"The International Jew" Study Hour - final episode
February 27, 2014
Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott discuss Henry Ford’s famous trial in 1927, his formal so-called “statement of apology,” and its effect on his long-term influence as an anti-Jewish voice.
- “The International Jew” series of articles in The Dearborn Independent covered every aspect of Jewish influence on and in America;
- Even after the articles that make up “The International Jew” were completed in Jan. 1922, The Dearborn Independent continued to publish tough criticism until 1927 (as in 1924 story at right);
- Jewish and liberal reaction against Ford’s newspaper was strong, but did not deter him,
- In 1925, lawyer and farm organizer Aaron Sapiro filed a one-million dollar libel suit against Ford for the article shown at right — which went to trial in 1927;
- Rather than take the witness stand, Ford preferred to settle, agreeing to stop publishing The Dearborn Independent and destroy all existing pamphlets containing the articles;
- While Ford lived up to his agreement, in 1949 there appeared in England and the U.S. a 174-page one-volume abridgment of the text under the title of “The International Jew”;
- Today, The International Jew can be read on the Internet and bought in bookstores, so Henry Ford seems to have won.
Click Image to enlarge: The Dearborn Independent's April 19, 1924 investigative reporting on Aaron Sapiro and "pals" organizing of farmers -- calling it Jewish exploitation. Left to right: Albert D. Lasker, Sapiro, Eugene Meyer Jr, Bernard Baruch.
Note: We have been using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.
International Jew Study podcast, Jews, Protocols of Zion- 2068 reads
Original comments to this program
7 Responses
February 27, 2014 at 11:31 pm
Congratulations Carolyn and Hadding on completing a magnificent job! A real contribution to the cause of freeing us from the jewish vampire.
Henry, somewhere up in the big garage in the sky, would be proud of you!
February 27, 2014 at 11:38 pm
Gee, thanks katana. To think that Henry would be proud of us … what a nice thought. I’m proud of him!
February 28, 2014 at 12:55 am
Thank you for the excellent reserachwork and courage, courage because of anti White criminals at large who want to suppress US, if they can’t keep you drunk or drugged is so many ways.
I will make C.D.s on the weekend for some friends who don’t have a PC.
This is important history.
I remember joo’s when I [was a] boy Oveying about how they would never own a FORD, and when I ask them why they did not reply.
February 28, 2014 at 8:20 am
Thank you both for such a momentous marathon effort – which l’ve followed from the beginning.
One can only hope that in an alternate universe, Amy Scwharz and Izzy Rosenblum have been doing The National Goyim Study Hour (for a violently kvetching audience).
February 28, 2014 at 10:15 am
TC – Another Jewish female who managed to get herself involved with Ford is Rosika Schwimmer. By using deception and subterfuge, she played a role in the ill-fated “Peace Ship” that Henry Ford bankrolled as another of his generous ‘grand gestures.’
February 28, 2014 at 10:42 am
Drink is a huge problem for our race. It’s important to note that both Adolf Hitler and Henry Ford were teetotalers; do you think that had anything to do with their great accomplishments for our people? They were clear-thinking and “sober.” We should discourage alcohol consumption in every way, and anyone who bristles about that and tries to defend drink should be looked upon with suspicion. They are either weak themselves or desirous of weakening others.
February 28, 2014 at 3:18 pm
Carolyn, Yes exactly correct you are.
The International Jew
I have the book, handed down from my deceased father. His copy was "prepared for the printer" by Gerald L.K. Smith.