Declaration signed at Prague in advance of “Day of European Patriots” on Feb. 6
Prague, Czech Republic is the setting of the first International Press Conference attended by the various European representatives of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident). These pictures are taken from Lutz Bachmann's Facebook page, where you will find more plus some video of the event.
This is the Declaration that was agreed upon and signed by representatives from all the countries attending. They are Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia. A very professional job and a good start! Text is below.
Some of the conference participants from all over Europe pose in the conference hall before the start of the event.
Looks like they're doing it right! View of the conference hall before the start of the proceedings.
Prague Declaration
Being aware of the fact that the thousand-year history of Western civilization could soon come to an end through Islam conquering Europe, and the fact that the political elites have betrayed us, we, representatives of different European nations, declare the following:
We will not surrender Europe to our enemies. We are prepared to stand up and oppose political Islam, extreme Islamic regimes, and their European collaborators.
We are prepared to risk our freedoms, properties, jobs and careers and maybe even to put our lives at stake, as it was done by the generations before us. It is our duty to future generations.
We refuse to submit to the Central European government. The rules of the global elites have brought only poverty, unemployment, corruption, chaos and moral collapse. It is about time to end this.
We fully respect the sovereignty of European nations and the right of the people of every European country to govern their matters as they see fit.
We esteem as sacred the right of the citizens of every European country to protect the borders of their country and their right to decide which immigrants to accept and which not to accept into their country.
We refer to our common European roots, traditions and values as well as the historic alliances of our nations. We are determined to protect Europe, the freedom of speech and other civic freedoms as well as our way of life together.
We will manifest this determination by our participation in a joint demonstration which will take place in many European cities on February 6, 2016.
European Union, Germany, Immigration- 626 reads
Merkel takes swipe from ally Seehofer
German Chancellor Angela Merkel looked ever more isolated over her open-door policy on refugees on Saturday as it emerged that the leader of her party's Bavarian allies suggested this week she had become impervious to other people's views on the issue.
"Chancellors in an advanced stage of their office only believe in themselves," Horst Seehofer, leader of the Christian Social Union (CSU), told a party meeting [last] Thursday during a discussion of Merkel's refugee policy.
(I find this amusing because for me Merkel has lost so much credibility she is already gone.)