How would William Pierce advise us today?
August 20, 2012
Will White Williams and Hadding Scott, publishers of the blog The Legacy of Dr. William Pierce, and former active members of the National Alliance and associates of Dr. Pierce (pictured) during the last 10 years of his life, are Carolyn’s guests. Discussion includes:
- Will Williams’ background as a political activist, from the White Patriot Party till today;
- What it was like at the National Alliance headquarters in the early 90's (a period of rapid expansion) and who was there;
- How Pierce saw his organization in terms of how it should present itself to the public;
- William Pierce’s views and writings on Christianity;
- Big tent philosophy vs forming a vanguard;
- The problem with Resistance Records that never got straightened out;
- The way to fight is with “the truth.”
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Race, White Nationalism- 3151 reads
Original comments on this program
38 Responses
Robert Lloyd
August 21, 2012 at 12:04 pm
Wow Carolyn… this may have been your finest show I have heard to date. To get a history lesson on the White Movement was fantastic. And between you and Hadding keeping things on track, I thank you both.
These are things I would like to comment on and believe they are important issues for me as a White man.
1) We don’t need hostilities in the movement between atheists and Christians. This is the only movement where I believe it is in the best interests of everyone for this to be a peaceful co-existence. If Christians run out atheists we lose maybe half of everyone and some very good thinkers. If the atheists run out Christians we are left without me (big Christian grin) and a belief system, consciousness, and ideology of basic goodness. What movement wouldn’t want that, except the Jews? Things such as homosexuality, abortion, feminism, self-love, pedophilia, etc, will grow and corrupt inside an atheist Jewish type movement and state. When the time comes (and it will) when the bullets start flying, the true White Christian and the sincere White atheist, will share a fox hole and will have each others back covered. I truly believe this.
This is similar in thought as to what National Socialists felt as far as the ‘right vs the left’ in economics. The NS knew that a great company cannot exist without a great workforce. A great workforce cannot exist without a profitable company. This was an eye opener for me (always on the right) when I learned of this and especially looking at the modern predicament of Jewish companies shipping our job overseas. What have our people gained with lower priced goods that we can’t afford to buy because we have no jobs?
2) Mr Williams… and I am a fan of his after listening to him, with one huge exception: His profanity is inexcusable and especially his taking the Lord’s name in vain. Respect is due all of us, and he needs to understand that half of us will be offended, and if it would continue, we would merely turn him off, and then we are back to point A. We need respect among ourselves and this is a matter of standards of decency. We do need standards or we might as well join the profane, immoral, murderous Jew. Hitler did not use profanity and as one show pointed out, he did not even like dirty jokes. He didn’t drink alcohol and was a vegetarian. He was an animal lover and a conservationist (in the good way). Standards are who we are and as White Nationalists we should have the highest.
3) As far as criticizing Ron Paul, or churches we don’t think go far enough in their teachings… there needs to be stepping stones for all of us. No one comes straight from mainstream America and into the National Alliance. I didn’t, you didn’t, nor did any of us. Let’s keep stepping stones in place by merely co-existing. They are our recruiting fields. When we criticize, we need to do it intellectually, not passionately judgmental and self-righteous.
4) Resistance Records… keep in mind Erich Gliebe is a country music fan. I have stated to him in an email some months ago both my appreciation of his love of country music (a true American art form) and at the same time my being disgusted in the poor quality (or no quality whatsoever) in the thrash metal that dominates Resistance Records. It’s possible that there could be some positive changes coming that could even change the face of country music in this world. There are tons of great country artists that are sitting on the sidelines that have been shunned by the Jewish owned country and Jewish owned Christian record labels. Yes everyone, the Christian labels are OWNED BY THE JEWISH ANTICHRISTS. This is an untapped gold mine of America’s most popular music. Who will tap into it? The artists are just sitting there with no place to go. Most ARE conservative by nature.
5) I loved the saying “Do right, and fear no one.” There is a song in there somewhere and a unifying slogan for the movement.
John McGhee
August 21, 2012 at 2:24 pm
Dr. Pierce wanted no part of “The Movement”. It is chock full of biological misfits and losers. As Will rightly stated, Dr. Pierce wanted to build a true Vanguard of decent, but revolutionary minded individual’s, dedicated to the goal of racial advancement and forward thinking.
August 21, 2012 at 4:29 pm
Thanks Robert,
And Hadding was at his best too. I don’t mind Will’s cussing – it’s just part of his personality.
I think it’s right up there. I really enjoyed talking with Will. He has a great personality – no wonder he always finds a new wife.
August 21, 2012 at 10:44 pm
Message to Random, who wrote in reply to Robert Lloyd:
Those who use a totally fictitious email address will not have their comment approved. No one needs to fear that I will misuse their information. On top of that, comments from such people are usually kind of strange, which is why I check them out.
August 21, 2012 at 11:34 pm
Robert, it’s true that Jews tend to be atheists, but atheism is not “Jewish.” Lots of White race realists are atheists. So for you to connect pedophilia, etc. with atheism is wrong. Are not priests and rabbis some of the worst offenders?
Robert Lloyd
August 23, 2012 at 9:54 am
Carolyn… about two days ago I answered your comments on whether I can equate evil with atheism and you never posted it. I am disappointed.
August 23, 2012 at 12:02 pm
About last month’s podcast (thread is closed now), my latest blog entry: “The Führer’s way is the only way” (a response to Alex Linder & Greg Johnson).
August 23, 2012 at 12:17 pm
Robert – Yours and a few others, too. Remember, I see all comments coming in and I intend to prevent nasty distractions that are peripheral to our focus at this network. Here are the rules:
Previously I wrote under “Vincent Reynouard – New Work and Censorship,” this:
To me, removing part(s) of someone’s comment is worse than not posting it at all.
From our Comment Policy:
Keep your comment directly related to the program content.
Be respectful when disagreeing with the program host and other commenters — no foul language and no settling of personal scores.
Anti-Christian attacks can come under “personal scores.” I believe the religious divide is the most serious one the White community suffers from and that the “anti-Christians” (not non-Christians, including many atheists) are the least tolerant of all. There’s no sense in waving a red cape to attract their attention.
I respect all sides of this religious question and still intend to have a panel discussion program (maybe more than one) about it. At that time, I guess most comments about it will be allowed.
Robert Lloyd
August 23, 2012 at 2:32 pm
I just have to disagree with your ‘censorship’ of my simple response to YOUR question to me. If you ask me a question in this forum, should I not get to properly answer and explain myself? I put up with vulgarity and profanity from guests and I yet never use such verbiage. Nor would I even do so for merely not wanting to offend Christians or anyone else for that matter.
BUT BUT BUT, I then am censored for something of debate (never obscene). My stance on the issues listed is absolute and many of the most effective leaders of organizations successful throughout the world adhere to these standards, including and most notably, Adolf Hitler. I believe I did state in my reply that not all Christians adhere to exceptions of the ‘ills’ I listed nor are all atheists of the opposition.
I think my response should have been posted. Especially when my response concerning questions of the priests and rabbis was an important point.
August 23, 2012 at 2:53 pm
Okay Robert, here’s what you responded about priests and rabbis:
… I guess we would have never managed without hearing that. I thought my question to you was basically rhetorical: Are not priests and rabbis some of the worst offenders? You were pointing to an atheistic society.
So now I am done with this, and if you’re not, too bad.
August 24, 2012 at 11:32 am
Okay Robert, here’s what you responded about priests and rabbis:
As far as priests and rabbis being some of the worst offenders, “well hello in there” (a little humor there Carolyn). I wouldn’t consider priests or rabbis men of God. I know some good Catholics but I still feel that way about the priesthood. Rabbis go without saying.
… I guess we would have never managed without hearing that. I thought my question to you was basically rhetorical: Are not priests and rabbis some of the worst offenders? You were pointing to an atheistic society.
So now I am done with this, and if you’re not, too bad.
Carolyn, I feel you need to lighten your censorial touch.
I appreciate your intent, but there is the echo chamber danger. Off Topic views and and even trolls can have a useful role in stimulating a healthy response.
BTW, this interview was great. Williams is one fascinating personality. I hope you can have him back on again.
Actually I found your kerfuffle with Williams wanting to read that anti Christian statement and you not wanting it, amusing, in a good sense. It ended well.
I vote for Williams on that issue.
Charles Traynor
August 24, 2012 at 11:56 am
If there were ever any doubts about Dr.Pierce’s views on religion this show has finally put them all to rest
William Pierce was a great man whose political activity covered so many decades that only one show about him is not enough. I request more in the near future!
August 24, 2012 at 2:39 pm
The Wilmington story should be a book or movie. Maybe the Iranians could make it into “a major motion picture.”
August 24, 2012 at 8:33 pm
The now bowdlerized passage from Dr. William Pierce’s Membership Handbook for the National Alliance:
2d.vii. Christianity
August 25, 2012 at 7:48 am
Thanks Hadding for that link.
I found these paragraphs most compelling.
For these reasons we want to avoid conflict with Christians to the extent that we can. We don’t want to give unnecessary offense, even when we speak out against the doctrines of these churches. We don’t want to ridicule their beliefs, which in some cases are sincerely held. Some of these people later will reject Christianity’s racial doctrines. Some will reject Christianity altogether. We want to help them in their quest for truth when we can, and we want to keep the door open to them.
Members who want to study the subject of Christianity and its relationship to our task in depth should read Which Way Western Man? by our late member William Simpson. The book’s initial chapters describe the spiritual odyssey of a man of exceptional spiritual sensitivity, who was far more intensely a Christian than nearly any Christian living today and who eventually understood the racially destructive nature of Christianity and rejected it.
Christians shouldn’t be shielded from truth (the very thing they proclaim they have) and as such we shouldn’t pull our punches in trying not to ‘offend’.
BTW, I’ve just watched a superb and beautifully made video that all Christians should watch. It’s made by a young man who documents his conversion from being a life long Christian to becoming an atheist. It’s long, but what a sincere journey of discover. From slavery to freedom.
August 25, 2012 at 11:04 am
What’s wrong with this is that the way Simpson chose to live the Christian life – which was to follow the example of St. Francis of Assisi (who apparently lived in nature, not large cities) – is not the one best way to be a Christian. It was stupid and he eventually figured that out after about 10 years. So by then he was ready for something really different!
Christian’s beliefs are so varied – as I’ve said they run the gamut from A to Z. There is no “one way” to be a Christian. Pierce, a scientist, just doesn’t like faith-based beliefs. But hundreds of thousands (millions? I don’t know how many) of Christians don’t follow a “racially destructive” Christianity, but put their own race first and ground it in their Christian beliefs. These people are ignored in Pierce’s writing. That’s not a reason to remove what he wrote, however … instead there should be further notes on it by others. But to question the wisdom of Pierce on any issue is not acceptable when you (ie. the current NA leadership) want to make the man into an object of worship.
This is reminiscent of Martin Luther’s writings on the Jews. Lutherans today aren’t supposed to learn about it.
Will Williams
August 25, 2012 at 3:16 pm
Carolyn, thank you for having Hadding and me on your program to talk about Dr. Pierce, about our personal journeys that led us to him and about his teachings, his strategy and WWWLPD today?. From the comments I see here some good folks were enlightened about Dr. Pierce’s positions on things, where before they may have been confused, especially had they heard Dr. Pierce’s rogue Alliance successor, i.e. “the current NA leadership,” tell them that Dr. Pierce had instructed him on his deathbed: “Take the Alliance Big Tent. Forget the vanguard. Take the part about Christianity out of the Handbook.” Gliebe has actually told people that, among other such incredible, bald-faced lies he tells to cover his thieving and his blunders.
To a Cosmotheist Mr. Simpson’s journey from being the extreme Jesus-lover, robed and barefoot, to the Jew-conscious Nietzschian race-thinker is not “stupid” at all, but like an instructive bible to use for deprogramming unthinking, unquestioning Christians from their superstitious, Semitic slave creed. It’s not for everybody, particularly those who love large cities, but when there are more of us “living in Nature” spiritual men than there are of Judaized big city economic men, you know the race will be in a better position than it is presently. Dr. Pierce saw Simpson’s WWWM? masterwork as somewhat of our own Bible. Those in Dr. Pierce’s vanguard grasp Simpson’s Cosmotheistic world view.
Charles Traynor says: “If there were ever any doubts about Dr.Pierce’s views on religion this show has finally put them all to rest”
There are other articles which address Christianity posted on the William L. Pierce blog and more will be added as they are transcribed.
“Bowdlerized” no more.
P Thanks for allowing the full text from the National Alliance Membership Handbook of Dr. Pierce’s position on Christianity, Carolyn. Is anyone who would leave you for doing that really worth having in your already crowded but free-thinking little tent?
Typhuss B Zyclon
August 25, 2012 at 4:15 pm
This is nonsense, racially destructive nature of Christianity. There are Christians then sadly too many churchianity dupes.
August 25, 2012 at 4:26 pm
Hi Will,
Using the word “stupid” was probably not a good choice since Simpson was then young and totally idealistic. Being not young myself, and having spent many years now contemplating my own spirituality, using various means and methods, it appears “stupid” from my now-perspective to go to such an extreme. I’m sure that’s exactly what he thought later. Walking around robed and barefoot (did he really?) and working for free is not most people’s idea of being a Christian (wisely so).
It kind of bothers me that he couldn’t stay married and with his children, but maybe there’s a good explanation for that.
I haven’t read the book, and now don’t intend to because I’ve been through it all myself. As you know, I really don’t see Christianity as the big problem. If it were to disappear tomorrow, we would still have the same problem, and with less defense against it, not more.
August 26, 2012 at 9:05 am
Nice interview, Carolyn. I like the way you allow the guests to do the talking. That’s a REAL interview, so unlike most talk show hosts who do all the talking so you don’t really hear much of an “interview”. Good job.
I enjoyed hearing the history of these great patriots and their experiences – real historical stuff there. Hadding should have talked more about his own experiences and achievements. But Will Williams had so much to tell us that there just wasn’t time, it seems. Maybe you could invite them both back again sometime and ask Hadding more about himself and his views. These two are examples of why White People will win against our detractors and enemies.
Good job.
August 26, 2012 at 9:59 am
I will ask them back, for sure. Have you heard the interview I did with Hadding in June?
August 26, 2012 at 10:26 am
Thanks for the link. I am downloading Hadding’s interview now. I guess I’d better explore your site more thoroughly to search for more gems.
Edgardus de la Vega
August 26, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Possibly, the archive of archives:
John Beattie
August 26, 2012 at 8:40 pm
Am really stuck but want to comment. Am having somewhat success in fighting against the genocide or our white race with a subdued approach up here in Canada. Regardless of now no agreeing with the Pierce approach using NS, I admire him as top of the list of White Crusaders. I am proud to have met superior men of character such as he and Robert Lloyd way back when. We talked on phone in the 70s and of course I got it shoved at me by the great man himself that I had once referred to his wife as being jewish. This was a young idiot speaking way back then. In fact the whole family treated me as a king at dinner in their home. Gads I was so brainwashed as to the word jew back then that anyone with dark hair was suspect. To me the Turner Diary is top of the list also. Anyway have a day job in my grey hair years up here, so saving me time just to say a most respectful hello to Robert Lloyd. Fond and most respectful memories. We now all differ as to the Road to Rome, BUT at least we are still ” at it ” !! ( as my beloved deceased wife used to say ).
August 26, 2012 at 9:37 pm
thankyou Miss Carolyn for a great show. I really enjoyed listening to Will Williams. I always liked reading his postings around the net. Can’t imagine why he was removed from VNN.
August 26, 2012 at 11:09 pm
It’s an honor to hear from Mr. Beattie.
The Robert Lloyd who posts here on The White Network denies being the same Robert Lloyd that Beattie is referring to.
August 27, 2012 at 10:55 am
I would like to suggest that instead of basing your appeal on persons who are no longer alive, and gathering round them in what appears to be worship, that you appeal to your audience on the basis of ideas, concrete and specific concepts having nothing to do with any specific individual person or persons. A testamonial is one of the weakest forms of appeal, and that is what you are doing. A specific idea gives the listener something essential to go on. I wish you would do this. I had dealings with Dr. Pierce, not significant really, but they were dealings, and perhaps he was a fine man, I don’t know, and I don’t care. What matters is that he knew how to dedicate himself to his goal, which you guys do not, and he knew how to work. And many of his talks were crafted fairly well, which is more than I can say for what you have now. I just wish you would all try to be better at what you are trying to do, not be afraid to say what your ideas are, and work to fashion them into a better quality.
August 27, 2012 at 1:48 pm
I had some tremendously flattering private messages from strangers about this show. It was Carolyn Yeager’s idea, not mine and not Will’s, to do a show about what Dr. Pierce would advise. I think it was decent, and worthwhile because Dr. Pierce with a lifetime of experience had a lot of things figured out.
The lemon-suckers of course will always be with us. They were already with us when Dr. Pierce was alive, like so many chihuahuas trying to annoy an elephant.
Robert, where are your podcasts? Where are your essays? Where is your blog? I want to see if your work is so much better as to justify your attitude.
August 27, 2012 at 2:03 pm
One more thing.
This is the first time that anybody has accused me either of being afraid to express myself or of not expressing myself well. Will Williams is not exactly a shrinking violet either.
August 27, 2012 at 3:53 pm
Click on his name, Hadding. You’ll see his website.
August 27, 2012 at 6:27 pm
“How would William Pierce advise us today?”
I’ve pondered that question many times. I wish I could give you an answer.
Dr. William Luther Pierce is the man that opened my eyes and I am forever indebted to him. If you’ve never listened to his fiery, very informative American Dissident Voices broadcasts, or read the program transcripts, you owe it to yourself to do so! Do a web search…you’ll find ‘em.
Here’s a compilation of transcripts, in ebook form, of all of Dr. Pierce’s ADV programs, all 1.666 pages of them, that a fellow WN from Australia put together. Many thanks to him. Needless to say, this is an excellent resource. Download it, read it, share it.
“what these Politically Correct people really mean, although they won’t tell you this — what they really mean is that no one should be permitted to write or say anything which might offend one of the officially favored classes of people: homosexuals, morally or physically defective people, Jews, Blacks or members of other non-White racial groups, and women. They see nothing wrong with offending a White male, for example: they do it themselves all the time. But they do believe that it ought to be illegal to do or say something offensive to almost anyone else.”–Dr. William Pierce
Robert Lloyd
August 27, 2012 at 6:52 pm
Just a passing comment on Robert’s post above… I just don’t understand how we can criticize Will Williams, Hadding Scott, and Carolyn for what they have done and what they are presently doing. This show for instance was a beautiful tribute to Dr Pierce and a man who should never be forgotten. And we can learn from him for years to come.
If anyone has listened to a better two hour discussion, let’s hear it. Thank you Will, Hadding and Carolyn. Great show.
August 28, 2012 at 4:42 am
I looked at Robert’s site. He writes poems and short stories. I am going to guess that Robert suffered some personal slight from Dr. Pierce like having a book rejected for publication, maybe because it had
Will Williams
August 30, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Phil, for me the second link you provided was “locked,” and the first one, above it, gave me this error message: [gibberish code] + This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
Robert Lloyd says: “This show for instance was a beautiful tribute to Dr Pierce and a man who should never be forgotten. And we can learn from him for years to come.”
Thanks to the Internet Dr. Pierce has many more fans out here today than when he died a decade ago. You might like Kevin Strom’s recent tribute to him, here, @ post #390:
William Pierce had a never-give-up spirit that was almost beyond understanding. It served him well. Its source, I think, was his deep belief that he was one of a very few men who fully understood the cosmic stakes of the fight for White survival, and that he had an absolute responsibility to strive without ending, no matter what the odds, to do his considerable part — a task that no one else could do for him — to win that fight., -KAS
August 30, 2012 at 9:06 pm
Will Williams
August 30, 2012 at 12:05 pm
Phil, for me the second link you provided was “locked,” and the first one, above it, gave me this error message: [gibberish code] + This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
Will, try this link:
It’s a 9.2 MB pdf.
Another pdf (62 MB) that looks interesting is at:
It’s scans of ‘The Best of Attack!’ and ‘National Vanguard Tabloid’ selected and arranged by Kevin Alfred Strom.
September 1, 2012 at 8:11 pm
Will Williams said:
“Phil, for me the second link you provided was “locked,” and the first one, above it, gave me this error message: [gibberish code] + This program cannot be run in DOS mode”
Will, I just clicked on both links and they work fine for me. Maybe you have an older internet browser? Anyway, Katana’s link should get you the book without any problem.
All the best,
Will Williams
September 2, 2012 at 12:35 pm
Thank you, Katana. Both of those links worked for me and are extraordinarily rich sources for Dr. Pierce’s body of work.
So much of Dr. Pierce’s work is quotable. I can see his Who We are series being read and discussed one day like Carolyn and Hadding are doing noe with Henry Ford’s International Jew.
Here is one of my favorite excerpts from Who We Are which throws some light on the Cosmotheist world view and the sort of racial idealist Dr. Pierce wanted to attract to it:
The workers at the task will be only a tiny minority of the race. Any program which envisages an “awakening of the masses” or which relies on the native wisdom of the great bulk of our people — which is to say, any populist program — is based on a false vision and a false understanding of the nature of the masses. No great, upward step in all of our long history has ever been accomplished by the bulk of any population, but always by an exceptional individual or a few exceptional individuals. The masses always take the path of least resistance: which is to say, they always follow the strongest faction. It is important to work with the masses, to inform them, to influence them, to recruit from among them; but they must not be counted on for determinative, spontaneous support until after a small minority has already, by its own efforts, built a stronger force than that of any opposing faction.
The task is inherently fundamental, and it will be accomplished only through a fundamental approach. That is to say, those who devote themselves to it must be pure in spirit and mind; they must understand that their goal is a society based on quite different values from those underlying the present society, and they must be committed wholeheartedly and without reservation to that goal; they must be prepared to outgrow all the baggage of superstition and convention inherent in the present society. Thus, the task is not one for conservatives or right wingers, for, “moderates” or liberals, or for any of those whose thinking is mired in the errors and in the corruption which have led us to the downward course, but it is a task for those capable of an altogether new consciousness of the world.
The task is a biological, cultural, and spiritual one as well as an educational and political one.
The portions highlighted describe for me the rare, ideologically sound individual from that “tiny minority” of our people that fit best into Dr. Pierce’s vanguard. He told me once that we had to kiss a lot of frogs to find our princes. So be it. He’s gone now but he told us precisely how to attract those uncompromising, “pure in spirit and mind,” capable few who will eventually lead our unique people away from the abyss and on the upward course to greater heights.
September 3, 2012 at 7:50 pm
Will said:
So much of Dr. Pierce’s work is quotable. I can see his Who We are series being read and discussed one day like Carolyn and Hadding are doing noe with Henry Ford’s International Jew.
Indeed. The man was an intellectual giant and is sorely missed.