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Podcast: 'Auschwitz: The Undergroud Guided Tour' with The Renegade Ape

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2020-09-21 16:45

DANNY WHITAKER, HOST OF THE RENEGADE APE, wanted to ask me some questions about "The Underground Guided Tour: What the Tour Guides don't tell you about Auschwitz-Birkenau." I think it turned o


Other Podcasts

Problems listening to podcasts

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-06-19 13:35

I HAVE MANY ARCHIVED PODCASTS STORED here under "Radio Archives" on the sidebar.

Sometimes I hear from a listener who is having problems when using the players. What commonly happens is the player will play for a few minutes and then shut off, or sometimes restart at the beginning again, never getting past a certain length of time. I often have this problem myself.

Joining Sven Longshanks on "The Daily Nationalist" weekly

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2019-03-06 19:27

I'VE BEEN JOINING SVEN LONGSHANKS ON HIS RADIO ARYAN 'THE DAILY NATIONALIST" BROADCAST once a week. So far I've done two half hour segments with him--here and here. Next week we'll do another one. I'm not going to post them here, but I encourage you to check out "The Daily Nationalist" page for updates.

Podcast with John Friend: Hitler and Trump - what we need to understand

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2018-07-01 13:19

I DID A PODCAST WITH JOHN FRIEND on Saturday morning. We talked about my book "The Artist Within the Warlord - An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known," which turned out to be quite an interesting discussion. The second edition published by The Barnes Review has just been released. We then transitioned to the subject of Donald Trump as seen by his critics and his admirers. I am a supporter while John takes the role of combination critic and admirer. Does that work?

I have to apologize that your listening pleasure is somewhat marred by a poor skype connection on my part, making my voice a little choppy. It's not too bad, but here and there part of a word is cut off. I haven't yet ascertained what the problem is, though I will before I do another podcast. 1h7m.

More shows with Brian Ruhe on Hitler: the latest 'The Nature of Nature'

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-05-07 19:40

Hitler loved the lofty mountain peaks that surrounded his home high in the Obersalzberg region.

Two new programs on the Brian Ruhe Show are now posted at his Bitchute channel.

Carolyn joined Brian Ruhe last week to talk about Adolf Hitler's Weltanschauung, specifically how his views on German policy were based on Nature's Wisdom. Hitler never strayed far from Nature and Natural Law when considering the right path to take.

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: 'Man has become great through perpetual struggle. In perpetual peace he must decine.' This is in reference to natural selection, the way in which we rise to higher and higher levels of intellectual and physical accomplishment by responding to challenges.

First book interview with Brian Ruhe

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-02-14 01:21


Left: Brian Ruhe, Right: Carolyn Yeager

I RECORDED THREE ONE-HOUR SESSIONS WITH BRIAN discussing Willi's and my book from beginning to end. In the first session we talk about how The Artist Within the Warlord: An Adolf Hitler You've Never Known came about and chapters one through four. Forgive the sound quality with the opening 5 minutes or so; it does get straightened out. Part Two is about chapters 5-11, and Part Three chapters 12-13 and summing up. Brian is real easy and fun to talk with.

Part One 

Part Two

Part Three

Carolyn on John Friend's Realist Report again

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-10-23 15:25

Six of the 26 Orthodox Jews arrested for substantial welfare fraud during the June-July sweep by the New Jersey Ocean County prosecutor's office. Don't you think these people should be in Israel?

ON SUNDAY, OCT. 22, I HAD THE PLEASURE of speaking with John Friend again on his Realist Report podcast. We discussed the situation in Lakewood, New Jersey (see my posts for Oct. 19 and Oct. 21 on this page) and how it is a prime example of the way Orthodox Jews living in White democratic societies subsidize their traditional life of male religious study by cheating our generous welfare programs.

The recent elections in Germany and Austria came up for some explanation as to how they are adding momentum to the political move toward the right and anti-immigration in Europe. We also had a lively conversation about Richard Spencer's latest appearance at the University of Florida and the "Alt-Right" in general. From there, we moved to Mark Weber (who declined to be a guest on John's podcast) and to Kevin MacDonald. So much to say,  so little time. But I think it is a good program and hope you will listen. 1h17m

Talking with John Friend about anti-revisionism among pro-White activists

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2017-09-07 14:30

The Realist Report for September 6th focuses on a conversation between Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin with Tara McCarthy. John and I stuck with what was said about Holocaust Revisionism and Hitler-Nazis, Johnson's past comments on the subject, and Prof. Kevin MacDonald's similar positions taken in two separate podcasts that I had spoken up about.

I also used Johnson's statements from his post "My Conversation with Andrew Anglin", especially that the holocaust could be summed up as "a big pile of dead Jews." John and I frankly discussed my problem with Johnson's homosexuality as it impacts on his view of the National Socialist Third Reich, and other reasons for avoiding real debate about revisionism. 1h16m.

Katana produced a nice transcript of this program, with interesting graphics. Much appreciated. Check it out.

Carolyn, John Friend on the Charlottesville fallout

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2017-08-17 17:22

Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe (left) and scenes from the chaotic Charlottesville (Defense of Robt. E. Lee monument) Rally on Saturday at right.

ON THE REALIST REPORT YESTERDAY, WE DISCUSS THE FALSE NARRATIVE PRESENTED BY THE MSM, their poor or totally lacking analysis of why the event unfolded as it did, and the role played by President Donald Trump. We also look at a possible positive outcome from all the attention and noise it's receiving, including from lawsuits expected to be brought against the City of C'ville, Mayor Signer and Governor McAuliffe, and the  investigation undertaken by the U.S. Dept. of Justice under Jeff Sessions. Highly recommended and timely.

Carolyn discusses White World Awake! with John Friend

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-07-03 20:13

ON SUNDAY, JULY 2, I SPENT ABOUT AN HOUR AND A HALF WITH JOHN FRIEND  again, this time talking about the "New World Order" based on a new book by well-known revisionist Jürgen Graf, White World Awake!, that I have been reading.

Graf is the author of The Giant with Feet of Clay (about Raul Hilberg), and three books written with Carlo Mattogno: Majdanek; Treblinka; Sobibor.

John and I then discussed my new articles on "Stop Special Treatment for Jews" and on the Lakewood, NJ welfare fraud scandal surrounding the Orthodox Jewish community there. It was a lively discussion that I think you will enjoy. We also threw in a little bit of Trump talk.
