US Congress

Swamp Creature Liz Cheney personifies Congress' failure to represent We the People

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2021-02-07 16:49

By Carolyn Yeager

LIZ CHENEY IS BEHAVING as a “domestic terrorist” against the Republican voters in her state as she insists to the people she is supposed to represent that it is 'her way or the highway' on the subject of Donald Trump's Senate political impeachment 'trial'. She claims her first responsibility is to vote her own conscience. This brings up the question “what is the job of a congressional representative – to represent the views of the voters who sent him/her to Washington to represent them, or to represent herself and her fellow 'Never Trumpers'?

A recent poll conducted by Trump pollster John McLaughlin found that 73 percent of Republicans in red Wyoming view her unfavorably—while 62 percent of all voters in the state similarly view her unfavorably. Only 10 percent of GOP voters, and 13 percent of all voters, say they would vote to reelect her, and she trails by more than 30 points—54 percent to 21 percent—against state Sen. Anthony Bouchard, who has announced a campaign against her since her impeachment vote.

In spite of this, swamp creature Cheney said today on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace: