We Avow Ourselves to the Divine Racism of the Germanic Peoples
People and Race
The following is something written by German political prisoner Horst Mahler sometime prior to 2006; I do not have the date. Maybe someone can supply it to me. It was written in response to Dr. Ludwig Ferdinand Clauss' "Rasse Und Seele" (Race and Soul) which Mahler labeled an effort to show that the National Socialist racial theory is "harmless" to the non-Nordic races.
by Horst Mahler (translated by Constantin von Hoffmeister)
Hitler definitely thought that the Nordic race was superior - and he was right. Perhaps it is a long time ago since you read chapter 11, "Volk und Rasse" (People and Race), in MEIN KAMPF. Just read it again, now. If somebody comes along and says that [Hitler] does not differentiate between races and does not put them into perspective with one another, he is a liar. He wants to trap you.
It depends on the measure of the valuation. Hitler was thinking about the higher development of humanity. The peoples are not like exotic animals in a zoo. These are displayed without inner relations to another, only displayed for external viewing. We go there and find some of them beautiful, some of them ugly. These valuations are inane.
In contrast, the concept of the development of spiritual beings - therefore including the peoples - contains differences that are related to each other - earlier and later stages, lower and higher forms of the developing substance. To take away from the peoples the consciousness of this differentiation and the related valuation is part of the annihilation program of our enemies.
A people that, in relation to another people, sees itself as occupying a higher stage of development, is hardly going to develop the will or the willingness to step down from the higher stage in order to occupy a level that it thought overcome long ago. This people you would have to show me.
Clauss reacts in the wrong way to the attacks of the enemy. He accepts the enemy's hypocritical pretense that racism is of the devil. He tries - in vain - to exonerate the Nazis of the charge of racism. Right would have been to show the dual nature of racism. He who tries to use the difference between himself and the kaffirs (negroes) as a justification for enslaving the kaffirs, is of the devil. But he who, by realizing the difference, gains the conviction that the kaffir cannot be our teacher and judge, hears the will of God and executes it.
Upon this reflection, it is a must to declare oneself to be against Jewish and for Germanic racism. Of course, the Nazis were/are racists - God-pleasing racists. They understand their higher being as a responsibility for the whole, including a responsibility for the lower being. They foster their status and help the lower races to live lives free from slavery, according to their characters.
Also, it cannot be doubted that the Jews, who think of themselves as being chosen by Yahweh, are racists - Satan-serving racists. They think of themselves as gods and feel they have the right to enslave (Isa 60, 12) and slaughter (Isa 34, 2) all non-Jewish peoples.
Since the Jews do not know any other racism but their own - the Satanic one - they believe that they can, through the accusation of racism, shoot down the bearers of the divine racism. There is a simple cure against that: one simply has to recognize both racisms as aspects of the divine being and articulate them. It then suffices, whenever they accuse us of racism, to hold a mirror (meaning the Torah [Old Testament]) in front of the Jews and laugh at them because of their simple-mindedness.
We avow ourselves to our divine racism through which the world will recuperate one day.
Adolf Hitler, Jews, National Socialism, Race- 1325 reads
Horst Mahler
Anyone who uses the slur term 'Nazis' is ignorant about what National Socialism was.
Hi Trevor
It's the meaning that's been attached to the term that makes it a slur, not the term itself. "Nazi" was sometimes (not often) used as an affectionate nickname by the National Socialists at the time. It was the communists who always used Nazi and never National Socialist, in order to denigrate the movement.
I wonder if we're just allowing communists (+Jews, globalists, antifascists, socialists & corporatists) to dictate the terms we have access to by agreeing that Nazi infers something bad. I think we really need to assert our ownership of our true beliefs, just as Horst Mahler has done here with "racisim." For myself, I never deny that I am racist, as so many (wrongly, imo) do.
A "racist" is simply someone
A "racist" is simply someone who is able to see reality...someone with the gift of pattern recognition.
Horst Mahler
The Jews are the eternal problem due to the simple reason of their double and opposite standards they apply whenever it fits and suits them. Doing so they turn everything upside down. That's why the national socialists called them "die Gegenrasse", the opposite race.
Why I Do Not Support George Floyd
Candace Owens - Video
This outspoken black woman says essentially the same as Horst Mahler is saying:
the concept of the development of spiritual beings - therefore including the peoples - contains differences that are related to each other - earlier and later stages, lower and higher forms of the developing substance. To take away from the peoples the consciousness of this differentiation and the related valuation is part of the annihilation program of our enemies.
He who tries to use the difference between himself and the kaffirs (negro) as a justification for enslaving the kaffirs, is of the devil. But he who, by realizing the difference, gains the conviction that the kaffir cannot be our teacher and judge, hears the will of God
Because Candace Owens has herself reached a higher developmental level, she understand this. She knows that Blacks should learn from European (white) society, not resent and resist it. Is Owens a clone of Whites? NO. She is an intelligent, disciplined African person capable of interacting with Whites and other intelligent people everywhere.
This is what should be said instead of political pandering.
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Every person desires to be among his own people, or people like himself. It's only when it is white folks who admit it is it called racism. I don't think the term has any meaning any more, though.
But we should get our language straight. Nazi is now a slur, the same as the N word. They are both in words. But I use the term or when I hear it used to enter into conversation as to what is referred to and generally that is the demonization of Herr Hitler. That quickly devolxes into the 'holocaust and calling me antiSemitic which again is a misnomer for disliking Judaism, which I do, but I don't dislike people simply because they are Jewish. Arabs are semitic peoples, too, so to use the term anti-Semitic is really a political move to designate the dislike of Judaism as disliking an ethnic race. There is no such thing as an ethnic Jew. They died long ago and far away.
I do think too, we really need to stop talking about race. Germans are not a race, but a people the majority beloong to the white race. Rather than refer to Candice Owens as an African American she should be referred to a an American. All black people are not from Africa. She is a woman and looking at her she doesn't look black to me. Am I a Scottish American? Just saying.
An interesting article.
An interesting article.