Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn: Interview with David Baillie
June 30, 2012
David Baillie tells us about his interesting upbringing by a Czech grandmother, and his illustrious grandfather whom he only met once. In high school he was attracted to military things, for awhile wanting to go to West Point, but also to music – especially The Beatles and John Lennon. How’s that for contrast?! He began questioning many things, such as our wars and our government, but it was 9/11/2001 that got him seriously concerned — leading to his starting his own website, originally begun as a web hosting business.
He discusses the influence of William Pierce, Alex Linder, Michael Collins Piper … even Alex Jones (for awhile) … and more lately, Bill Finck. The interview ended with his views on Ron Paul and American party politics.
David works hard to support his family and is on Facebook as Associated Tradesman. The image shown is what he claims to be his family crest.
Jews, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 3021 reads
Original comments on this program
12 Responses
June 30, 2012 at 9:50 pm
It has been suggested that Dr. William Pierce would have supported the 911 Truth movement if he had lived longer. I doubt it.
It seems to me that the favorite arguments of the 9-11 Truthers are:
1. It LOOKS like controlled demolition;
2. What about Building 7?
These facts were available long before Dr. Pierce died in mid-2002. He could see as well as anyone how the collapse of the Twin Towers looked. For some reason it didn’t trouble him (maybe because he was a physicist). Building 7 was badly damaged by debris from the Twin Towers and had its internal structure weakened by several hours of fire before it collapsed. There is no indication of which I am aware that Dr. Pierce saw anything strange in the collapses of those structures.
Actually, the closer you look, the less the collapses resemble controlled demolition. You see signs that collapse due to internal weakening is about to occur, like the sagging of the penthouse of Building 7 a few seconds before the whole structure falls.
I accept part of the 911-Truth story, that some Israelis had advance knowledge. This is evident from the Odigo instant messages.
Let’s not assert in such a complicated matter that people who haven’t leapt aboard the controlled demolition bandwagon are unconcerned about the Truth.
The controlled demolition argument is nowhere near as solid as the affirmation that there was no Holocaust.
July 2, 2012 at 12:42 am
The 911 “truth movement” needs to be separated from the legitimate factually-based research surrounding the event. Most of the heavily promoted “truthers” are disinformationists, con artists, or those with Jewish conflicts of interest. The least credible and fringe elements have become the face of “the movement” by design. This has caused many serious people, like Hadding, to reject alternative explanations for not wanting to be associated with kooks. The result is the well has effectively been poisoned. They have misdirected attention away from Israel and Jewish power, propped up deliberate disinformation to be used in “debunking” attempts, and promoted weird individuals as spokespeople.
They have also tightly defined the parameters of the debate. The most common way is focusing heavily on technical issues while ignoring the most important and politically-incorrect big-picture details.
It’s true that unsophisticated “truthers” will parrot slogans about Building 7. However, the science and mechanics are the least compelling evidence. This route is also least effective because it’s unlikely one will be convincing discussing scientific matters they have no formal credentials in.
The Odigo instant messaging is a drop in the bucket of all the evidence. The details are out there if you know where to look.
Review the following material and you’ll have no doubt who planned, executed, benefited from, and covered up the attack on America.
- Ryan Dawson’s three films: War by Deception, The 911 Kook Movement, 911 and The Coverup
- Classified Woman by Sibel Edmonds (former FBI translator)
- ZionCrimeFactory’s upcoming essay: 9/11: The Jewish Plot Against America
- Solving 9/11 by Christopher Bollyn (plus his articles)
Not only is the overall evidence more explosive surrounding 9/11 than the Holocaust, it’s far more relevant to the present.
July 2, 2012 at 7:08 am
A very good podcast Carolyn and David.
Agree with both of you on all the issues raised. David, your family background, your hands on work and your general commonsense says a lot.
The ‘Holocaust’ as Carolyn emphasized needs to be exposed for the hoax that it is. It’s the very foundation of jewish imposed White guilt and subsequent enslavement of us. It must be exposed and destroyed. Letting it stand may have some temporary tactical advantage but it reeks of cowardice.
9/11 is just another jewish operation (sorry Hadding).
Steel buildings do not self destruct like that. Separate from that basic issue (unbelievable it itself) is the too many strings pulled for it to be 19 Arabs.
Thank you Carolyn, David and Tan.
July 2, 2012 at 8:22 pm
The Czechs and others were stirred up to resist the Germans and that was bad it seems. Illegal combatants or whatever.
But later David said, in the event of a Chinese invasion he would feel it was right to resist and thus become an illegal combatant I guess.
Did I misunderstand something or mishear?
David Baillie
July 3, 2012 at 7:09 am
There is a very big difference between being invaded by the Chinese (another race) and the protectorate that was set up by the Czechs and Germans. First, the Czechs had no claim to dominion over the Slovaks and the Slovaks were not happy being part of the same country, neither were the other minorities. CZ broke up because they all wanted separation. Benes was invited to stay and remain president of the protectorate but chose alignment with the Soviets. Most Czechs were well aware of what Stalin was and for many years feared that he would make good on his often-mentioned desire to communize the whole of Europe. The Germans did not shoot their way in. They were invited in the face of the collapse of the country and belligerence from Poles, Hungarians and Slovaks. While there was nationalist feeling among the Czechs, the killing of Heydrich was instigated from outside the country and supported by a handful of Communists and Russian sympathizers, who were acting as criminals and supported by foreign governments seeking to use civilians to create havoc for the Germans.
The Chinese are not our neighbors, they are aliens and for them to get here would require a tactical nuclear bombardment, off lining our defense systems and putting several million men on our soil. Now, I suppose that La Raza might help them, probably organized militant blacks, and there are no doubt Chinese nationals here that would be tapped as liaisons, as well as the Jews who would set themselves apart from us Whites just as they do in South Africa, Serbia and everywhere else they have lived, until the poop hits the fan and they claim status as non-nationals. We have the gift of hindsight with the Czech example.
David Baillie
July 3, 2012 at 7:21 am
I’m not going to get into a pissing match with Hadding about this, so even if we accept that the Israelis had only foreknowledge about the event, they are thus still complicit and THAT is more the enough to lay at the feet of the American people in regards to our continued “alliance” with them, as well as continuing to allow the presence of Jews on our soil which serves only to undermine our political and social order. The Jews are a disease, they are a cancer on the body politic. That they have been the leaders of every anti-White, anti-nationalist movement wherever they have managed to be allowed in shows that they are the human equivalent of a virus and should be dealt with as such.
David Baillie
July 3, 2012 at 6:26 pm
I’d like to further point out that my grandmother told me many times that German soldiers were gentlemen. My uncle, being 7 years older than my mother, was in the Hitler Jugend and she occasionally hummed or sang the songs popular from the German protectorate era, like Lilly Marlena and Die Fahne Hoch (Horst Wessel Lied). That is a farrrrr stretch from the kind of occupation they experienced under the Communists, and I will gladly come on and tell people how truly horrible life was under the Communists and their degenerate acolytes.
July 3, 2012 at 11:08 pm
Thanks David.
I wasnt attacking, just wanted clarification.
July 4, 2012 at 2:03 pm
I believe that the major consideration in making Czechia into the German protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, rather than an independent state like Slovakia, was Geopolitik. The frontier that has to be defended by Germany is much shorter if it includes Czechia. You can see the same principle at work in Poland, where the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact defined a short, straight border far from Berlin, with the Gouvernment General, another protectorate full of non-Germans, behind the German defensive perimeter. Hitler did not want to annex large numbers of non-Germans into the Reich but at the same time he wanted an easily defensible border: protectorates were the compromise between these two priorities.
Pre-war Czechoslovakia, by contrast, was almost a highway from the USSR into the heart of Germany, with all the good defensive terrain (Sudeten Mountains) placed on the Czech side of the border, rendering Germany highly vulnerable.
July 5, 2012 at 6:16 am
David wrote ….
July 3, 2012 at 7:21 am
I’m not going to get into a pissing match with Hadding about this, so even if we accept that the Israelis had only foreknowledge about the event, they are thus still complicit and THAT is more the enough to lay at the feet of the American people in regards to our continued “alliance” with them, as well as continuing to allow the presence of Jews on our soil which serves only to undermine our political and social order. The Jews are a disease, they are a cancer on the body politic. That they have been the leaders of every anti-White, anti-nationalist movement wherever they have managed to be allowed in shows that they are the human equivalent of a virus and should be dealt with as such.
David, I have to agree with all that. Harsh observations about the jews, but true.
Regarding 911 I’d like to make an observation about the destruction of the twin towers. It’s actually quite elemental, yet I’ve never seen or heard it mentioned before. First watch some videos of the towers coming down and observe how each floor is being blown to smithereens, floor by floor. The debris is being ejected outwards and is for the most landing outside the footprint of the buildings. Massive steel structural beams and concrete dust is being being ejected outwards and upwards, no longer existing where it once were.
Now, my observation is this: Why would each floor in turn collapse when it only has to support itself, since all the floors above it have disappeared? There was little to no ‘pancaking of floors’ in the debris pile.
(Edit by CY: several paragraphs have been removed because of my determination not to allow 9/11 Truth debate to detract from our main mission. There are other places for that debate.)
But I will briefly discuss the criminals and motives. Explosive destruction of each floor leads us the conclusion that 911 was an inside job.
Inside job points the finger at the US government. Who controls the US government? Israel, in other words, the jews. 911 was a jewish organized ‘mini-mini holocaust’ on Americans to get Americans to murder Arab nations on their behalf. All part of their larger plan.
Arabs could not have organized all that, since the building, its ownership, its security, the airport security where the planes took off, the software for remote control of aircraft, NORAD software, the … well, basically everything crucial in the events, before, during and after the event were and are controlled by jews or their helpers. Last but not least, the main stream media (MSM) is also under jewish domination.
July 6, 2012 at 10:07 am
Carolyn wrote in my comment:
katana July 5, 2012 at 6:16 am:
(Edit by CY: several paragraphs have been removed because of my determination not to allow 9/11 Truth debate to detract from our main mission. There are other places for that debate.)
Carolyn, I think you are jumping the gun here in pre-empting a possible problem that I don’t see happening (yet). If it does happen you should be grateful!
Your guest (David) talked a lot about 911 and how it was a turning point in his life and his understanding of what’s going on. He’d realized that the towers going down was ‘blinking impossible’ in the manner officially presented. I agree.
In other words 911 and its ins and outs are ‘on topic’ with regard to that interview.
Now as far as the ‘main mission’ is concerned I’m pretty certain that I’ve heard you complain about prominent WNs sidelining issues dealing the holocaust/hoax and 911.
I’ve come to believe that both topics need to be thoroughly dealt with. This means getting ones hands dirty with all the fiddly detail. Now if this site starts to get over run by hasbara rats (jewish dis-info people) then by all means wield the knife.
Anyway, my offending paragraphs were there to set out clearly the impossibility of those towers falling naturally to those readers who lack a mechanical sense of things (a great many in my experience).
July 6, 2012 at 10:46 am
You are not the only one who wants to give a long exposition on the technical details of the “collapse” of the towers. I have already disallowed theirs, so I have to disallow yours too.
The general idea that the “official narrative” doesn’t make sense has been expressed here, and David and I didn’t say much more than that in the interview. If anyone wants to get into the technical details of the destruction of the three buildings in New York, there is no lack of places on the Internet to go. 9/11 is not really a “White” issue, and frankly we don’t want non-whites participating on this website. It can be hard to tell in a 9/11 discussion.
I’m not trying to censor information. A Chuck Thurston wrote to me the other day making a very good point: The word “collapse” should not be repeated and used by us to describe what was instead an explosion in mid-air. By claiming the buildings “collapsed” via controlled demolition is to engage in a confusion of terms. I”m sure he would like to be a guest on my program, but I don’t want to do a program on 9/11.
If anyone wants to discuss how 9/11 impacts White interests (or not) I am in favor of that.
P.S. We are not only anti-Jewish here, but we are first pro-White. Any anti-Jewishness comes from our pro-Whiteness, since Jews are anti-White. Thus, we’re not out to defend Arabs, or even Palestinians, or to ally with them on this or that issue. I feel we need to be very clear about that.