The Second Hungarian Uprising

He intends to use their profits to finance local businesses at low rates of interest; tweak tax legislation to favour those borrowing from Hungarian banks; offer credit to EU nations at better rates than those offered by the ECB. He also has his eye on non-Hungarian banks: ‘If Austrian and German banks can purchase Hungarian banks, nowhere is it said that the reverse cannot apply.’
Government-owned financial institutions created by the state are now under the direction of trusted associates. A highly popular prime minister he is filled with confidence: ‘When you have two thirds of the seats in parliament, you can do almost anything.’
We’ll see. Not if the ECB has anything to do with it. The gutsy prime minister says: ‘Hungarian capitalism cannot exist without Hungarian financial capital.’ Orbán’s aim is to ensure profits from Hungarian enterprise stay in Hungary. He says interest from credit provided by non-Hungarian banks ECB should remain in Hungary to rebuild its economy. It is interesting that he follows the example of an earlier Central European anti-banking revolutionary, Adolf Hitler.
If you want this explained; imagine a household running on each member’s credit card for which they pay high interest rates. The head of the household says; ‘enough is enough; send the cards back. I will lend you money at zero interest rates.’ The banksters do not like heads of government who declare independence.
Hungary’s prime minister is a brave man; we have seen what happens to those who declare independence. Do as the Greek premier did; accept early retirement and allow the banksters to run things or they send NATO’s heavies in. I predict the early ousting of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
This is again line in the sand time. There could be problems if Russia steps in to offer finance to Hungary. Former Eastern Bloc nations like Hungary are being foxily wooed by Russia. Only the big boys get away with declaring independence; Hungary is not one of them. I wouldn’t mind betting that this is ‘war by other means’ and the man pulling strings is Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. Russian can step in and replace the ECB. Who will save Orbán.
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