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My Articles
- Early Articles
- The Third Reich
- Hans-Ulrich Rudel: The man who might have been the next German Führer
- The Search for WWII Mass Graves
- The Fake Legends of Adolf Hitler’s “Jewish Grandfather”
- Latest expression of virulent Jewish hatred: Hitler's parents' grave destroyed
- The Gleiwitz “False Flag” Incident is Pure Fiction
- Nuremberg hangman was a U.S. Navy-diagnosed psychopath who slowly strangled top Nazis
- Heroic Women
- Holo Frauds & Quacks
- Zisblatt: A Special Jewel
- "Diamond Girl" Fiction
- Second Response to J. Neander
- Denis Avey: Man Who Would be Righteous
- Avey, BBC ,and British Government
- Why BBC and Labour Backed Avey Hoax
- Pedophile Promotes Denis Avey Hoax
- The Shadowy Origins of Night
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part 1
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part 2
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part 3
- Elie Wiesel and the Mossad, Part 4
- Septuagenarian’s “Holocaust” memories dangerous to youth, wrong as history
- “Child survivor” Paul Argiewicz and the missing five years
- Time to call Ken Waltzer a fraud?
- Max Hamburger Says He Is the ‘Zombie Man’
- Naftali Fürst claims to be in Famous Buchenwald Photo as 12-year-old boy
- Martin Gray: Another Polish Jew surlievor*
- Yehuda Bacon memoir at Elie Wiesel Cons The World
- History teacher who outed holocaust fraudster Joseph Hirt calls for apology or prosecution
- More Holocaust Revisionism
- Jewish population figures don't add up
- My response to Alan Dershowitz's essay “The origin of fake news in holocaust denial” published at Gatestone Institute
- Hungarian Deportation: An Objectivity Lesson
- Thoughts on the Jewish Problem and the HoloHoax
- Britain’s collusion in creating “death camp” atrocity lies exposed
- Are we nearing the End of Auschwitz?
- Director says knowledge about Auschwitz came from survivors’ testimonies
- World Jewish Congress
- Special Treatment for Jews
- Stop Special Treatment for Jews – a way forward
- New Jersey authorities expose Jewish welfare fraud
- How Orthodox Jewry is robbing an American town
- Religion is key to Lakewood's 'special treatment' for Jews
- New Jersey rabbis face prison in kidnapping conspiracy
- Explosive growth of the ultra-Orthodox community in Lakewood
- Lakewood's woes: Jews create chaos in Gentile societies
- Lakewood Orthodox welfare cheats offered amnesty
- Large Orthodox Jew families an unfair burden for schools
- Rapid growth of Orthodox population creating havoc in NY-NJ
- Orthodox clinic owner steals $7 mil from Medicaid
- Mosberg indicted in 2008 on corruption, bribery charges
- New Jersey town's losing battle to prevent Orthodox Jewish takeover
- Seven NY Orthodox in $14 million scam to steal school money
- Brooklyn clinic owned by Orthodox Jews investigated for vaccine fraud
- Fox News on problems Hasidic Jews bring to U.S. communities
- Movement Controversies
- Kevin MacDonald on record saying whether the Holocaust actually happened is “not important”
- Greg Johnson echos Kevin MacDonald in opposing 'Holocaust' revisionism - One must ask why
- Everything Greg Johnson knows about Holocaust Revisionism he learned from Mark Weber
- The Unforgivable Sins of Mark Weber
- The Goebbels-Vlasov-Irving Question
- The Goebbels-Vlasov-Irving Question, Part 2
- The Rise and Fall of Tribal Administrator Rodney Martin
Wenger Family Archive
- Willy Wenger's Writings
- Childhood
- The great hope: The German Reich
- Referendum of April 10th, 1938; 1939 & the Napola School
- The Odyssey of Fahnenjunker Wenger (part one)
- The Odyssey of Fahnenjunker Wenger (part two)
- Albin's Story
- The Final Flight of Poldi Wenger - April 10, 1945
- The Passing of an Era – Remembering Willy Wenger 1926-2017
- Leopold Wenger
- Hitler Youth
- Napola Letters
- Wartime Service
- Letters from Nov. 1939-April '40
- Letters from April-Dec. 1940
- France: January-April 1941
- France, May-December 1941
- France, February - July 1942
- France, July-December 1942
- France, January-June 1943
- Sicily and Lake Constance, June-Nov. 1943
- Eastern Front, Nov 1943-Feb 1944
- Ukraine-Bessarabia, March-June 1944
- Last letters from Eastern Front, Aug. 1944-Jan. 1945
- A close encounter between wartime rivals only revealed 74 years later
- Index
The German Reich
- Hostility towards Germans
- The Anti-German Narrative in the West
- German Self-Hatred and Leftist Ideology
- White Guilt and Islamic Chauvinism
- Britain's 100 year war against Germany
- Searching for the roots of persistent anti-Germanism
- Final Interview With Erich Priebke
- Interview: Horst Mahler on the German Reich
- Interview: G. S. Viereck's 1923 interview with Adolf Hitler
- Odeonsplatz: Interview with Werner Bräuninger
- Law & Government
- Kristallnacht
- A closer look at Kristallnacht 1938 - Jewish hoax?
- Assassination and terror is method of Jewish ethnic warfare
- The Jewish Declaration of War
- What really happened on November 9, 1938
- Damage from 'Kristallnacht' greatly overstated
- Psychological warfare operations explain 'Kristallnacht'
- Ingrid Weckert considers 'Cui Bono?' – Who benefited from Kristallnacht?
- Pegida-Dresden, Tatjana declares guilt complex over!
- 75 Years after "Kristallnacht"
- Kristallnacht
- National Socialism
- Mein Kampf, vol. I
- On 'Public Opinion'
- On 'The Majority Principle'
- On 'Jewish Democracy' and 'The Importance of the Spoken Word'
- On Connecting With The Mass and The 'Away-From-Rome' Movement
- On 'Anti-Semitism On a Religious Basis'
- On 'Defects in our Educational System' and 'Concentration on a Single Enemy'
- On 'State and Economy'
- On 'The Moment of Decay'
- On 'The World War'
- On 'The World War' part 2
- On 'The World War' part 3
- On 'War Propaganda'
- On Discovering Gottfried Feder
- On How Hitler Joined the DAP
- On 'Causes of the Collapse'
- On 'Causes of the Collapse', part 2
- On 'Causes of the Collapse', part 3
- On 'Causes of the Collapse', part 4
- On 'Nation and Race'
- On 'Nation and Race', part 2
- On 'Nation and Race', part 3
- Mein Kampf, vol. II
- On the Political Meaning of 'Folkish'
- On The State, part 1 - Germanization
- On The State, part 2 – Nature and Purpose
- On The State, part 3 – Racial Hygiene and Physical Education
- On The State, part 4 - Needed changes in education
- On The State, part 5 - Selecting talent over social class
- On Subjects and Citizens in the National Socialist State
- On Personality and the Folkish State-Concept
- On the Early Struggle: Significance of the Spoken Word
- On Worldview and Organization of the Folkish State
- On Conflict With the Red Front
- On Conflict With the Red Front, part 2
- Why the Strong Man is Mightiest Alone
- Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the S.A. (Part One)
- Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the S.A. (Part Two)
- Regarding the Meaning and Organization of the S.A. (Part Three)
- The Mask of Federalism
- Propaganda and Organizaion
- The Trade Union Question
- German Post-War Alliance Policy
- Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part One
- Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part Two
- The Right to Emergency Defense
- Mein Kampf, vol. I
- Führer Speeches
Race & History
- Ancient Aryan History
- Race in Civilization
- The Importance of Race in Civilization
- Why are you obsessed with race? What is your agenda?
- The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 1-3
- The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 4-8
- The Racial Awakening of the German People by Dr. Rudolf Frercks, parts 9-10
- World War I
- The Fatherland
- The Fatherland weekly covered the Great The War in Europe from a German-American perspective
- Lying during war: A sampling from “The Fatherland”
- Who were the lawbreakers? Who were the liars?
- Further reports on criminal treatment of German-Americans by England
- Did you know? Excerpts from “The Fatherland” reveal insights into Great European War
- The state of American neutrality in February 1915
- An Essay on English transgressions vs the will of Providence
- Did US-UK alliance against Germany-Austria begin long before 1917?
- The Lusitania Tragedy turned into pretext for US to enter war
- Striking examples from The Fatherland that support the One War thesis
- In September 1915, German-Americans still perceived as lesser Americans
- Why the Money Trust wanted war: The British “Gold Plot”
- More on the Money Trust—The American Pilgrims Society
- The Brussels documents and the heresy of Woodrow Wilson
- In 1916, Wilson Administration drops facade of neutrality; attacks German Americans
- Henry Ford and Cecil Rhodes, on opposite sides, make news in The Fatherland
- An Exchange of Letters bearing on the British Ideal of Cecil Rhodes
- America moves closer to war; Wilson unhappy with conciliatory German Note
- Outnumbered German Fleet best the British in the great Battle of Skagerrack
- Political parties choose their 1916 nominees: Hughes and Wilson
- The submarine Deutschland makes surprise visit to America!
- The Kaiser answers his American attacker
- Zeppelins strike fear in English towns and ports
- Wilson's reelection advances Anglo-American alliance against Germany-Austria
- "The Fatherland" exposes ruthlessness of US conduct of Philippine War under Germany-critic Elihu Root
- More revelations of Anglo-American crimes as condemnation is heaped on Germany
- Wilson addresses Senate; proposes Monroe Doctrine "for the world"
- Talk of peace in January 1917 raises hopes, proves deceptive
- Little hint yet of dramatic events about to break
- Wilson breaks relations with Germany; "The Fatherland" takes new name
- Final installment from The Fatherland—Germany enforces total U-boat blockade
- The Fatherland
- World War II
- Hitler and the Slavs
I'm a Customer
I bought the two-disc set. Are you going to advertise your latest, forthcoming book in the same way -- as an article-like ad? And how long before we can order it?
You and about 5 others!
Thanks for asking this question. And for buying the CDs.
JV - The book has been slightly delayed. The publisher received a proof book but told me it was not printed satisfactorily, because it has screened pages with images and this printer was not able to handle it to his satisfaction. So he's taking it to another printer. A proof book has been sent to me also but I haven't received it yet. Paul, though, said the cover looked fine and it is a beautiful cover. I'm thrilled with it. So I'm looking forward to holding it my hands, but as to how soon it will be on sale I can't say now. My expectation is still before Christmas, but maybe I'm too hopeful. It's going to sell for $25 although we're using upgraded paper at my request. 250 pages.
I will be announcing it here and linking to where it can be ordered. I will be making a real big deal out of it! You won't miss it. :)
International Jew
Hi Carolyne,
You should also save this way the fine International Jew Talks!
Hi Carolyn,
what about for like a $20 donation we could get a one-time download link to download all the audio from your site that you would allow?
some of these file storage sites like MediaFire etc offer one-time links that expire after a few days or after the files are downloaded
would be a better profit margin than sending out CDs too
also, i hear your Heretics Hour being played on Radio Aryan now
Great stuff! Glad I found you
Great stuff! Glad I found you.