Smith and Hufschmid. I never paid much attention to Eric Hufschmid or Daryl Bradford-Smith, apart from hearing Peter Schaenk discuss at great length his belief that they had bad motives.
It was also in 2009, when — as we hear — Veronica/Emma was preaching to White Nationalists about how they should conduct themselves in order to succeed, that she became (according to her own recent pronouncements) a supporter of the anti-White-Nationalist and certainly, anti-Hitler and anti-revisionist, SPLC.
January 6, 2014 at 12:36 am
Dietlef Busch said:
400,000 was the number of anticipated sterilizations consistently reported in American newspapers in 1933 when Germany’s eugenic sterilization law was enacted. I see no reason to regard it as an exaggeration for a nation of 65 million.
January 6, 2014 at 10:20 am
American newspapers is the source you’re using for that?! I think it sounds too high also. This is something that needs to be checked into more. There were avenues to object to and appeal this decisions made against oneself and they were used successfully by many.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 11:46 am
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics, opened its doors in 1927 and was closed in 1945. A certain Schmuhl, Hans-Walter (and a couple of others like Edwin Black) seem to be latching onto that one source, which are mainly their “basis of proof” for the following, I quote from the introduction of Schmuhl’s book:
“When the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics opened its doors in 1927, it could rely on wide political approval, ranging from the Social Democrats over the Catholic Centre to the far rightwing of the party spectrum. In 1933 the institute and its founding director Eugen Fischer came under pressure to adjust, which they were able to ward off through Selbstgleichschaltung (auto-coordination). The Third Reich brought about a mutual beneficial servicing of science and politics. With their research into hereditary health and racial policies the institute’s employees provided the Brownshirt rulers with legitimating grounds. At international meetings they used their scientific standing and authority to defend the abundance of forced sterilizations performed in Nazi Germany. Their expertise was instrumental in registering and selecting/eliminating Jews, Sinti and Roma, “Rhineland bastards”, Erbkranke and Fremdvölkische (T4 Program, also called T4 Euthanasia Program, Kaufbeuren-Irsee euthanasia facility etc). In return, hereditary health and racial policies proved to be beneficial for the institute, which beginning in 1942, directed by Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer, performed a conceptual change from the traditional study of races and eugenics into apparently modern phenogenetics – not least owing to the entgrenzte (unrestricted) accessibility of people in concentration camps or POW camps, in the ghetto, in homes and asylums. In 1943/44 Josef Mengele, a student of Verschuer, supplied Dahlem with human blood samples and eye pairs from Auschwitz, while vice versa seizing issues and methods of the institute in his criminal researches.”
Just from this, I agree with Carolyn that this needs to be looked into, as I feel putting out numbers, can lead to assumptions being drawn (like Weber and co) for “more proof” of a “Final Solution” plan.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 12:20 pm
p.s. and the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science (German Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften) was a German scientific institution established in the German Kaiserreich in 1911, a rather broad umbrella term (
It also gives “Lists of Nobel Prizes and Laureates”
Nick Dean
January 6, 2014 at 1:01 pm
Is it just one of those happy coincidences that 400,000 was the number being promoted by the Jewish American newspaper industry prior to the program (including the New York Times of December 20th 1933), and 400,000 turned out to be pretty much exactly the number Jewish American academics found were sterilized in their studies after the war?
Shades of 6,000,000 there …
Nick Dean
January 6, 2014 at 1:07 pm
Carolyn, Clark cites the Pools in her DEMYSTIFYING article. It’s good information, and she was good at putting that kind of information across.
If she made errors you were aware of I hope you corrected them, but if you just had one of your ‘feelings’ I’m glad you kept it to yourself pretty much. In any event, she has destroyed herself.
January 6, 2014 at 2:55 pm
What Schmuhl wrote is obvious crap. Sterilization,euthanasia, and internment of Jews had entirely different purposes. Sterilization was eugenic. Euthanasia (1939-1941) was to make medical personnel and facilities available for war-wounded. Internment of Jewish populations (1942-1945) was mainly to prevent sabotage and insurrection (like internment of Japanese in the USA).
January 6, 2014 at 3:26 pm
Nick, I KNOW and I KNEW clark cites the Pools in her Demystifying article. I can read. All I said was that it’s mainly from their book, so her research consists of reading their book. Don’t make fun of my “feelings” or I might have a “feeling” about you someday. My feelings are more accurate than anything else.
“She has destroyed herself”, but with no help from you.
January 6, 2014 at 3:35 pm
I would say, be careful of making such tidy statements. There is more to it than that. Even without war-wounded, these cases were using up tremendous resources that needed to be used for positive purposes in a National-Socialist society … a society based on the good of the whole over the individual “selfish” good. I think that needs to be recognized and defended. It is not immoral.
Dietlef Busch
January 6, 2014 at 4:57 pm
I have seen this 400.000 figure popping up in documentaries and propaganda e.g. as in here American Journal of Public Health ( and so forth and all leads to assumptions of the forerunner for the Holocaust. I have found nothing in German archives or anything in German. Neither, have Germans come forward to claim this happened to them.
January 6, 2014 at 5:45 pm
That seems to be typical for her. Her narrative of changing racial policy in National-Socialist Germany seems to be mainly a regurgitation of A. James Gregor’s 1958 essay “National-Socialism and Race.”
Gregor says that there were three phases of National-Socialist racial thought, the middle phase, 1930-1934 (not a very long time), being a period of excesses inspired by Hans F.K. Guenther’s nordicism. Gregor portrays it as a period of crazy excesses by citing some statements from a list of fringe characters, most of them obscure names (although some of the statements that Gregor ridicules, such as the claim that there was Nordic heritage to be found among certain groups of Redskins in North America, are apparently true).
It may be that Gregor is exaggerating the importance of extreme Nordicism. Gregor sees Hitler already repudiating this at the Nuremberg Parteitag in 1933 (not 1944). In fact, Gregor never shows that Hitler himself had ever adopted such views. The main focus of National-Socialist racial policy was always on preventing national decline, not on creating a blond superman.
VKC’s discussion of shifting racial policy is like an exaggerated version of Gregor’s presentation. She asserts that Hitler had to reverse his own position, and there’s no evidence for that. There is also zero evidence that the passing of the fad for extreme nordicism meant a total abandonment of the principle of race, which is what she really wants to argue. It cannot be argued that Hitler had abandoned the principle of race with his Platterhof Speech in 1944 and just hadn’t gotten around to implementing his changed views, because the last sentence under which Hitler ever signed his name was an affirmation of the principle of race:
January 6, 2014 at 7:16 pm
Fritz Berg of the website was a supporter of Veronica Clark. Does anyone know if he still backs her? As for Clark’s feminism is she claiming that the third reich kept women down? That would be news to Leni Reifenstahl and Hanna Reitsch – the former a prominent film director and the latter the world’s first female helicopter pilot.
January 6, 2014 at 11:10 pm
Les, why don’t you ask Fritz Berg directly. He’s not hard to find. He’s even on CODOH.
January 6, 2014 at 11:19 pm
Ms. Goldmann,
One of your insiders?! ROTFL. I myself received this same audio interview today from David Baillie, who no doubt sent it to many people. Is he “one of your insiders.” ROTFL.
This ‘audio interview’ has been around for over 6 months now, maybe 9. It’s not news. But there is a new impetus from some Butt-Hurt people to do damage to Andrew Anglin. As for you, you’re becoming a joke. For someone who says she just wants to be left alone by White Nationalists, you sure do a lot of jumping into the ring. That’s my comment.
January 7, 2014 at 6:17 am
“on the 8th (December 1944), the head of the Zentralbauleitung, SS-Obersturmführer Werner Jothann, requested Abteilung IIIa (prisoner labor employment) for the immediate assignment of 100 prisoners for the demolition work “at the crematorium [in] Camp II” (beim Krematorium Lager II) 258, undoubtedly Crematorium II.”
Carlo Mattogno
“The Truth About the Gas Chambers?” Historical Considerations relating to Shlomo Venezia’s “Unique Testimony”
January 7, 2014 at 6:47 am
Thanks Dietlef for your comment (Carolyn too!) I had not heard of Claus Nordbruch. Looks interesting so I have ordered his book,
“Bleeding Germany Dry (The Aftermath of World War II from the German Perspective)”
January 7, 2014 at 10:12 am
Jay – Would you like to move your comment to the right page: “The ‘liberation’ of Auschwitz” program page. Then I will answer it. Thanks.
January 7, 2014 at 7:10 pm
I have seen several English translations of Mein Kampf. Do you know which version is most accurate and readable? I saw the warning about Ford’s translation, and have read his long infomercial about it. Do you know of a reliable online source for the original text?
January 7, 2014 at 11:03 pm
Rusty – I have the James Murphy translation in a reprint of the March 21, 1939 first printing, reset in April 1942 published by Hurst and Blackett Ltd. It’s the only one I’ve read and I’m happy with it. It’s said to have been approved by the 3rd Reich. You can read it online here:
I would not read the Ford translation. Online you can also find – Reynal and Hitchcock, which has a good reputation. Although, it was translated by a committee, which doesn’t sound too good to me. It’s supposed to be very objective. You can do some comparison between the two.
You might find something helpful here:
January 8, 2014 at 2:16 am
If the Reynal and Hitchcock edition has a good reputation, it’s undeserved. The Why We Fight series of propaganda-films uses that translation, probably because it’s the most hostile. I even found a hostile mistranslation in it, as I explain here:
January 8, 2014 at 11:50 am
Thanks, Hadding Scott, for your recent comment and your article on the problems with the Reynal and Hitchcock edition of Mein Kampf.
BTW, I bought your translation of Gottfried Feder’s Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery. I’m heartened to know a bit more just who the translator really is.
And thanks, Carolyn, for this interim discussion of good translations of Hitler’s work.
January 8, 2014 at 2:08 pm
Thank you. I’ve only skimmed through it, but some of the notes in the Reynal version, though they might be helpful, seem hostile. I wonder if another version is needed, one in good English with notes, as in the Reynal version, but that support the Author’s message instead of contradicting it.
January 8, 2014 at 3:44 pm
Rusty, I don’t think you need all those notes. It’s just someone else trying to influence how you understand Hitler’s words. He makes himself quite plain, it seems to me.
January 8, 2014 at 7:02 pm
Well, certainly, the Germans of his time knew what he meant, but fewer and fewer of us English speakers do. I was thinking about how I would like to have notes about geography and notes to explain his allusions to historical events and literature. I would not want notes telling me what to think, i.e., what is good or bad about the text, what is right or wrong, etc.
Tanstaafl goes after Dietlef, Carolyn kow-tows
You notice in Comment #9 above, Tanstawful starts his attack on Dietlef Busch, a German, calling something he wrote "senselessly poisonous."
Then you see Carolyn in Comment #11 trying to ease the situation by giving some support to Tanstaafl. In Comment #13, Dietlef defends himself quite well. In Comment #14, I take my friend Dietlef to task even more, in order to stand by my "partner" and keep the peace [Tan had complained to me privately about Dietlef]. I am not proud of this, but then again, it seemed necessary because of Tanstaafl's prickly nature.
In Comments #32 and #51, we find Nick Dean defending Veronica Clark from Hadding Scott's quotes by her and from my saying he used to think Clark was an asset to WN. The quote WAS accurate despite Dean's doubts. In Comment #54, I give my position on people like him who accept people based on liking "some" of what they say, while maybe dismissing some of it. He replied to this in Comment #72 with an attempt to make me the problem. To which I replied in Comment #74. There has always been a lack of rapport between me and Nick Dean.