Canadian activist Monika Schaefer arrested and jailed in Germany for showing up at Sylvia Stolz's trial
by Carolyn Yeager
MONIKA SCHAEFER, A CANADIAN-BORN WOMAN OF GERMAN HERITAGE, was visiting her brother Alfred in Germany when she was arrested while observing an open-to-the-public trial of Sylvia Stolz in Munich.
During a recess break in the trial, Schaefer was approached by authorities, handcuffed, and led away. According to eyewitnesses, she protested that she was a free Canadian citizen and was told, "If you wanted to remain free, you should have stayed in Canada."
Schaefer is reportedly being held in Stadelheim prison, Schwarzenbergstr 14, 81549 München, Germany. Friends of Monika are calling for sympathizers to send letters to the prison protesting her arrest and further incarceration.
UPDATE - Here are four Canadian officials we can write to and call, assembled by Arthur Topham. This definitely should be done.
The Honourable Stéphane Dion
Ambassador to Germany and Special Envoy to the European Union and Europe
Canadian Embassy, Berlin, Germany
Leipziger Platz 17
10117 Berlin Germany
Email: brlin at
Telephone (+49) (30) 20 312 0
Fax (+49) (30) 20 312 590
* * *
Honourable Chrystia Freeland Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Email: chrystia.freeland at
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: 613-992-5234
Fax: 613-996-9607
* * *
German Ambassador to Canada Mr Werner Wnendt
Email: info at
1 Waverley Street
Ontario K2P OT8
P.O. Box 379, Postal Station “A”
Ottawa, ON K1N 8V4 Canada
Telephone (+1) (613) 232 11 01
Fax (+1) (613) 594 93 30
* * *
The Honourable Jody Wilson-Raybould
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Email: Jody.Wilson-Raybould at
Centre Block, Suite 449S
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A6
B'nai B'rith claims responsibility for the arrest
B'nai Brith Canada officials said the Jewish group had filed complaints against Schaefer with German officials because of her "anti-Semitic incitement." Shaefer posted a video on Youtube a year and a half ago apologizing to her mother for not believing her about what really happened in Germany during WWII, but instead believing the false teaching she received in Canadian schools and from media. The video received much praise and much criticism.
"German officials should be commended for taking action against Holocaust denial," said Michael Mostyn, chief executive officer of B'nai Brith Canada, in a statement. "We will continue to work, even across borders, to ensure that racism and bigotry find no haven in Canada."
Simon Wiesenthal Center applauds the arrest
The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said it confirmed through the Bavarian State Police that Schaefer had been arrested on charges related to Holocaust denial.
Commending German police for the arrest, Avi Benlolo, chief executive of the Wiesenthal center, said in an emailed statement, "Holocaust denial and revisionism continue to prevail across social media platforms in Canada and across the globe. Such perversion of the truth must be confronted through the use of the deterrent tools available under the law, as well as through education."
It's the Jews
So folks, there's never any doubt that "It's the Jews" who insist on censorship and the suppression of free speech of which they disagree. Jews entered Western countries only during the last few hundred years as a small minority and began demanding equal rights under our democratic governments. Europeans gave in to them in a spirit of good faith and now are suffering under repressive laws engineered by World Jewry. Is this a conspiracy theory? No, it's a reality that our weakness and tolerance for the "other" has brought upon us.
Tolerance for the "other" is not practiced in the Jewish state of Israel even though they call it a democracy, nor is it practiced in Orthodox Jewish enclaves anywhere in the world. Tolerance is only expected of the European. Support Monika Schaefer in any way you can! Oppose these Jewish organizations that exist only to take advantage of our laws in order to weaken us. Refuse to accept the idea that the politically determined narratives of history are fixed and cannot be changed. Take action in defense of revisionists.
- 1688 reads
I'm an American (U.S. citizen
I'm an American (U.S. citizen) living in the U.S. If I do one or more of the following:
1. Make a blog or website telling the truth about Germany, WWII, and the holocaust (holocaust denial) (both accessible on the internet in Germany);
2. Write and publish a book about the truth about Germany, WWII, and the holocaust (holocaust denial) (published in the U.S. and as an ebook available online);
Will I be arrested if I visit Germany?
Use your logic. If you are
Use your logic. If you are not high-profile, they will not bother you. But note that B'nai B'rith Canada is a very aggressive group and they filed complaints against Monika with German authorities. Then, Monika chose to go to the Stolz trial. That was sort of a provocation even though she was free to do so. If she had just visited with her brother, she may not have been bothered. Still, it isn't fair ... but that's German law. It's the law we have to disagree with.
Yes you could be arrested by
Yes you could be arrested by the International Law of incitement. This is what Monica's case fell under. David Duke was also arrested when he visited Germany. I can never go back to Germany for this reason. Theoretically, you could even be hauled out of the United States if you are important enough for them to destroy, or if your website would become super successful. Any reason really if they want to get to you.
'want to get you'
Any reason really if they want to get to you.
That's the thing, isn't it Theresa. They have to want to get you. And it's mostly about 'holocaust denial' because that's what the Jews are mostly concerned about. Most people with websites/blogs that are pro-Hitler or about WWII, they wouldn't be paying any attention to. These people can stay under the radar in Germany.
Do you have any further information about Monica's case, Theresa? Or about Sylvia Stolz? Was there an outcome yet of her trial or whatever was gong on in the Munich court?
Monika Schaefer Prison
to carolyn: Sorry I do not have any news. Here is a video published on Jan. 5, and Alfred said on this video, he did not know how to get a hold of her (at that time) but we do have the address of the Prison where she is (per Henry Hafenmayer).
Frau Monika Schaefer
Schwarzenbergstr. 14
81549 München
Very Sad
My wife and I are saddened by this news. Germany has lost its marbles.
We were able to meet Monika last summer and were encouraged to see her boldness.
Let us know if there is an address we can send a letter to.
It's in the article:
It's in the article: Stadelheim prison, Schwarzenbergstr 14, 81549 München, Germany.
Thank you. Missed that part.
Thank you. Missed that part.
Does it make sense to send
Does it make sense to send letters to the prison? Surely it is the prosecutors office that sghould be innundated with petitions and letters?
Not really, I don't think.
Not really, I don't think. But people were clamoring for me to put that out there and it makes some people feel better to do it. I can understand that. From the US it takes a week to get to Munich, and then another week to get to Monika (if it does) and she may be moved somewhere else by then. Or released. My guess is, she will be released and deported back to Canada. But we'll just have to wait to find out.
Then people want to make out that she's sitting in a dungeon. AFAIK, they don't do things that way in Germany. Her brother is there; we should be able to get updates from him.
I have not found any further news today, Monday.
Prisoners of [Historical] Conscience
Are there other prisoners of [historical] conscience in German or Austrian prisons that we can also send messages of support to?
Ernst Zundel
Vilma Ralston,
The exact same thing happenned to Ernst Zundel even after he won his Holocaust denial case in Canada he was arrested there, incarcerated and eventually died last year. His partner can not visit relatives in Germany for fear of the same treatment.
Germany is truly the new USSR which is not surprising as it is run by a Stasi Communist. The Stasi being the East German Secret Police or essentially the CHEKA in East Germany. The Stasi was responsible for ordering that anybody attempting to flee to the west was to be shot in the back. The Cheka responsible for the murder of millions of white Russians and the starvation of the Khulaks or farmers that resisted the murderous collective farming ideology of Lenin.
BTW Anti-Semitism was punishable by death in the USSR. What is Anti-Semitism you may ask and how is it defined?
The answer is that it is anything they want it to be and it is defined as such. You can see that soon this will be the case in Europe too.
Support Monika
Good article, Carolyn.
I've heard a lot of our so-called White Nationalist brothers putting forth the idea that our movement would be better off without input from women, but I'm here to testify that these brethren are suffering from mental midgetry... because women like yourself, Carolyn, and like Ms. Schaefer are much needed in this movement! Certainly much more so than those LARPers.
Even though I'm not a Christian by any stretch of the term, my sincere prayers are with brave Monika and her intrepid brother Alfred during this terrible time. I also intend to donate to Monika's legal defense whenever Alfred puts up a link. I implore others to do the same.
We must take care of our own!
Thank you, JimB. Comments like this are needed too. :)
Alfred Schaefer on Monika Schaefer
I just discovered that Alfred Schaefer posted a comment and link at Lasha Darkmoon's website on an article similar to yours, Carolyn, about Monika. The link is to Kenn Daily's channel in which Alfred Schaefer is a guest and he talks about his sister, Monika.
So sad to see Canada being a
So sad to see Canada being a puppet of the zionism (and totally sold to the LGBTI agenda). They made the life of Ernst Zundel a true hell, and what can we say about german authorities that we don't know...
It's evident that there's a growing fear of the falling of the holocaust tale.
I agree with you on that,
I agree with you on that, Fabio. It seems to me that's exactly what is the cause of all this frantic effort to enact more "antisemitism" laws and to build up fear in Jews that they are in danger.
I think that's the very reason we should push hard against the holoco$t at this time. It's no time to be giving in on anything.
Sad news
I was afraid this would happen to Monika. Hopefully she will be sent back to Canada with not much harm done. This is another proof that Germany is in a pitiful state. What a pity.
Once again their desparation will be their undoing. In this day and age of rapid transfer of information things like this will only serve to shine a light on the perpetraters of the hoax and the stalinesque manner in which they handle criticism.
From this hopefully it will become obvious to the masses that the few have saturated their governments and education and law making apparatus
Monika Schäfer
She should have known whar will happen to her when entering the soil of the Smaller Germany of Today. Think of the Williamson case, the Schmdit case, and the Töben case.
The now German authorities are somewhat "crazy" as far as "their holy version of the Shoa(h)" is concerned ....
If she's Canadian, you can
If she's Canadian, you can bet your bottom dollar, Canada will sink her.
Or try to.
Remember what Canada did to Ernst Zundel.
We, People have to get her out.
There are MORE of us, that there is of THEM!
Free Canadian Citizen Monika Schaefer from Illegal German captiv
I have written an email to each of the four addresses you provided. If you like I can post the letter as a template for any that are maybe battling to find the time to compose something appropriate. It can be modified to suit the individuals message etc.
For the little it is worth it is better to say something than to keep silent.
Sure Earl, go ahead and send
Sure Earl, go ahead and send it. I'll publish it.
Apparently someone read my letter that was to verbose ;)
And here is my response recieved:
Dear Mr.Wyatt:
I am writing in response to your correspondence of February 4, 2018, addressed to the Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs, regarding the detention of Ms. Monika Schaefer in Germany.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.
While the Privacy Act prevents me from sharing details about Ms. Schaefer’s case, we can advise that consular assistance is being provided to her. For more information on the type of consular assistance that can be provided to Canadian citizens detained abroad, I encourage you to consult the following publication:
Kirill Kagner
Director, Consular Case Management
Consular Operations Bureau
Monika remains in my thoughts and prayers.