Now what? More bullying in national internal affairs by holocaustianity heavies
Sanatorium Fuerth, Vienna: A former hospital which allegedly belonged to Stephan Templ's family before it was "stolen by the Nazis"; in other words, reclaimed by the legitimate Austrian State government of the time. It was returned to Templ's mother after a restitution claim was approved.
The heavy hand of International Jewry has fallen again in the form of 75 "holocaust scholars" (what a joke) who have warned the Austrian ambassador in Washington D.C. that his country better not go through with the imprisoning of Jew Steven Templ for fraud against the state or bad things will happen.
A letter organized by the David S. Wyman Institute for Holocaust Studies, whose committee includes Elie Wiesel, was signed by the usual culprits: Efraim Zuroff of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Michael Berenbaum, a former research director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Walter Reich, first director of the USHMM, and Deborah Lipstadt, aggressive bully at large. No other names were reported so I can't say whether there are only Jews on the list, or just mostly Jews. In any case, they are Jews who pretend that they are scholars, and get away with it.
Templ is a free-lance journalist who is now being called a historian because he wrote a book accusing Austria of stealing large chunks of property belonging to Jews and not wanting to give it back. The book's title is Our Vienna: Aryanization, Austrian-Style (Our Vienna meaning the Jews' Vienna -- Jews being very numerous in Vienna prior to the Anschluss ).
In promoting his book, Templ led tours through Vienna pointing out these allegedly "stolen" properties and calling out with a megaphone the names of the Austrian families now living there.
Templ also successfully applied for restitution of some family real estate, but in doing so failed to include the name of an estranged aunt who also had an interest in the property. (See my post of Sept. 17) Templ's mother received $1.1 million for the property, half of which legally belonged to her 84-year old sister.
The letter delivered to Ambassador Hans Peter Manz reads as follows:
Dear Ambassador Manz,
As scholars who have written or taught about the Holocaust or other genocides, we are deeply troubled by the impending imprisonment of an Austrian Jewish historian and journalist who exposed Austria’s failure to return Jewish property seized during the Nazi era.
The crime of which Mr. Templ has been convicted, and sentenced to one year in prison, was his omission of the name of an estranged relative from his application for the return of his family’s seized property. This matter could have been resolved by the Templ family in civil court. The Austrian government’s decision to intervene by prosecuting and jailing Mr. Templ will be seen as an extreme overreaction to Mr. Templ’s important book, Our Vienna: Aryanization Austrian-Style, which criticized Austria’s policy concerning the restitution of Jewish property.
Please convey to President Heinz Fischer our urgent request that he reconsider his rejection of Mr. Templ’s appeal against his prison sentence.
I dont think they will get anywhere with it, but it's good PR. Like in the Leo Frank and other cases where Jews are trying to free Jews from any punishment, Austria's Supreme Court upheld Mr. Templ's conviction, based on the law, not on public sentiment.
I'll let you know if anything changes.
Holocaust Industry Exposed, Jews, News- 151 reads