First gathering of Pegida in 2016: the beginning of a landmark year
This is Jan. 4, 2016, below freezing in Dresden, and the Pegida crowd looks the same as always. They are extremely faithful.
Live Stream video of the rally
6:30 In Dresden it snowed, it is very cold, minus 4 degrees and windless. The square in front of the Semper Opera fills. The Opera House projects its now-familiar slogan: "We are not a stage for xenophobia".
The Pegida opponents are at the Postplatz having a counter-demo and all around are police buses that have these demonstrators completely encircled.
In the Church of Our Lady today is the traditional prayer for peace. After that there will be a procession and some may wish to join the counter-demonstrators "Dresden Pegidafrei" initiative.
6:48 Siegfried Däbritz opened the rally. He thanked all the helpers and announced Gernot H. Tegetmeyer of Pegida Nuremberg as the first speaker.
6:55 "Imagine there is war and nobody came," thus Tegetmeyer opened his speech. "We are already at war." There are several warring factions. The enemy is actually not only on the outside. He says that there are "enemies inside that masquerade as government and call themselves democrats" (traitors is called out). "They and this regime must all go", not only Merkel, says Tegetmeyer. He calls for a new political beginning.
He calls for the closure of the border and the restoration of the status quo. He calls for a stop of TTIP and CETA. He calls for initiatives against Islamization, no new mosques and no more Koranic schools - a ban on the Salafi "Lies!".
Tegetmeyer calls "to pull the plug on the asylum industry." Germany can not permanently save the world abroad. "We need to start to save our own little world, before it sinks finally into chaos". He says "they want that we, the Germans, are a minority among many."
"Germany must remain Germany and our language must be German."
Angela Merkel's New Years speech has been a disastrous wrong signal, said the speaker.
"Previously, it was fatherland, today it is Mutti's country. Enough is enough. We will no longer be tolerant. We will disobey and we will prevail. "
He thanked the Dresden Pegiden for support. "In Nuremberg, we are pleased when we are 150 people on the street."
Then he proposes that the oath of office include that the politicians and policemen have to talk together. For him it would mean one more thing: "I swear that I will dedicate my efforts to the well being of the German people, promote their welfare, protect them from harm, uphold the Basic Law and the laws of the Federation and defend, fulfill my duties conscientiously ... So help me God. "
7:03 Peter O'Loughlin of the Ireland Identity Party is the next speaker.
O'Loughlin says that "criminal refusal of our leaders" is the same everywhere.
"The cultural Marxist dogs and the media dogs" would let loose everywhere. But what are these ridiculous insults that are currently directed against patriotic people compared to saving the millennia of European civilization?
He says we need to work together. The immigrant masses should simply not be here, it will end in tears - for all of us, both for us and for the migrants.
The EU officials have caused all this by importing radical Islam.
7:10 Tatjana Festerling speaks next. All players are at the moment on "business as usual", she says. From the political elite, no change is expected. "Therefore, we will demand a lot in the next year. For Pegida, the record so far looks very good."
"We are against all predictions still there. And the CDU General Secretary has become so thin-skinned that he answered the very legitimate question of Merkel's intellectual state with "A **** hole". "
"Masses of Muslim young men are just there and, by the way, they also whistle to the moralism of do-gooders", said Festerling. How to look at the Cologne Sex attacks on New Years Eve, which were committed by an estimated 1,000 people. Cologne is paying for "the consequences of the naive silly welcoming culture," she says.
"Pegida is the living memorial of Germany," said Festerling. Even today there are again several foreign TV crews at the Theatre Square. Pegida is perceived as extra-parliamentary opposition to the Merkel government and they want to report it. Foreigners are watching the Dresden activities very closely.
"Pegida is the spearhead in Germany, which provides for a long overdue change in the climate of opinion." She asks the protesters to persevere. Pegida will maintain and help you to get, in one or the other part of Germany, a dialogue with the other European countries.
7:25 The walk is opened. After that there will be a speech by Lutz Bachmann.
8:20 Lutz Bachmann wishes everyone a happy New Year.
It is an exciting political year behind us of wrong decisions of the elites. It was always only spoken of 1.5 million illegal immigrants (? don't know) - a forecast that he Bachmann had already expressed at the beginning of the year.
He expects an invasion of 3 to 4 million people in 2016, considering the geopolitical situation. People from Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria currently would make their way.
Then Bachmann begins to talk on the Volksverhetzung-paragraphs. They are being construed in any way that is needed, he says. For Pegida and for you this will have no effect. Here, you will always be able to open your mouths and express your grievances.
Bachmann then played an audio file of a phone call that he published recently on Youtube. He gets hundreds a week of such announcements. It contained vituperation against "Ossis", Bachmann and his entourage. [Ossi is a word for East Germans.]
Such calls were "the result of the reporting of the Lying Press".
Bachmann says he and the others constantly receive death threats and violent fantasies that they no longer even count, let alone speak publicly about them.
8:35 Bachmann announces: On 9 and 10 January some Pegida representatives will travel to Belgium to meet with like-minded European politicians. This will be a landmark meeting, whose results will be presented on January 11 in Leipzig.
He urges "all patriots" to demonstrate in Leipzig on January 11, because this is the first anniversary of the Leipzig Legida.
8:37 The National Anthem is led by Ramona, then Siegfried Daebritz ends the meeting.
Timeline from The Epoch Times
European Union, Germany, Immigration- 372 reads
It's a catastrophe, say activists
It looks a lot like Birkenau. Those are German soldiers setting up the accomodations for the "immigrants."
Berlin's mayor Michael Müller (SPD), who in his Christmas address called the situation of refugees in Berlin "a huge challenge", said that the city of 3.6 million was housing some 70,000 refugees - many in temporary refugee accommodation, including sports facilities, schools and Berlin's former Tempelhof airport .
Conditions in Tempelhof are dire, according to local volunteer Irmgard Wurdack, who teaches German to refugees in Tempelhof. "It's a catastrophe, simply degrading," she said. Refugees have to be bussed to local swimming pools each day to wash because the center lacks adequate sanitary facilities. [Oh horrible. The poor dears who crossed a sea in inflatable dinghys to get here, how can they bear the humiliation of leaving their shelter to take a shower!]
She vehemently opposes the city's plans to expand the shelter at Tempelhof to create accommodation for up to 15,000 refugees. "If you want to integrate people, you have to put them in flats, not in huge camps," she said.
[Can you believe these delusional people! What happens this year when two million more arrive and there should be nice homes waiting for all of them?]
Authorities in Berlin maintain that they are doing what they can, but are simply overwhelmed by the continuing influx of asylum seekers [thanks to mutti Merkel] and are expanding mass accommodation as a stop-gap measure.
But activists like Classen say this is just not acceptable: While he conceded that not all mass accommodation was bad, he warned that keeping people in dire conditions like those at Tempelhof was ultimately making people sick: "People in Tempelhof are telling us that conditions are so bad they can't sleep," he said.
[I bet a lot of Germans can't sleep at night either, worrying about this continuing invasion of unhappy, complaining people into their land.]
2016 Movement Update
David Duke says that 2016 may be the nadir year for our people -- meaning the worst year thus far, but a turning point. Strangely enough, he's been hanging out with Andrew Anglin a lot lately and praises Anglin for his wit and humor. Love him or hate him, Anglin does have a solid product.
Antifa demo in Dresden today
Aren't they pleasant to have around? Yuk!
Xenophobiic and proud of it!
Xenophobiic and proud of it!
Have no delusions please:
Have no delusions please: Most Germans still support, or at best, are indifferent to this invasion. Merkel's approval rate is still over 80%. Subsaharian drug dealers openly offer their "merchandise" in broad daylight in any middle-sized German city without any repression by the police. Just three days ago a girlfriend (typical German woman: No kids, plenty of dogs) of a friend was sorrounded by three Arabs while walking her dogs in a park. White people have become the laughing stock of the planet. Anyway good to see there are people like the Pegida activists and The Donald in America. We're in big trouble.
Maybe no hope for Selina
Yes. I read a story from Germany today about "Selina, 26" who was in the Cologne train station a little after 3 a.m. with her girlfriend to catch a train back home to Koblenz. She said she was totally sober all night. They missed their train and had to wait 3 more hours for the next one. A ticketmaster pointed out to them all the men in the vast station and she had a moment of fright, but then thought, "But what could happen?" Well, she found out but at the end of the story she said:
This is what we're dealing with.
Now online translaters are
Now online translaters are translating Volksverhetzung (incitement) as "sedition" - god knows why. By "Volksverhetzung paragraphs" I think they mean Section 130. But it kinda changes the meaning of one paragraph above. It should read more like:
Then Bachmann comes to the Volksverhetzung paragraphs. They are being constsrued in any way that is needed at the time. For Pegida and for you this will have no effect. Here we will always be able to express ourselves about grievances.
IMO PEGIDA is at least to some extent controlled opposition doing the Kike's bidding more than they are being loyal to White interests. Yes, there are positives as well.
Darn right there are
Darn right there are positives.
I can't see that they are doing anything that jews want. They don't think that jews are their enemy, but like Trump they are moving against the jewish agenda. The jews don't say anything but their proxies do.