The Heretics’ Hour: Excuses White Advocates Give for Not Talking about the Jews
March 5, 2012
Carolyn Yeager and her guest Tanstaafl of Age of Treason blog take on the problem of “fear of the Jews” and why Whites don’t think in terms of “What’s Good for Whites” as Jews always think in terms of "What's Good for Jews?" Topics include:
- Are Whites committing suicide, or is it slow genocide?
- Did we do this to ourselves? Are we our own worst enemies?
- We shouldn’t talk about them, but should just talk about ourselves;
- Talking about Jews is negative;
- Because Jews are so clever and capable, we want them on our side;
- The real problem is X: liberalism, Zionism, feminism… some other ideology;
- Talking about Jews makes us look stupid/crazy/evil;
- Ignorance of the nature of the Jewish threat and fear of social ostracism.
Carolyn reads from The Fire: The Bombing of Germany 1940-1945 by Jörg Friedrich in the first half-hour, about part of the bombing in support of the Allied push into the Reich.
27 MB / 32 kbps mono / 1 hour 56 min.
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Race- 984 reads