Sergeant John C. Woods poses for photographers in his ship’s bunk after he became a celebrity as the Army’s Hangman for the 10 alleged war criminals condemned to death by the Allies’ International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg in October 1946.
Above: The tasteful headstone that marked the resting place of Alois and Klara Hitler in the Leonding churchyard since before WWI. It was removed Wednesday by timid German-Austrian Catholics in service to Jewish hatred and Jewish desire to obliterate history they don't like because it does not serve their interests. This gravestone in the cemetery near Linz, Austria makes Adolf Hitler seem all too human.
The following article is based on my notes for my radio program of March 19, 2012 (found here:, and expanded to include further research and also clarification of a few details that became somewhat unclear largely because of the weather-related interruptions during the program. Once again, I hope readers will spread this article far and wide. Pictured right: German Radio Station Gleiwitz in 1936.
It's ludicrous to imagine a family resemblance between these two faces.
The rumor that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild seems to have been hatched in the mind of a crypto-Jewish propagandist working in the United States’ first unified intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Not long after, a former high National Socialist official, waiting for his execution, “confessed” to discovering a “Jewish grandfather” in Hitler’s background. These fabrications have been thoroughly debunked, and the true story of Hitler’s family background is told below.
Stuka pilot Hans-Ulrich Rudel, on duty, wearing the decoration Adolf Hitler designed especially for him. Below, official photo of Rudel -click to enlarge.