The Heretics' Hour: "Hitler escaped the Bunker" and other delusional thinking
August 13, 2012
Carolyn Yeager mixes up several topics in this program, beginning with the strange phenomenon of otherwise intelligent people, such as CODOH Forum members, wanting to believe the most impossible stories about Adolf Hitler “escaping” from the Berlin Bunker in April 1945, and making a dramatic passage via submarine to Argentina … or even Antarctica (!), as shown in the illustration at right which shows a sub entering a secret portal.
In the second hour, Carolyn addresses the comments by Greg Johnson on a long thread at VNN Forum, including a final comment by Alex Linder. She then has time for some words on building White racial consciousness, which will continue next week.
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23 Responses
August 14, 2012 at 11:11 am
Four-man shooter team reported by two witnesses at Sikh Temple:
Robert Lloyd
August 14, 2012 at 11:23 am
Good show again Carolyn!!!
August 14, 2012 at 11:55 am
Thanks Robert. I take it the sound didn’t cut out for you 40 min. before the end. (that is, if you listened live. maybe you didn’t) Someone reported that so I’m wanting to know if anyone else experienced it.
August 14, 2012 at 7:21 pm
The alternative proposed to Hitler was to flee to the southern mountainous region of Germany. In contrast to that, staying in Berlin strikes me as a bit like Socrates choosing to stay in Athens and drink the hemlock rather than flee, as had been suggested to him.
August 14, 2012 at 7:21 pm
Hi Carolyn,
I only wanted to say I liked the program.
Thanks, and keep up your excellent work.
August 15, 2012 at 11:14 am
Hi Carolyn,
I think it would be nice if one of your German speaking listeners could find the time to translate the words to the song played at the break.
Robert Lloyd
August 15, 2012 at 1:24 pm
>>Thanks Robert. I take it the sound didn’t cut out for you 40 min. before the end. (that is, if you listened live. maybe you didn’t) Someone reported that so I’m wanting to know if anyone else experienced it.<<
Carolyn, I usually listen to the shows via MP3 as I can listen when I fit it into my schedule. In fact, that is the best way and a huge advantage over typical radio broadcasts (for me anyway). And I didn't know of any 40 minute loss?… so that was nice.
August 15, 2012 at 4:20 pm
What a wonderful song:
“Grandad I miss you
And I really believe
Whatever people say
You were a good man
Grandma said you were a hero
Who gave his life for the country
Her tears were not lying
And I wish that I had known you.”
Opa Ich vermisse Dich
Es ist einer dieser Tage,
an dem wir bei Oma sind,
es duftet nach Kuchen und Kaffee.
Wir lauschen ihren Worten,
ihre Tränen sind nicht zu übersehen,
wenn sie von Opa erzählt.
Sie alle gingen damals einen schweren Gang.
Und ich schaue auf die Bilder an Omas Wand.
Opa ich vermisse dich,
und ich glaube fest daran,
egal was man auch erzählt,
du warst ein guter Mann.
Die Oma sagt du warst ein Held
und gabst dein Leben für das Land,
ihre Tränen lügen nicht,
und zu gern hätte ich dich gekannt.
Sie erzählt von einer Zeit,
für uns unvorstellbar,
geprägt von Tränen, Glück und Leid.
Und immer wenn sie Opa sagt, klingt ihre Stimme seicht und warm,
sie schließt ihre Augen und sie fällt schlafend in meinem Arm.
Sie alle gingen damals einen schweren Gang.
Und ich schaue auf die Bilder an Omas Wand.
Opa ich vermisse dich,
und ich glaube fest daran,
egal was man auch erzählt,
du warst ein guter Mann.
Die Oma sagt du warst ein Held
und gabst dein Leben für das Land,
ihre Tränen lügen nicht,
und zu gern hätte ich dich gekannt.
Opa ich vermisse dich,
und ich glaube fest daran,
egal was man auch erzählt,
du warst ein guter Mann.
Die Oma sagt du warst ein Held
und gabst dein Leben für das Land,
ihre Tränen lügen nicht,
und zu gern hätte ich dich gekannt.
August 15, 2012 at 6:50 pm
Robert – There was a sound transmission back-up about 15 minutes into the 2nd hour and some listeners lost their sound. Turns out that was the reason for the sudden drop in listeners, not because they didn’t like what I was saying. I’m glad it was that.
This only affects the first airing. There are plenty of pitfalls to doing a live program.
Robert Lloyd
August 16, 2012 at 8:20 am
>>Turns out that was the reason for the sudden drop in listeners, not because they didn’t like what I was saying.<<
Well… there is talk! LOL
Robert Lloyd
August 16, 2012 at 8:26 am
Thanks Etienne… and that was nice. We need to remember our ancestors and what they did for us. I am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, but I am even more proud of my German ancestry and can trace it all the way back into the 1600s in Hessen.
To be a member of the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E Lee would have been an honor, but to have been in the Waffen SS would have been the ultimate.
August 17, 2012 at 10:46 pm
“To be a member of the Army of Northern Virginia under Robert E Lee would have been an honor, but to have been in the Waffen SS would have been the ultimate.”
Charles Traynor
August 19, 2012 at 12:18 pm
Great show once again, Carolyn. The fellow you described as “a German guy” when referring to Steven Willow’s avatar is actually Horst Wessel, a martyr and hero of the Third Reich.
I visited his memorial in 2011:
I do not believe Steven Willow is one of us. If you read his posts again a little more cynically I think you will begin to understand where I am coming from.
August 19, 2012 at 3:28 pm
Hi Charles, sorry I didn’t pay enough attention to check and realize it was a pic of Horst Wessel. I’ve seen it before, of course, and just knew it was some “known” National Socialist.” Sometimes I’m just in too much of a hurry on my radio show!
You have a point about Steven Willow (is that a famous name in National Socialism that I’m unaware of?). He came across in that thread as way too much of a naive Adolf Hitler worshipper. No real Hitler admirer would talk like he did. I think you’ve found him out. There have to be other tricksters on CODOH Forum – that’s why I think members should be able to be more critical of one anothers’ ideas and not so ‘friendly-friendly’ like kingfisher insists … and is listened to. Kingfisher complains to the Mod about every little disagreement and accuses the bolder one of ad hominems and breaking the rules. I think he is there for that purpose, to keep everything watered down. Borjastick is another one, playing the role of village idiot … wasting people’s reading time and making it all seem boring.
Some people want to say that CODOH is a false front. No, no no. CODOH just wants to be conservative, and the Forum is supposed to be a neutral place. What it really is though, is a magnet for people who want to be invisible and pretend to be on one side when they’re not. I get tired real fast of arguing with someone I don’t know from Adam, who is perhaps totally deceptive.
Charles Traynor
August 20, 2012 at 12:19 pm
Hello again Carolyn,
I agree CODOH is not a false front operation. In fact I almost feel sorry for the Moderator because keeping a forum with Holohoax content controversy free must be a real time consuming pain in the ass. I don’t post at CODOH very often because, like you, I find it frustrating having posts deleted, and working out what team some of those guys are playing for is a complete waste of time.
As yesterday was the first time I have commented at The White Network I really should have praised you for the great job you are doing, rather bringing up Horst Wessel, who you really didn’t need to recognise. I’ve been a regular listener to your Heretics Hour shows since they first began, and I now also listen to the Saturday Afternoon show and the International Jew study hour. I really don’t know where you get all your energy from but I’m glad you have it. You also seem to have top notch connections because your guests are always the pick of the bunch.
Carolyn, I agree with everything you have said about the Jews, queers, gypsies, Negroes and all the other parasitic filth that live off the labours of the White race. As far as I am concerned any move which seeks to dilute the traditional right is a step taken towards racial extinction. When you talk about these so-called new-right freaks on your show, don’t feel inhibited about giving them a full broadside because you are speaking for the silent majority of White Nationalists around the world. Come the Day of the Rope the new-right will be swinging from trees and lampposts alongside the niggers and the Jews.
I’m particularly looking forward to tonight’s show about Dr. Pierce, because he is a man I have greatly admired since 1985 when a friend in the battalion loaned me his copy of Turner Diaries to read. It will be fascinating to hear the thoughts of men who knew him giving us their views on the current state of our struggle for racial survival.
August 20, 2012 at 12:39 pm
Thanks very much, Charles. And I appreciate your mentioning some of my programs on the CODOH forum. Kingfisher always says, when someone brings one up, “I haven’t listened to the program, but ….”
August 21, 2012 at 5:47 am
That’s a little excessive. The real European New Right is a sibling of National-Socialism and Fascism. It is “new” compared to monarchism and bonapartism.
August 25, 2012 at 6:31 pm
It’s one of these days
when we’re at grandma’s
It smells of cakes and coffee.
We hang on her words
Her tears are not to be overlooked
When she tells of grandad.
They all walked a hard road in those days
And I look at the pictures
On grandma’s wall.
Grandad I miss you
And I firmly believe
Whatever people say
You were a good man.
Grandma said you were a hero
Who gave his life for the country
Her tears did not lie
And I wish I had known you.
She told of a time
Unthinkable for us
Made up of tears, joy and pain
And always when she said “grandad”, her voice sounded soft and warm
She shut her eyes, and fell sleeping on my arm.
They all walked a hard road in those days
And I look at the pictures
On grandma’s wall.
August 25, 2012 at 8:01 pm
Thanks, I will read all the verses on Monday.
August 28, 2012 at 7:27 pm
The reason why Greg Johnson is the way he is, is because he enjoys flirting with National Socialism, but in reality he is a Nietzschean-individualist-elitist. He’s even said in a a VOR interview (Stark Truth) that the main thrust of the Alternative Right is “inequality”, with its main influence being Friedrich Nietzsche. Now I myself happen to be an admirer of Nietzsche, but Greg’s tying of the two things together (Nietzsche and the Movement) I think is what causes him to be very contradictory and not solid in his views. National Socialism does not mesh with a worship of Nietzsche, Nietzsche being extremely opposed to any sort of nationalism. Hope this clears some things up.
August 29, 2012 at 10:08 am
Thanks for this, Chris. I think it’s clarifying. Most who call themselves New Right/Alternative Right claim to be “Traditionalists.” Matt Parrott is one who has labeled himself that on many occasions, including here on tWn. Parrott is certainly no friend to National Socialism, either.
Hitler was no fan of Nietzsche. He gave him due recognition, but said Nietzsche was not his cup of tea. I would like to see more comment on the topic of Nietzscheans vs. National Socialists. (But hurry, our comment sections only remain open for 21 days.)
August 29, 2012 at 2:14 pm
Nietzsche wasn’t really fit for mass-propaganda in the Third Reich because of his anti-Christianity. I think that he did influence National-Socialism in some ways, or at least he happened to express some ideas that were already in the air and ended up influencing National-Socialism. I noticed that Hitler very roughly paraphrased Nietzsche’s “What does not kill me makes me stronger” in one of his speeches during the war, but he only identified the author of the statement as “a great German philosopher.”
In the USA there is this notion that the NSDAP made extensive use of Nietzsche in its propaganda but that’s just ridiculous. A similar lie was told about the Germans during the First World War, and somehow many people, even scholars, never learn that their country’s propaganda was false.
September 4, 2012 at 4:07 am
Nietzsche also was not very Jew-wise. He mildy admired them and at the same time mildy critisized them. Did not take them as seriously as he should have basically. Yet to be fair, since he did his writings between 1872 and 1888, and died shortly thereafter, he can be forgiven for having no idea the terror that was shortly going to be unleashed from the Jewish power in 1917 in Russia and the repercussions that would have for Germany. One can delight in his writings though and still be a National Socialist I think – one just has to ignore a few things. I have heard that Hitler once presented Mussolini with a volume of Nietzsche’s works as a gift during one of their meetings.