The Heretics' Hour: German Reich, May 1945
May 12, 2014
On a stormy night, Carolyn starts out with some discussion about her latest experiences with Metapedia and, separately, Alexa website rankings, then settles down to a detailed overview of what took place in the German Reich during the month of May 1945. Included:
- Differences over how the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reichs are designated;
- May 1st, new Reichspraesident Karl Doenitz gives his first nationwide radio address, vowing to continue the war "to save Germany from the advancing Bolshevik enemy";
- Donitz' government moved to Flensburg in far Northern Germany because it was still under German control;
- May 7th, Eisenhower threatened to close the front for retreating soldiers and civilians if a general unconditional surrender was not signed immediately;
- May 12th, last battle of the war (Battle of Slivice) by FM Schoerner's troops trying to cross over the American line to surrender;
- May 23rd, the entire Flensburg Gov't is arrested (about 300 officers and civilians in all) and designated as prisoners of war;
- June 5th, the four Allied powers declare their supreme authority over Germany at state, municipal and local levels;
- Nashi (Ours!) is Putin's anti-fascist youth movement formed in 2005 to demonstrate against what he saw as the growing power of "Nazism" in Russia;
- It is funded by the Russian state budget to the tune of 200 million rubles a year and contributions from pro-government business owners;
- The new political party "Smart Russia" is associated with Nashi, whose interest is to foster a more modern, competitive Russia.
Image: Well-known photo of the arrest of the Flensburg Goverment on May 23, 1945. Walking in front is Reichspraesident Karl Doenitz, followed by Col General Alfred Jodl (left) and Economics Minister Albert Speer (right). Click to enlarge.
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Greater vs Lessor Germany can
Greater vs Lessor Germany can be understood by a comparison to Britain. Great Britain vs. Greater Britain. While all Anglo-Saxons are one racial nation worldwide, they may constitute themselves in either a Commonwealth or separate from the political union, as in the case of the US. Greater Britain is the idea of bringing all Anglo-Saxons together in one nation state. Tyndall was a Greater Britain proponent.
The same is true for Germany. The Dutch and Flemish and Swiss are German but in an independent statesform since 1648. All other German states remained in a loose confederation until they finally formed a nation state in 1871 and expanded it in 1938, which de jure exists to this day but is de facto dissolved with Austria treated as a separate state by the occupiers in Greater Germany.
Regarding various forms of European unions, the Greater Germanic Reich vs the European Confederation or (non-Jewish controlled Union) were discussed by the NSDAP leadership. I haven't looked deeper into this, and can't tell how much is simply anti-Hitler hate speech In that link.
Alexa rankings below 100,000 are not generally accurate.
"We do not receive enough data from our sources to make rankings beyond 100,000 statistically meaningful. (However, on the flip side of that, the closer a site gets to #1, the more reliable its rank.) This means that, for example, the difference in traffic between a site ranked 1,000,000 and a site ranked 2,000,000 has low statistical significance." (Alexa
There are different levels of Reich. Frankreich is the German word for France, based on the fact that France was created through the combination of a number of formerly independent states. In that sense Britain is also a Reich. Hitler referred to the USA as "das amerikanische Reich." The Kaiser's Germany was not only a Reich but a Weltreich, meaning not world-domination but merely that it had overseas colonies. In common English usage when we say "empire" we usually mean that level of Reich, the Weltreich.
This ambiguity about the meaning of the word Reich has at times been exploited in malicious mistranslation.
The German name for Great Britain is Grossbritannien. Analogously Grossdeutschland, as Germany was known after the Anschluss, means not Greater Germany but Great Germany. That's how I translate it.
Hadding, do you say that because ...
...your Nat-Soc-Worldview blog has an Alexa rank of 7.5 million? Seriously, I know these ranks are not totally accurate but they do show the trend.
I will agree Alexa is not correctly reflecting the traffic at, my site, and I don't know why. It is currently around 1.5 million, but my server stats show it to have almost equal traffic with On a recent single day, ewtattoo had 2000 views. It used to be way ahead of, yet it still showed this million-plus ranking.
Even if I don't post new articles there, people all over the world are always googling Elie Wiesel and related holocaust topics and come up with links to this site. So it remains highly visited, yet Alexa doesn't reflect that. There are some other criteria that affect their rankings.
It's true that the difference between 8 million and 1 million can be just a hundred or so visitors, because the number of visitors is already so low. That's how I explain it.
I forgot to mention on the program that Reich can best be translated as Realm -- meaning the area where a folk with a common language and culture reside, under a single government or "rule." Would you agree with that?
The German metapedia makes
The German metapedia makes the correct distinction between Deutschland and Deutsches Reich, imo. Deutschland is the land, where Deutsche tribes live in the majority, from Holland throughout "Germany" to Austria and Switzerland. Deutsches Reich is the political entity of a united states of Deutsche/Dutch (Whatever Deutsche states participate). The Austrian Kaiser anthem speaks of Deutsche Lande (Deutsche lands) that the Austrian Kaiser protects. The Dutch anthem states that the Dutch are of German blood. Before post-1945 PC, this was common knowlegde. Now, everyone outside of the BRD pretends to be not Deutsch but of their own nation state which is nonsense. This would be as if a Bavarian would say, he is not Deutsch but only Bavarian.
Grossdeutschland is therefore not the correct name of the German state, including Austria, but Grossdeutsches Reich. Grossdeutschland as a state would include the Netherlands, Flandern and German-Switzerland also. This is kind of like GB, UK, England or US and "America". Technically, Ireland is part of Britain since it is part of the British Islands. And Canada is part of "America", even though everyone speaking of America only means the US.
I use the term Deutsch because in the German language, Germanisch solely refers to Germanic, while Deutsch is one Germanic sub-category, British another and Scandinavian a third. "The Germans -Die Germanen" always refers to all of the three. Sweden in the Swedish language means "Reich of the separate (German) tribe": Sverige. In other words, not Deutsch/Dutch.
Renaming Berlin, Germania, thereby would be the spiritual center of all German tribes, even if Sweden, Britain, Denmark etc would continue to be politically independent. A wonderful idea to unite all Germans for eternity.
For several consecutive years, volumes of photographs by Heinrich Hofmann, titled Großdeutschland im Weltgeschehen were published annually.
There was also a Panzer unit
There was also a Panzer unit Grossdeutschland.
I say that because my Noncounterproductive blog and other blogs that I know get much less traffic than NSW are ranked higher. Alexa themselves say that their rankings below the top 100,000 are not accurate. This is clear.
Realm is okay. "Empire" is
Realm is okay. "Empire" is technically a correct translation for Reich but in the case of post-1918 Germany it creates entirely the wrong impression.
By the way, postage-stamps from the period 1918-1933 still bore the words "Deutsches Reich."
the name of the country between 1918-33 was German Reich. Weimar Republic was only the form of new government, since the new coup-Constitution was written in Weimar by Jew Hugo Preuß. The Weimar Constitution has never been ratified and was simply self-declared by the November Criminals. The Weimar Constitution states that the Treaty of Versailles is to be untouched.
Blue Yeti microphone
I believe that Yeti was once mine. Used it on SF for a year, then donated it to a fellow at WNN. Looks like he's passed it on to you. Did he send you the user manual? I believe you are using the wrong setting. One of several settings allows you to place it in the middle of a table, perhaps 6 people sitting around that table all speaking in turn. The Mic will hear all voices when tuned to that situation. You want the "one talker" setting (I don't recall the terminology used in the manual.) In that proper setting the Mic will only pick up the sound of your voice directly in front of the Mic. The Yeti is a very fine Mic. I chose it on the advice of a person who worked many years in the recording industry.
My Blue Yeti
did not come from a fellow at WNN, whatever that is. My donor said he purchased it himself for a specific purpose, then no longer used it.
I have read the user manuel online and understand the settings. I have it on the setting that only picks up from in front of the mic, called the Cardioid. It's the second one. But it still picks up everything it hears, as other users in discussion groups online testify also. So this just has to be taken into consideration and worked around.
Yes, it's a very fine mic and I'm kind of in love with it for the sound quality. Thanks George, for your kind intentions. Hope to hear from you again.