Latest expression of virulent Jewish hatred: Hitler's parents' grave destroyed
Above: The tasteful headstone that marked the resting place of Alois and Klara Hitler in the Leonding churchyard since before WWI. It was removed Wednesday by timid German-Austrian Catholics in service to Jewish hatred and Jewish desire to obliterate history they don't like because it does not serve their interests. This gravestone in the cemetery near Linz, Austria makes Adolf Hitler seem all too human.
By Carolyn Yeager
Erasing history through grave destruction has become the latest tactic used by the Orwellian "Big Brother" of our current day--in Germany they are the Social Democrat and Christian Democrat political parties and the Central Council of Jews. They coerce the weaklings that are the authorities in the Bavarian and Austrian Catholic Church to go along with them and do their dirty work.
Their internationalist/communist political ideology is so weak it can only be enforced through the most draconian suppression of the nationalist opposition. Germany and Austria are truly police states in that regard. The politicians in power lie about enjoying the support of the people, while they carry out crimes under cover of night and then announce their accomplishment in the daytime, with no opportunity for complaint or redress by the people.
Who is behind the outrage?
A parish priest in the Austrian town of Leonding has been made into the person responsible for the decision to remove the Hitler headstone. Do you believe that? A more important person behind it is Robert Eiter (at right), described in the news stories as a "leading anti-Fascist activist who had fought for the destruction of the grave in the town" (dpa) and as connected with something called "the Upper Austrian Network Against Racism and Right-Extremism" (Irish Times).
In February 2011, Eiter was involved in a complaint made by leftist groups that "Nothing was happening in important proceedings against presumed neo-Nazis" after the barring of two rightist political parties from taking part in Upper Austrian local and provincial elections in 2009. These two parties were the National People's Party and Die Bunden. The leftist groups that combined to make the complaint were the Social Democrats (SP), Greens, Communist Party (KP), Trade Union Federation (OeGB), anti-fascist network ("Antifa"), and Jewish Communities in Upper Austria province, according to an article at Reform U.N.DESA.
Eiter is quoted in that article as saying that it was a "particularly crass example of failure to act by authorities" though the article doesn't specify what actions he/they wanted taken. However, since barring two political parties from taking part in elections was not sufficient for these leftists, they obviously wanted criminal charges of some kind brought against the alleged "neo-nazis." They therefore wanted intensive investigation to be carried out to find a basis for crimes, as has been done in Germany now in the trumped-up NSU-Beate Zschäpe case.
Haaretz writes that Eiter's "organization contacted the Catholic church, which got in touch with Hitler's relative to talk about this problem." Shame on the Catholic Church for becoming putty in the hands of the Jews and their left-wing organizations. It was a problem for no one but Eiter's organization. Haaretz, the leading newspaper of Israel, continues quoting Eiter's lies:
“It has been known for some time that the grave had been abused as a pilgrimage site by neo-Nazis,” said Robert Eiter, a leading anti-Fascist activist who had fought for the destruction of the grave in the town in the province of Upper Austria.
Buses full of far-right sympathizers had visited the site, he said, citing reports by local citizens. Curious tourists had also come to have a look, he added
Robert Eiter, with the Upper Austrian Network Against Racism and Right-Extremism, said the latest incident was on All Saints day, November 1st, when an urn was left with the inscription “UnvergeSSlich” - German for “unforgettable” and alluding to Hitler’s SS shock troops. “A lot of flowers and wreaths were deposited there from people who clearly were admirers,” he said. “It had to do with the son and not the parents.”

Father Kurt Pittertschatscher tells the press that an elderly woman, a distant relative of the Hitlers, had consented to the gravestone's removal saying that it "has repeatedly been abused for expressions of sympathy". We will never know the identity of this woman, this "distant relative" who lives in the United States. How would she have any knowledge of "abuse" of the grave unless someone told her it was occurring?
"Considering all this I have decided to give up the usage rights," the woman wrote in a statement given to Father Pittertschatscher. Yet we've already learned that it was Eiter who contacted the Catholic Church authorities and pressured them to reveal who owned the gravesite, then asked (demanded?) that the person be persuaded to allow the grave monument to be removed and all rights to the grave ceded. There's no question in my mind but that the words said by this woman were given to the priest by Eiter.
"But it wasn't just the radical right but also curious tourists came into town and made straight for the grave," said Father Pittertschatscher. "Caring for the grave became increasingly difficult. I thought how I would feel if the grave of my ancestors was abused in such a fashion."
How was it abused by some people wanting to see it? Wanting to come and pay their respects. Bringing tourist money to the town, eating in the restaurants, purchasing items. This is a totally phony statement supplied to the priest and local church folk. It is weak and devoid of any common sense. The real reasons are that as the Jews get stronger and the state and church get weaker, these obliterations can finally be carried out with little objection. The abuse is in the removal of a grave monument and selling the site to someone else to be buried there on top of the remains of the Hitlers--Alois and Klara. I have never heard of such a thing, but it was done last year to the grave of Rudolf Hess and his wife and parents in Wunseidel, Germany. Hess' body was disinterred and cremated (and reportedly thrown into a lake) but the other occupants apparently were left there. However, the plot can be used for someone else now! The large monument was removed; there is no longer any marker showing that Frau Hess and her husband's parents are buried there. In this case too, a relative, a grandaughter, was badgered into signing an agreement.
The gravesite of Alois and Klara Hitler should simply have been cared for in perpetuity by the Leonding church because of the couple's notable role in Austrian history ... or, it certainly would not have been difficult to find a "sympathizer" who would donate a bequest to take care of the expenses involved. But virulent and unending Jewish hatred--hatred of the most perverse kind--is behind this shocking event carried out in secret. I said when the Hess grave was destroyed that they had gone too far. This time they have topped that. When will the reaction set in?
Previous controversy in Linz by Eiter and his ilk
In 1942, Adolf Hitler gifted the city of Linz with a duplicate of a statue of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, by Wilhelm Wandschneider. The original stood in the Berlin Reichs Chancellery. Hitler considered Linz to be his hometown and this was a favorite statue of his.
The statue was given a place of honor in a pavillion in Bauernberg Park, where it remained and was enjoyed by all until it was removed in 2008 after, supposedly, students at the city’s Art University discovered Hitler had given it to the city. Young art students are notoriously left-wing, but in this case they were probably egged on by people like Eiter.
In 2010, People’s Party (ÖVP) city councilman Franz Hofer called for the return of the statue to the park. He said it's removal was "illegal, populist and hypocritical" since it had protected monument status, and he threatened to take the city to court. "One cannot abolish history. One must deal with it and clarify it to the public. Everyone in Linz knows the history of (steel producer) Voestalpine, but no one wants to dismantle it," Hofer said.
The Social Democrat mayor who was responsible for ordering the removal refused to comment, but Robert Eiter, a spokesman for the Upper Austrian Network against Racism and Right-wing Extremism, commented to the press that he expected (Hofer) to raise issues such as the neo-Nazi parade last May 1st, the recent beating of a black African woman or the smearing of a swastika on a church wall rather than that of a gift from Hitler.
Eiter called the issue of "the fate of an artistically insignificant but politically controversial statue" of no importance compared to issues the Jews and communists care about.
Adolf Hitler, Law & Government, Recent Articles, The Third Reich- 10304 reads
Jewish hatred
The other day I came to a realization that is so simple it ihas been overlooked. The only other person whom the Jews had hated with such passion was Jesus Christ. Think about this.... and say to yourself WHY? and now here is an example of that hatred being displayed!!!
Not overlooked
The comparison has been made many times by many different people.