First book interview with Brian Ruhe
Left: Brian Ruhe, Right: Carolyn Yeager
I RECORDED THREE ONE-HOUR SESSIONS WITH BRIAN discussing Willi's and my book from beginning to end. In the first session we talk about how The Artist Within the Warlord: An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known came about and chapters one through four. Forgive the sound quality with the opening 5 minutes or so; it does get straightened out. Part Two is about chapters 5-11, and Part Three chapters 12-13 and summing up. Brian is real easy and fun to talk with.
Adolf Hitler, Historical Revisionism, Other Podcasts, World War II- 432 reads
nice photo!
Hey! Thanks for posting that 2009 photo of me. A German friend just phoned me up and said, "Have you seen yourself on Carolyn Yeager's website? You look like a moive star". But, I don't want to just make it with my great looks. I want to have some!
-Brian Ruhe
Looks count
That is a very attractive picture of you, Brian. I couldn't resist it. Good looks go a long way, you know ... might as well use it if you've got it!! :))
Looks like JooTube axed them
Looks like JooTube axed them - if these can be downloaded elsewhere please let us know. Thanks.