The Heretics' Hour: Hitler and the Slavs, 6
Nov. 17, 2014
Adolf Hitler, at the left, at his Wehrwolf headquarters near Vinnytsia, Ukraine in 1942 or 43.
Ukrainians and their relationships with their neighbors through the centuries. How did Ukraine become a Slavic nation? Just how much of a role did Hitler play in the sufferings of Ukrainians in 1941-44? 1h38m.
- The Goths, the Huns and the Khazars all settled in the area at different times;
- The Varangians (Scandinavians) arrived around 880 and created the most powerful state in Europe: Kievan Rus;
- It was devastated by a 13th Century Mongol invasion and eventually succeeded by the state of Galicia-Volhynia;
- Lithuanians and Poles controlled vast estates in Ukraine, the Cossacks led an uprising and Russians moved into the Crimea;
- Hitler reunites Eastern Galicia and Volhynia with Ukraine;
- What led to the violent ethnic cleansing between Poles and Ukrainians in Volhynia in 1943;
- Why the spirit of extreme nationalism contradicted the concept of the Slavic nations and National Socialist Germany fighting the Soviets together.
See that inverted triangle in the center? That is a beautiful example of the kind of Ukrainian floral/fruit design that I like so much. I believe such folk art developed from the importance to them of the fertility of the earth, which Ukraine definitely represents. Enlarge
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Kiev founded in 880, not 1880 !!
I just heard myself say, twice, 1880, when I thought I was very carefully saying 880. Strange, what comes out of the mouth sometimes. This occurred in the early part of the program referring to when the Varangians arrived at Kiev ... in 880.
I will have to see if I can edit the "teen" out.
And so I did
Good enough ... and got rid of a little more at the same time. This editing gets addictive, lol.
Ukrainian music
I should have said more about the music, which is mostly based on Ukrainian (and Russian, I suppose) folk songs. Seems I forgot to write it down, thus sloughed over it. But there have been some serious and very well-regarded composers in Ukraine, such as Mykola Lysenko.
Long ago I had a favorite long-play record titled Ukrainian Folk Songs and though they were all good, a couple in particular I thought were fantastic. It was the high energy in the music - it really got going in a way that I found extremely enjoyable.
This show
Hi Carolyn,
You keep talking about the AH [Austro-Hungarian] empire in the 18th century when there was NOT a trace of that! During that time in fact it was still the Holly Roman Empire and it will be so until 1806 when Napolen take it donw and the Austrian Empire is set. The AH came in 1867 so it was 150 years AFTER the time you mentioned (the times of Maria Theresa - around 174x).
To Margel
Alright, you are correct. Maria Theresia was the Empress of Austria and the Queen of Hungary. She was the sovereign of Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bohemia, Mantua, Milan, Lodomeria and Galicia, the Austrian Netherlands and Parma ,,, which was the Holy Roman Empire at the time. She was a Habsburg, the daughter of Emperor Charles VI.
The Austrian Empire was created in 1804, after the time of Maria Theresia, with the first sovreign being Francis II of the Habsburg line. In 1867, Hungary was elevated to create the new Dual-Monarchy which lasted until 1918.
In the Austrian Empire 11 languages were spoken! In Austria-Hungary thre were two official languages: German and Hungarian ... and 12 unofficial languages, including Yiddish. Even so, it was run by Germans!
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Great Song in the Middle
I would like to download that song what was it. WHEN WAS IT MADE?
The Ukrainians NOT MAKING UP A GREAT PAST that did not happen.
Was very good after notising that pattern in other people. Not as bad as the Blacks and jews but notisable still the same. By the way I have notised in my life that if you are telling lots of storys of PERSONAL GREATNESS YOU WITH OUT EXCEPTION ARE TELLING LIES OF SLANDER ABOUT SOME ONE ELSE.
Carolyn, your comment about
Carolyn, your comment about that piece of folk art representing fertility is very astute. The inverted triangle itself is often an intentional reference to fertility as a representation to the female reproductive region.
Well, you are more astute than I. I had not thought of the inverted triangle in that way, but I did notice the shape of it. Good for you.