Saturday Afternoon: An Investigation into a 'Holocaust' Blogger
Feb. 16, 2013
Above: Herb Stolpmann’s picture on “My own German ID, during my stay at the old SS hospital. House 52B.” [I tried to separate just the photo, but couldn't do it so you get the whole thing.] Note the date 1952. Herb says he was discharged from the Wehrmacht by the Americans in 1946 at the age of 18. His discharge papers are on his site. He worked for the Americans in and around Munich and the Dachau camp until 1956.
After being frustrated by Herb Stolpmann‘s silence to questions she put to him in a comments section at Scrapbookpages Blog, Carolyn did a thorough reading of Stolpmann’s DachauKZ blog. From this, she extracted the character study she presents in this program. She describes Stolpmann as a “cosmopolitan” internationalist who finds some kind of satisfaction by relating his brief WWII experience in the Wehrmacht and lengthy post-war experience at the Dachau former concentration camp in the employ of the Americans. His preference for Americans over Germans is quite clear, but it also seems that Germans did not care much for him!
After running out of stories about Dachau, Herb’s later entries are mainly text taken directly from communist, Jewish and Soviet Russian sources about other German concentration camps.
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38 Responses
February 16, 2013 at 5:39 pm
The author of DauchauKZ is probably someone whose hobby is creating the impression that the mainstream history of the war has quirky, real-life witnesses to back it up. It’s an amateurish character development job: “German ingenu, whose good family never liked Hitler, bumbles around the war zone showing clear preference for Americans”.
I agree that the lack of details about his family seems odd, despite the alleged pleasant childhood, nestled in healthy Nazi Germany. Compare that to “Berlin Diaries”, by Marie Vassiltchikov, a wartime diary about a “White Russian” who went into Germany, escaping from Lithuania at the end of 1939 or so. She found work, but her dairy, published long after the war, is entirely anti-Nazi at every turn. She discusses her family all the time.
And stories like “
Love-Escape-Death” could be 100% fictitious. Odd though it would be for a death camp to have freely-circulating interpreters and mechanics as inmates! But who would question or analyze typical tales and museum-type material, coming from a slightly bumbling fellow who was there himself, eh? Especially with that lovable defective English, so useful in interpreting.
February 16, 2013 at 5:47 pm
Carl, thanks for bringing up Love-Escape-Death. I was prepared to talk about it, but ran out of time. A whole program could be done on all these fabricated holo stories that might be based on some tiny amount of reality. It’s really quite a hilarious read. I recommend it.
You would have to follow Herb Stolpmann’s comments at Scrapbookpages Blog to really understand him. I wouldn’t call him a bumbler, more like a deceiver. Also, many inmates had lots of freedom of movement, and also perks, associated with their jobs. It wasn’t like the picture that’s portrayed at all, which I realize you do know.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 16, 2013 at 8:27 pm
I am sorry that I am a Bumbler and that my English to experienced writers or commentators is not up to standards, although all my comments are my own translations and come from different sources and languages and is difficult to express the meaning of sentences to have an impact what the original author or researcher is trying to convey. I am open to questions readers may have as to my upbringing as a youngster and the some of the reasons why I started as a bumbling Blogger. At least I am man enough to show my face and do not hide behind a pseudonym as many others!
Kind Regards
Herb Stolpmann
February 16, 2013 at 9:15 pm
Hello Herb, Thank you for writing to us here about this program; I am happy to address you directly. Carl can too. You say you are man enough to show your face, but the only face you’ve shown is your face in 1952. How about a few other pictures of you at Dachau? Or in New Zealand. Put them on your blog so you become a real person.
I have asked questions of you on the Scrapbookpages Blog comments, which you either didn’t answer or answered in a vague or unclear way. Not every time though. I think you did not see my recent questions from the Jan. 29 entry – that’s why I decided to put it all together myself and see what it added up to.
So lets start with your upbringing. How was it you developed such a negative view of Adolf Hitler and everything the NS regime did? And tell us more about those “almost pornographic” flyers and letters you passed around during your Training Period with the Wehrmacht.
Another one: Why, after all you’ve learned about the lies of the Allies and the Jews, do you still insist only on talking about “Nazi” brutality against Jews and Slavs? And still take your information from their “official” history books? Your latest post on your Blog is very one-sided.
Can you say with a straight face that you believe the story you posted titled Love-Escape-Death?
I know you always try to come across as a gentleman, but I am a person who values the truth more than formalities. Do forgive me for that.
February 16, 2013 at 11:57 pm
Why even give these liars and traitors any exposure? Obviously he is happy to not have been gunned down or treated like many of his fellow patriotic countrymen after the war and is happy to serve the enemy agenda as thanks. Never would have heard of him or cared if I hadn’t seen it here. I looked at his site for the first and last time. He is dead to me, but those murdered SS soldiers at Dachau live on forever and will be remembered whether we know their names or not.
February 16, 2013 at 11:58 pm
I neglected to mention in my comment the thing that struck me most of all: to say the German women lacked honor after being raped by the various Russian troops–who were a motley lot, were they not?–is way over the top, and suggests a serious problem with the source. I think this is an anti-German source intended to convey a folksy eyewitness perspective, to then give added credence to more mainstream material.
February 17, 2013 at 12:38 am
Carl, maybe Mr. Stolpmann has an answer to that “honor” comment. Maybe he didn’t make his meaning clear.
February 17, 2013 at 12:42 am
Regarding Putin’s visit to Israel, this is another example of Israel bullying another country to become allies. Hitler did not necessarily want to attack the Russians. He wanted to attack the Bolshevik Jews who not only were building armies to attack Germany but also who had already destroyed the country of Russia and the Russian people. If Putin were to refuse this invitation and explain from this stand point, not only would he be more of a Nationalist to his country but he would also be telling the truth. But instead he embraces this ceremony and is supporting another false representation of history that he mistakenly believes is to the advantage of Russia.
February 17, 2013 at 1:28 am
Maybe what he meant was that he was surprised to discover that there was still honor about, after all that mass raping by the various troops marauding under the Russian banner. I still find it a very unflattering portrait…. I look forward to hearing other opinions.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 17, 2013 at 6:15 am
Hello all
Sorry, but I did not read your comments on srapbookpages, but in parts I did cover it as of today. My present day attitude against Hitler and the NS regime is twofold. My Grandmother on the paternal side are Bascs, that lived in the south of France and come to Germany after they broke with the catholic church, their name was Perganda, some of them went to the States but they all Germanized their name to Pergande and had land-holdings in West-Prussia. That older generation did not like Hitler, as they were fully aware of the Euthanasia Program that was going on and other things, we dealt with Jewish businessmen across the border from Poland which was in the end not tolerated by the regime. One thing that changed in my grandfathers attitude, was when civilian targets of cities, to break the morale of the German people were bombed which had the opposite effect. He then said:”Give them hell, Adolf”. The second reason was that one of his sons, my uncle Christopher married a very Nordic Germanic looking women and wealthy on top of that, however, she had no Taufschein, which every Christian in Germany had to produce up to his or her Grandparents, or you just disappeared. Yes, you guessed it she was a Jewess and I must admit, I was very much influenced by her. Although she was not orthodox, but when it came to their dietary laws, she made me promise not to eat “certain” food. I kept that promise to this date. What I soon found out, when elderly women talked that ‘she has to be sterilized’ thus never would have children made me wonder why. Their fate during the Russian advance is unknown to us.
The flyers I wrote during my training had more to do with my clear handwriting, which in some ways was a curse during our retreat from the Rhine to Czechoslovakia as I had to maintain the Daily Company Book while other rested. I am still asked to write certain things by my family even now.
When it comes to the honour of the German women, we were more than indoctrinated that they were all like the Virgin Mary and put up the pedestal, to be treated with utmost respect as they did as much as men for the greatness of the third Reich. I ask you what was left of this honour after being raped by Russian soldiers?
When it comes to writing about German atrocities against Jews and Slaves, I do use mainly German and foreign documents, and do my own translation, German, French and Russian, which is often difficult to translate and I might, as you say bumble. I believe they are not one-sided, rather neutral and objective, written without hate or malice, I am somewhat taken aback by your comment, I even try not to use the expression “Nazis” as this is an obscene expression in the German language. No present day German Politician would use the word Nazi in public.
As to my own political views, I am not active towards any particular party, but very much capitalistic orientated.
All my black and white picture from Dachau have been lost, I did show one in my blog while meeting Henry Ford here in Wellington, but I will enclose one in the circle of my family at the next opportunity. One of my sons lives in Charlevoix, Michigan, but is homesick, other relations are living in New Orleans. Two more returned with their partners from abroad and seem to be happier here, although their women are ‘foreigners’.
Finally, the eternal story, I did meet a girl in Dachau who was migrating to New Zealand and I followed her four months later. By now we have have four Great-Great-Grand-Children
Until later
February 17, 2013 at 12:25 pm
Still not buying it!
I think the remarks about honor are the clearest clue here. The mass rapes were traumatic for the men too, and, it would have been psychologically normal to see the women as victims, not as fair game. I can agree that the grotesque termination of the social order by the ‘Russian’ hordes would have left a kind of spiritual vacuum, but that vacuum would have been filled more by sympathy than contempt. So I think this writer is a clumsy character creation, made by someone who deeply despises Germans, and who can’t bring himself to craft a truly authentic character, that would have the correct or accurate sympathies, because he lacks them himself and because his work is just a dalliance, not very serious.
The euthanasia program? The elderly were afraid of being euthanized? I don’t know, I think maybe that’s a stretch. Keep in mind that even today, White people encourage a certain amount of euthanasia anyway. For example, couples are likely to abort a fetus that has known defects. This is simply a killing carried right into the womb. In the old days one didn’t know about neurological defects until well after birth.
I think the character creator is making some guesses as to what will work, what will gain sympathy, but, the real purpose of that blog is to create a seemingly real German character who despises the Nazis, and who lends a patina of eyewitness credibility to all the pabulum we are expected to swallow about Germany and the Holohoax.
February 17, 2013 at 1:13 pm
Hello Herb,
I really appreciate the information you provided. I do wish you would give more dates, like for this:
The Euthanasia program was short-lived, begun slowly in Oct. 1939 and was halted in Aug. 1941. It was exaggerated after the war (and even at the time) as all things have been. The highest figure they can come up with was 70,000 euthanized. Considering the shape the German population was in at the time, that was not so extreme a figure. Was your family personally affected by it? Sounds like they were more personally affected by the official disapproval of doing business with Jews. It does seem your family was Jew-friendly. People who liked or benefited from the Jews did not like Hitler.
You just disappeared? That is a false statement by you, the type you often make, recklessly. You also said “elderly women talked that ‘she has to be sterilized’” … that was the remedy for a Jew married to a German, not disappearance. Or your uncle and aunt could have emigrated somewhere else. Not ideal, of course. But it didn’t mean death or concentration camp.
“I was very much influenced by her.” She saw you as one she could “influence” and she made every attempt to judaize you. She succeeded in convincing you to follow Jewish dietary laws. Why should a young Christian ‘religious student’ Prussian boy follow Jewish dietary laws? Because they were in the Old Testament? To make a youngster “promise” is an unreasonable thing to do. You obviously took on plenty of the Jew-friendliness of your family and this is also something you have kept to this date. That’s why I previously thought you might be a Jew.
Naturally, right here we have to acknowledge that we are of differing feelings about Jews.
So it wasn’t the Germans that did her in … that is, if they didn’t survive.
It is really wonderful to know that you, as a German, received that clear message from the Reich Information Ministry. It makes me proud that this respect for women really existed; I’m not imagining it. You, though, were cynical about it, yet you were supposedly a theology student. Did you dislike or disbelieve in the Virgin Mary? How does the “pornographic letter” fit in with that? Of course you were punished for it because you were disrespecting German women by it. Obviously, you think more like a Jew. You still hold to your sentiment that after being raped by brutes a woman no longer has any honor. This is putting a physical act ahead of of the mental, moral, spiritual reality of a human being. A woman has honor because of her own behavior; it can’t be taken away from her by a forcible act against her will. Young girls were also raped, and even raped to death. You are revealing a crudity of thought that is anti-German. I’m not surprised that in your interactions with other Germans, whether soldiers or civilians in the Munich area, you were not always looked upon with favor. You blame them, but I would not, because you are infected with Jewish character traits.
Why do all that translating when some of it is already in the English language? Nothing that is “official” Allied or concentration camp documents is “not one-sided, but neutral and objective.” !! Nothing. Though it may be written in an objective-sounding style, it is not. However, you have included some accurate stories about some events, since 2012, from what you’ve learned at Scrapbookpages Blog. But your site is now, in places, contradictory as to who was responsible for what and you are not prepared to choose a side.
I didn’t notice that you try not to use “Nazi.” Probably true, but here is an example in your latest entry posted on Feb. 7th – The very first sentence: “The concentration and death-camp complex at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest killing centre in the entire Nazi universe.” Further down it reads: “The population composition was characteristic of a racially inferior mix within the ‘Eastern Part of Upper Silesia’,( Ost-streifen Oberschlesiens),which had during the Nazi Germanization therefore a subordinate priority.” This entire entry is taken from this biased site so I guess you don’t feel responsible. You do do quite a bit of copy-and-paste on your blog, but still assert that you don’t.
“No present day German Politician would use the word Nazi in public.” Really? I think you are totally wrong there. You are not paying attention, or just making things up. There is plenty of “neo-nazi” in their language, and of historical Nazis they refuse to speak. I will pay more attention to this and see what I find.
Loyal to nothing but making money. Yes, you are the opposite of what National Socialism represented and completely in tune with what Jews want.
The picture of you with Henry Ford II, which is at the bottom of this page is captioned, “I am standing at the right in this picture.” The person at the far right is so far in the background as to be unrecognizable. The other person on the right has his back to the camera. Which one is you?
You always like to end by mention your family, your children and grandchildren — very much like holocaust survivors do. I don’t know how many times I’ve read that you followed your wife to New Zealand and got married. Is this supposed to distract from the rest of the story, or just make you into a more likeable person, just an ordinary family man?
For this reason I am sorry that I have to be so tough on you. You just are who you are. But in all sincerity, I think you should take down your website altogether because of it’s historical inaccuracy. You are doing a great disservice to the German people, whom you don’t even feel a part of in spite of your German antecedents. It was a mistake for “furtherglory” to tell you to start your own blog. He had the mistaken notion that you had a lot of knowledge about Dachau concentration camp. But your site is just another one that is a Holohoax promotion site, of which there are too many already. Your own personal story, while interesting, is not interesting enough to justify all the anti-German lies you put out.
Please write again, Herb, and next time what about the Love-Escape-Death story.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 18, 2013 at 4:03 am
Hello Carolyn
I will answer some of your questions, on others I will plead the “Fifth” for safety and security reason as what is written goes viral and would jeopardise the safety and security of my family and relations:
A) Initially there can be no doubts what-so-ever, that Hitler had the support of the majority of the German people. With his 24 point Party Manifesto he kept his promises to make Germany great again. Got rid of ‘Das Diktat’, the Treaty of Versailles after WW I, which could not be sustained by the Weimar Republic under Ebert and created misery and hyper inflation and total economic decline. Yet, many feared on one point, which was often discussed rather in private by the older generation, namely: ‘Die Zusammenführung aller Deutschen zu einem Groß-Dutschen Reich’. (The repatriation of all Germans into a Great German Reich). This in the opinion of the older generation that had experienced WW I, he could not achieve this without war and Hitler’s aim was towards the East. Secondly they felt he was a typical Austrian big-mouth.
B) As a mixed marriage, the force of the 1936 Nürnberg Law was only slowly and covertly carried out. In my Aunt’s case she was not allowed to have children, others were taken away quietly and in a very polite manner, which could only have been Gestapo Agents, I have only witnessed this once. That is what I meant by saying ‘you just disappeared’. However, it would have been during 1942 she too (my Aunt) received the yellow star of David, which she never wore. Thinking back, with her inherent charm, I did love her very much. As a side issue, during X-mass time, decorating the tree we had a ‘heirloom” crowning the tree with a silver star of David, until some Party Official made us remove it , but this was during war time. When it comes to keeping a promise, in my time, it was a word of honour and you would try to never break it, which was hammered into you from childhood onwards, that was the German way.
We are not aware what happened to any of my fathers relations, only that the parents of my Aunt took poison, shortly before overtaken by the Red Army.
When it comes to my religion I would like to make you aware that during training we were de-programmed by experts of all religious beliefs down to the age of three, the little prayers your Mother or Grand Parents taught you, they could not erase. This was simply done because you had to kill another human being. After all our instructors were all SS-men with combat experience, so I am now more or less agnostic. As to the Virgin Mary she probably was pregnant and was married off to an old man like Josef. How could an intelligent Pope like Pius II issue an Edict that proclaims: “Die unbefleckte Aufnahme Maria’s in den Himmel”? As you may know the Pope is infallible.
C) I obtain foreign books and documents in the main, from the German Cultural Department, which give an unbiased opinion of the Holocaust, there would be no sense for me to publish any English written literature which can be bought.
D) I did apologise to those German readers for using the expression NAZIS in my narrative and at the same time made it clear that the expression was so entrenched in literature that I could not avoid it, it seems to me that you overlook salient points that does not suit your own convictions.
E) I am rather surprised at your comment as to capitalism, the USA is the leading country in that respect. When I met Henry Ford at Wellington, he did ask me what I was doing, when I told him , I control production, his reply was: “Always remember without profit there is no production”
D) I do not think that I will ever stop writing in what I believe in, as long as there is the freedom of speech, but at the moment we have our peak summertime and I am enjoying the beaches of which we have many.
E) It might interest you that it were Jews that helped me to follow my future wife to NZ and that I met her originally in London for over two years prior where she worked fora Jewish family. Neither of us saw anything wrong with that, but my fellow countryman did. I will write about the Love-Escape-Death story some other time, at the moment I do not remember who pointed this out to me.
February 18, 2013 at 1:58 pm
Unification of Germany with Austria was an agenda openly cherished by German nationalists since 1848. Alfred Hugenberg, the media-magnate who led the Deutschnationale Volkspartei and threw his support behind Hitler, had founded the Pan-German League. Austria itself had the Großdeutsche Volkspartei.
After the First World War, it was perfectly logical, since Austria was no longer an empire, to combine the all-German rump of the Austrian state with Germany. In the 1920s there was even an article in the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine advocating this. It was consistent with the stated principle of Wilsonianism, self-determination of peoples.
There was no point in whispering about the unification of the Ostmark with Germany, except maybe for a short period after Hitler’s rise to power. Hitler could not afford to appear to have supported the assassination of Dollfuss in 1934, and for a time, Mussolini backed the continuation of a separate and specifically Catholic Austrian state, which mattered while Germany was still weak.
There was no good reason why Anschluss in itself should have been regarded as war-provoking, unless everything that would make Germany stronger was to be regarded as provocative. If you accept that principle then you give up on having a healthy nation that determines its own future.
February 18, 2013 at 2:22 pm
How intimate was your knowledge of this incident that you saw? Not very, it seems, since you can only infer that Gestapo agents were involved. There are other reasons why somebody’s children might be taken away. It wouldn’t solve anything to take children of mixed birth from their parents, since the children would still be whatever they are. It makes no sense to assign a racial motive to that.
Removal of children from their parents happens in the USA (e.g. to Adolf Hitler Campbell and his siblings), and we don’t say that the children “just disappeared.” That’s being unnecessarily dramatic.
You should cite the law that says that mixed marriages that were grandfathered in under the Nuremberg Laws were forbidden from producing children. I never heard of this.
The conventional National-Socialist wisdom was that such mixed marriages tended to be relatively unfruitful anyway.
February 18, 2013 at 5:28 pm
Hi Herb,
Thanks very much for writing back. I’m very interested in your Jewish aunt. It sounds like she was a full Jew, is that right? According to this source
B. So, according to the law, she could have been taken away but she was not harmed at all and only in 1942 was given a yellow star to wear … which you say she ignored and was still alright. Until the Russians came, that is.
You say your family put a silver “heirloom” Star of David” atop your Christmas Tree. Just how Jewish was your family? The Party Official only told you to remove it, he didn’t take it away from you, or throw it down and stomp on it in front of you. It’s funny that you make a point that keeping a promise is ‘the German way,’ when your promise was to a Jew to forever follow a Jewish law. I don’t think she should have come into the family and then try to turn you into a Jew, see?
I don’t believe that deprogramming recruits of their religious beliefs was a part of military training. There are too many former German soldiers who didn’t experience any such thing. If there is any truth to what you say, it might be that since you were in a unit of Theology students, and it was the job of the instructor to turn you into soldiers, he used his own ingenuity to do so. You overdo it when you say they were “expert deprogrammers.” You faith must not have been very deep. You show no respect for the Christian religion; it might have more to do with your aunt than the SS instructors! Or you just hate Catholicism. Or both.
D. You admit you use official narratives without translating them yourself. You want us to believe that everything is translated from German, French, Russian (and don’t forget Yiddish) sources that we English speakers are unable to find or read.
E. Nothing wrong with profit, but pure capitalism is Jewish. Which person is you in that picture with Henry Ford II?
Yes, it does interest me that it was Jews who helped you follow your wife to New Zealand. Is she Jewish too? In any case, she must be supportive of your Blog since she loves the Jews too.
Til later,
Herbert Stolpmann
February 18, 2013 at 10:16 pm
I am unable to comment on the 1936 Nürnberg Law as I have not studied it as a youngster, but it makes it abundantly clear to the the best of my knowledge that in a mixed marriage, (and the Israelis might be able to confirm this) that any child born by a Jewess mother is claimed to be a Jew, NOT by a Jewess father. That was the reason why my Aunt was not allowed to have children. She lived with her parents on an Estate, which my uncle administrated in a type of Manor House (Schloss). She has never visited us, I went to see them and stayed there for lengthy times. I do not think this harmed me in any way and I learned a lot of other cultures and traditions.
Just check with any ex-SS Instructors, or for that matter American Marine, if religion played a part in their training when it comes to apply a Genickschuss (shot through the neck) to a kneeling victim. You seem to have made up rigidly your own mind and shove your opinion down my throat. I do respect the faiths of others and would never dream of hating anyone for his or her believes. My wife is a Catholic, and we brought up our first born son in her faith, as she, typical as German, made this promise during his difficult birth, while they both received the last rites. She does not approve of my Blog.
My translations are made more as an intellectual stimulus as I am able to speck and understand several languages, including Yiddish, I am not as good in Latin, yet: ‘Odi profanum vulgus et arceo’.
As we seem to be poles apart on these subjects, I will no longer comment and wishing you a successful future in your type of interrogations, which reminds me of methods the Gestapo applied, supple and persistent.
February 19, 2013 at 12:22 am
This is baloney. Jews gave birth in National-Socialist Germany, even in Auschwitz. Anyone who searches can find examples of Jews born under Hitler’s rule.
February 19, 2013 at 2:05 am
Dear Herb,
I am going to miss you. I would still like to do more Gestapo-style interrogation of you. I really consider that a compliment; I like the words “supple and persistent” … or you might mean subtle? That is what is needed to draw the truth out of someone like you, who is slippery and answers some things but not others. The Gestapo needed to get the truth out of people who were lying to them, didn’t they? When my aim is the truth, I can’t put niceties ahead of that.
But I’m glad to know your wife is Catholic and not Jewish, and that she doesn’t like your Blog. I don’t like it either, as you know. When you say that her promise to God to raise her son Catholic was “typical as German,” I again hear that aversion to Germanness from you. I can’t imagine you were ever a Theology student. Or were you interested in Judaism?! I do think that your lengthy visits to your aunt’s Jewish Family Estate did something to you – infected your soul with their Judaic spirit. I mean that sincerely because now you labor over showing Jews as helpless, innocent victims of Germans – Germans whom you should see as your own people and look for the best in them. But you belong to the Jews now, Herb. No wonder you never went back home. (That’s something else I’d like to ask you about. Why not?) Did you learn Yiddish among your aunt’s family? Is that what you mean by “other cultures and traditions?” Yes, it’s pretty clear to me now that you are not just brainwashed and don’t know any better; you do know but you are on the side of the Jews, 100%.
Do feel free to stay around if you can tolerate it.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 19, 2013 at 6:00 am
OK, I will try to the best of my knowledge, answer your question, but what hurts most and what I deeply resent in your style of ‘interrogation’ although subtle, is a latent aggressiveness and the comment which hurts most without any foundation in making a statement, which others made me aware of, that I am a liar. Just give me one example, where or when I did not tell you the bare facts?
I did go to night classes in Munich for over one year to continue religious indoctrination what I had started in Berlin-Dahlem (at the beginning of the war) to eventually do Missionary Work, for one thing, to get out of Germany in 1946/47, as the Germany I once loved and lived in did no longer exist. I did fail before a Panel of three Pastors during a friendly discussion, who correctly claimed that I did not believe in a living God, nor in the power of prayer. Their objection in the main was that I was more interested in Zoroastrian, (but they were wrong) as in the dogma of the Christian Church. I never revealed to them any contact to my Jewish Aunt.
I did go back to Germany as a family to show my sons their ancestral roots, but I myself have changed so much that I would never fit in under Bavarians that are not my people. Other friends I did have of “my” type, did distance themselves from me, simply a ‘good’ German never leaves his country. This was also the attitude of the authorities, even Travel Agents, so I went back for help of my wife’s employer (Jews) in England and left from there to NZ. So to hell with the new German Fatherland. Only my Grandfather on the paternal side was fluent in Yiddish when discussion Illegal business with Polish Jews, as his land holdings had been in West Prussia, prior to 1923, I learnt it mainly from my Aunt. That goes also for Low German, (Platt-Deutsch), I understand it, but I can not speak it.
Any more questions? And let me know where and when I am slippery in my answers.
PS. I think your reader Hadding has to do a bit more research as to the Nürnberg Laws as well as Israely legislation when it comes to the off-spring in mixed marriages, who is a Jew and who is not. His statement of children born under the NS Regime in Concentration camps is correct, but has nothing to do with the Law.
February 19, 2013 at 2:15 pm
Hi Herb,
Thanks for staying. I know liar is an ugly word, but actually I had been calling you that over at Scrapbookpages Blog since well over a year ago. This is why: Your comments there, and your Blog too, were standard holocaust history which I consider lies. Not just confusion or ignorance, but lies. So I use the word liar for these people, and thus for you too. My aggressiveness comes from being so angry at these Holohoax lies. I believe absolutely that it is a hoax; it’s not just a belief, but knowledge.
You have been exposed to some things from your reading of Scrapbookpages Blog, but let’s be clear – SB is not a revisionist point-of-view. It is a mildly questioning point-of-view, and no one would ever be called a liar by the owner. Where do we find the true facts of what took place with the Jews during WWII? It’s all in the credibility of sources. When you publish (in two places) the story Love-Escape-Death as a true story when it is pure propaganda “legend”, coming from known Jewish liars Primo Levi and Fania Fenelon (who was sent to a camp because of her involvement in the French Resistance -who were simple criminals, not ‘heroes’), then you are equating yourself with these liars. The fact that you use excuses to not research into revisionist material, but just stick with the official accounts, shows that you don’t want to know otherwise.
Saying that you ‘could not comment on the 1936 Nürnberg Law’ because you ‘have not studied it since you were a youngster’ reveals that you’re more comfortable not knowing things OR that you are only using such a statement as an excuse. You have a computer with you on your vacation so you can easily look it up. This is what I mean by ‘slippery.’
Now you say you wanted to get into missionary work after the war “to get out of Germany in 1946/47, as the Germany I once loved and lived in did no longer exist.” I suppose you blame Hitler, Himmler and the SS for that, not the Americans, British, French and Russians who were occupying the country and starving everyone. But … you did not impress the Pastors that you were sufficiently religious to even get into their program! Typically, at the beginning of my ‘interrogation’ of you, you were blaming the SS instructors who trained you. Earlier you said to me:
I don’t know any such people, but it must have been written about somewhere. Where do I find it? Please tell us how the Genickschuss was to be used by you, who was being trained to be an instructor of old men and young boys? I’m afraid it doesn’t make sense to me. Are you implying that if any of these boys and old men didn’t do what you wanted them to do, that you were to apply this method on them?
About going home, I really meant right after the war. All German soldiers were trying to get back to their families; some went through great trials and difficulties to do so. Willy Wenger’s story will be an example of that; he had to get all the way to southern Austria from Berlin and avoid being put in a detention camp or picked up by the Russians on the way. The exception was those who were being hunted as “war criminals” and had to leave the country for South America or something. But the Russians and Poles, with Capitalist America’s consent, had taken over West Prussia and kicked the German’s living there out. Did you learn anything about the fate of your family?
It was the paternal side of your family that did business with Jews. Polish Jews? Your grandfather spoke Yiddish to do business. So you grew up with a lot of Jew-friendliness and associations, which you would naturally be loyal to. Am I right? As you pointed out about the childhood prayer, our earliest impressions are the ones most deeply imprinted on us, become a part of “who we are.”
Ja, you have a temper. I would like to know what “your type of German” is, or what is the Germany you knew and loved, the ‘old’ Fatherland, that no longer existed for you. And who or what do you think destroyed it? Thanks in advance.
February 19, 2013 at 8:26 pm
I asked you why you did not translate revisionist writings for your Blog. At Victor Reynouard’s website there is a lot of his writings in French. Here is one that is already translated to English. It is about the meaning of “Extermination.”
“Extermination” of the Jews … attention to the meaning of the word
by Vincent Reynouard
On 30 November 1940, the organ of the French league for national revival, social support and European collaboration, “l’Appel”, published a study entitled: “Should we exterminate the Jews?” (See the document) .
The League was founded by Peter Costantini, a supporter of full cooperation with the Reich and known anti-Semite. We therefore expect to find, in this interview, a positive response. There is none of this. Asked about his goals, the Secretary General of the Institute for the Study of Jewish Affairs, Captain Sezille, said:
Look, we want to eliminate the Jews of French life: pursue the repeal of the decree of the Convention which on September 27, 1791 granted them the status of citizen, without accepting any departure from these principles; change of religion should not justify the preservation of French nationality. Our anti-Semitism is not religious but racial.
Commonsensically, the investigator asked:
Yes, these are then your immediate goals. But is it enough? There is no complete solution to the Jewish question if you, getting rid of the Jews, do not know what you want to do with them.
To which captain Sezille answered:
We have the right not to care (about them). We are not here to secure the future of the Jews. Let me say, in passing, that I condemn the sensitivity or rather sentimentality that lends its attention to some inconveniences for the Jews and forgets the disasters that have befallen our country because of these people. Moreover, we believe that the British and Americans, who love them so much, will welcome them with joy. Strictly speaking, captain Sezille adds with a smile, as they are Mongols [reference to the Khazars], I would see them in Siberia.
For its part, Louis-Ferdinand Céline refused to answer on the grounds that he had written three books on the subject and that there was now “enough harping on the Jewish question.”
The investigator therefore turned to Xavier Vallat, then Commissioner General for Jewish Questions, who explained:
I think we should make some exceptions in the principle of total elimination of the Jew from this country. To deal with the problem too radically, without nuance, one would run the risk of doing the Jews a service [...]. A responsible government must not govern against its goals.
I thought we should acknowledge merit and exceptional service.
But I have made no exceptions in the administration, where the danger is greatest. It is completely clean now. In the professions, I’ve set the “numerus clausus” which is, I think,, a wise compromise between the need to remove the Jewish peril and the usefulness of not giving the ban an appearance of persecution.
Moreover, all these solutions, by necessity, can not be definitive. People are surprised that we have not yet cleared the national soil of all Jews who encumber us, especially as, among the Jews that we have in France, 55 per cent came here within the last thirty years and are not exactly “ours.” I’ve encouraged them to try to return to their country of origin. But how? Many came from Germany, but Germany would not take them back. Returning to the East, Romania, Russia, America? How?
Until the German victory, the question of transfer will be inevitably suspended.
Nobody here was talking of killing Jews. If it was a question of extermination, it was understood in the first sense, “ex terminus”: (sending) beyond the border. The “final solution” was always considered as expulsion, mostly to the East. This is precisely what the Reich did since 1942. Not unlike French anti-Semites in 1940, the Germans in 1942 never considered killing Jews in a systematic way. Their anti-Semitism was not “genocidal”; it has indeed never been …
Translation of the original « Extermination » des juifs… attention au sens du mot
(at )
by Hasso Castrup
February 20, 2013 at 3:12 am
You have built a compelling profile for this Herb guy on your radio show. He was not a guy who wanted to fight, to kill and even the instructors must have been frustrated by the fact that they would have trouble teaching them, rather fit 16 year old how just to defend their own home.
Adding to the frustration, which one could imply, is that the instructor knew that Hitler was sending boys around 14 years old, and slightly younger to the RUSSIAN FRONT (and also old men).
My father was a prisoner of war, north of Berlin, and he witnessed it and had his prisoner guard tell him where they were going.
My father stated he was treated well as a prisoner of war & he served for a short period of time after the war in Germany and was always treated well by the German people. He also did not like Roosevelt for “selling US out to Stalin,” so I don’t think he had any motivation to lie about this 1 recollection.
The sending of the very young & very old happened in the last weeks of the war.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 20, 2013 at 6:57 am
I have read the the French version which is now available in English and as it is already in the public domain, there is no sense in repeating it. I found it boring and it sounded to me like a discussion in a gentlemen’s club over a glass of Port.
February 20, 2013 at 10:40 am
You are not only wrong here, but you are one of those “j followed by a number” guys who have no credibility. You are actually trolling, but I publish your comment in order to make a point. Hitler (a personal order from him, was it?) did not send 14-year old boys to the Russian Front, they were only defending their cities and towns. Your “father” witnessed nothing; you sound like a holohoaxer relying on “his prisoner guard told him where they were going.” Haha, sure.
In the last weeks of the war there was no RUSSIAN FRONT, only retreat. And maybe some others will want to reply to you.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 20, 2013 at 4:49 pm
You must be confused with some other Blogger, I have never mentioned anywhere, that to what I recall ‘the instructor knew Hitler was sending boys around 14 years older, and slightly younger to the RUSSIAN FRONT (and also old men), nor did I ever speak of my “father” relying on “his prisoner guard told him where they were going’.
Perhaps you can enlighten me of the source of your information.
February 20, 2013 at 4:54 pm
Herb – Before I sent you the Vincent Reynouard piece, which you so speedily and rather ignorantly dismissed (while still hanging on to the “Love-Escape-Death” nonsense), I sent you a reply with some questions at 2:19 on Feb. 19. I was replying to your comment of 6:00 am Feb. 19, in which you ended with:
Did you forget this? The most important was: What is the Germany you knew and loved, the ‘old’ Fatherland that no longer existed for you. And who or what do you think destroyed it?
February 20, 2013 at 5:04 pm
Herb – I was replying to “Quasar” who wrote that on 2-20 at 3:12 a.m. in reference to the exchange between you and me. I hope you will reply to him also. Did Hitler do that?? Did anyone?
P.S. I know it get a little confusing because the replies do not always follow right behind what’s being replied to.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 20, 2013 at 8:31 pm
To your question:
What is the Germany you knew and loved, the ‘old’ Fatherland that no longer existed for you. And who or what do you think destroyed it?
The simple and short answer would be: Germany’s loss of the war and the subsequent carving up of the country that was prosperous to live in, for many who like us, due to hard work enjoyed a rather tranquil life on a country estate (which was not owed by us) in the far north east of Pomerania (Ost-Pommern) our land close to the border with Poland, from which my family were expelled ( I was not there at that time) after having our ancestrial roots traced back for over 700 years. Gerhard Stolpman was a Crusader Bishop and Teutonic Knight and a territorial Bishop from 1417-1427 at Pomersania , now called Kwidzyn about 75 km south of Danzig, and we believe he was married. The language spoken was High German, most peasant did speak Low German (Platt-Deutsch) which I can follow but not speak. The unbelievable tranquillity of life, admittedly with servants, I have never experienced again. You might claim we were privileged, that might be true to some extent, the happiness of my youth to be made welcome by other relations, not only by my Jewish Aunt was abruptly shattered with the disastrous treatment I and many others received during the unconditional surrender to the Allies. Our hopes were high that we would be treated according to the Geneva Convention, Eisenhower saw it differently. With my early release as a POW into a different kind of community that was allien from the northern population, in speech, Religion, and behaviour was a culture shock not only for me but for all those that came from the north, of Luthern/Evangelical upbringing. That was more or less the reason, why I did ask an American Lt. to take me back into the POW Camp. There were exception of course, but later on, in our civilian capacity working for the American Forces, when a Bavarian was employed, we as the so called Preußen (Prussians) made sure that he would not last longer than two weeks, and did I my part in it, when asked by my colleges.
To go back into a community that has not changed for the better would be anathema to me and I would never be able to fit in. I have lived happily in the country of my adoption for over 57 years and have no desire to ever return. As matter of interest, my wife is Bavarian, a Catholic, born in Munich, educated by Nuns, her Parents had a bakery in Dachau, which was used by KZ-Inmates during night shift to bake their bread and appears in picture as a child sitting on a Camp horse in one of my Blogs.
PS> Do you have the link to “Quasar” he seems to be Greek to me.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 21, 2013 at 3:02 am
Regarding Qasar
I did find his comments, and there might be some truth in it what he is stating although I am not certain of the background of the discussion.
The following will give you a better overall view of what we looked like going into battle against American Forces: The present Pope, Herr Ratzinger was a member of one of these Units, but he absconded, pretending he was wounded with his arm in a sling and went apparently home, while others died for the Fatherland and the Final Victory! Another one I know of, was General Rommel’s son, but he surrendered to French troops.
February 21, 2013 at 9:02 am
The concentration and death-camp complex at Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest killing centre in the entire Nazi universe; the very heart of their system. Of the many sub-camps affiliated with Auschwitz, Birkenau, or Auschwitz II, was by far the largest. The main camp, Auschwitz I was on the outskirts of the Polish city Oswiecim. Birkenau was in a suburb named Zasole.
Herb, can you explain the existence of these various facilities in the Auschwitz camp that Carolyn discusses in her booklet ‘Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour’, namely:
* Brothel
* Library
* Art Museum
* Camp Orchestra
* Post Office
* Theatre
* Swimming Pool
* Hospital
* Workshops
Were these part of a devious, diabolical plan to ‘entertain’ the inmates to death?
Please cut to the chase and get to the point, in your reply.
February 21, 2013 at 10:54 am
Your answer to “what destroyed the Germany you loved” was the LOSS of the war and the Allies taking hunks of territory and giving to themselves and their friends. Yes? “Carving up the country.” East Prussia was gone and not allowed to exist again. A large slice of Eastern Germany was handed over to Poland, including where your family lived — from where they had done business with Polish Jews across the border. Is it they who expelled your family? All Germans were murdered or made into refugees, and these millions of refugees poured into the new German borders, putting a huge strain on all services, housing, etc. In addition, the division of the country into four zones administered by each victor country with it’s own rules, and the theft of whatever each one wanted to steal. There was no rule except the rule of the raider who retained all the weapons.
You don’t name Hitler as the cause. Your tranquility of life, even under the Hitler regime, was only “abruptly shattered with the disastrous treatment I and many others received during the unconditional surrender to the Allies.” If you understood (or paid attention to) how the plan to destroy the Germany you loved – in which you mention your and others prosperity was “due to hard work” – was hatched and developed over time by those two very competitive Anglo nations, England and America (with their Jewish advisers) — perhaps you might conjure up some patriotic feeling. But I think you are one who was easily persuaded to turn against your own and embrace and serve the new ruler. You were young and inexperienced. Because the only people who could give you something were a few American GI’s (since no German had anything to give) – even though it was no skin off their back, they had access to plenty – they became for you the “good guys.” Here’s how it works: First you take everything away from someone, then after a period of suffering you give them one little thing, then they see you as their benefactor. Then you give them a little more and they belong to you — you are the source of all good.
I think this is what happened to you. Your youth and inexperience didn’t allow you the necessary distance from which to view your plight. When you did survive and were released, the society was not what you expected. You wanted to return to the privileged world of the Americans. Yes, privileged in comparison to the German’s struggle for survival that was ordered and insisted upon by your new friends, the U.S. Military Command, with the approval of the civilian government.
The problem that Hitler had to deal with in uniting all Germans comes to the fore again in your admission that you Prussians made sure that a Bavarian (who was probably a Catholic and less Jew-friendly) couldn’t keep a job among your favored ranks.
Then you say: “To go back into a community that has not changed for the better” … is this a reference to German people needing to be “improved,” as was the official idea of the denazification program (there’s the word nazi again) and other propaganda programs? This is really the crux of the matter. When did you adopt the American, and Jewish, version of the murder of 6 million Jews in gas chambers; the brutality by the SS in the concentration camps, the total evil of the National Socialist regime? Or at least of Himmler. When and how did this take hold? Right away? You were at Dachau during the time of those SS and “German war criminals” trials, weren’t you? Did you never doubt? Never want to know the truth? All you say is that you read some of the files called war documents after the trials were over.
Today you are satisfied that the official account is basically true. You believe unverified stories. I think it is because you have zero sympathy for Germans. You’re happy that you escaped from that unfortunate country and can totally identify with its destroyers – the English and Americans and Capitalism. Yet, you want to claim yourself as an expert on the German side too. You are “blogging” by putting up the official account of the Big Holocaust Lie and presenting yourself as trustworthy because you’re a native German and know the language and “was there.” But what you can tell us from your actual personal experience doesn’t back up any of it.
February 21, 2013 at 12:51 pm
Herb – “Regarding Quasar”
I removed the main part of your answer because it was just copy/paste from the link you provided. People can go there and read it. Looking over this site, I found it was credited to Mitch Williamson, a web designer. His email is [email protected]. He is, at least partly, advertising what a nice website he can create. This site is written from the point of view of the victors, or the Jews, but attempting to look “German.”
The age category of Hitlerjugend was 14-18. Those from 10 to 14 were Jungvolk. You said you were a member of the jungvolk but never the hitlerjugend; you were 17 when you were “conscripted” into a training program to train Volksturm (People’s resistance) in the use of the panzerfaust. The Volksturm was not part of the Wehrmacht, but an NS party organization, like the HJ and JV. My friend Willy Wenger (Austrian) was 17 also when his Hitlerjugend group was ordered to further training (they were already manning FLAK stations during breaks from school) and he was 18 by the time he found himself in a combat situation far from home, now a part of the real army. There were no younger members. I have his story which will be published soon; he tells all the details which you do not do.
Wikipedia states: “By 1945, the Volkssturm was commonly drafting 12-year-old Hitler Youth members into its ranks.” That’s a contradiction. It then only speaks of The Battle of Berlin which apparently was the last “Russian Front.” Hitler Youth formed part of the “last line of defense” even though “city commander, General Helmuth Weidling, ordered Axmann to disband the Hitler Youth combat formations.” Because of “confusion,” this order was not carried out. The only source of information for this entire WWII section on Wiki HJ is Hitler’s Young Tigers: The Chilling True Story of the Hitler Youth. London: Arrow Books, by Rupert Butler. Seems to be a cheap paperback written in 1986; no reviews at Amazon, plenty of used copies.
It’s clear enough to me that you don’t have much to tell from your own personal knowledge, mostly the long German names of regiments/units and organizations. It’s also clear you really despise Catholicism, in spite of marrying a woman brought up Catholic … re your comment about Ratzinger.
If you want to disagree with what I say here, feel free.
Herbert Stolpmann
February 21, 2013 at 5:01 pm
I think it is about time that I sign off, as I mentioned before, we are poles apart, keep up your good work and I will do mine. Although some points you are making are valid.
Have a good day!
February 21, 2013 at 7:10 pm
I should have added that it was April 1945 before Willy Wenger, then 18 years old, was transported with his HJ comrades of the same age, now Wehrmacht soldiers, to the Seelow Heights, about 45 miles east of Berlin, where they were defending the line along the west bank of the Oder River. This is how close the front was now. Some disapproved of sending such young and inexperienced “boys” there, but there they were as, I suppose, they had no others. Wikipedia says:
February 22, 2013 at 12:27 pm
I tried to leave a comment to Herb Stolpmann’s latest post at his Blog: My comment was denied because “URL contains illegal characters.” There was no url; I just used my full name Carolyn Yeager. I removed the characters from the 3 urls I had used in my body copy, but that didn’t remove the denial. Herb seems to have all the security that is available in place while still showing the option of “comments.” He doesn’t want them. This is my comment:
Herbert Stolpmann
February 22, 2013 at 5:40 pm
The Right of Reply:
Any offence language and comments (by you)or others are removed by the censor, I have not introduced any restriction what-so-ever. Material I used can be obtained from official sources of the Cultural Department of the Federal Republic of Germany. Identical comments are published in “Der Ort des Terrors” which I mainly used and translated. All pictures shown are available on the internet with the appropriate captions. I made no changes to them.
February 22, 2013 at 7:04 pm
As you can see from my copy of my comment, there is no offensive language in it. One can also see there are hardly any comments to your entries, which might suggest it is very difficult to register a comment at your site.
Are you expecting readers to accept that as God’s Truth? The Federal Republic of Germany is not even a legal entity; it is a construct put in place by the Americans, mainly. It answers to the US government which has never concluded a peace treaty with the Third Reich; if it did it would be confirming that the Third Reich was a legal (not a criminal) constitutional entity.
The Federal Republic admits it has justification only by the decisions of the War Crimes Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1946-47, by foreign powers, not by the people of Germany. It admits that its whole reason to be is the “Holocaust.” So why are you helping it to exist in its present form? There’s a good question for you to answer.
You throw around titles like “Der Ort des Terrors” thinking to impress people, but it’s just more lies. And just because you have found those pictures on the Internet with such captions doesn’t mean the captions are right. So much for your self-vaunted RESEARCH. You don’t do any!