Saturday Afternoon: No Way Out Except Through The Holocaust
Dec. 21, 2013
On the first day of the Winter Solstice, Carolyn does a kind of Christmas show with an un-Christmasy title. Subjects include:
- The primacy of the fresh-cut Tannenbaum to the German Christmas tradition, going back to the pagan custom of bringing evergreen boughs into the house in winter, partly to ward off evil spirits;
- My father’s Christmas trees, and my fond memories of “the night we put up the tree”;
- How the Christkindl, the gift giver, morphed into St. Nicholas and then to the commercial Santa Claus;
- Letters from airman Leopold Wenger on the Western Front (1939-42) reveal that the one necessary element for a Christmas celebration was the tree;
- New Vienna Philharmonic story and European Human Rights Law Court story show that there is no way out except through the holocaust;
- Details on the upcoming Jan. 27 Revisionist Commemoration website, which will be only about Auschwitz-Birkenau, not any other aspect of holocaust;
- Carolyn talked about her German ancestors’ long time of living in Hungary on Tom Sunic’s VoR program in Dec. 2009!
- 480 reads
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10 Responses
Dietlef Busch
December 21, 2013 at 7:31 pm
Thank you for another great show!
Hungarian-Germans, we refer to as Sudetendeutsche or Sudeten Germans, here are their stories:
Ancestral German soil in Europe’s East!
To those whose final resting place it became,
and to those who in their hearts still call it their own,
this publication is humbly dedicated.
A Blessed Christmas to you an your loved ones!
December 21, 2013 at 8:36 pm
Thanks Dietlef. My family are not Sudeten Germans. We were kind of in part of what is called the Banat, but farther north than what is generally thought of as the Banat. We were the Danube Swabians who, beginning around 1700, and continuing for awhile, traveled to Hungary on boats on the Danube River to settle and develop the land for farming. Farming/the land is in the blood of my people, I think. I myself, after getting into a little gardening in my 30′s, caught the bug and dreamed about larger scale organic gardening until finally I got the opportunity to do it. With my partner, I was in the garden every day, all day for two seasons, and loved it! We had access to two large gardens side by side, and developed them into a thing of beauty. Like my father’s Christmas trees, all the neighbors and friends who also kept gardens admired it and said no one had ever kept up with their garden throughout the entire season the way we did. Of course, it was because of me, not him (I was the slave driver), but I also couldn’t have done it without him. We had a whole lot of fun. It was immensely satisfying.
My grandmother had a real “green thumb” and the Yeager branch in Canada were all farmers; even my Dad’s brother went there to farm. There were members of my mother’s family who loved gardening too. My mom only came around to it in her later years. My father grew tomato plants behind the garage (where they got the morning sun) and I have never tasted a tomato like his tasted since then. There are no-longer seeds for the great-tasting types of tomatoes that were common then.
A Blessed Christmas to you also, dear Dietlef. I’m so glad you showed up.
Dietlef Busch
December 21, 2013 at 9:47 pm
You are very welcome dear Carolyn, I was not sure, but here’s another link and background history of the Donauschwaben, I quote:
“About 150 years ago, a Danube Swabian priest named Stefan Augsburger paid tribute to his countrymen’s peaceful colonization with this verse. In loose translation, it affirms: “Not with the sword, with the plowshare they conquered, the children of peace and heroes of toil”. This oft-quoted verse was inscribed on a plaque over the portal of a Catholic church in a Danube Swabian community when it was consecrated over a century ago. Before the Communists destroyed the church, one of the townsfolk removed the plaque and spirited it away to Germany where it is now in a museum.”
I, myself am a farmer, so I know the work involved. I find the quote a beautiful description of us Germans, being people that live off the land, by the land and for our land, if that makes sense
Gruß zur Sonne!
December 23, 2013 at 3:49 am
Nearly every Jew in the world is involved one way or another in this holocaust Fraud, or has relatives that have received financial benefit. Billions have been bilked out of mainly Germany, but other countries as well.
The one thing Jews are most afraid of is Exposure of the Big Fraud. They are TERRIFIED of the truth coming out. They know they could well be destroyed if the truth comes out. They are a very small percentage of the world’s population. Doesn’t it make sense to attack their greatest fear which is also their weakest point?
That is where Mark Weber’s knees wobble. You need a truly great and courageous man to occupy his position. Courageous unto Death. There are not many of those!……. Is there even one?
They use their political power to lie to our children and to jail people who are a threat. They use their media power to propagandize everybody else into accepting their ridiculous story which fails miserably under the light of scrutiny. They are also capable of inflicting grievous bodily harm, and even go as far as to assassinate.
What happens when the truth comes out and gets universally accepted? The Jew is then revealed as a thieving, murdering, conniving, criminal parasite. Previously he was thrown out of 109 countries; but now he has gone global, what happens when the whole world turns against him? Does he believe he will be forgiven?
Imagine a battle field where there is a very strong fortress containing a heavy gun that is capable of doing tremendous damage to the enemy forces. While the battle rages and the enemy has the upper hand and are now occupying all the important positions, the man in charge of the fortress announces, “We are not going to use the heavy gun. We are just going to use this pop gun instead!”
The General (CY
) calls for a volunteer to get rid of this commander, and take command himself.
Trouble is: no one puts his hand up!
Konrad Rhodes
December 23, 2013 at 12:11 pm
Dear Carolyn,
Really enjoyed this Christmas program! My ancestors were a mix of Catholics and Protestants to my knowledge but those who came from Solingen, Catholic, to my knowledge always had the Weihnachtsmann as did the Protestants. But in any case it is sad that commercialization has so trivialized and destroyed our holiday! It is really a White Aryan holy day from time immemorial. One aspect of it that I only recently found out about was the folklore about the Wilde Jagd or Wildes Heer or Asgardsreien as that famous painting by Norweigian artist Peter Nicolai Arbo was titled. It seems that the folklore and traditions about the twelve nights of Christmas/Yule have dark or terrible aspects which can be seen in the figure of Krampus still seen in some German communities but more so in this awe-full wild hunt of the gods. Telling Ghost stories was an English custom that all we see of popularly today is “A Christmas Carol” by Dickens which I have always loved and still do every Christmas. The long dark nights and excitement as Christmas approaches with people staying up into the night naturally lead to this of course. I don’t want to get away from what you talked about on the show too much but only to add a bit relating to the basic point that in the Christmas/Yule feast Germanics and really all Whites can find and connect to their Ancestors and realize their heritage; can realize in depth their identity!
Fröhliche Weihnachten!
December 26, 2013 at 4:03 am
The Winter Solstice Classic: Hohe Nacht der Klaren Sterne
Hohe Nacht der klaren Sterne,
Die wie weite Brücken stehn
Über einer tiefen Ferne,
D’rüber unsre Herzen geh’n
Hohe Nacht mit großen Feuern,
Die auf allen Bergen sind,
Heut’ muß sich die Erd’ erneuern,
Wie ein junggeboren Kind!
Mütter, euch sind alle Feuer,
Alle Sterne aufgestellt;
Mütter, tief in euren Herzen
Schlägt das Herz der weiten Welt!
Hans Baumann, 1936
December 27, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Carolyn, Tan and all the fine folks who comment/read here @ The White Network. I wish every one of you a prosperous 2014, and thank for all you’ve taught me so far.
December 28, 2013 at 12:40 am
Dear carolyn,
you are doing a great work, in fact you are literally the only one who does the job at all. I would like to see you going on like that in 2014. It is a sign of weakness when someone enjoys the privilege of free speech and still refuses to take a true position on the question “did the event XY take place at all?”. When it comes down to this, David Duke / Weber / etc. are not in real opposition to elie wiesel or angela merkel. This is the behavior of weaklings, who are just brave when it comes to topics of little or no significance. They are fighting for donations and you should never feel forced to react to their distractions or accusations for one moment.
Kind regards
December 28, 2013 at 1:10 am
Dear Mary,
Having you as a regular listener is just as much appreciated by us. Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year to you also.
December 28, 2013 at 10:09 am
Thank you, ulf. I appreciate having that said. It’s a sad state of affairs, isn’t it?