Saturday Afternoon: Interview with British Canadian John Beattie
Sept 15, 2012
John Beattie tells how he created the British Peoples’ League for the first time in 1975, helped by his wife. John is proud of his Scottish-English family roots in Toronto, and remembers with pleasure that it was an all-white city during his childhood and youth. He talks about the importance of keeping safe our White and national/ethnic identities – in his case among the British Canadians, but tied together with the British everywhere.
We get the story of John’s “nazi” past (1965-71), straight from the horse’s mouth. Highlights include:
- John is agitated by a brochure “Who is tampering with the Soul of America?” written by Ron Gostick;
- He reads it to a meeting of the Social Credit Party where Canadian Jewish Congress members are present;
- These members adopt Beattie as the leader of a new political party they insist on calling The Canadian Nazi Party;
- Ronald Bottaro and John and Chris Dingle become Beattie’s bodyguards, but admit later on a CBC radio Don Sim’s show they were actually agents for the Canadian Jewish Congress;
- Beattie was carried along by the “excitement” and all the booze that was provided;
- His handler was John Charles Garrity, who wrote about it in Maclean’s Magazine;
- The rent check that proved there was no real nazi party organization or headquarters;
- Beattie’s account of the Paul Fromm/Ernst Zundel hearing in 2000.
Picture above right: June 1966, William John Beattie, protected by police, harangues a crowd of 4000 in Allan Gardens Park in Toronto. Enlarge
Jews, Saturday Afternoon podcast- 1668 reads
Original comments on this program
6 Responses
September 18, 2012 at 2:29 pm
I am a bit skeptical about the claim that Jews don’t control Canada. Maybe the word control is a bit strong; certainly the ability of Sabina Citroen to have Ernst Zundel prosecuted endlessly for violating a law that was blatantly unconstitutional shows that Jewish influence in Canada is very great.
The real power is not in elected office but in mass-media.
Jewish control of mass-media in Canada may be less now than a few years ago, since the Aspers’ CanWest went bust and was bought by the Shaws.
Robert Black
September 21, 2012 at 2:00 pm
This was an interesting talk with Mr Beattie. I hope that you have him on the programme again in a few months so he can update us on the progress of the BPL.
September 21, 2012 at 3:21 pm
It will be a pleasure to have Mr. Beattie on again after a few months. Maybe I should be asking you about your magazine.
Will Toffan
September 23, 2012 at 12:46 am
This is probably old news, but I am new to this website. Certainly Prime Minister’s first act in foreign affairs ( reversing Canada’s long held position of supporting Palestine and accepting the Israeli world-view should have set off alarm bells for any Canadian. Further, Harper’s labeling of long-term British parliamentarian George Galloway from entering Canada for a speaking engagement is the most blatant example of Harper’s stupidity ( and our national embarrassment), or a symptomatic example of his sycophancy to the Canadian Jewish lobby. For the life of me, I fail to see how most Canadians remain oblivious to the loss of our national pride and our service to a foreign power which in no way represents our national interests.
John Beattie
September 23, 2012 at 5:44 pm
On the good side of the coin, the Harper government followed the lead of Marc Lemire, with yids screaming in parliament, and had the major hate law, section 13, repealed ! On the good side the first 100 Federal Court Judges appointed by Harper are all white except for 2 native indians (yes by all means go through the list and you will probably find a jew or two or maybe ever four ). On the good side of the coin there are only 3 jews in the whole parliament of Canada. For those proud of our Royal connection ( as a people, not slobbering over Monarchy ) but the term Royal itself being brought back into our armed forces, meaning bringing back our BRITISH roots. And on and on goes the list. The Canadian banks were the strongest in the world during the recent mess. Check out the presidents of our Canadian banks. Accent the positive, and deflate the negative was a great tune with a lot of common sense.
Robert Black
September 24, 2012 at 8:57 am
Hello Carolyn. Feel free to ask about Candour. Our magazine was founded by the great patriot A.K. Chesterton in 1953.
We have a website, which is
CANDOUR : To defend national sovereignty against the menace of international finance.
CANDOUR : To serve as a link between Britons all over the world in protest against the surrender of their world heritage.