Adolf Hitler on Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part Two

Chapter 14, Vol II, Part Two: Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe  Summary

14.10   As early as 1920-21 […] the party was approached from various quarters in an attempt to connect it with liberationist movements in other countries. This was in line with the much-promoted 'League of Oppressed Nations.'


I always resisted such attempts. […]

The alliance with Austria, as well as that with Turkey, was not very helpful. (Referring to the recent Great War -cy) […] Germany paid dearly for that mistaken foreign policy. But it wasn't bitter enough to prevent our eternal visionaries from falling back into the same error again. The attempt to disarm the all-powerful victors through a 'League of Oppressed Nations' is not only ridiculous but disastrous, … because it continually diverts the German people from real possibilities, which they abandon for the sake of fruitless hopes and illusions. Continue reading at Carolyn Yeager




Carolyn Yeager