Kalbitz steps down from Brandenburg leadership, awaiting “clarification”
Andreas Kalbitz (left) and Jörg Meuthen meet each other one year ago in Cottbus, an important but depressed city in Brandenburg state.
By Carolyn Yeager
See my previous post from May 16: https://carolynyeager.net/alternative-fuer-deutschland-votes-expel-popular-right-wing-state-leader-party
Andreas Kalbitz announced Tuesday that he was stepping down from the role of regional leader in Brandenburg, while awaiting legal clarification from a Berlin regional court. The Brandenburg AfD leadership had previously voted to keep Kalbitz as their state leader even after he was no longer a member of the party, but they accepted his resignation unanimously.
Kalbitz had been connected with a “far-right” but legal youth group back in 2007 named Heimattreuen Deutschen Jugend (HDJ), translated as 'German Youth Faithful to the Homeland,' which he said he was never officially a member of, but only attended some events. Since that time, this group has been banned in Germany.
The AfD's national co-leader, Jörg Meuthen, said he welcomed Kalbitz' decision, having previously said that Kalbitz had "no place in the party." The AfD national board has a rule that no former member of a “neo-nazi” youth group can join the AfD.
Kalbitz said he was being blamed for creating damage to the party that was not his doing.
“I am being blamed here for an explosion and subsequent damage done by shrapnel from an explosive device that I did not plant."
The decision contributed to Germany's domestic intelligence agency putting the branch under surveillance. Kalbitz criticized the federal executive board and said he believed that he would he be proved right in the end and this would raise the question: "How credible are those who keep saying that they are acting according to the rule of law?"
I, of course, like and would support Kalbitz, and the question I would raise is how can a youth group that is called “faithful to the homeland” be considered a bad thing? Or illegal? Most of the AfD voters think it is a good thing, and they are a solid segment of the German population, especially in the eastern states. I guess the AfD wants to expand its base and win elections by also appealing to those who do not feel the need “to be faithful to the homeland,” or because Jews and moderates don't like that particular terminology. An acceptance of multiculturalism is mandatory in European politics today. But the Alternative fuer Deutschland is supposed to be different—to offer an alternative.
If Jorg Meuthen doesn't want to stand too far apart from all the other parties, the AfD may have to change its name.
Alternative für Deutschland, Germany- 394 reads
I agree Carolyn. Any nation
I agree Carolyn. Any nation that would ban a youth group with such a name is doomed to extinction. I am trying to hold on to a shred of hope that the extermination will be limited to that of the poisonous political and cultural system which holds sway over the nation.
The German People Awakes
The AfD was created in order to lead the resistance back into a dead end and to neutralize it; this has worked for many decades in the Allied administrative construct "FRG"/"BRD": Whenever the resentment in the population grew, a new party was created, also now again with "Widerstand 2020". Only a tiny fraction of AfD politicians have backbone and are authentic and pro-German, like Björn Höcke, for example, the rest are absolutely conformist to the system and are only interested in the financial supply chains.
SNIP ...
Sorry, but I'll no longer publish your propagandistic screeds here, especially since you're a nameless entity. I suspect you are a left-winger. You use extreme language and fail to ever mention that all the things you want to be done are ILLEGAL in the FRG, so how could a political party that stood for illegal things ever exist let alone hold seats in the Bundestag? Furthermore, the German electorate have shown they don't vote for what they think are extreme parties (political parties holding extreme positions). You don't contribute to a sensible, fact-based debate here. -CY