Learn what Auschwitz still lies about on a new convenient video by Germar Rudolf
IF YOU DON'T HAVE TIME, or don't want to read Carlo Mattogno's new book CURATED LIES: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations, Distortions and Deceptions, but want to know what it contains, then Germar Rudolf's video is for you!
It is a Powerpoint presentation giving you the gist of the book in less than 80 minutes.
In 2014, the museum researchers issued a book, The Beginnings of the Extermination of Jews in KL Auschwitz in the Light of the Source Materials, reprinting 74 original German wartime documents which they claim prove the construction and use of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz by the German government and the German civilian and military forces who ran the camp. However, upon examination of the book, Carlo Mattogno found that none of the “new” evidence or analysis holds water. Watch the video and find out why.
Auschwitz, Germar Rudolf, Carlo MattognoCategory
Holocaust Revisionism- 262 reads