The Heretics' Hour: The Narrow Road vs The Wide Avenue
Dec. 2, 2013
In the first hour, Carolyn continues her criticism of Mark Weber, and includes radio show hosts Kyle Hunt, Rodney Martin and Deanna Spingola who have given Weber an easy time of it, rather than asking, and demanding answers to, tough questions. Mark Weber has been a disastrous director of the Institute for Historical Review and should be held accountable for it. Rewarding people for failure and weakness is the absolute wrong thing to do if we are serious about turning things around for ourselves. [By the way, I forgot to mention I sent an email to MW on Sunday inviting him to come on my Saturday Afternoon program; he has not replied. I knew he wouldn't, but still, he could take the opportunity to defend himself ... if he had a defense.]
Second hour focuses on John Friend and his friendliness with Jews over quite a period of time. Why does he express himself as strongly as anyone does against Jews in White society, and at the same time link for no good reason to anti-Hitler websites run by Jews? John’s compulsion to have his finger in every pie leads to the conclusion that he is just dabbling and won’t last long in any of it. Carolyn finishes up with Adolf Hitler’s words in 1931 that “German life must be purged of all foreign (Jewish) elements that distort the true German Spirit.” Substitute Aryan for German. 1h44m
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58 Responses
December 3, 2013 at 12:02 am
I felt this podcast was a tour de force. You must have really benefited from your vacation because listeners were gifted with a lot of useful, analytical information about Mark Weber, Veronica Clark, John Friend, Makow and Fetzer, and how this young “truth movement” is shaping up — or not shaping up since the Jewish influence in U.S. culture is going unrecognized by them at best and how ignorant of history so many of these young people actually are.
In the past, I benefited very much from your stunning and accurate insights on one podcast into Charles Giuliani.
Thank you for this solo piece. It was brilliant.
Best regards,
Charles Steiner
December 3, 2013 at 12:10 am
Wow. And just as I was telling myself, “You botched this up pretty good, Carolyn.” Though I always think that when I finish a solo show. Thanks Charles, I needed that.
Marina Orwell
December 3, 2013 at 9:49 pm
I don’t always agree w/you Carolyn, but I do admire your honesty. Good show.
One reason I no longer make videos or support this so-called movement is that nearly all of these little dudes are racemixers. To me, this is the greatest hypocrisy of all — to proclaim to be “pro-White” while scr*wing non-Whites (some of these little dudes proudly proclaim their love of Da Wee Brown Filipinas — they do this while also being “active” in the “pro-White” movement — others have non-White kids). Besides the massive hypocrisy, White women are spoken of as chattel and/or second-class citizens by many of these same little dudes. Perhaps I’m just too old, have too much self-respect, or I have one too many doctoral degrees, but I just can’t tolerate them.
December 3, 2013 at 11:01 pm
It’s delightful to hear from you, Marina and to know you liked that show. You’re not old, and I don’t think your “reason” for not making any more of your great videos sounds reasonable. It’s because you don’t like “white nationalist” men? Heck, make videos to please yourself. I certainly don’t do what I do “in service to WN men,” but in service to the society I would like to see. What kind of society do you want? It would be interesting to see it. Express your woman’s point of view!
Marina Orwell
December 4, 2013 at 12:58 am
Well, thank you for the excellent response & I certainly agree w/all you say. I have to say, though, that these WN boys travel in packs & even the most intrepid lioness grows weary of being attacked by jackals!
Honestly, sometimes it seems quite plain that what many of these guys are *really* against are their own women. For just one example: They’ve been so jewified that they actually believe that Hollywood whores from old movies express “real femininity.” LOL!
Another favorite of mine is how they whine & harangue about White women w/black men (an infinitesimally small problem compared to the massive numbers of White men breeding w/mestizos, asians, & blacks — where I live I see at least 10-15 male racemixers to every female. Why don’t they harangue other White men?).
I know, I know. Who cares what they think? But these guys were so obnoxious that they actually scared off a few “questioning Whites” whom I was “working on” w/their rabid misogyny (& as you know, it’s not exactly easy to “hook people in” to this stuff). They wonder why women aren’t interested in this “movement,” but really — & I say this in all seriousness & it gives me no pleasure to say it — what woman would prefer living among these talmudified jackasses rather than jews?
I’ve actually begun writing a book about these issues & come to think of it, I think what this book will really be addressing is the kind of society I’d like to see.
Marina Orwell
December 4, 2013 at 1:12 am
I forgot the most important part: I don’t really give a hoot what any man thinks. If I did, I’d cower when the herd o’jackals called me a “feminazi” & bullied me. Instead I tried to educate them on the real roots of feminism. Of course, I’ve never met a one of them who was interested in the truth about the woman’s movement. After all, Saint Billy Pierce said that it was them thar jews who created feminism so it must be true!
December 4, 2013 at 4:38 am
A good podcast Carolyn. I mainly agree with your take on Friend & Weber. I love Renegade Broadcasting. I think that Kyle was unaware of the particulars involving Weber & the role he played in destroying the IHR. It would be great if you came over to Renegade as a guest & enlightened their audience. They are very interested in Hitler, the NSDAP & the holohoax. At minimum you could call in the next time Weber is a guest there. He will be there again soon. You can promote the important truths on these topics & expose those & that which should be exposed. I am pleased that you did not rip Kyle. You actually complimented him.
You have also interviewed individuals with dark pasts treating them with great respect & even praising them. That includes clear traitors. I figure you have not looked into the pasts of those individuals in depth so I give you a break. I will not bother to mention names since different people have differing ideas as to just what past events & deeds are important. In addition I do not want to take the time to enlighten you & then attempt to persuade you. It’s not a priority for me.
December 4, 2013 at 8:42 am
Carolyn. 13mths after listening to you for the first time, I am convinced that you are doing the most efficient work concerning those crucial issue. Deanna Spingola, Günther Deckert, V.Clark, this young “zcf-guy” and A.Anglin should be supported too.
All the other people seem distractive (this queer-sounding Friend), nonsensical (everybody who is talking about esoteric garbage or flying saucers) or harmfully (Weber, Irving, …) to me.
December 4, 2013 at 9:51 am
Hahaha. What a great observation. So true. Everyone is living in their imaginations and projecting what they want to see, and then believing it’s there. Well, that’s why “this movement” needs to be exposed to what intelligent mature women think, and how it looks to them. An all-male “movement” is never going anywhere; it’s only a cozy boy’s club for those who feel they are a part of it.
December 4, 2013 at 10:32 am
You say you don’t give a hoot what any man thinks, yet you stopped producing your videos because some of these guys attacked you as a Feminist (a derogatory term in their book) and “feminazi” etc. I think you are far more sensitive than you admit (or maybe you do admit it).
When you were on my program last year, the comments from men were all favorable toward you and asked for you to return. Just a couple felt the need to preface their praise with “I-don’t-approve-of-Feminism-type remarks.” They are the ones who see “feminism” as the #1 evil, just as they see Eve as the original corrupter of the world. But they all wanted to see your videos and you immediately took them all down … because, I think, of just one comment from one guy. If you really want to educate both men and women about “the real truth about the woman’s movement,” you have to know there will be some idiots and trolls who will be trying to drive you away. You do know this, so I think you need to develop a tougher skin. Another reason, I think, is that you don’t want to do anything that will help these guys. You hate them more than they could ever hate you. And you are mentally their superior. But don’t expect them ever to admit that; they can’t.
Of course, Pierce is an icon to WN men, and you are picking out the very one of his “beliefs” that is the least attractive in him, imo also. Women didn’t like him, nor did his wives stay with him, whereas women lined up for George Lincoln Rockwell. The same for Hitler; in spite of his reputation for being dismissive of the “weaker sex,” women did not get that impression about Hitler. Women know! Pierce was something of a misogynist, therefore many WN’s think that is the way to be. Blame all your troubles on Eve!
Marina, I hope you will stay around here and we can do another program together sometime.
December 4, 2013 at 11:05 am
Ulf – Thank you for your high praise of my efforts. My need is for truth, I have no need to feed my ego or to make an income for myself. But I hate dishonesty and lies. This leads me to every so often speak out against what I see as foolishness, cowardice and/or misinfo-disinfo by Internet personalities who I see doing as much harm as good. It is never easy to do so, but the response afterward has always been appreciation for the most part – therefore reinforcing to me.
I would not group Günter Deckert with the others you name as deserving support. Though he deserves support, he is in a totally higher and different class. I would also kick out zcf-guy; do you not know he has joined the anti-Hitler and/or Hitler-critical crowd? He is a non-White too, and doesn’t belong in our circles.
Veronica Kuzniar Clark is a strange bird who keeps shifting from one multicultural, multiracial position to another and has put out some strange books. If one is not bothered by that, she certainly has some very good things to say, but I don’t think it’s worth it when you’re getting all the other crap along with it.
I’m glad you’re not taken in by Friend, Weber and Irving. I fear we’re in the minority when it comes to them, though. I agree that the esoteric is a distraction and has no value whatsoever in a political movement. It fascinates people — it once fascinated me — but doesn’t lead anywhere. I might talk about some of this stuff you brought up on Saturday. Keep listening.
December 4, 2013 at 11:40 am
Hi Bill,
I appreciate your opening up a line of communication. To be clear to readers, your program Might is Right is ON Renegade, so naturally you love it. I love The White Network, lol.
As to Kyle interviewing Mark Weber without knowing any particulars about his past relating to IHR, when it is available by simply googling, is a grave fault, imo. I can’t believe that. Either Kyle did not want to learn any of this about Weber, or he did come across it and decided to ignore it for whatever his reasons might be. I will not attempt to guess at his reasons.
It is not my job to call in to Kyle’s show in order to tell the truth about Weber. Kyle is aware now, if he wasn’t before, of what I (and others more important and influential than I) have exposed on blogs and on radio about what a rat and traitor Weber is. This has been covered in DETAIL. If Kyle chooses to ignore it and continue befriending Weber, that will reflect on Kyle.
The second part of your comment changes tone dramatically, but I’m glad you say what you really think. You are required, Bill, since you brought it up, to explain just what “individuals with dark pasts” I have interviewed and praised on my programs. I am not afraid of your naming them, so why are you? I don’t need to receive a “break” from you, lol. You end with this sorry sentence:
Wow, what an asinine thing to say if you are wanting to be friends. I’m not needing you to enlighten me or persuade me. I’m just saying that if you are not to be known as an abject coward yourself, you will name the persons that you are referring to, or don’t refer to them at all. I’m quite sure they wouldn’t mind, as I don’t, so the only one who is afraid of the exposure is you.
December 4, 2013 at 4:22 pm
I agree with Carolyn regarding Mark Weber, John Friend and associated people. However, how can she not see through the 3 amigos David Duke, Don Black and Jeff Rense? David Duke and Don Black will not say that 9/11 was done by Jews, rather David Duke will only deceive his audience and say that Jews knew about it before hand and did not tell us but Arabs still did it. Don Black (scamfront) still lies and says evil Arabs/Muslims did 9/11 while being married to David Dukes ex-wife who is the personal assistant of Billionaire sugar baron (Jew) Pepe Fanjul’s wife (as she also was when married to David Duke). Jeff Rense uses propaganda to link 9/11 in with Big Foot and UFO’s. Birds of a feather flock together. Then we come to Andrew Anglin who has always raised the hair on my neck… Something is very fishy about this guy. “Total Fascism” is certainly not a name that will attract good Aryan men to our cause but rather turn them away. I challenge anyone to Google Image the term “Albino African” and make a simple comparison. There may be another reason that John Friend wants to or is associated with Andrew Anglin…
Marina Orwell
December 4, 2013 at 4:43 pm
Naturally I wrote only a few things that first came to mind late last night ;o) I could regale you w/hours of stories about life on youtube w/the herd o’jackals & why I chose to stop letting them beat me up — but who cares? I reiterate: If I cared about what men think, I’d certainly not openly call myself a feminist (need I say it — in the pretalmudic sense of this term). After all, feminism/woman’s rights is the “last hurrah” when it comes to so-called “free” speech. All men gang up against it/women & try to silence us — men of all races & political stripes — when they’re not watching jew porn via jew cable, that is. I have a unique theory about why all of this occurred & continues to occur — which will be covered in detail in my book.
The only reason I made videos was to reach out to other rational, educated (but still nonjewwise, nonracialist) Whites. Since the Herd repeatedly hindered my attempts to do this, why continue to waste my time? I think I could already qualify as a masochist after 2.5 yrs. of it.
When someone like me tries to do the difficult work of reaching out to “mainstream” Whites (via time-consuming works of art, I might add), I am beat to a bloody pulp by male WN extremists. Meanwhile, faceless, voiceless pussies & their miscegenating, lackluster “leaders” continue to rule the (all-male) roost as far as issues pertaining to White people. I do not want a White homeland that’s ruled by radical (that is, high on testosterone) not-so-bright little dudes — or populated by White people who all think along the same narrow track, for that matter. Diversity among White people IS a strength, but it is banished everywhere in WN. I think that I echo the opinion of the majority of White people when I say that I reject this narrow range (I agree that certain things must be iron-clad, though, like miscegenation. Those who do so now or have produced non-White kids shouldn’t even be taken seriously, & it’s remarkable that this even has to be stated, but such is the irony/triple-think of WN males).
As for the remarks made re my interview — I remember being censored after responding to a rude little dude who made much of my VERY LOW KEY remarks about feminism (like I said, talking openly about male’s irrationality when it comes to simple genetics is the final frontier — that Little Dude would have had a conniption fit had the interview actually been about feminism and/or actual facts about so-called gender). Really, the irrationality of most White males quite nicely mirrors that of the Culpritics but since they have consensual validation on their side (on the surface, at least), I don’t see this critical flaw being rectified in near enough time to stem complete Culpritic/non-White rule. After all, it’s the result of a much bigger, lengthier & more complex brainwashing campaign than even that of something like the Holohoax.
Anyway, I still make vids, but I have a private viewer list on youtube — the majority of whom are White males BTW (they too are sick to death of the antics of Herd O’Jackals & express many of the same sentiments toward WN as I do because of it). Meanwhile, the stripes on my back are nearly healed up but the scars will be there for a long time to come.
On a different subject, you may have already read it, but I highly recommend Thomas Goodrich’s “Hellstorm.” I thought of your excellent readings from “The Fire” while reading it, as you were one of the first people who brought me to the subject of the Hoax & WW2 revisionism (& I again thank you for that). One or both of these books needs to be made into audio books — w/a female narrator, of course (at least for Goodrich’s book, which often tells the stories of the atrocities brought down specifically on German women). Anyone who can read this book without weeping, feeling ill, or both — would have to be a psychopath in my professional opinion.
Well, didn’t expect to write so much. My lunch sits here uneaten & I must get back to work. Thanks for a place to express my thoughts, & for all you do.
December 4, 2013 at 6:34 pm
Marina – A very good comment. I did not realize that what you went through in posting your videos to Youtube was that bad and prolonged. Are you sure a lot of what you call a “herd of WN jackels” were not really jews pretending to be WN’s? I did recommend Tru-Tube to you, but you didn’t like them either.
As to me censoring your comment in reply to the “rude little dude” — you are right to still be peeved about that. I should not have done it. But at the time, it struck me as way over the top. I was seeing all these guys write in right away, praising the program and asking that I have you back again, so I didn’t want you to ruin their good reaction to you. I was “controlling the situation,” yes. So now I let you say whatever you want, and the guys can also say whatever they want to you.
You are very creative, and also brilliant, so I look forward to your book.
Mona Montgomery
December 4, 2013 at 6:51 pm
Great show, Carolyn. I agree that it is a mistake to muffle the Holohoax as Weber does. You made a very interesting point I never thought of before. You talked about the 271,302 total number of prisoners who died in all of the concentration which we learned from the Red Cross records. As you were speaking said said, “about 300,000 Jews died…” etc. It immediately struck me, “No, that was not 300,000 Jews that died. It was 300,000 prisoners who died.” I had never made that connection in my mind before. The number of Jews that died is even lower than we thought, probably about 150,000, if have the prisoners were Jews.
December 4, 2013 at 7:29 pm
Dear Marina,
Let me share a few of my views on this ideology called “Feminism” and what I see as problems with the underlying concept that is popularly espoused. (1) No life form on Earth is equal, even among different males, let alone different sexes, races or species. (2) Males and Females have different biological roles to perform in raising healthy and intact families of Aryan children, just as the sexes of any other species of life on Earth do. (3) The union and resulting pregnancy/baby of two Aryan people is NOT the woman’s creation/decision alone, for that creation within her womb is the Male Aryan’s creation/decision as well. (4) Human created “Ideologies” or pop-culture should never replace the factual attributes of biology. (5) Many “Feminists” like many “Anti-Racists” believe that biology is only skin deep, instead of looking at the far more important biological differences that lay much deeper than skin color or in this case genitalia. (5) The different sexes like the different species did not “evolve” to become what they are but were rather created to fulfill different roles in creating new life.
The many different agendas I see playing out over the last century or two is that the weaker mind, weaker sex, weaker race should be artificially raised up to and in many cases above that of the stronger mind, sex or race. In no way do I support the abuse of others, including non-humans, but neither do I support the overturning of basic biological attributes of life to “level the playing field”.
Just as Nations are not created by “diverse races of people” but rather a unified race of people which is then eventually destroyed by “diversified races of people”, neither are Nations created by females but rather by males. Fairness has nothing to do with the reality of biological attributes.
There does seem to be truth to the popular saying that “Anti Racism is a code word for Anti White”, just as I might add that in many cases “Feminism” seems to be a code word for “Anti-Male” or Misandry.
Am I a “Misogynist” for telling the truth about the sexes? Am I a “Racist” for telling the truth about the races? Am I a “Anti-Semite” for telling the truth about Jews? Who cares, for I only care about the Truth not what name someone calls me.
The only goal, career or lifestyle one should strive for is helping to raise and provide for a healthy Aryan family. Its not about YOU but about our CREATION, our CHILDREN.
December 4, 2013 at 7:38 pm
I am a fan of Renegade Broadcasting & they have allowed fans to do wild card shows. After that I started doing my own little podcasts. I am a poor communicator – just an amateur. I loved Renegade before I was invited on – not the reverse. I am a fan of The White Network also. If that makes you laugh out loud then laugh away.
“As to Kyle interviewing Mark Weber without knowing any particulars about his past relating to IHR, when it is available by simply googling, is a grave fault, imo.”
You say that the info is readily available on Weber for Kyle to find. You have interviewed individuals without looking very much into their background as well. You have acknowledged you did not know much about the history of certain individuals (on air & in comments)you interviewed when doing your series on “movement” leaders. The info is readily available, but you might be rather busy – a lot on your plate. So I said I gave you a break & you take it as an insult. I just meant that I do not hold it against you.
“It is not my job to call in to Kyle’s show in order to tell the truth about Weber. Kyle is aware now, if he wasn’t before, of what I (and others more important and influential than I) have exposed on blogs and on radio about what a rat and traitor Weber is. This has been covered in DETAIL. If Kyle chooses to ignore it and continue befriending Weber, that will reflect on Kyle.”
You say it is NOT your job to make Kyle aware but call me a coward for not making you aware by naming names. You claim I am fearful. Am I supposed to do your work? It is NOT that important to me. This issue is important to you so I asked you to call in or be a guest.
“Wow, what an asinine thing to say if you are wanting to be friends. I’m not needing you to enlighten me or persuade me. I’m just saying that if you are not to be known as an abject coward yourself, you will name the persons that you are referring to. I’m quite sure they wouldn’t mind, as I don’t, so the only one who is afraid of the exposure is you.”
So it is not your job to enlighten kyle but I am asinine & a fearful coward for not enlightening & persuading you. Why do you take my use of the words enlighten & persuade to be attacks on you? You are easily offended. My comment was very polite. I did not attack you. People have already named some names & pointed out their pasts & you were not interested &/or persuaded. It is NOT about exposure. They have been exposed over & over – including here. I say it is not a priority for me & you imply it is my duty while stating it is NOT your job to educate Kyle. Well I do my own podcats to educate people. You do yours. You set your priorities & I set mine.
All I did was praise your show, defend Kyle by pointing out that you have done the same thing Kyle did & I asked you to consider being interviewed at Renegade or calling in the next time Weber is on. A comment above mentioned some of the young men that race mix & have non-White children. Do your own research. I have learned it is a waste of my time to try and enlighten people in regards to certain movement individuals & there pasts &/or current activities. Most don’t care or refuse to face the truth. I do spread the word to people I think will care. I also do so sometimes via my podcasts.
Since you want names I will give one that I have talked about on air – Glenn Miller. Bruce Campbell mentioned Miller’s treason to you. False info on Metzger in regards to how civil judgements work has been given here (not from you). Access to PO boxes is not part of them (civil Judgements). If you are really interested in information on these topics contact me via email & I will send you info &/or direct you to individuals that can send you info. I will also name names & you can look into matters. I will NOT waste my time if I suspect you are not really interested, but are just in attack mode. That is the immpression you have given me.
December 4, 2013 at 10:20 pm
I’m sorry to inform you that you do not seem to understand plain English, and you are attributing to me things I did not say to you. For example:
I did not ask you to “make me aware” of the people YOU SAID I had on who had dark pasts which I ignored. Expecting you to name the people YOU ARE SUGGESTING WERE ON MY SHOWS, in your comment to me, is not the same as expecting me to call into Kyle’s show to make him aware of Mark Weber’s past. You are trying to equate two different things.
I actually wrote: “I’m not needing you to enlighten me or persuade me. I’m just saying that if you are not to be known as an abject coward yourself, you will name the persons that you are referring to.” You see how you are confusing all this. Do you always twist things around this way? I never asked you to educate me!
Well, finally. Thank you.
So according to you, if Bruce Campbell says Miller is a traitor, then it’s true. I don’t think so myself, and I have read Miller’s book, know him personally, and think he is one of the best White Nationalist men I know in this “movement.” If you fellows at Renegade can do half of what Glenn Miller has done in his life, you’ll have something to show for yourselves. Today, all our men seem to be able to do is build websites and make videos. However, I know it may be harder now than then.
I have no idea what this means. Doesn’t seem to be about a dark past, anyway.
No, I am not really interested. I was always only interested in WHO you meant that had the “dark past.” Now I have one name, maybe two (Metzger?). I am not in “attack mode,” either, but I do get a little aggressive when stirred up. I’m glad you like The White Network and I hope you keep listening, Bill. I think you are a decent sort, not a coward at all. Take care.
December 5, 2013 at 12:23 am
You asked me to name names & I properly use the words enlighten & educate to describe the process of doing that. If I were to name people I would be obligated to offer evidence, at least for the individuals that have dark pasts that you don’t know about. I pointed out why I would not do that. Now you have made it clear that you do not care so my reasons were justified. Time is also an issue. I did offer one name since one of his treasonous acts has been mentioned to you & he is very easy to look into. He does not deny the treasonous act that he is most well known for. He makes excuses & misrepresents the facts. You accept his take & like him. He does come off as a likable guy. You praise him for the supposed wonderful contributions you believe he has made to the cause & for you those supposed contributions trump his treasonous activities. So be it that is your opinion.
You claim I argue that Glenn Miller is a traitor for the fallacious reason that a guest on your show said he is. I pointed out that you have been made aware of Miller’s treason by that guest. That means you could look into it yourself. I knew he was a traitor before I ever heard your guest mention it. I looked into him years ago. Yet you have the nerve to accuse me of twisting things.
“If you fellows at Renegade can do half of what Glen Miller has done in his life, you’ll have something to show for yourselves”
If they did 1/8 of what Miller did I would NOT be a fan & I would want them to face the proper punishment for treason. Stick around the Renegade revolution/renesanse has just begun.
I defended Kyle by pointing out that you have done what he did (interview people without doing thorough research on them) & I asked you to educate the Renegade folks about Weber. I know that you are knowledgable in regards to the IHR & passionate about the issue. I know that they respect you. Well since you take offence at being asked I posted the link to this show over there. I & others have also communicated our concerns to the Renegade folks. You took the time to listen to the interview & then complain about it, but can’t be bothered with even leaving a comment & a link.
You make it difficult for me to like you, but I do. You are a rather rude person, but I can handle it. Some people say that I am abrasive. You put out very good podcasts. That is especially the case for those that deal with Hitler, the holohoax & the Nazis.
You say that I am a decent sort though you also said I am assinine & cowardly. Sounds indecent. lol Notice I did not call you names (derogatory terms). Well I do think that you are a decent sort regardless of what you really think about me. I am not quick to attack nor do I dwell on minor flaws. I will continue to listen like it or not. I have commented here before. I almost forgot to mention that I did not claim Metzger had a dark past. Just the opposite is the case. He is on the MIR Power Half Hour every Thursday (Terrible Tommy Thursdays).
December 5, 2013 at 5:10 am
Hey Carolyn, take a look at this link
Go to the comments and look at what “VKC” says…. This is allegedly Veronica Clark saying how she has been a proud supporter of the SPLC since 2009…. Jeeeez.
December 5, 2013 at 10:09 am
So that little guy changed his opinion. This is very sad, it seems that the whole world can not forgive Hitler for preventing Europe from getting mongolized 70 years earlier..
December 5, 2013 at 10:31 am
ulf – What little guy are you referring to? I’m lost.
December 5, 2013 at 10:34 am
December 5, 2013 at 10:56 am
Can you suggest a good book on the “real roots of feminism,” as Marina Orwell referred to in one of her replies to you? How to perceive it apart from the Jewish influence?
Thank you.
December 5, 2013 at 11:51 am
BDL – Yes, pretty shocking. Thanks for pointing it out. Here is the “review” of the Hitler/Himmler book on Amazon … by John Friend. It tells absolutely nothing about the book, just the usual JF-type generalizations of N-S Germany being demonized.
37 of 45 people found the following review helpful
Demystifying National Socialism
By John Friend on May 25, 2012
Format: Paperback Amazon Verified Purchase [It tells us that John bought the 186-page paperback for $45]
I cannot recommend this book highly enough! Hitler & Himmler Uncensored may be the most profound book I have ever read, especially Hitler’s speech at Platterhof, which comprises most of Chapter Three, preceded only by a brief introduction by Veronica Clark. There has been so much misinformation and outright disinformation endlessly promoted by ignorant, and oftentimes dishonest, individuals of all stripes and political persuasions about Adolf Hitler, and National Socialist Germany in general, that I found this short book to be particularly enlightening. For anyone with an open mind and a serious interest in history, this book is not only a must read, but a must own. Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist movement in Germany are easily the most demonized and misunderstood aspect of modern Western history. Exploring concepts of race, volk (or folk), National Socialist ideology, and the real happenings of the most devastating war ever waged in human existence — the unspeakably horrific fratricide commonly known as World War II — the authors offer the reader an insight into a deliberately convoluted aspect of history, using the words of two of National Socialist Germany’s most important leaders: Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler. Each translated speech includes notes by the authors offering valuable insight and guidance to the reader. I highly recommend this book!
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Anyway, I was already going to address this whole subject on Saturday. I will not say anymore about it here.
December 5, 2013 at 12:22 pm
The promotion of “feminism”/”woman’s point of view”, setting the specific interests of women apart from and in opposition to men, poses the same sort of menance to the White race as the promotion of homosexualism does.
Carolyn makes a good case against Weber, but I think her hostility toward him overflows unjustly onto Kyle and Bill.
December 5, 2013 at 12:38 pm
Charles – Since it is Marina who is talking about it, you have to ask her. I believe she herself is writing that book; she didn’t say such a book existed (that I could find). I don’t read books on feminism, but I will read her’s if I can get a copy of it. Cheers.
December 5, 2013 at 3:11 pm
Thanks, Carolyn. I don’t read books on feminism either, but I’ve read comments on various blogs claiming you are a “feminist” (aka Jewish influenced) . . . and some white outspoken women do take umbrage to these white male nationalist judgments . . . . Maybe this is part of the confusion between the sexes caused by Jewish-influenced feminism . . . .
If there are distinctions to be made between true or pure or white feminism versus Jewish-influenced feminism — they would make for an intriguing learning experience, I think, for men and women.
I don’t know Marina Orwell as well as you do. I’ve never heard of her before yesterday.
But thanks for your reply for sure. Last night I listened to all 8 YouTube versions of your discussion with Deanna Spingola over Adolph Hitler. Absolutely loved the learning I received and the details you both came up with. It’s an oldie but GOODIE!
December 5, 2013 at 3:51 pm
Charles – Here’s the show Marina did with me in Sept. of last year.
December 5, 2013 at 6:43 pm
Thanks, Carolyn. I’m definitely going to listen and check out the whole link! Thanks!
December 5, 2013 at 9:58 pm
I think the Holocaust is a ‘found’ psy-op. Initially of course it was just another attempt to manipulate people and to propagate the magical 6,000,000 number. But over time the Jews realized they were on to something, and discovered new ways to wedge the thing in place, and hang more consequences and benefits on it. 9/11 of course was a planned psy-op and insurance scam. As for other things on, I think they like to have fun observing the photographic absurdities that go with so many things. They say they have a photograph of a famous Viet Nam shooting (the prisoner one) in which the scene is being carefully prepped by a neatly dressed gentleman. They find lots of problems with shadows and lighting in many different scenarios.
December 5, 2013 at 10:00 pm
I am glad I found you again. Thank you for continuing your work exposing the joo. Love your music choices.
Let’s see Delaney is two for two. First he called out zcf and now John Friend.
During the ‘debate’, delaney really was a straight shooter, I agree, and he came across as not being arrogant about it and actually gave John some leeway saying he is naive or being new to the scene. John would not accept the fact delaney has been in the 9-11 movement for a long time and has been through the whole no plane theory already. His history has merit and should be counted. John refused to see that and accept it. Shame. We will see how this plays out.
Joe Northpal
December 6, 2013 at 3:10 am
“what intelligent mature women think” – no, they should shut oprah and the rest of the talmudvision fantasy “I am woman” off, get out of the malls and try being a mother to their children and a good wife to their husband.
December 6, 2013 at 3:14 am
Tanstaafl – on feminism (a little off topic)
Disturbing example from the place formerly known as Germany: In the 80s there was a group called “Kanalratten” (“subway- or underground-rats”) consisting of women fighting for the legalization of pedophile contacts between women and girls/kids, there was a “manifesto” put out in 1989. Nowadays I find articles titled “pedophilia. how to live with it” on .The next step logically deriving of the queer- and trans-hype has to be exploitation of children, because there is nothing left anymore to destroy…
December 6, 2013 at 4:06 am
I stopped watching Marina’s videos after watching video after video of her bashing white males. Where is the evidence of “little dudes proudly proclaiming their love of Da Wee Brown Filipinas”? Its nonsense. Show us the proof of these assertions. “10-15 male racemixers to every female.” sounds highly unlikely. Where is the evidence to back up these claims?
December 6, 2013 at 11:11 am
To Joe Northpal, ulf, Nemeth and Ken (whose newest lecture-diatribe I’m not publishing – you’ve already used up your space quota for this, Ken):
My program “The Narrow Road vs The Wide Avenue” was not even a little bit on feminism. Where are you on other issues I bring up?
Joe Northpal says: “Intelligent mature women should shut up, get out of the malls”. Joe is apparently confusing Marina with “oprah.”
Ulf digs up one female group in Germany from the 80′s (called underground-rats!) who wanted to legalize pedophilia. This is supposed to be relevant? Males dominate the whole sex-homosexual-pedophile behavior all over the world and always have. C’mon.
Nemeth wants proof that there are 10-15 (White) male race mixers to every female. Where is the proof that there are not? Proof works both ways. Among non-WN men race-mixing is common.
Let me just add that The White Network exists for White People, not for White Nationalists only. It was conceived as a place where non-Whites are excluded, with no exceptions, so Whites can talk to Whites without non-Whites inserting their mixed messages. So Marina, being a White woman who has not compromised herself with non-White men, as I have not ever, and is against race-mixing, is welcome here. It’s up to White people to learn how to get along and not put gender above race.
December 6, 2013 at 2:49 pm
Perhaps a video conference or discussion on Mark Weber and the IHR to which a managable number of leading revisionists and hard-working ones like jurgen Graff around the globe could be invited to link, would help to solidify an assault on the occupation of the IHR. A petition to be signed by the senior workers in field could be an outcome.
Someone posted a comment on my site saying “Sounds like Mark Weber has infiltrated the IHR to bring it down. We need IHR more than ever to teach this generation the truth about the Holohoax, as they are getting brainwashed at school and being taken to visit the so called ‘death camps’.” I dont think there could be a more pertinent statement on this matter than that remark.
It has to be understood that defence of the Reich must be the cornerstone and central task of IHR revisionism and that mainly includes the Holocost, the reputation of the Third Reich and it’s leaders, the war crimes of the Jews and their allies and the merits of national socialism.
I hope all our sites, Stormer et al can take up and continue to run with this IHR matter and not leave it just to you to carry the bat.
On feminism for those interested:
December 6, 2013 at 3:11 pm
John Friend seems like a decent fellow but he is way too gullable and inclined to agree with his guests whatever nonsense they spout. His embrace of the no planes theory is typical of his gullability, as is his admiration for Jim Fetzer. I stopped listening to Friend’s show a long time ago.
I have mixed feelings about Weber as I enjoyed the shows he did on the VOR. I get the impression that Rodney Martin is trying to breath some life into the IHR by encouraging Weber to actually do something. They put on some events recently. You never know, Rodney might do a Weber on Weber. I do think Rodney should challenge Weber of his retreat from Holocaust revisionism, its too important to be ignored. More disturbing is Rodney teaming up with Pastor Eli James after Bill Finck outed him a few months ago.
December 6, 2013 at 3:21 pm
Thanks endzog,
You are right on. I intend to first go after those who are giving Mark Weber airtime and treating him as both an “expert” and a fighter for the White race. A panel show would be another first step. I think we should first try to get everyone on board against Mark Weber; that would be a really big step. It seems to me it should not be difficult because once our people know the facts, how can they still think well of him?? He will be pressured to say or do something.
I have too much going on right now, and I suppose I need to clearly separate the Mark Weber and John Friend issues, too.
It is really not easy to get Juergen Graf to take the time to do things like you suggest. Life is not simple for him. And I am also busy with the Jan. 27 event. It’s a big investment for me; people don’t exactly line up to help, but it’s hard to figure out HOW people can help too. It can’t be a hodge-podge of multiple ideas, etc. But a radio show with several people on it to talk about Mark Weber can be arranged right now.
December 6, 2013 at 4:25 pm
Marina Orwell introduced “feminism” in the comments here, and you responded favorably to her statements, exchanging a total of seven comments regarding “feminism” before anyone else said anything else about it.
Indeed, the exchange here is evidence that “feminism” inspires hatred between White men and women.
In my opinion Marina identifies herself as a woman first, and you welcome her specifically for that reason. I think her opinions about White men are rooted more in self-pity, or self-conception as a “feminist”, than any concern for the race.
Are you implying that comments from compromised Whites aren’t welcome? Are they not welcome to comment on “feminism”, or at all?
December 6, 2013 at 4:35 pm
Right now you ARE the IHR in exile and the leading revisionist and white nationalist site without doubt and that is why your workload is so great. The more academically-trained sites should really work harder to take on some of the load of revisionism from your shoulders and not be caught in the headlights of chronicling black crime, white genocide and other passing sideshows which though important are symptomatic.
Spingola loses her shows in some sort of drunken librarian classification system so no-one knows what they are or where to find them or what they are about or who the guests are or if they were even recorded in the first place.
The very key, core and nucleus of our struggle is Reichswarheit; truth about the Reich. Only breaking the shackles of Holocostianity will we set our people free. A billion blogposts on Jewish crime by a billion white nationalist sites achieve practically nothing in that direction.
Dont know about Jan 27th but I’ll find out eventually.
December 6, 2013 at 6:05 pm
It’s unreasonable to expect anyone but Marina to offer evidence for what Marina asserts about where she lives.
How Your Race Affects The Messages You Get describes the results of an online poll broken down by race and sex. There are some interesting differences, but no sign of anything like a 10-15X disparity between White men and women.
Among other things the poll indicates that Whites as a race are the least willing to mix.
Joe Northpal
December 6, 2013 at 9:17 pm
“Today, all our men seem to be able to do is build websites and make videos” ???
Carolyn where you when they were bashing the heads of the south boston mothers against bussing. I don’t remember you being in Newark New Jersey when Tony Imperiale’s womens auxiliary were storming the city hall in the hostile downtown, or when (I saw nothing that day) ADL was beat up and thrown out of town. Maybe if all these new talkers were standing with their blue collar white brothers and sisters during the 60′s-70′s deindusrialization class warfare, we would not be in the position we are today. I guess the lure of that jew college degree leading to a pro-fession and not getting dirty hands was too much to lose.
If I am wrong, post pictures of your wounds and I will eat my words.
If not, TRY persuading your gender to at least ATTEMPT at being something worth fighting for.
December 6, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Joe, I don’t care if you eat your words or not. Why would I be in South Boston or Newark? And you don’t even say when it was. I am really not on your wavelength here.
However, I looked at your website for the first time and saw your stuff on “Wayne from Canada” who created “Justice4Germans” that everyone is so in love with. That caught my interest. I have not liked him from the beginning either, just like with John Friend. I saw through his “videos” that were not really his, but he just created the English-language soundtrack. He doesn’t speak German, but he can read it, I guess, and therefore translate it. There is nothing wrong with this, but if you really look at the man, he is not all he pretends to be. Is this a rabbit hole or just stupidity and/or attention-seeking? I don’t know, but there is no end to it. Naturally, it will breed on the Internet.
December 7, 2013 at 9:01 am
I understand Carolyn, you must protect the weak from the strength of truth, for that is the only way UN-natural Marxist ideologies of Egalitarianism survive.
December 7, 2013 at 9:51 am
Carolyn. Please listen to the Renegade Broadcasting Network podcast on Wednesday 12/04/13. Dana interviews Mark Weber and near the end of the interview, a caller asks him if there were any gas chambers and he says there were a few in Poland. Then the caller says that the Germans were the “good guys” and would NEVER throw people in gas chambers. Weber gets all shook up and doesn’t know how to respond.
December 7, 2013 at 10:29 am
Not at all Ken, but you are a not going to use my comment section to repetitively post long (and I mean looong) sermons on your favorite subject.
December 7, 2013 at 10:30 am
Thanks Heinrich, I will listen.
December 7, 2013 at 12:49 pm
Dear Marina. Welcome back. I enjoyed your interview with Carolyn and am glad you’re doing a book. I’m sorry you’re so frustrated with white men. The division between us is a very destructive thing. Best.
December 7, 2013 at 1:27 pm
This was an unnecessary and very mean-spirited attack on John Friend, and while I disagree with him on several issues of 911, I would never say those kinds of things about him simply because I disagree with him.
It was shameful what you said, Miss Yeager, and is doing nothing but further dividing this already fractured “movement”, and that benefits no one but the cabal, whether you realize it or not.
I have my problems with what John Friend genuinely believes, as does Dr. Fetzer, but I would never be insulting and say things like you did in this program, and all that I can say is shame on you.
December 7, 2013 at 5:59 pm
Hi Carolyn
I trust your instinct on things, indeed I would possibly go so far as to say if there is one truthful, incorruptible person out there we can trust one hundred percent and rely on to do what’s right, that person is you.
There are lots (well, quite a few) of seemingly great people fighting our cause, but very few we would trust with our lives. I am 99% confident in the motives of some, less with others who still do, on the face of it, a good job, but it takes a little extra indefinable something to engender 100% of my trust. You come as close, indeed closer, than anyone else in ‘the movement’ that I don’t and can’t personally know.
So your take on all these people is of real value and interest.
In a reply above, you mentioned not liking Wayne from Canada. Please elaborate on this. I’ve found his website to be an excellent resource and have no reason at all to question his motives, unless you can provide some, which actually, I really hope that on reflection, you cannot, as it would be a big let down. I hope you are just being harsh and over critical, but if there are other, serious issues, please let us know what they are.
December 7, 2013 at 6:46 pm
Anglogermanic – Thank you very much!! I know that Wayne has a devoted following; his website (especially the name justice4germans) has huge appeal. I can’t elaborate too much in a comment and I don’t want to do a program on him because I don’t think he’s dangerous, heh heh. Just dishonest. Many would say that is unimportant; it’s his message that’s important and if the message is working, so what about personal honesty. There is truth to that, I admit, but my sense of something wrong goes up whenever I read his articles or listen to him being interviewed. Probably it’s mostly because he, like Veronica Clark, says he wants people to know the real truth about Hitler, but is still anti-racist and hates White Nationalists. What kind of a person is he trying to make Hitler out to be?
Otherwise, something I left out on the program, which I intended to say, is that John Friend right after the “debate’ grabbed the moral high ground for himself, and that’s where he is attempting to sit — on that throne. It was a defensive move and very Judaic. You don’t have to be physically Jewish to be Judaized.
December 8, 2013 at 1:53 am
I listened. Weber: Over 2 million jews were killed, but under 6 million. What can one make of that?! And he again attributes it to David Irving. DI is not a holocaust revisionist. Mark Weber is or used to be, but he has to follow Irving. Make sense? And Dana is jumping in to protect Mark, saying he agrees with Mark that numbers are not important, not important at all. What goes on at that network?
December 8, 2013 at 2:09 am
Hi Nemeth – This came at a very inopportune time for me. Just remembered to come back to it.
Mixed feelings is not good.
I enjoyed some of them too, but that is not reason enough for him to keep the IHR hijacked. Weber is not going to do anything that takes any energy; Weber has always loved chatting on the phone for hours more than anything else. You should listen to the people who really know, or compare what Weber does with what real working revisionists do. Weber can still make podcasts when he’s not IHR Director, and he can write and do many other things. What he can’t do then is have the contributions to the IHR for his own personal use.
Did they? A few people showed up? I didn’t hear about them.
I agree with you there, Nemeth! Bill’s case that Eli is jewish was airtight to me, but as I heard it, Rodney couldn’t get either Bill (no way, jose) or Brian as a host, so he settled for Eli. That’s not a justified reason.
Joe Northpal
December 8, 2013 at 10:09 am
Well Carolyn, I am pleased you see through the so-called “Wayne from Canada” – so now I am not the only crazy one.
There lots of these types and I hope you help expose or at the least get the so-called “informed” people to look closer before they the become the “informed on” people.
Joe Northpal
December 8, 2013 at 10:26 am
Also Carolyn I hope one day you will do a program on the so-called Warsaw Uprising Myth. Here is what I did on it :
December 8, 2013 at 10:27 am
When I complimented Rodney, I was referring to hearing him speak himself. I had forgotten about the Eli James thing. Yes, it’s important to see that Christian Identity is about the historical argument that the European people are (literally are) the Israelites, so, that would be a question for archeology, literary analysis, historical study, linguistics, etc. What Bill revealed is that, perhaps for personal reasons, Eli James had gradually been trying to slip non-Whites into the overall picture, whereas Christian Identity is adamant that the genetic relationship is pivotal to understanding. Now, on Spingola, I’ve heard Rodney Martin criticize CI for being “spiritual”, and how he is uninterested in involvement with anything spiritual as far as his work is concerned. But CI is really at heart a historical study, with other implications. For Eli James to try to get other races into the genetic picture of the Israelites is certainly a way of singing off key. Who knows in what other contexts he would steer with a rotten oar. So I wouldn’t recommend working with him. What I would say is, that anyone who is way out in front in terms of a great knowledge base and scholarly effort really has no need of anyone who is watered down or non-committal. Bill, Carolyn, and in his own right Rodney have no need for wishy-washy partners. They can stand on their own merits and invest in their own efforts. $0.02