Rodney Martin in his own words
Rodney Martin, Tule River Indian Reservation's Tribal Administrator, talks to the press in November 2007 about the tribe's purchase of a card room license.
By Carolyn Yeager
On March 15, 2007, two months after he accepted the full-time position as Tribal Administrator for the Tule River Indian Tribe, whose Reservation was close to Porterville, California, Rodney Martin penned the following [my emphases -cy] in the Porterville Recorder, a newspaper in which he would continue to write op-eds and editorial comments in the following years.
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“I would like to weigh in on the comments of Mr. and Mrs. Day concerning Mrs. Jennie Perez’s letter to the editor. While I will not put words into Mrs. Perez’s mouth, I believe the intent of her letter was a message of embracing diversity. What a novel idea, given we are the nation with the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor that welcomes people from all lands.
The degree of intellectual dishonesty demonstrated by both letters from the Days was shocking, as they stated line after line in their letters about being an American without stating a single cohesive element of what really makes us Americans.
For the benefit of everyone, there is no such ethnicity as an American. There is no American bloodline, no American DNA test, and no American language. What makes us an American is our values, ideas and principles – which by the way can be expressed in Spanish, French, English, Chinese or any other native language that an American chooses to express himself or herself in – and above all our unique ability to come together as demonstrated nationally after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and here during the recent freeze.
Sadly, what is clear in the letters from the Days is fear, fear of those who are different and the use of fear to divide people among ethnic lines in an “us versus them” argument that is more reminiscent of 1930s Germany than what America is really about. For this, I will pray for the Days that they will one day see diversity as a strength and love thy neighbor.
Rodney Martin, Porterville"
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What makes this especially notable is Rodney Martin’s statements after the revelation of his January 2007 interview with the Porterville Recorder, in which he insisted the “black reporter” and the “Jew copy editor” knew that he was pro-White and had been found to be commenting on pro-White forums, and for that reason inserted the line into the published interview about his wife being a Cherokee Indian. Martin also said that those words came from him “as a sarcasm” but they (or sometimes only the Jew) kept it in the interview out of spite and hatred for Martin.
Clearly, from this editorial comment, Martin (the politician) is not telling the truth about this “Cherokee incident”, although so many WN’s believed him immediately.
Martin is siding with a Hispanic or Mestizo woman over the protests (written in two letters to the editor] of a White American couple named Day. Let’s also bring to mind that Martin formed what he calls the “American Nationalist Association” in league with John Friend, who after a few weeks dropped out of the venture. Martin has continued it but combined it with the American Nationalist Network. When I once, following that, referred to Martin as an “American Nationalist,” he denied that he had ever described himself as that, but only as a National Socialist. Are you confused enough, yet? In 2007, National-Socialism was clearly not something Martin identified with, being he identified with “diversity” and “the Statue of Liberty that welcomes people from all lands,” including China. This was Rodney Martin’s America.
But this is not all. Another guest column by Martin, titled “Just Say No to Extremism,” appeared in the Porterville Recorder on October 30, 2007. (Again, my emphases -cy.)
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“Our community has been subjected recently to a barrage of news articles related to one “who shall remain nameless” in my article. This is on purpose because individuals of this kind thrive and indeed multiply on publicity. (Remember, not naming people is Martin’s hallmark -cy)
“First “he who shall remain nameless” used, without permission, The Recorder’s newspaper tubes to distribute hateful fliers promoting “a religion” that is nothing more than rhetoric parallel to Nazi and KKK propaganda. In fact “he who shall remain nameless” claims to be none other than a reverend: What a joke in and of itself. In fact this same reverend’s “religion” is promoted via an Internet Web site that states Adolf Hitler is a “great human being.” Get the idea where they look to for “saints”?
“Anyhow, The Recorder attempted to take legal action against “he who shall remain nameless,” all to no avail. See this “reverend” has freedom to distribute his hateful “theology” on other’s property, even if it is not wanted.
“Talk about an extreme telemarketer.
“Then the good “reverend” decided to distribute fliers on the business of a local Jewish shop owner, kind of reminiscent of the tactics Nazis used in Germany in the 1930s. Perhaps “he who shall remain nameless” is a student of history as well.
“Because we have hate crimes protection in our country, “he who shall remain nameless” was arrested, however, he was soon released, apparently for lack of evidence. It seems the “reverend” knows how to work the system.
“Then finally, we hear that once again this so-called man of the cloth has once again run afoul of the law. This time the good “reverend” was at a tavern, no doubt for communion, and was allegedly in an altercation that resulted in another individual being knifed.
“If this is the good reverend’s version of the sacrament, I can see why he has credibility issues in terms of being taken seriously as a legitimate man of the cloth.
“The larger problem with “he who shall remain nameless” is that — and people here in Porterville may not know it — this young man was sent here by this hate group, Creator Skinhead Movement, to agitate and divide this community along racial lines by using wedge issues.
“The moral challenge facing all of us is to NOT take the bait and to reject “he who shall remain nameless” and his intellectually dishonest ideology and recognize that there is no religion of hate. We must send them packing.
“We must also embrace our diversity and come together as a community to address issues facing us all. “He who shall remain nameless” likes to use hot-button issues like crime, gangs and drugs to divide us as a community. In fact, these issues are of concern to all of us and we must address them as a community, united so all of our children will be safe, secure and have a bright future, regardless of ethnicity and economic status.
“Finally, we as a community must act or risk the mistakes of history. We, as a community, must send a strong sense of outrage to “he who shall remain nameless” and his small gang of comrades that we are outraged by their tactics and they are not welcome in our community.
“We must not give them what they want. We must not recognize them as anything more then what they truly are, outsiders who come here to divide and spread hate and discontent.
“I close with the words of the Rev. Martin Niemoller, who lived to regret his inaction in Germany in the 1930s
First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.”
Rodney Martin is the Tule River tribal administrator. He previously worked in city, state and federal governmental service. Mr. Martin also held Harry S. Truman and LBJ presidential fellowships. He can be reached at [email protected].
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Rodney Martin says he was raised by his German grandparents, who were members of the German-American Bund and who believed in National-Socialism and Hitler’s goals. He says his father "knew" Pastor Butler, and his wife’s family are hard-core racists. He married his wife “Peggy” in 1995, yet in 2007 he was so anti-Hitler and promoting diversity?
Rodney may say, in response to this, that he was insincere in these public writings – for whatever reasons he might come up with – but don’t believe him. There is no way that can add up. Is Rodney Martin a government agent in the White Nationalist “movement?” Or does he work for the SPLC, shades of Veronica K. Clark (I’m somewhat joking here)? What about Deanna Spingola – is she in on all this too or does she just have incredibly bad instincts?
I know that as the messenger bringing you this bad news – as some of you will see it – I will be blamed for creating division. What a joke – I can only laugh at that. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
I will stop here and pick this up in one more blog post as soon as I can get back to it. There are a few more Porterville newspaper items to tie into this story, particularly about how Martin got hold of so much money, but we all need a little time to digest what has already been revealed about Rodney Martin from his own pen. And maybe see how creative (or not) he will be in “splaining” it. ~
Adolf Hitler, Race, White Nationalism- 2861 reads