Adolf Hitler on The State, part 3 – Racial Hygiene and Physical Education
FROM MEIN KAMPF, SUMMARY OF CHAPTER TWO OF VOLUME TWO, pages 69-87 of the dual-translation. (See here for series introduction.)
2.10 - A folkish State should begin by raising marriage above the level of being a constant scandal to the race. […] In our present state of law and order, this brave, bourgeois-national world looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for those who suffer with syphilis, tuberculosis, hereditary diseases, and also cripples and cretins. But the actual prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the noble morality of this social class, but rather encourages their short-sighted laziness.
The fact that the churches join in committing this sin against the image of God, even though they continue to emphasize the dignity of that image, is quite consistent with their present activities.They talk about the Spirit, but they allow man, as the embodiment of the Spirit, to become a degenerate proletarian.Then they are amazed at how little influence the Christian faith has in their own country, and at the depraved 'ungodliness' of this physically and therefore morally degenerate riff-raff. Then they try to make up for it by converting the Hottentots and the Zulu Kaffirs, and to grant them the blessings of the Church.
The folkish State will have to make up for everyone else's neglect in this area. It must put race at the center of all life. It must ensure its purity. It must declare that children are a people's most valuable treasure. It must see to it that only those who are healthy shall beget children. There is only one disgrace: for ill or defective parents to bring children into the world; and one highest honor: to refrain from doing so. … [The State] must ensure that the normally fertile woman is not restricted by the financial irresponsibility of a political regime that sees the blessing of children as a curse to their parents. The State will have to abolish the indifference by which it handles the problem of social amenities for large families, and will have to be the supreme protector of this greatest blessing of a people.
If only for a period of 600 years, those individuals who are physically degenerate or mentally ill were to be prevented from procreating, humanity would not only be freed from an immense misfortune but also restored to such a condition as we at present can hardly imagine.
The folkish worldview must finally succeed in bringing about a nobler era in which men will no longer pay exclusive attention to breeding dogs, horses, and cats, but will improve the breed of the human race itself. It will be an era in which one class knowingly and silently renounces, while the other joyfully sacrifices and gives. That such a thing is possible cannot be denied in a world where hundreds and thousands voluntarily accept the principle of celibacy, without being obliged or bound to do so by anything except religious injunction.
Naturally, our wretched army of contemporary bourgeois won't understand this. They will ridicule the idea, or shrug their shoulders and groan out their eternal excuses: “Of course it's a fine thing, but it can't be done!” … [I]f a generation suffers from defects that it recognizes and admits, and is nevertheless quite pleased with itself—as the bourgeois world is today—and is satisfied with the cheap excuse that nothing can be done, then such a society is doomed.
Education Principles of the Folkish State
2.11 [E]ducation must initialy be directed towards the development of sound physical health; as a general rule, a strong and healthy mind is found only in a strong and healthy body. The fact that geniuses are sometimes not robust in health, or even sickly, is no proof against this. These cases are only exceptions that—as everywhere else—prove the rule. But if the mass of people is physically degenerate, it's rare for a great spirit to arise from such a swamp.
[I]t is character that has to be developed first of all, especially will-power and decisiveness, along with promoting a readiness to accept responsibility; technical schooling comes last. ... Physical training in the folkish State is therefore not a matter for the individual alone, nor is it a duty that rests primarily on the parents and only secondly or thirdly on the community, but rather it's necessary for the preservation of the people who are represented and protected by the State.
Today, even in the high school curriculum, only two short hours per week are reserved for gymnastics, and it's not even obligatory but left to the individual. This is a gross disproportion … Not a single day should go by in which the young pupil doesn't have one hour of physical training in the morning and one in the aftrernoon, and of every kind of sport and gymnastic.
There's one sport that should be particularly encouraged: boxing. … The fact that a young man learns how to fence and then to duel is considered quite natural and respectable, but boxing—that's brutal! Why? There's no other sport that demands such lightning-fast decisions or that gives the body a steely flexibility. […] If our entire intellectual upper-class had … learned to box, it would never have been possible for low-lifes, deserters, and other such riff-raff to carry through a German revolution. The success of this revolution wasn't due to the bold, courageous energy of the revolutionaries but to the lamentable cowardice and indecision of those who ruled the State at that time and were responsible for it.
The army offers the best example of the fact that the knowledge of one's physical ability develops a man's courage and militant spirit. … The excellent training that German soldiers received before the war imbued the members of the whole gigantic organism with a degree of confidence in their own superiority that even our enemies never thought possible.
Our German people, who today lie broken and walked-upon by the rest of the world, need the power that comes from self-confidence. But this self-confidence must be instilled into our children from their early years. … We must have no illusions: The collapse of our people was overwhelming, and the efforts to put an end to this misery must also be overwhelming. … Only by a superabundance of national will-power, a thirst for freedom, and the highest passion can we recover what has been lost.
To be continued ...
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf- Printer-friendly version
- 690 reads
Amazing! Everything Hitler
Amazing! Everything Hitler wrote back in the 1920s sounds and actually is very contemporary. He describes exactly what has afflicted today's societies and provides a common sense remedy. How prophetic his words were.
My exact reaction!
That's why I'm posting these short 'summaries', to remind everyone that AH had all the right answers back then, and was defeated by the same forces that are doing the same thing now. What has changed? Only technology has become more advanced, that's all.
I thank you for noticing and mentioning it, Jim.
By the way ...
If only for a period of 600 years, those individuals who are physically degenerate or mentally ill were to be prevented from procreating ...
Think of the millions of mentally ill we have just in the US now ... it's said that half the homeless are mentally ill, plus probably half of the prison population and maybe 1/4 of the illegal southern border crossers. A huge drain on our resources because of indiscriminate sex. This is the other side of "Freedom." Too much of anything is not a good thing. All it takes is common sense.
One in two Germans (today)
One in two Germans (today) developes a (at least temporarily) mental illness in his lifetime (if we can trust those statistics). And at least one in twenty Soldiers in the USA will be affected by PTSD (=mental illness) after his tour of duty. I'm unsure if A.H.'s definition of "mental illness" is the same "scholars" use today and where to draw the line (maybe chronic ones) ?!
~ regards Schatzmeister
Carolyn: This series of Mein
Carolyn: This series of Mein Kampf excerpts is useful for those who- like me- lack time to read it all.
The key to understand Hitler and his visceral anti-slavic, anti-Habsburg, anti-bourgeois hatred: His very hard time living in the multiracial capital of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, Vienna. To survive, Hitler, at some point, had shoved snow, carried suitcases at the train station, etc...He was at the bottom of the social scale in a city where over 40% of its inhabitants were foreigners: Slavs, Hungarians etc... Being instinctively a patriot, coming from the province, he was shocked when in 1908, he first set foot in Vienna and saw all those foreigners.
It were not the Marxists who were destroying his germanic motherland, rather the catholic, degenerated House of Habsburg.
Quoting Hitler: "The Royal House was becoming Czech in every possible way; and it was the hand of the Goddess of eternal justice and inexorable retribution that caused the most deadly enemy of Germans in Austria, the archduke Francis Ferdinand, to fall by the very bullets which he had himself helped to mould. And he was the chief patron of the movement, working from above to make Austria a Slav State."
Amazing how prophetic his words sound in today's Germany: Now it's Merkel & Co who are transforming Germany into a slavic, african, muslim shithole.
Support patriots!
That's why I'm doing it,
That's why I'm doing it, Gilson. So people who won't read Vol 2 can still learn what's in it--and what is not.