Ken Waltzer

An Evening (without evidence) with Deborah Lipstadt

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-05-05 15:26

Deborah Lipstadt looks like your common 'hausfrau' as she explains what motivates holocaust deniers to a student audience of about 150  at Northwestern University on May 4, 2017. This poor woman needs to wear some color in order to look alive. Lipstick?

By Carolyn Yeager

LAST NIGHT, EMORY U. PROFESSOR OF MODERN jEWISH AND HOLOCAUST STUDIES, Deborah Lipstadt, spoke to an estimated 150 mainly Jewish students at the McCormick Foundation Center forum at Northwestern University, north of Chicago, the long-time home of distinguished professor of engineering Arthur R. Butz.

Lipstadt's talk was arranged by Fiedler Hillel as part of “Northwestern Israel Week.” It's always like that because there is no general interest from students in what a Jew's Jew like Lipstadt has to say. Note that she is not a professor of history, as she's so often sloppily called, but merely of Jewish Studies. More recently, Emory University added “Holocaust” to her title, I would guess because of a book she wrote titled Denying the Holocaust.

Is Ken Waltzer on the outs; or is he in hiding?

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-06-29 17:16

By Carolyn Yeager

Deborah Lipstadt slammed leaders of the Claims Conference on June 26, 2013. (Getty Images)

Prof. Kenneth Waltzer used to be the man to go to when the press wanted to know what to think about any “holocaust” scandal. An example is the book, that was ready to be made into a movie, by Herman and Roma Rosenblat, Angel at the Fence.  Waltzer gained a lot from his role in debunking the story (even though it was easy to do),  receiving attention in the press as an “honest holocaust historian. ”

Waltzer teaches German history at Michigan State University and is also director of its Jewish Studies Program since 1992 (with some time off).

When he was interviewed by Harper’s magazine about the Rosenblat fraud in December 2008, it boosted his reputation and standing.  But for some time now, the only one getting the media attention is Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Jewish Studies at Emory University. I have not seen a word written, nor any kind of announcement from Waltzer about his main project for months.  He spent 2011-2012 as the Winegarden Visiting Professor at UM-Flint during which time he worked with students creating their own papers to add to the overabundance of holocaust lore & trivia already in existence. [An interesting sidelight is that his students were directed to use "testimonies and memoirs"  as primary sources, and "books and articles" as secondary sources. There is obviously no need for original documents  in Prof. Waltzer's classes.]

I have been scrutinizing Waltzer on the pages of Elie Wiesel Cons The World (EWCTW), not only for mistakes in his holocaust historical account,  but also for deception and cover-ups. Can it be that, from this, Ken Waltzer has come to be seen as more of a liability than an asset to other holocaust historians? I can only say it is possible, and Deborah Lipstadt is one who would make such a determination faster than many others.  Lipstadt is like a pitbull when it comes to fighting to keep her Jewish Holo Legend afloat; like a hound dog when it comes to sniffing out dangers to it.

Could it be that she has smelled a bad odor coming from Waltzer’s repeated screw-ups as revealed right here at EWCTW, and perhaps has even had a private “scholar to scholar” meeting with him?

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

