The Heretics' Hour: Homosexual circumcision, pornography and the power of sex
Oct. 8, 2012
Carolyn attempts to tie together several taboo-charged sexual mal-practices that have taken hold in the white race. These practices have been introduced and furthered by Jews and, in many cases, their homosexual and otherwise sexually compromised stooges. White men and women are falling by the wayside in greater numbers all the time, victims of their own vices and also of entrapment.
Carolyn focuses in the first hour on the “circumcision industry” dominated by Jews and homosexuals; then turns to the tolerance within so-called White Nationalist groups of all kinds of failings of men, and a society that is infected with filth. Too many are in denial and fool themselves that some kind of movement back to a more traditional patriarchal social order can be brought about without consulting women.
Carolyn concludes that DENIAL of the root of what has gone wrong is the main problem and she plans to continue delving into this in future shows.
Image: Brian J. Morris, one of the leading proponents of mandatory infant circumcision in the world, a professor at the U. of Sydney in Australia, who likes to watch and write about circumcisions being performed. He puts out misleading and even false information to parents and teens to convince them that circumcision has important health benefits, yet retains his academic position. What drives him?
P.S. Just found this statement on his website: “Finally, I am a happily married circumcised heterosexual male with children.” Yet he participates in all these groups such as Gilgal, Circlist, etc. that exhibit unhealthy fixations of their members on the act of circumcision.
Heretics' Hour Podcast, White Nationalism- 1181 reads
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18 Responses
October 9, 2012 at 12:35 am
This is a woman who gets what’s wrong with society’s recent trend toward giving more and more advantages to women.
October 9, 2012 at 12:56 am
Hi Carolyn! I’m all for consulting women. Women and men were both very happy with the Third Reich, so those policies certainly can be studied. My observation from before was that when the government gives money to people, it gets the money in the first place by taking it from instances of value exchange. If having families is nearly universal, then basically everyone would be paying everyone, or every wage-earner would be paying for families generally. Assuming progressive taxation, wealthier men would be paying more, after having attracted the better women anyway, so it might amount to a lot of recirculation of money.
Another way to look at it, that you might consider, is that higher taxes would effectively force people to spend less on frivolous things, with that money going directly to the creation of (better) White children. So this would actually favor your argument altogether. Your system would effectively redirect spending toward the production of children (so to speak), rather than frivolous home improvements, or every last gadget. It might make the economy a lot more rational.
One point you could also address is, if a woman decides to return to work when her children are only, say, aged 10, 7, and 5, how are her payments adjusted?
October 9, 2012 at 1:00 am
Another problem to consider is that your calculation emphasizes ‘what women could make’, but, this is always an estimate. For example, suppose a woman is trained as a biologist, and then wants to have children. What would she make as a biologist? What if she’s never worked as a biologist? Or, suppose her top salary is used as a benchmark: if the economy has a downturn with less demand for biologists and most everyone else, is the benchmark adjusted? Life is so much of a crapshoot, that I don’t know if regular payments are workable.
October 9, 2012 at 5:10 am
Porn is definitely a psy-op weapon. There’s presumably some money in it for someone, but why over the recent several years have these completely free porn-tube sites exploded all over the net, without obvious means of support? Yes they may link to the clip producer’s site so viewers can become a paying members, and the tube site would get a commission from that- but that doesn’t explain why these sites offer everything for free, long clips, whole movies, carefully fetish-categorized and searchable– where’s the motive for anyone to want to pay? There’s something bigger at play behind these sites; some power-that-be who wants to pacify a whole population through free porn on tap.
After Israel’s invasion of Ramallah, they commandeered all the TV stations and broadcast hardcore porn 24/7. Listen to this podcast with E. Michael Jones ( from Summer ’11, ” The Purpose of Pornography “-
“In this discussion about Libido Dominandi featuring E. Michael Jones, we see how the elites use pornography as a form of social control masquerading as freedom.”
On Lasha Darkmoon, see her latest: “HERE COMES EVIL” about the jewish subversion & conquering of USA, same as Russia & Germany before us,
October 9, 2012 at 12:22 pm
Carl – I believe you are bringing up non-issues and also missing the point. None of this is going to take place any time soon. It’s all theoretical, and these details can be worked out when there is a White government in place, or an organized White separate social group. The main concern now is whether there is any willingness among men to put money where their mouth is concerning their lofty words about the great value of women as mothers, blah blah, while they pay themselves handsomely.
Over at CC, Matt Parrott gave a great example of this hypocrisy in his reply to “just a white mom” who is a regular commenter at TOO. He said:
“First off, thank you for your kind words. I consider your nick a paradox, as being a White mom is among the most vital and important roles…if not the most important of all.”
Oh sure, being a “white mom” is the most important role of all … empty words from a guy who wants to strut around at the age of 28 or so and preach Patriarchy while he makes his living off donations from people like “white mom.” Gosh, but Gentiles really are suckers. Like a dog, give me a pat on the head and I’m happy.
Carl, are you married and have a family? You can answer me privately, of course, or not at all. But I wonder why you’re so worried that something like this could ever take place. I suggested some reasons for mens dislike of any kind or form of equality for women in my program last night. Do you have any comment on that?
October 9, 2012 at 4:06 pm
Without getting too personal, let me say that I don’t think my points are non-issues. They just look at the mechanics of paying regularly for very long-term value propositions. But perhaps from your point of view, it looks like a male just struggling to find some reason to undervalue women. I do apologize if it seems that way. I have no desire to see half of the population feel or be undervalued. I have forever been drawn to thinking about social problems, and pondering solutions. The impending demise of all of the large White countries simultaneously over the next 20 years is certainly a very absorbing problem to ponder.
I’m not sure I recall the reasons you gave for men’s resistance to women’s equality. Thick-headedness perhaps? Sounds about right.
I thought you did a super job of showing the twisted aspect of circumcision advocacy. I hadn’t thought about that at all, prior to these broadcasts. And I’ve heard of the porn broadcasts by Israel into Lebanon or wherever, Palestine perhaps, as a method of warfare.
October 9, 2012 at 4:52 pm
I hate to see anybody promote “Dr. Lasha Darkmoon.” That person is a reckless sensationalist. The pseudonym alone screams it.
“Darkmoon” is also, by the way, somebody who exploits automatic courtesy to females. It is not permissible on TOO to point out that this person engages in outlandish posturing and that the person’s work is (at times) incompatible with the claim of being “a British academic” (my incredulity on this point being based primarily on a ridiculous essay that predicts a bloodbath in the Persian Gulf, although more recent pieces by the person are not quite so laughable, perhaps taking account of the fact that there are critics like me who might point out anything really ridiculous). The only time I ever saw huge numbers of criticisms deleted from TOO was for the benefit of this person, Never mind that this “female” was also personally attacking some male commenters with vicious lies: the injustices that ostensible females commit against males don’t carry much weight. It really looks to me like exploitation of the male impulse to chivalry by a supposed female.
I doubt that it really is a female. (Think of Greg Johnson as “the Cat Lady.”) The person flatly refuses to let its voice be heard in an interview. Whether female or not, the person has been the beneficiary of consideration that males don’t normally get.
October 9, 2012 at 5:57 pm
What I said, Carl, is that there is no point in discussing HOW this should be done when there is no structure in place in which to do anything … at the present time. It’s only the basic premise – yea or nay – that is on the table, afaic. I’m not interested in discussing details of the “how” at this time. Everything can be done if it is the will of the majority (or the minority even) to do it. I’m just asking about the will.
The reason I gave for male resistance was unwillingness to give up any reins of male power … over females. I think that WN men (in particular) are more concerned with sexual competition than with racial competition. What do you think? I do think girls need a strong guiding hand from their fathers, and when mothers have control of the household and the children, many a father opts out, to the detriment of both the sons and the daughters. Although some mothers want to protect their children from a father who has a tendency to slap and hit. I have this belief that it is mothers’ spoiling their sons who can be responsible for bad husbands. Maybe it is the same for father’s spoiling their daughters — I don’t know since I wasn’t spoiled by my father.
Thanks about the circumcision part of the programs. That’s an easier sell than the other. I really feel that a large part of our ‘movement’ is dragging us down.
October 9, 2012 at 6:10 pm
Hadding – I hate to have to approve this comment. While I don’t like a lot of Darkmoon’s material myself (I do think this latest pornography article was quite good), I like the comments at her site even less! They are mostly by what appear to be men. And you think “she” is a man, so what does that say about your gripe against females getting too much consideration … again?
I have to remind you that it’s not females who are responsible for decisions at TOO. Wouldn’t that be Dr. MacDonald in the final analysis? And other men who run it? Maybe they have a wrong idea of when to be chivalrous. Anyway, your comment belongs there, not here.
Do you think I get special courtesy from people? Well, women have not for the most part gotten into the habit of male locker-room language so maybe that is natural and right. This is part of what’s considered civilized society.
October 9, 2012 at 7:03 pm
It shows that some males might rather be female because of the privileged treatment.
Ultimately of course the current overly privileged status of women has to be the fault of men who have allowed the women to have it, like the Republicans who gave women the vote because of the false expectation that this would secure the women’s vote for Republicans. But this doesn’t negate the fact that women who don’t appreciate their overprivileged status and continue making feminist complaints are annoying as hell. I don’t hate the little darlings but they need to get a clue about when they are demanding too much.
I really like GirlWritesWhat’s elucidations of women’s overprivileged status. It’s exactly what I see.
October 9, 2012 at 8:17 pm
Fascinating. Sexual vs. racial competition. One thought I’ve had is that the White Nationalist movement includes a certain percentage of misfits, insofar as being a White Nationalist is socially impermissible. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws have guns. (Comparison.) So if the movement attracts a high percentage of misfits, this makes women feel uncomfortable. Also misfits can’t always reason all that well. Their mental models may be more simplistic.
October 9, 2012 at 10:08 pm
Hadding, thanks for the link to GirlWritesWhat. I think her point is, in more detail, the one I was hinting at. The unintended consequence of making wage-earners (e.g. male ones) support ‘families’ instead of their own families is that unique maleness is further reduced. It would end even the role of provider even if the economy returns to some degree of normalcy. Her point is that a variety of phenomena are ending the man’s opportunity to form a male identity for himself, hence they are sort of failing and refusing to go along with things. GWW has given these topics a lot of thought, and might make a very engaging Saturday Afternoon guest.
October 9, 2012 at 11:35 pm
Thanks, Beth, for that link to the E. Michael Jones interview. It was a good one. He is always such a clear speaker.
I don’t know anything about the free porn-tube sites. I stay away from ever clicking on anything like that because I don’t want to end up with it coming into my email box. Is there a place to read “about it” without going to it?
October 10, 2012 at 3:54 am
Carolyn, I’d have to search around for articles deconstructing, or critical of ‘net porn which are themselves “respectable” sources. I can’t imagine a given “free porn tube” site somehow grabbing your email addy without you providing it somewhere- so if you want to check this vast ‘net red light district for “research purposes”, add dot com to xvideos, redtube, xhamster, drtuber- just to name a few. Use a program like free CCleaner to delete all cookies etc after your “research”. Notice the thumbnails which animate when you mouseover- even youtube doesn’t do that! And the keyword search windows, “categories” pages etc. All slick, labor intensive, bandwidth intensive. And all “free”. Click and they open a page & the vid plays. So what is the means of support for these operations again?!!? I suggest, it’s ultimately the taxpayers, as these sites are psy-ops.
Couple articles, both “compromised” sources: joo-run, and an article by jewish-canadian holohoax-truth-denier Henry Makow:
“How internet porn turned my beautiful boy into a hollow, self-hating shell”
“Porn Shackles Society More than Patriot Act ”
You mentioned you planned to do something on the “elite pedophilia” underworld in future show(s)- remember this story? The rabbit hole obviously runs deep!
“5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography!”!
UK Patriot Brian Gerrish does a lot of exposure work re this dark reality among the “elite”- which involves the fate of children taken from their families by the state for bogus/fabricated reasons. Franklin Scandal? Holly Greig?*
October 12, 2012 at 3:46 pm
Carolyn well done coming up with this Demon (he looks like one doesn’t he !) Nowhere on his web site does he use the words “FREE WILL.” The kind of words he does use are for example, “FORMULATION OF AFFIRMATIVE CIRCUMCISION”. This is the kind of language that could be straight out of the Frankfurt School and would get its full approval.
Overriding the Free Will of another being is a “NoNo” in all religions or advanced forms of spirituality !
This is a great stanza from Khalil Gabran (“The Prophet”)……..
“And a woman who held a babe against her bosom said, “Speak to us of Children.”
And he said:
‘Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.”
October 12, 2012 at 10:41 pm
This strikes me as rubbish. Certainly this is the way New Agers think, but in reality overriding the free will of others is inherent in life. Schopenhauer even made this kind of violence the central principle of his philosophy. Trying never to violate the free will of another, in a world where conflict is inherent and unavoidable, ultimately means not surviving.
October 13, 2012 at 7:13 am
Hadding. If you overrode my free will, I would respond appropriately, and you might not like it too much ! Governments backed by intimidating force do it all the time, but that does not make it OK. My point was that an infant has free will. I don’t see any infant wanting to be circumcised. Free will has nothing to do with doing what you like at others’ expense. No one has the right to infringe upon the free will of another. You appear to me to be saying in order to survive you can steal for example. Free Will existed long before there was any “New Age” ! If I look at my life I don’t see anywhere where I infringe on anyone else’s free will. But I have no children and so do not yet have experience of dealing with a child’s Willfulness !
You are right in one respect. I should have removed the words “all religions or”
October 13, 2012 at 8:59 am
October 12, 2012 at 10:41 pm
Overriding the Free Will of another being is a “NoNo” in all religions or advanced forms of spirituality !
This strikes me as rubbish. Certainly this is the way New Agers think, but in reality overriding the free will of others is inherent in life. Schopenhauer even made this kind of violence the central principle of his philosophy. Trying never to violate the free will of another, in a world where conflict is inherent and unavoidable, ultimately means not surviving.
Hadding, you are quite right. We don’t live in a new age where sheep can sweet talk the wolves into vegetarianism and place garlands of flowers around their necks.
The human race does have its ‘wolves’, aka psychopaths who come to be in dominate positions in society. Today, our main wolves of concern consist of organized jewery.
They are busy destroying White societies through various means not excluding the spreading of New Age type philosophy.