Terrific short video from Vincent Reynouard on the European Court, with English subtitles
The European Court of Human Rights - Instrument of dictatorship
A month ago, on October 15, 2015, the European Court of Human Rights "vindicated" Dogu Perinçek, the Turkish "negationist" of charges that he "denied" the Armenian genocide. Some saw in that ruling the logical possibility that this court would also accept similar challenges to the "Holocaust" on the same grounds.
But no. In this 15-minute video, Vincent Reynouard clarifies that the claim for "freedom of speech," which is guaranteed by the French and European Constitutions, will never, under current governments, be applied to speech about the "Holocaust" or "Shoah." He explains that this is because questioning the Shoah is uniquely equated by the Court with questioning democracy, and questioning democracy is an attack on the legal basis of the state ... supposedly a form of sedition. Seeing that there is no way around this for "Holocaust" revisionists at the present time, Reynouard advises that we give up on the Freedom of Speech approach and look for a different one.
This is insight you need to know, with some discussion also of National Socialism. Revisionism, he says, is crucially important to National Socialists and not something they can give up.
Please watch the video full or half-screen with English subtitles here. And visit Vincent's website here.
- 187 reads
The link to his website is broken.
The link to his website is broken.
Thanks, fixed it.
You might need to make a security exception though. I just did, for the first time. But I didn't see where I could object to it.
Reinforcement of Reynouard's conclusions
On 11-10, this judgment was handed down by the European Court of Human Rights:
During a performance [in 2008] Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala, who is known for his politically-charged performances, carried out a number of actions on stage that were deemed by the court to be anti-Semitic.
In their judgement, the court ruled that it has “no doubt about the highly anti-Semitic content of the offending part of Dieudonné M’Bala M’Bala’s show”.
M’Bala M’Bala had been contending his case under Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights which protects freedom of expression.
In reaction to this the court said that M’Bala M’Bala’s actions were “incompatible with the letter and spirit of the Convention”.
So in Europe you are free to express yourself except about Jews. This results from the official EU adoption of the religion of Holocaustianity, which is the only religion that cannot be made fun of. To those who say Holocaust Revisionism is not important in the fight for White rights and White identity, YOU need to give answer to this.
Netanyahu invokes Nazi past over EU product labeling
Jerusalem (AFP) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday likened the European Union's decision to label goods from Israeli settlements to the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses. [A one-day boycott! In retaliation for the permanent world-wide boycott that the Jews imposed on Germany. The AFP editors don't mention that. Oh no, they allow only "part of the story" to be given. -cy]
"The labelling of products of the Jewish state by the European Union brings back dark memories, Europe should be ashamed of itself," he said as he wrapped up a visit to Washington.
"It took an immoral decision... This will not advance peace, it will certainly not advance truth and justice. It's wrong," he said in an English-language video clip posted on Facebook.
He drew the same comparison in September when he said that Israelis "remember history and we remember what happened when the products of Jews were labelled in Europe".
The Jewish settlements in Gaza are deemed illegal under international law, but the US and UK do not intervene militarity like they have done in so many, mainly Muslim, places.
The Palestine Liberation Organisation said the EU decision did not go far enough, calling for an outright ban on such commerce. More Jewish favoritism, but it takes only one tiny restriction and they cry antisemitism.