Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Is Trump all pragmatism and no principles?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-04-29 13:13

By Carolyn Yeager

AN ARTICLE AT BREITBART NEWS has highlighted what may be a weakness in President Donald Trump's personality that can cause him to be unpredictable, even erratic. Breitbart quotes from a piece in Vanity Fair by writer T.A. Frank that argues how the Democrats hope to break Trump's presidency by preventing erection of the wall. Frank writes:

Amid unified Democratic opposition, Trump only has two choices, argues Vanity Fair:

Trump’s options are limited. He could in theory play—or have played—a ruthless game to get his way, since Trump has the power to revoke the “deferred action for childhood arrivals” or DACA order that Barack Obama signed in order to shield those who have arrived here illegally as children. An icier type wouldn’t have hesitated to hold the fate of these people hostage for wall funding, employing rhetoric about the importance of tying today’s forgiveness to tomorrow’s prevention, and so on. But Trump shows few signs of being that callous, and he has conveyed only reassurances to the Dreamers. So threats of this sort will not be his approach.