The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945 - 1st Installment
June 22, 2015
In this first installment, Carolyn reads selections from the Introduction by Alfred de Zayas and the full content of chapters one and two. Some highlights:
- Some history of war crimes investigations from WWI;
- Learning from that war, the German govt. established a new war crimes bureau on Sept. 4, 1939;
- Name, history and statements from some of the Wehrmacht judges;
- The author's negative attitude toward the Third Reich and praise for members of the resistance brings up some issues;
- Hitler's "Barbarossa Decree" of 13 Sept. 1941 is read in full and discussed. 1h33m
An idealist and United Nations advisor, Alfred de Zayas today still has hope for Democracy and the sovereignty of nations.
Germany, Russia, Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau podcast, World War II- 751 reads
Russian partisan warfare
I recommend the reading of Part 3 of Wilfried Heink's 6-part review of 'The Suppressed History of Crimes Committed on German Soldiers in WWII' which I mentioned at the beginning of the program:
An excerpt:
On p. 42 of the Fredborg book:
“In private, political circles (the officials in the Foreign Office and the Ministry of Propaganda) did not conceal their indignation that the Russians did not follow the rules of the game. Instead of giving in when encircled, they forced the Germans to continue the fight indefinitely. The Russians were fighting cunningly and against all international law, it was said. They were lacking chivalry and considered it their duty to kill the enemy regardless of when, where, and how. In addition to this they willfully scorched their own country. What this Russian mentality really signified would soon dawn on different quarters in Germany…”
It was this kind of warfare that Hitler warned his generals about, but their proud Prussian tradition prevented them from changing their tactics. They could not conceive of the possibility that the eastern campaign would not accord with the rules of war by the other side. The German high command was, however, aware of the training of partisans in the SU, as there were intelligence reports about partisan maneuvers taking place in the spring of 1941 (Krieg ohne Grenzen, p. 116). Also, partisan warfare was/is part of communist ideology, a weapon in their fight for world revolution and dominance (Ibid., p. 56).
The early partisan successes are evidence that preparations for illegal partisan warfare in the Soviet Union was made well in advance of June 22, 1941, the start of Barbarossa.
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Also note that there is a different translation of Hitler's May 13, 1941 Decree that is better than the one I quoted from, along with some good commentary.
Friedrich Georg says that the
Friedrich Georg says that the traitors of the Wehrmacht collaborated with the French Resistance (communist partsans) deeply, especially before the invasion of 1944. I think he did not wrote about the subject in the two books about the eastern front. But I think that there must have been very much collaboration. I think everything was not about the traditions of the prussian traitors. I think that a big part of this lament about the tough decisions was a part of their treason. Especially after the war the traitors and all the others have lied a lot. Everybody has to lie and accuse the SS-men etc. But there is a treason going on and on. The traitors have been able to lie everything upsidedown.
There had to be reprlsials and the generals know it and they usually admit this. But they have always accused the SS and Hitler etc. and said they were too hard. But I think they are lying. I think that the SS did almost everything just according the international law. There is much proof about that. Everybody just must speak about "terrible atrocities" somewhere and accuse Führer etc. That is the way the germans have to speak about the holohoax. They knew nothing etc. But the treason has been one reason for this too and is. At least by the traitors. And they have fooled much more with their lies and with the Allies and the German authorities. maybe they fooled almst everybody abroad.
In reality I think the traitors were guilty for everything. They lost the war on purpose. Otherwise Germany would have won at least in 1942. And they collaborated with the enemy. I suppose directly with the partisans too. And then there had to be rhe response and revenge. Otherwise the partisans would have done much more harm.
treason from within
Thanks Repe. There is some about war crimes in the West coming up in the book I'm reading, but nothing in this book about treason, naturally, since the traitors are seen by the author as heroes!
Wilf Heink told me about a sequel to "Verbrechen der Sieger. Das Schicksal der deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Osteuropa” (Crimes of the Victors. The fate of German POW’s in Eastern Europe). A second volume: “Crimes od the Victors. The fate of German POW’s in the West”. But this book, he says, has disappeared! (I wonder who's responsible for that?!) He know of one copy, he says, but the seller wants a fortune, if he even still has it.
What a shame. That's why it's called The Suppressed History ....
But, of course, the treason is another, different matter. I also think, but cannot prove, that they are the reason the war was lost ... more than any other reason, anyway. It's true Germany was not strong enough to carry out such a vast enterprise that this war became, but the opposition in key, high-level positions within the German government caused many instances of weakness. Treason from within is the worst enemy of all. And this is what Hitler was fighting, along with the known enemy.
Of course there were also
Of course there were also instances of high-level incompetance and negligence by National Socialists who were fully on board. This also damaged the war effort. Much of this occurred in the Luftwaffe under Goering, sad to say. An early lead in the 'battle of the air' was lost ... you might say squandered.
Another factor was the weakness of Germany's allies -- the members of the Axis. It seems that only Hitler had a really clear understanding of the mortal danger JEWISH Bolshevism posed to Deutschland and Europa. All of Eastern Europe was enslaved for 50 years! while a different type of Jews took over in the West. This was the result of the defeat of Adolf Hitler.
Partisan terror
From Part 5:
On June 29, 1941, [just one week after the start -cy] the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the de facto ruling body, issued the order for the organization of partisan units, so-called diversion groups, with Ponomarenko later appointed as commander (p. 179). Stalin publicized this order in his radio address of July 3, 1941. Following this, men who could handle weapons, but also woman were recruited, Children also joined, see Part II (p. 180).
To be successful, and to ensure cooperation, the partisans also terrorized the population. Anyone suspected of collaborating with the Germans was killed, because the population was at first friendly toward the Germans, as those who were part of the eastern campaign know (p.180). This changed when the partisans unleashed their terror against the populace. When they entered a village they immediately killed the village elder, then they locked the family into the house and burned it down. The villagers fled into the forest, but when discovered by the partisans they were killed. The partisans left mountains of bodies behind, as well as distraught women and horrendous destruction (p. 181). And to be sure, all of those killed by the partisans were no doubt also blamed on the Germans. And as attacks by partisans on civilians were carried out with partisans at times doubtlessly wearing German uniforms,* hatred towards Germans was the result, which was part of what was intended.
* * *
It wasn't because the Germans treated them even worse than the Soviets had ... as so many like to say. It's because they were lied to.
*When the mutilated bodies of German soldiers were found, they were often naked.
This broadcast cuts out after about three minutes on my PC, both straight listening and download options. Can I do anything about it?
It has to do with some memory that is stuck in your browser (if that's the right term). By clearing that and starting fresh, it should be okay. I have not had any other complaints.