The Heretics' Hour: Fireworks at the National Alliance - Is there a future for White organizations in America?
July 1, 2013
Ron Doggett talks with Carolyn about the announced sale of the bulk of the National Alliance property in West Virginia. The National Alliance was founded by Dr. William Pierce in 1974; he died rather suddenly in 2002 and Erich Gliebe took over as Chairman. Gliebe now controls a Board that consists of only two other directors who do his bidding. How important is it to try to salvage the remnants of the NA or is it better to move on and build something more useful for today?
Will Williams, a long-time associate of Dr. Pierce, called in during the 2nd hour and added his considerable insight.
The discussion also covered the problems White organizations seem to have, and have had in the past, and what is the best way for us to talk to White Americans about the shrinking future prospects they face.
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Race, White Nationalism- 784 reads
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15 Responses
July 3, 2013 at 10:06 am
What a bunch of clowns, Will Williams the worst of all. None of them are interested in reaching out beyond their own little fiefdoms. Are they willing to participate in focused social media attacks on the enemy? I haven’t seen it. Furthermore, they intend to reject Christianity completely and close off at least 70% of the White race? Really? That is leadership? What a joke. A leader AMASSES a population, not a cult.
Will Williams
July 3, 2013 at 11:14 am
Carolyn, I just listened to your fine interview with Glenn and Ron. You asked Glenn toward the end, “Why wouldn’t Will let you into his club?” You must have missed mention of my preference for Dr. Pierce’s term “vanguard.” Mickey Mouse and the Little Rascals had clubs; Dr. Pierce carefully built his elite vanguard. Big difference.
I thought I’d made it clear why Glenn would not be eligible for Pierce’s Remnant. For one thing he was never an Alliance member during the Pierce era. For another, Glenn embraces and promotes Odinism rather than trying to better understand Dr. Pierce’s, strictly Nature-based, biocentric Cosmotheism. For another, Glenn, bless his heart, preaches the need for unity with other “movement” groups and leaders — a matter of divided loyalty, the Alliance being a monolithic movement unto itself.
And for another, like Glenn explained, he carries too much “baggage.” Were it known that I’d invited in someone like Glenn who doesn’t meet the strict requirements for the Remnant vanguard, you must understand how that might inhibit others who do meet the requirements from joining. That’s not to say that Glenn or others can’t assist in Alliance-rebuilding. With Dr. Pierce’s Alliance there were several layers of “human material,” from Board of Directors, National Office staff, cadre, activists, dues-paying independent members, to supporters who did little mote than subscribe to Alliance periodicals, purchase material from National Vanguard Books and listen to American Dissident Voices radio broadcasts. All were valued supporters, but not all would meet the requirements of an Alliance vanguardist.
Dr. Pierce’s own words from March, 2000 help to explain this:
The truth of the matter is, there’s not much advantage to be gained inside the “movement.” It is too heavily freighted with chronic losers, incurable hobbyists, phone-booth Fuhrers, and other defectives. Perhaps the “movement” is no worse than the general public in this regard, but we’re looking for the best and strongest people we can find, and we find them much more often outside the “movement” than inside it. It is time for all members who have been focused on the “movement” either to reorient themselves in an outward direction or to find another organization to devote themselves to. As our tempo and our work load increase, being in the Alliance will be less and less fun for those whose primary aim is to amuse themselves with “movement” gossip. And I will have less patience with hobbyists and with those who believe that the Alliance is part of the “movement.” Our aim is not to be the biggest and best organization in the “movement”; it is to leave the “movement” to its clubby introspection while we get on with the job of building a revolutionary infrastructure. – Dr. William Pierce:
July 3, 2013 at 10:16 pm
Haha, thanks Will. I did pick up on the word vanguard later on after the show, and did then understand what you meant. I realized the NA was never meant to be an all-encompassing organization for White people; Pierce’s aims were different. All I can say is: If you or anyone can keep the Alliance going in the right direction, and especially keep hold of that land, it’s all to the good.
Mr Abbey
July 4, 2013 at 2:10 am
G’day, Long time listener of your podcast’s here, they make excellent accompaniment to tedious machine operating! I have not had a chance to listen to this podcast, so i don’t know if you mentioned this news here:, i am not sure how much credence to give it, just thought i would bring it to attention.
July 4, 2013 at 10:56 am
Mickey Mouse, the Little Rascsls AND the NSDAP all appealed to the wide public regardless of the “vanguard” who actually comprised the core. The National Alliance never made inroads with ghd public at large and is only now remembered because Dr Pierce lives on in his broadcasts. Without Dr. Pierce the so called vanguard has done nothing but bask in the glow of Pierce’s fading luminance and babbling to their own dwindling cadre of isolationist misfits. It took Pierce decades to build up anything remotely respectable to become a serious political force, it took less than a decade for his “vanguard” to waste it and allow it to fall into the hands of a profiteer who is liquidating its assets and pocketing the the cash. These are leaders? They intend to lead our people out of their present bondage when they hold them in such contempt and themselves in such unwarranted high regard? Let go of the past and these wannabes and neverbeens. Their path is a dead end, Pierce was a great spokesman and showed us clearly who the enemy was, but he didn’t have a plan for the future of our people and his organization died with him as a result, otherwise the course his “vanguard” would have had a course to stay true to and it would not have blow away in the wind.
July 4, 2013 at 11:46 am
To Mr Abbey’s comment: I believe that Will Williams was wrong or misspoke on the program when he said Fred Streed was trying to block the estate from going to Erich Gliebe. I don’t think that is correct. In spite of attempts by the likes of Jewish SPLC and Jewish media to derail it, the bequest is following along normal legal lines … so far.
Will Williams
July 4, 2013 at 8:27 pm
Carolyn, unless you know something I don’t know, I was absolutely correct in saying Fred Streed, who is still the National Alliance executor, has successfully blocked Gliebe from getting his larcenous paws on that bequest for nine years. Fred has had every right to sit on the estate and not distribute it until he was satisfied with the corporate governance of the Alliance.
I also said I didn’t know what Fred was doing at present in regards to that. “Normal, legal lines” to probate such a gift don’t take nine years to be sorted out.
David, my friend, I’ve got my way and you’ve got Yahweh…and never the two shall meet. You can have your “focused social media.” I want no part of Facebook and Twitter and all that crap. It’s your job to bring around that supposed 70% of Whites who worship the Pale Jew, not mine. Putting scare quotes around the word vanguard doesn’t negate Dr. Pierce’s stated strategy.
The SPLC lawyers have no standing to interfere in the case, and their figure of $1,000,000 is way over-inflated. They use these “stories” to scare their lib/min supporters into sending more $$ to fight the “haters.”
From Mr. Abby’s article:
“I think it’s possible to challenge the bequest legally,” said Richard Warman, an Ottawa lawyer and anti-racist activist. He said he hoped either the family or interest groups would step forward to do so.
“The basis of such a challenge could be that the will goes against public policy as well as Canada’s international legal obligations, which require Ottawa to prevent the financing of groups espousing racial hatred, he said. “To leave that kind of destructive legacy in the wake of your life, I think that’s the last thing that anyone should want to be remembered as their dying act,” Mr. Warman said.”
Dr. McKorkell was a dedicated Alliance member who edited Dr. Pierce’s book Who We Are. He decided he wanted his estate to go to the Alliance, not some goddamned “hate group.” Who are these Jews and queers to deny a man’s last Will and Testament? Their day will come.
Alexander from Flanders
July 4, 2013 at 10:11 pm
I liked the show alot. Good guests, many interesting topics.
Ron Dogett comes across as a very decent man. Radical in his politics, but well spoken, active in his area. I like his way of doing things. Keep up the good work Mister Dogett!
I laughed when Glenn Miller said that he verbally attacks racemixers. I do that too. I refuse to pretend that such behaviour is OK. I even let the few non whites that I encounter know that I DON’T LIKE THEM ONE BIT. As a result they avoid me like the plague.
Alexander from Flanders
July 4, 2013 at 10:23 pm
“David, my friend, I’ve got my way and you’ve got Yahweh…and never the two shall meet. You can have your “focused social media.” I want no part of Facebook and Twitter and all that crap. It’s your job to bring around that supposed 70% of Whites who worship the Pale Jew, not mine. Putting scare quotes around the word vanguard doesn’t negate Dr. Pierce’s stated strategy.”
I agree 100%.
You will find very few (if any) pagans who racemix, worship jews, turn the other cheek or denounce their own people. We love our race and will fight for it. Literally fight for it.
I have no problems with Aryan Christians who are pro White (I say more power to them!). I just wish that they would accept my beliefs (as a non Christian. Because most of them get all upset when you start talking about pre-Christianity (or SCIENCE ).
July 6, 2013 at 9:40 am
Alexander from Flanders, first of all, I know plenty of people who have NO fixed belief in Christianity, paganism, or anything else spiritual or beyond their own little existence. They are uniformally LIBERAL or LIBERTINE. They don’t care about race mixing, nor do they care about ANYTHING that represents a continuation of civilization, society or culture. To them, EVERYTHING is mutable and open to “evolution”. The current integration is “evolution” to them, regardless of the fact that it is being forced upon us. These same clear thinking humanists don’t care to see that there are political mechanisms forcing this evolution they so greatly esteem. Also, as a Christian Identist, I have NO problem with your humanism per se, it is you atheists and pagans who derogatorily hurl insults at us and mistakenly identify Jesus and Hebraism with the Jews. You are uneducated. You won’t even look into it. Yet you go and make up fantastical stories about humanized gods or aliens instead.
July 10, 2013 at 11:23 am
On the never ending debate on Religion within the “movement” I would urge all to read Commander Rockwell’s thoughts on this.
July 10, 2013 at 11:43 am
John, you have to give a link to what you want people to read. Or tell them exactly what and where these thoughts of Rockwell can be found.
July 11, 2013 at 1:13 am
Commander Rockwell was assassinated almost 50 years ago. Liberalism, atheism, modernism, egalitarianism and all the other isms that encompass White apathy and racial suicide were only starting to bloom in mass culture then, not the norm. Judeo-Christianity falls into the same category. There is NO debate on religion, except what fools and cave dwellers always seem to make of it. It IS a reality among most of our people even if only marginally. YOU folks who wish to argue about it instead of figure out how to USE it, as our enemies have done, are playing a losing hand, and have been playing the same losing hand for decades, OR you would have gotten somewhere by now, instead of whining every now and then to get handouts from an ever dwindling number of “believers” in your “cause”.
Will Williams
July 11, 2013 at 11:42 am
David writes: “There is NO debate on religion, except what fools and cave dwellers always seem to make of it…you would have gotten somewhere by now, instead of whining every now and then to get handouts from an ever dwindling number of ‘believers’ in your ’cause’.”
I take it your smear is aimed at this “clown,” this “LIBERAL,” this “uneducated LIBERTINE, cave-dwelling fool” who doesn’t care about race-mixing and is in it for the handouts?
David: “[A]s a Christian Identist, I have NO problem with your humanism per se, it is you atheists and pagans who derogatorily hurl insults at us and mistakenly identify Jesus and Hebraism with the Jews. You are uneducated. You won’t even look into it. Yet you go and make up fantastical stories about humanized gods or aliens instead.”
What a crock of hypocrisy! Who hurls the derogatory insults at whom?
I don’t characterize myself as a humanist, an atheist or a pagan, and neither am I mistaken in identifying Hebraism and your Jesus “King of the Jews” Christ with Jews. Hell, I even associate the name David with Jews, David, and so do they.
David: “YOU folks who wish to argue about it instead of >b>figure out how to USE it, as our enemies have done.”
I’m not going to argue with you, much less “whine” about Judeo-Christianity or any other brand of that Abrahamic pie-in-the-sky creed. Again, it’s up to you Hebraic Identists, not me, to use Christianity against the Jew the way he uses it against us goyim. I’m not a very convincing liar.
I’m not your enemy, David. Why waste your time and breath on an uneducated clown like me? Turn your sight off me and go work productively with fellow Hebraists who agree with you, like the Council of Conservative Citizens. You should embrace that pro-White organization’s mission statement:
“We believe the United States is a Christian country, that the people are a Christian people, and that its government and public leaders at all levels must reflect Christian beliefs and values…”
July 12, 2013 at 11:08 pm
Probate court documents obtained by CBC News show Robert McCorkell’s estate willed to the National Alliance is valued at about $250,000.
But there is also nearly $89,000 in outstanding liabilities that have to be paid from McCorkell’s assets. He owed taxes to Revenue Canada, there are also lawyers’ fees, appraisal fees, and projected auction fees.
That leaves about $161,000 for the white supremacist organization, which is based in West Virginia.