Saturday Afternoon: Vincent Reynouard – New video on Oradour-sur-Glane
March 23, 2013
Established French Revisionist Vincent Reynouard, with his partner Marie, describe their new work and its importance in the larger scheme of holocaust revisionism. Oradour-sur-Glane is France’s “Auschwitz,” says Vincent, a protected memorial and “tourist attraction.” Waffen SS side of the story is here and here. Discussion included:
- Some history on Vincent’s involvement in the subject since 1997, beginning with a 204 page book “Le measure acre l”Oradour;“‘
- The failure of our people to financially support working revisionists leading to decision to sell the full-length feature film rather than put it on the Internet for free;
- New 1 hour 37 min. video - Oradour: la contre-enquête presents new arguments to those historians who failed to respond to the original arguments since 1997;
- Point is made that failure to respond means they lose the argument;
- Need for help to make English and other-language versions of Vincent’s videos;
- Official history in 1999 by Oradour Memorial Committee makes no mention of Len Cotton, RAF crew member who hid in Oradour church, cared for by a Resistance member, after a crash-landing;
- Video shows new pictures of church victims still wearing their shoes and clothing, but with heads, arms, legs, etc. missing – proving an explosion was cause of death, not a fire;
- Point made that fear of losing current “freedoms” (politics) is more important than Truth for majority of people in Western, White society;
- “Holocaust” is seriously being presented as new world religion by “world leaders,” eg. Obama at Yad Vashem.
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