Saturday Afternoon: Pedophile Rings Reach to the Top of Governments
Oct. 20, 2012
Carolyn speaks about the latest pedophile scandal in Britain (where such scandals crop up a lot) involving the BBC’s squelching of “rumors” of child sexual abuse by top star Jimmy Savile. Now the denial has ended and a police criminal investigation is underway, while the government-owned BBC struggles to deal with its own investigation and top executives make statements of denial that they were involved in any cover-up. Also discussed:
- Prior scandals involved the Labour governments of former Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown;
- Lord George Robertson, UK Defence Secretary under Tony Blair, and the Dunblane school massacre;
- A plethora of sex criminals find shelter as British political party activists;
- The Franklin Credit Union-Omaha Boys-Town pedophile ring reached high into the Republican Party all the way to Vice-President Geo. H.W. Bush;
- Craig Spence, “CIA asset” in Washington, and his bugged and camera-filled party mansion;
- Quotes and excerpts from the book Predators: Pedophiles, rapists and other sex offenders by Anna Salter, and how they manage to stick together to avoid exposure.
Image: Jimmy Savile (center) socialized with top Britons, including members of the Royal Family; here with Prince Charles (left) in Scotland.
Saturday Afternoon podcast- 916 reads
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5 Responses
October 21, 2012 at 11:48 am
Correction about the relationship between George Robertson (Labour party Member of Parliament and Defence Secretary in Tony Blair’s cabinet) and Thomas Hamilton (the Dunblane Massacre gunman).
Both lived in Dunblane at the time of the massacre. Robertson represented that district in Parliament. He was a family man with 3 children in school. Hamilton was a single homosexual who ran a “boys club” of a sort of Boy Scout type, with lots of outdoor activities. One of Robertson’s children was in the boys club and the two men knew each other. In the 1980′s Robertson removed his son from Hamilton’s boys club. There were suspicions about Hamilton’s behavior with the boys, and indeed he should be classed as a pedophile.
However, the report that Robertson was the “referrer” on Hamilton’s 2nd application for a gun license is false. A Scottish newspaper retracted that claim and apologized after a vigorous denial by Robertson. There are writers and websites that continue to repeat it, which is how I picked it up.
This all happened during a big push for tougher gun-control laws in the UK. It was used as an argument to ban private ownership of handguns. From Wikipedia:
So that aspect of it remains troubling. No clear motive for Hamilton’s rampage has been put forth and much of the investigation records are still under a 100-year seal! Due to public accusations of a cover-up intended to protect the reputations of officials, some were eventually released. From Wikipedia:
Franklin Ryckaert
October 22, 2012 at 5:31 am
FYI, James O’Meara’s book “The Homo and the Negro” has come out. There is a brief review of it on Counter Currents, the website of his fellow homo Greg Johnson. One of the praising critics of this book is a certain Wulf Grimsson, himself the author of a book called “Male mysteries & the Secret of the Maennerbund”. If you are interested to be initiated into the “mysteries” of O’Meara’s ideas about the Maennerbund then that will cost you a $35.
Perhaps an idea for a program on the TWN? After all, are we really waiting for a WN movement led by O’meara’s “Maennerbund”?
October 22, 2012 at 1:34 pm
I went to the website the reviewers who issued praise were Greg Johnson, Jack Donovan and Wolf Grimsson. Do these guys always review each others’ books?
The lead essay analyzes the “homophobic Far Right” through the “queer eye.”
I smell something very rotten. This is how liberals talk. In the 60′s the problem wasn’t communism and the torturers and murderers who ran it, but “alarmists” and “paranoids” and “McCarthyites” who were opposed to it. Even “conservatives” like William F. Buckley Jr. undertook defining “respectable” conservatives and purging those who departed from their line.
Now we’re being told that the problem is not with “Men” who sodomize each other, but with those of us who don’t.
October 22, 2012 at 4:11 pm
Tonight’s Heretics’ Hour will be about this, along with a few other topics, since Arthur Topham had to cancel on the insistence of his lawyer. I should also have a working telephone line tonight in case anyone wants to call in. Hadding Scott will be my co-host.
October 22, 2012 at 11:11 pm
Councillors – these are elected members of local government in towns, cities and counties – like councilmen/women in the US.
Party allegiance and discipline is much stronger in the UK than the US, so a local town council might be divided between Labour and Conservatives just as the national parliament is. Although local issues might predominate people stick closely to party lines.