National Socialism

Women and National Socialism

Published by admin on Mon, 2011-11-07 00:48

by Carolyn Yeager, May 2007

copyright Carolyn Yeager 2007

Our modern, consumerist society has cleverly given the impression that National Socialism is antithetical to the interests of women. Women who have bought into the feminist beliefs that their freedom, their equal opportunity and their salary must be their first considerations, will look upon those who say a woman’s highest and finest role is that of wife and mother with suspicion – or even more likely (and sadly), downright revulsion. Haven’t we come a long way, baby … from that?!

White women choosing not to have children is now commonplace. Often the stated reason is “I don’t want to bring more children into such an unstable (or unpleasant, or overcrowded) world.” Or, “I’m not ready; I want to enjoy myself, or establish myself in a career first.” Is this really what Aryan women want … to cease reproducing their own kind until their own kind ceases to exist? 

National Socialism's Green Roots

Published by admin on Fri, 2011-11-04 01:16

Green roots: the origin of ecology

We recommend the full version of the following essay, where all sources are given.

One thing we do not agree with, which is to be found in the full version, is the author’s characterizing of National Socialism as a ‘right-wing’ movement. Nazism was what it said it was: national socialism. The real nature of Nazism as a derivative of left-wing ideology is little understood, and as the information in the essay itself provides a corrective to popular misconceptions, we are baffled as to why it failed to enlighten its author in this one respect.


National Socialism

The Heretics' Hour: Sculpture & Architecture in the Third Reich

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2011-10-31 11:19

November 1, 2011

Guests Wilhelm Kriessmann, who saw action on the Eastern Front in WWII, and Rodney Martin who specializes in the culture of the Third Reich, discuss with Carolyn the very high achievements in these two branches of the arts, so much of which was wantonly destroyed by the Allies during and after the war.

Because of problems at VoR, this program was aired on Talkshoe. Here is the link to the Talkshoe page:

Honor Court entrance to Reichs Chancellery designed by Albert Speer, with Arno Breker sculptures Die Partei and Die Wehrmacht.

The Heretics' Hour: Films of the Third Reich

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:34

Oct. 10, 2011

Rodney Martin shares his expertise on German films of the National Socialist period. Topics include:

  • How the films reflect real life during the Adolf Hitler regime;
  • The creative freedom and lack of censorship the filmmakers enjoyed;
  • How German films compare to Hollywood films;
  • Where these films can be found, if they survived Allied destruction;
  • General myths and lies about culture in National Socialist Germany. 

Picture: Premiere for Triumph of the Will by Leni Riefenstahl, 1935

Rodney Martin can be emailed at [email protected].

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: The Pitfalls of Internet Radio

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:33

Sept. 19, 2011

Carolyn goes a little off-theme tonight to present her “counter-attack” to Charles Giuliani since he continues to misrepresent her on his own Internet radio program. Behind the hullabaloo is what appears to be a major agenda to prevent any re-consideration of the role of Adolf Hitler in history. It is rather mystifying why so many Internet radio hosts jump on the bandwagon of portraying the National Socialists as Jews, Zionists and betrayers of Germany and the West. Is Internet alternative radio heavily infiltrated by Jewish interests? I think the answer to that is obvious and it's a question that should be taken more seriously than it is.

27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Fredrick Töben on Truth, Maturity and National Socialism

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:29

Aug. 29, 2011

Carolyn brings back revisionist historian Fredrick Töben to discuss the latest personal disagreements arising from articles and comments on 9/11 that have appeared at Veterans Today web site. With the 10th anniversary of the event just around the corner, disinformation is ramping up. When will the 9/11 “Truthers” see they are up against the same powers as are the “Holocaust Deniers” and join forces? Töben also spoke about Nigeria, Libya and Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus.

Fredrick Töben (shown above at Sidney Harbor, Australia) was born in Germany; his family moved to Australia when he was young. He received a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Stuttgart University in 1977 and subsequently taught in secondary schools and colleges in New Zealand, Germany, Rhodesia and Nigeria. He founded the Adelaide Institute in 1994 and relinquished the Directorship to Mr Peter Hartung in 2009. He’s best known for his work on Holocaust Revisionism and has been persecuted, including given jail time, for his views. He is the author of Forty Days in Teheran, 50 Days in Gaol, and ARBEIT MACHT FREI: impertinent incarceration, plus numerous papers and articles. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia.

Announcement: The Heretics’ Hour with Carolyn Yeager is going to two hours beginning Sept. 5, with call-ins the second hour. Join us then for a special Labor Day evening!

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min. 

The Heretics' Hour: Jews and Nuremberg, Part Two

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:08

April 11. 2011

Carolyn details the free-hand given to Jews working at the Nuremberg IMT and how it contributed to the poisonous atmosphere that prevailed. Topics include:

  • From 3/4 to 4/5 of Nuremberg workers were Jewish;
  • Lemkin and Bernays created the “legal” framework;
  • Sonnenfelt, Meltzer and Kempner interrogated Hermann Goering;
  • Benjamin Ferencz aided and abetted murder of Germans by DPs;
  • Zionist David “Mickey” Marcus was top man in U.S. Military Occupation govt.;
  • World Jewish Congress insists it was the brains behind Nuremberg;
  • Power resides in the group.

Picture: Sherman tank guards the Palace of Justice, 1945. Enlarge.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Jews and Nuremberg, Part One

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:08
April 4, 2011
Carolyn takes a close look at the roots of the conflict between Jews and Germans, which led to behind-the-scenes Jewish controlling influence at the International Military Tribunal. Topics:
  • Hitler’s belief in English-German unity;
  • Roosevelt’s Jewish ancestry;
  • Nuremberg Timeline: Jan.‘42 to Oct.’46;
  • Wilhelm Marr and German antisemitism;
  • Warsaw Jew Raphael Lemkin, inventor of word “genocide,” rises to become advisor to American Judge Robert Jackson at Nuremberg IMT.

Picture: Wilhelm Marr

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Injustice at Nuremberg

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:07

March 28, 2011
Hans Krampe returns to discuss the book Dönitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal—War Crimes and the Military Professional and his article “Dönitz and the American Brass.” Topics include:
  • U.S. Flag Officers call the guilty verdict against Admiral Dönitz a mistake and a stain on the reputation of the U.S. Military–10 years after the fact;
  • U.S. Pres. Roosevelt secretly promoted attacks against German Navy in the Atlantic while claiming U.S. neutrality;
  • The IMT dispensed with habeas corpus, invented crimes ex post facto, and allowed only selected documents to be presented;
  • Murray Cohen Bernays created the “legal framework” for the IMT and a majority of the interrogators were also Jews;
  • Once Hans realized he had been lied to, his attitude toward Britain, Canada, Poland and Jews changed.

Picture: Grand Admiral Karl Dönitz

Hans Krampe lives in central British Columbia and was a feature writer for The Radical, 1998-2002. He was born in Germany during WWII and spent his early years in East Germany. After a stint in the German navy he immigrated to Canada back in the 1970s. Hans can be reached by email at [email protected]

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.

The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Hans Krampe

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:07

March 21, 2011

Hans Krampe, German-Canadian writer for the Radical Press, talks about living in communist East Germany, then West Germany, and how he eventually “saw the light.” Topics include:

  • Sylvia Stolz to be released in mid-April;
  • Hans learns to love Father Stalin as a schoolchild in Nauen;
  • Moved to grandmother’s in West Germany right before the ’53 uprising in East Germany;
  • Contrasting the high-pressure West with the less affluent East;
  • Disenchantment following death of Kennedy, and a stint in the Navy;
  • Wealth of information on the Internet changed his view of history.

Picture: Nauen City Hall, built around 1885. Enlarge.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.
