The Heretics' Hour: Taking Stock
April 27, 2015
Tonight's program will look at a number of topics that do not merit an entire show, in my opinion, but are taking up space in my mind and want to be expressed. A "clearing the desk" type of show, perhaps.
- Refuting the "evidence" that Hitler's Table Talk is fake based on statements about Christianity;
- No unifying principle to give Europe identity, purpose and will to conquer;
- German President Gauck pays tribute to British who "freed" Bergen Belsen and restored "humanity" to his country;
- Why Hitler is still the answer but is being misused at The Daily Stormer;
- Andrew Anglin continues with his bizarre attacks on White women - some examples;
- Russian bikers "honoring the Red Army heroes" are refused entry into Poland on way to Berlin - Russian Foreign Ministry calls it a sacrilege;
- Europeans desperately need to clear up the false history between their nations from both World Wars.
- 1547 reads
An honest commenter.
Come on then Carolyn, where have I been dishonest?
You cannot even provide one instance or quote, or you would have.
What a pathetic excuse for a program and what a confirmation of how predictable and bitter you are.
Google translate, really?
Hi Sven
You don't recall when my first Table Talk programs were being "discussed"/attacked at The Daily Stormer and you came along with your claims about Hitler's deep Christian beliefs based on something that turned out false or not valid? I called you on it and you had no defense because you just made it up. I would have to go back and try to look through all those comment sections to find it. You never acknowledged your errors; you never do.
Remember when you said my website featured Buckingham Palace? Haha, I kind of poked fun of you and informed you it was the German Reichstag prior to 1945. You disappeared then too, without a word. That's what I call dishonest, and even dishonorable. In any case, I stand by what I said, and I must say my programs are far better than your monotonous droning.
I'm getting ready to record a show tomorrow so I won't be able to look through those archived posts/comments for awhile. But I will try to find them within a few days.
I didn't have any quotes because the program wasn't about you and I just mentioned you in passing. I am not "bitter" (another one of your dishonesties) and I only added a google translation to the other translations. You know very well I was not depending on a google translation - you just pick that out as the only thing you can criticize.
True in your mind
And in your recent radio program "Christogenea Europe" you said the Swastika had it's orgin in Christianity. No disrespect to Christianity (it's not responsible for what you say) but that is just not true ... except in your mind.
"...some of the symbols White Nationalists use, that clearly have their origin in Christianity, such as the Black Sun, the Swastika and the Life rune." -Sven Longshanks
That's why Hitler never criticized it openly. It's not worth the division. All good principles in Christianity are just common sense. It has to die slowly yet be remembered in good terms, just like Votanism. Most importantly, it must not be replaced by Jewish Modernism/Islam etc, but pure National Socialism. Otherwise, you might as well keep it, for it's better than the offered Marxist-Freemasonic alternatives.
The Male Revolt
I don't follow Stormer so can't comment on their female campaign but I think what is happening now is that 'the worm is turning' and after fifty years perhaps of man-hating and intimidation by feminists, and the Judaization of the white female through her embrace of cultural Marxism and matriarchy which she considers an advantage and an improvement, her masculization of her life path towards career and away from family, her abandonment of femininity, passitivity and her masculinazion in dress or should I say pants, short hair and so on, white women are no longer attractive to increasing numbers of white men and do not seek to be, and white men frankly have had enough. On the one hand white women want white men to be feminized and change nappies and be stay at home husbands so they can rise up in their careers and on the other many want some black primitive who is unfeminized to have sex with. As women are largely incapable of self-criticism due to sharing a somewhat similar victimhood DNA with blacks, there has been no serious intellectual debate re feminism among women to re-balance relationships, so I think many white men who want a traditional marriage where they won't get ripped off and end up on the street because of a divorce from a demanding wife, are now generally beginning to turn away from white women and to critize white women not only in the states but in all white nations. At the same time Far Asian (I don't include Indian subcontinental) women in large numbers prefer white men to Asian men because Asian men are robotic and lack the higher all-round intelligence of the white race. Meanwhile they are generally disgusted by black men while many white women prefer black men to white men. However, white men really prefer white women if the truth be known but only if they returned to being feminine again. I think Asian women are a compromise to maintan the Western tradition which they are now closer to in familial terms than the modern white female. Of couse the Jews are behind all this but in a sense if white men are at least going to continue to breed and not become extinct I believe they will more and more breed with Asians. All we were criticizing Russia for.
This is not a solution
It's a male weakness, and one that Hitler would never have made or allowed in the Greater German Reich.
Except in those glorious days
Except in those glorious days women were women. It will be easier for white men to become men again when that blessed day comes when we at last fight a ruthless, brutal, violent, merciless, vicious war against our enemies and re-secure our lands from them. But sadly women have taken the Jew's shekel of feminism, and that Jewish virus which the Fuhrer would never have tolerated in the Reich is now part of their very being. It is therefore incumbent upon men to first destroy the enemies of our race, in particular those parasites who created cultural Marxist feminism et al, and then with all the might re-gained by the baptism of blood and honour to reinstate proper traditional gender roles in proper traditional white societies and nations. Then feminism will not be required anyway.
The only one around here
The only one around here being dishonest is you Carolyn, either that or you are losing your memory and living in a fantasy world.
Here are the two threads that you claim you based your entirely false accusations on.
What else in your programs is just based on your memory I wonder?
If you listened to the radio program I did with Bill, you would find out why the swastika is a symbol for CHRIST, along with the Black Sun and the Life rune.
Thanks for finding those 2 threads, Sven
Saves me a lot of time, and they're just as bad as I remember ... on the part of you and Wolf. Really humorous, though, and I recommend everyone interested go and read them. BTW, is that really a picture of you, Sven? It's not your name so I suppose it's not your picture either.
In any case, you are way off base, as usual, to jump on my "memory" because I remembered those comments as part of a Table Talk program post. That's only natural. The inportant thing is I remembered them, and quite accurately too. But this is your style - to grab at some trifling "difference" and present it as a huge error. Remember the words of Christ: Look to the beam in your own eye before you concern yourself with a splinter in another's.
I will respond, for sure, and make it clear that I am always honest (and intelligent) and you hardly ever are. But I'm not going to do all this in a comment; I'll have to make a post out of it. I'll do it this weekend, but I can't say exactly when it will be posted.
Sven, as a major factor in the Daily Stormer, possibly KGB, scam, the WN Alex Jones site, which is inciting whites with red meat while LEADING THEM NOWHERE, and pursuading them to follow anti-white Putin, and is openly in a special note displayed right in the front of the site demanding that white people do not do what every endangered people should do i.e. fight back and discuss violence, you have no, zero, nada credability to attack Carolyn. OK she may have made a few memory errors but her doctrine and analysis of white nationalism and national socialism stands for itself and has been proved over and over again in numerous shows and writings, and she has made her own breakthroughs in research on the Reich and the Holohoax, therefore becoming a contributor to academic knowledge. I may be just a mere propagandist and we need propaganda to reach the masses but you sir are a hack, and I suspect the same hack who worked for Nick Griffin's Jew-BNP website. You call yourself after that most esteemed patriot Richard Ist but have you ever written an article calling for his edict of expulsion of the Jews from Britain (still a legal document which could be enforced by a monarch) to be acted on? No, I don't think so, you would'nt have the courage. And by the way the Swastika existed long before Christianity. It is the ancient symbol of the people who became the Saxon race, If it was Christian it would have been a cross, it is not a cross. That's my opinion. You are merely repeating Bill's opinion.
Thank you, endzog
You are too good to me.
Carolyn is right that Sven is not smart, and is dishonest
Carolyn nailed you. I came to all the same conclusions about you independently, only you don't just walk away when your lies are shown up by pointing to the source of the actual fact, you DELETE THAT COMMENT AND USER from Daily Stormer.
You are an embarassment to our people, have zero credibility, and no intelligence.
Hitler on the role of women in society
A pic of the black African "girl-child" Andrew liked
Someone sent me the screenshot of Andrew Anglin's Facebook page of the black African girl-child he liked back in .... it says May 28th, but no year to be found.
You can click on it twice to enlarge it.
This screenshot doesn't show the dialogue I saw on the previous one I had, where Andre says how turned on he is by those breasts. But on this one, he's saying that "Maaan tribal women were better looking" than whomever they were being compared with.
And here's another screen shot
where Andre Anglin goes to the trouble to indicate he likes this picture ... meaning he likes these girls:
You don't recall when my first Table Talk programs were being "discussed"/attacked at The Daily Stormer and you came along with your claims about Hitler's deep Christian beliefs based on something that turned out false or not valid? I called you on it and you had no defense because you just made it up. I would have to go back and try to look through all those comment sections to find it. You never acknowledged your errors; you never do.
Remember when you said my website featured Buckingham Palace? Haha, I kind of poked fun of you and informed you it was the German Reichstag prior to 1945. You disappeared then too, without a word. That's what I call dishonest, and even dishonorable. In any case, I stand by what I said, and I must say my programs are far better than your monotonous droning.'
What a fraud you are Carolyn.
I answered your every point, it was you who disapeared, but just like then, in this thread too, you lie and think people wont spot your lies.
What a joke, a woman calling a man dishonest.
Hitler is not Jesus
Hitler never wanted to be thought of as a Jesus figure. Nor was Mein Kampf ever meant to be a bible with hidden meanings and open to endless reinterpretation to fit one's own predisposition, or that of non-Germanic peoples. National-Socialism was the expression of pure Germanism; a worldview of rediscovery of the German soul and blood that took on perfecting all aspects of Germanic religiosity in the same vein as Richard Wagner's attempt at rediscovering this innate character of the soul of the German Volk (Hitler always compared Wagner's work to NS). It was to bring a Volk religion in tune with their sensibilites and innate tendencies. Christianity was to be used as a means to an end, after which it would be replaced naturally by Germanism and National-Socialism as the only real influance in the greater German Reich.
You and your anti-woman fellows--surely influenced by the bible---should stay clear of NS, for it was never meant for your kind. You and your fellows never can truly understand it, only try to change its meaning to fit your immediate aims.
What's going on everybody, Ms Yeager how come you're almost 50 years older than me and still not tired of all this vile gossip and personal attacks. It's quite a shame.
I could respond to virtually everything you said in this podcast with the greatest ease, but it's not up to me to speak on behalf of somebody else, especially not on behalf of a man. The only thing I'd like to respond to is the fact that you're bashing Mr Anglin over writing "sluts/shallow feminists, they are the same really", while you knew dang well he was just literally repeating what I wrote, as it was a reply to a comment in which I used those words. Not very classy, to say the least.
I disagree with Forbes Mag. I do believe you are intelligent, IQ-wise. Last night you called yourself an intelligent a**hole in a now removed comment, which could be a quite accurate description. And you know what? I never managed to figure out what I exactly would be like if I, God forbid, would get totally out of control. I've always been too nerdy to be interested in sl*tting around at beaches or whatever. But now I know. I would become exactly like you in this podcast and comments. So now I have something concrete to ask the Lord to protect me from. So THANK YOU.
Hi Lena
That's not the only thing I'm bashing Mr. Anglin for, and whether he's responding to your comment or not makes no difference since he's called women across the board sluts on other occasions, both before and after.
You're also mixed up about commenter "forbes mag". He was speaking of your friend Sven Longshanks as not being intelligent. not me.
I looked at your website which shows you are a big fan of Andre Anglin, Sven and The Daily Stormer. Don't you realize AA prefers sluts over "chaste women," as you advertise yourself to be?
As to being a gossip, you said:
Not "last night" or ever have I called myself an "intelligent a**hole" nor did I remove a comment of mine saying so. You must be dreaming. You do seem to easily get mixed up.
I'm sure the Lord will protect you from becoming like me in your old age since you would not be capable of it anyway. You don't have the mind. Godspeed to you and your work.
I see,
I see, I misread Forbes Mag's comment. I still agree with myself without disagreeing with them then. Way worse is NOT misreading those articles on feminism and nonetheless talking bs about them, and making everything personal while doing so. I'm sure all kinds of personal stuff has happened that makes you do this, but to be honest, from a distance it all sounds quite deluded. It's like listening to the NS version of Perez Hilton, if such thing could exist, which isn't possible. So that already says it all. You can be the smartest person in the world but this really is not a wise thing to do.
Hitler didn't fail
Another great show Carolyn. I guess my only comment is that Hitler didn't fail, we failed him. He did everything humanly possible under his circumstances to help us. I can't say the same for most of our people these days.
Carolyn, I forgot to add my surprise that John Friend wrote a comment complimenting Andrew Anglin, on of all things, the anti-women essay against Matt Parrot. When I use to listen to John's shows, he appeared polite and level-headed, almost the exact opposite of Andrew. I don't recall John himself ever bashing women, at least not in the shows I heard. But if I remember correctly, John is or was married to an Asian woman and has an Asian daughter. Maybe there is common ground between John and Andrew because of that.
Yes Carolyn
Yes Carolyn
That really is a photo of Sven Longshanks (Tony Young?). Not an idealized image of the Aryan man by any means.
they never learn
Gee Carolyn,I thought the Anglin infiltration was exposed by the recorded time line. Andrew Anglin appeared on the Paul Ironshore Comedy Hour in 2012 with Lewka Peel, two non-white activists."I think the white race should be bred out!" Among other outbursts.
All the while:
Domain Name: TOTALFASCISM.COMRegistrar: GODADDY.COM, LLCSponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 146Whois Server: URL: Server: ARIA.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COMName Server: MICAH.NS.CLOUDFLARE.COMStatus: clientDeleteProhibited clientRenewProhibited clientTransferProhibited clientUpdateProhibited Date: 21-mar-2015Creation Date: 01-oct-2012Expiration Date: 01-oct-2017
Andrew Anglin on the Paul Ironshore Comedy Hour in 2012, TOTALFASCISM.COM Creation Date: 01-oct-2012.
So, we are to believe that Andrew as Paul traveling on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus on a mission to "bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem", the resurrected Jesus appeared to him in a great light?
Oy Vey.......luv dem dumb goyim, you can always count on their gullibility and stupidity.
Nuff said, I'll just sit here and watch the river flow.
the likely source of Anglin's alpha male obsession
Hi, Carolyn, Jim from a couple months ago here. I was the guy who let you have the last word on NS without Hitler. I continue to be a fan of your work despite your unfortunate tendency to feud with everyone, including Andew Anglin now. And here's what I think is what's going on with Anglin lately. Anglin's probably fallen under the spell of the PickUp Artist faction of what's called the online “manosphere,” which is exemplified here: I first came across that website and across the whole manosphere a year or two ago when a guy called Kievsky, the owner/operator of the excellent-but-now-defunct WN blog Mindweapons in Ragnarok, linked to it. It took me a while to figure out where I gravitate in the manosphere, which is MGTOW, a brief summary of which I'll try to give now, along with the other two factions.
PUA – a man is either a d*** or a doormat, an alpha male or a beta male, with no middle ground, save for omega male. Dominant alpha males bed down as many women as they can, eat red meat and are the undisputed rulers of themselves and their households. Submissive beta males either don't get laid at all or they do at the cost of being a woman's disposable provider/protector whom she uses until he's no longer useful. An example of this mentality has already been cited here.
MRA (Men's Rights Activist) – These guys (and even gals sometimes) feel (correctly, understandably and justifiably) that the entire Western power structure is biased against men (especially the family courts) and seek to change it. This generally involves endless arguing with feminists, and is generally seen by the other two factions as a quixotic, fruitless endeavor. However, they do a great job of critiquing the ways in which the world is unfair to men. I think the main example of this camp would be
MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) – No, they're not homosexuals (at least mostly). I personally lean most toward this crowd but wouldn't be accepted by many of them because I'm married with children. They shun long-term relationships with women because they've also correctly assessed that it's generally a losing proposition from the male viewpoint. I like this camp because it so perfectly parallels my white separatist beliefs (or Whites Going Their Own Way): basically, “We don't need them; they need us. Let's not argue endlessly about it, let's just go our separate ways without worrying about: 1) who's better than whom; 2) who committed which injustice against whom; and 3) who owes what to whom based on issue 2.” In other words, “Don't go away mad; just go away.” When I view and listen to MGTOW critiques, in my mind I change “men and women” to “whites and colored people/jews/queers/etc.” or just “self and other” or “us and them.” Two great proponents of this outlook are Barbarossa ( and Stardusk ( Caution: Stardusk is white, but Barbarossa is not.
And that leads me to a conclusion, which is that the manosphere mostly has no answers to the problem of looming white extinction. The manoshpere is pro-male,yes, but it's also mostly anti-racist and thus ill-equipped to mentally contend with the ongoing slow, soft genocide of whites everywhere. The best they can come up with is an MRA stance of TRADCON (Traditional Conservative, as opposed to RADFEM, Radical Feminist – the manosphere has its own lingo), which can't work in the current legal environment of the West. MGTOW, despite its compelling critique (to me) on gender relations, doesn't concern itself with whites' need to breed to avoid extinction. And the PUA camp serves to do nothing but demoralize guys like me who've sacrificed in order to have white kids in the current environment out of a sense of racial obligation. For better or for worse, white men and women need each other. Guys from all three camps will probably take issue with one or more the statements I've made because, as you'll see if you start investigating this, there are a million angles to be explored on all sides and you could literally spend years debating said angles.
So I don't know what the answer is Carolyn. I wish more white women were like you. It seems like for every white woman like you there a million others who are clueless about looming white extinction, aware but don't care or caring but not enough. The disloyalty of so many white women to their race should not be forgotten. Keep up the great work, and I plan soon to make a small donation to the show (sorry I can't send more).