German government censorship office harasses Canadian website
By Carolyn Yeager
THERE IS A WONDERFUL WEBSITE THAT HOLDS A TREASURE TROVE OF WRITINGS offering an alternative view to 20th Century German and related European history. It is called Scriptorium – your alternative history bookstore! It's not really a bookstore, but more like a library where everything can be read right there, or copied and saved in your own private digital library. Those responsible for the site are mainly German-Canadians, as I understand it, but as they say on their opening page (linked to above), the website is American-hosted. It features articles, books and brochures translated from German to English, along with a number of works originally written in the English language but which are hard to find, or have been squelched by the PC thought police. They actively continue to create new translations.
I'm writing this post because I happened to go to the site today searching on a particular subject matter, and noticed that they are being harassed by the Federal Republic of Germany. Something called the Bundespruefstelle für jugendgefärdende Medien [BpjM - Federal Review Board for Media Harmful to Minors]. Here's what this organization writes about itself on its website:
Books that glorify the National Socialist regime have been regularly indexed since the beginning of the audit work of the Federal Examination Office in order to prevent the right-wing extremist influence of young people. Since 1991, applications have increasingly focused on the indexing of phonograms and Internet offerings with right-wing extremist and pornographic content.
The good people of the Scriptorium say that it is not and never has been their intention to ''glorify'' anything or to offend anyone. And they explain their raison d'etre very convincingly. Still the Federal Republic has tried to censor their site, and especially this particular Office for the Investigation of Youth-Endangering Media. They say they've been accused of "racism", "Holocaust denial", "re-writing history", "hatemongering", "stretching the limits of free speech", and the list goes on. They write that:
After having shown the BPjM every conceivable co-operation (while this organ of the modern German Inquisition did not even see fit to confirm receipt of registered letters, much less to reply to our eMail inquiries for information), we shall no longer accord this Federal German censorship office greater authority than it actually has.
Please take a look at the Archive contents to see what a great selection of historical documents it contains, documents you truly will not find anywhere else. And consider sponsoring the Scriptorium folks with a regular donation as you enjoy the friuits of their labor. From the USA, they accept personal checks or “international” Money Orders Some years ago I sent a donation that warranted me a gold brick in their wall; they were so grateful they sent me a lovely handwritten letter of thanks and an interesting booklet as a gift in return! I'm going to do it again and try to help them on a regular basis from now on. I put the highest value on what they do on this website. The people behind this are truly great people—as American President Donald Trump would word it ... 'these are great people.' The best. Their address: The Scriptorium, P.O. Box 727, Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1V9, Canada
Historical Revisionism, World War II- 868 reads
Political surveillance is alive and well in Germany
The anti-migrant AfD party is trying to avoid special surveillance by the German security service, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. It is telling its members not to use words or phrases such as "foreign infiltration," "ethnicity inversion," or "refugees are criminal." This is because the other parties (CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens, Left) are ganging up against the AfD, calling it dangerous and possibly seditious. Björn Hocke, popular AfD regional head in the central state of Thuringia, is a particular target. He retorted Saturday that concerns about the party (by the other parties to the point of calling for it to be monitored) were akin to "political bed wetting."
Dear Carolyn,
many, many thanks for the link to a real treasure trove of information.
I have to send them an eMail in order to ask them how to add a brick to the wall either by transfer an amount from Germany (Deutsche Bank, Euro) or via Credit Card (South Africa, ZAR). Unfortunately I am rather stupid in such matters, born before the war.
Klaus Borgolte
From Arthur Butz
Arthur Butz, author of The Hoax of the 20th Century, writes me that it was this office that in 1978 or '79 put the German translation of his book on the list (had it indexed -"indiziert"), and that at that time their name/title had the word "Schriften" (writing) rather than "Medien" (media).
Thank you, Arthur, for that little bit of history. I wonder how long they've been in operation? Probably since the 1950's.
@Carolyn: Thank you very much
@Carolyn: Thank you very much for briniging this website to your readers attention. I've never heard of this website before, and it looks like a gold mine of good information.
Can you please add a list of blogs and websites that you follow on your homepage?
Well Bill, I'm glad I did too
Well Bill, I'm glad I did too. I confess I'm surprised at how well-received it is. We do tend to think that "everyone" knows what we know, but is usually not the case.
I haven't had a "recommended" list for a long time and don't really want to add one. But I will consider it.
wintersonnenwende website
I am afraid that that based on his own recent statements that Donald Trump would say something far different than, "These are great people."
It would be much more like, "These anti-Semites will be destroyed."
I don't think so
What he said about the Pittsburgh shooter is very different from what he would say about these people. They do not write in an antisemitic style, AFAIK, and I have read several of the books they offer and some articles. Trump does not praise/defend the Jews except when he has to, and sometimes he has to.
This latest shooter is a stupid man who I don't even think is genuine anything. It makes no sense, plus is clearly harmful to white people, to announce publicly online that you're "going in" right before you walk into a synagogue and take down 4 OLD and 7 VERY OLD JEWS while shouting "All Jews must die!" If he was really shooting at the circumcision party, why didn't he aim at the baby and the rabbis? He must be working with the FBI or CIA, in conjunction with the ADL.
Also, Trump didn't ever say "Antisemites must be destroyed" but "Antisemitism ..." Big difference.
And I didn't say Trump would say that about these people, I only said that it is a phrase he uses and I wanted to use it about these people, so I gave him credit.
Trump's problem would be admitting that Americans were the bad guys in the lead-up to war, the war itself and the follow-through. But he's not punitive toward Germany's actions. He avoids it.
Been Looking for That
Thanks for giving the specifics on ages of those killed. Spent quite a while searching for that, and my suspicions about this guy are along the same lines. Flying now to Wintersonnenwende.
Heck, two or three were in
Heck, two or three were in their 90's, several in their 80's, the rest 70's or 60's. The youngest of 11 was 56 years. Is this typical of synagogues?
And we haven't seen a single live shot of him since he was supposedly arrested. We usually see them televised in court; the public should see them. We have a right. We certainly have to hear enough about it. At first the pipe-bomb mailer was shown on TV, but that stopped, probably so it wouldn't be contrasted with this mystery man antisemite.
He actually invented some
He actually invented some coded internet security format in the 90s. Now he's a truck driver. Maybe they'll get squeemish about executions and not televise it like they did Housein - spirit him off to some remote paradise. But I've heard those deals don't matter much to intelligence high ups. Wray showed his true colors when he affirmed the MAGA bomber as a serious threat. (resistance - never-Trumper) Enjoying Winterwonnenwende, thanks a lot!
It's surprising that this
It's surprising that this site hasn't been shut down yet. Thank you Carolyn for posting it, I will download the entire site to preserve it from the people we know...
"Their address: The
"Their address: The Scriptorium, P.O. Box 727, Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1V9, Canada"
This organization and website is apparently based in Canada. Increasing attention to their work may prove lethal to their website I'm afraid, and they may eventually get shutdown. I don't think Canadian speech laws are as good as in the U.S.
You really think they don't
You really think they don't want people to know about their website?
In addition, they feature their mailing address so that they can receive money. They need money to stay online. Do you ever help with that? You have never here.