Hero Gerd Honsik passes into the realm of our departed warriors
Gerd Honsik is led under guard while on trial in an Austrian courtroom in 2009.
by Carolyn Yeager
GERD HONSIK, AUTHOR AND POET, PLUS HOLOCAUST AND HISTORICAL REVISIONIST who was currently being harrassed by Austrian authorities, passed away on Saturday at the age of 76. His death occurred at his home in Sopron, Hungary, right across the Austrian-Hungarian border. Gerd's death is a great loss to the revisionist movement.
Honsik was born in Vienna in Oct. 1941. (As Margaret Huffstickler informs us in the 2nd comment below, his father was killed in the war, fighting in Italy.) He was active over the years in Austria in a number of “People's Movements” and Nationalist groups including Austria's NDP party. He wrote the book Acquittal for Hitler? in 1988. After that, fleeing an Austrian prison sentence, he lived in exile for 15 years in Spain until 2007 when he was extradited back to Austria when legislation was changed in Spain. While in Spain, Honsik contributed to the magazine Halt at irregular intervals and wrote another book, Hitler Innocent?
In 2009, Honsik was sentenced to five years in prison in Austria for propagating 'holocaust denial' and 'glorifying the Nazi era', which violates Austrian law. During his trial, Honsik called himself "a social democrat" and stated that he only "rejected the textbook wisdom that demonizes National Socialism" and he only denied the existence of the gas chambers used in concentration camps "wherever I had not verified the (facts) myself".
He had been free since 2011, but Austria was trying once again to put him in prison.
Gerd Honsik is a hero and a martyr who stood up for the truth as he knew it. Our thanks and our gratitude go out to him and to his family. In our world since 1945, International Jewry has gained so much power that they are able to dictate the criminal code in every single European country. This is the battle that stands before us and which we must not ignore.
Adolf Hitler, Historical Revisionism, Holocaust Revisionism, Jews- 622 reads
A poem by Gerd Honsik
by Gerd Honsik
(English translation by Margaret Huffstickler)
As we turned our backs on our village,
No one waved goodbye,
Only our dogs followed in our tracks
And strangers already entered our gardens,
As we came, with bag and baggage, away, on foot.
Perbal, farewell! A German village must go;
But some looked back again!
“The church tower, Mother, I can still see it!”
“Be quiet, my child, you must go on now:
It won’t hurt — if you trust in God!”
Hand luggage only! House and yard left behind!
Say to those who later ask,
“What was it like in Hungary?” – “No rifle-butts,
No murder — luckily! We were only driven
To Piliszaba, before daylight.”
In the exodus of eighteen million
Perbal was just a tiny episode
“For the German people’s industry, their plowing, sowing, toiling —
– for centuries! – Is this how you reward us,
As beggars – and strangers – to send us back? ”
Then, at the train station, roughly
They drove away the pack of Perbal’s dogs,
Who all, all had followed us.
The cattle cars had already arrived
To collect us for the final trek.
“Move back! Squeeze in closer! The engine’s starting!”
Through the planks I heard strange, rough voices;
Outside, the dogs were encamped around the rails,
Our old Juju among them.
Meanwhile we — children, mothers — inside on straw.
A hissing and snarling: the train has started up!
In the dogs’ giant chorus the sorrow swells.
The pain of the faithful creatures penetrates us
In the windowless darkness: We’re moving!
Their farewell stretches out to eternity.
The boiler whistled, the wheels were turning now:
The giant pack followed the train of sorrow
As far as dogs’ paws could reach.
Till even the fastest animals’ strength waned,
Their last cries carried away by the Puszta wind.
We left quietly the house where we were born,
Almost without pain, resigned ourselves to it;
But since that time the wailing plagues our ears,
Of Perbal’s dogs we left behind that day
Abandoned and alone.
Margaret translates another great poem by Honsik
Margaret Huffstickler writes: I don't know the title of the following poem, which I found on a forum, and translated today in honor of Gerd. It seems emblematic of him - his father was killed in Italy fighting for the Reich.
The youth sways on his dancing steed: ”Say, father, where shall I ride?
There are many roads, the world is wide, and I cannot interpret the signs.
The old man hesitates and says: 'It's easier to help than advise.
But I advise you, do not go North - there you’ll find only canyons and shadows!
See, in the South, I know of wine and and the figures of dark maidens.
There you’ll be welcome, in the shady old taverns.
Or travel East, to the Orient, the realm of fairy tales and dreams.
Lend your sword arm to the princes there, for gold and precious stones.
If the South and the East don’t entice you, then urge your horse to the West.
Southern heat and Nordic light flash on the windows of fortresses there!
The boy hesitates, he curbs the stallion: 'My father, one more question:
How did you yourself choose on that long-gone day of departure?
The old man turns harshly, trembling: 'I myself rode North
And have fought all my life in vain - for Germany!’
The reins are loosed, and the horse shoots off: That’s how a young man likes to part!
He salutes with his naked sword from high on the ridge, where the paths diverge.
The old man shouts: “How did you choose? What is your destination?”
The young man shouts – it rings out jubilantly: “My father, I'm riding North!”
Ernst Zundel
Hello. It's a real tragedy about what is happening in Europe today.
I know about Ursula Haverbeck, David Irving and Ursula Haverbeck
and the young German guy whose name I cannot think of right now.
These people are heroes. They've suffered at the hands of Quislings in
European parliaments.