Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Mike Delaney
Jan. 26, 2013
Mike Delaney (shown right with one of his four children) of and Missing Links, the Movie is Carolyn’s guest to discuss his websites and the recent claim by Gordon Duff that two of them [Ratfaced Jews and Jewish Problem] are funded by Abe Foxman’s Anti-Defamation League and “managed” by ADL workers and volunteers. Since everyone knows this isn’t true, the Jewish Duff was caught with his pants down and his habit of bald-faced lying fully revealed. Other topics of discussion:
- Mike thanks Gordon Duff for bringing so much new traffic to his sites;
- How well do people in the Truth Movement know the truth of what they’re talking about;
- David Duke’s friendliness with Jeff Rense and Gordon Duff questioned;
- Should contributing writers for Veteran’s Today be painted with a broad brush along with Duff and his associates, Jim Dean and Mike Harris (must listen);
- Gordon Duff’s agenda seems to be the basic Democratic Party agenda, with his Jewish anti-Hitlerism thrown in;
- Duff’s gun-confiscation article is very instructive of his real agenda and should be read by all;
- How to recognize what really is disinfo – it’s not always easy;
- Mike recommends we need more activism “in the streets,” and talking together, like on his teamspeak channel.
Callers Andre and Martin added to the program.
Jews, Saturday Afternoon podcast, White Nationalism- 1974 reads
Original comments on this program
40 Responses
January 26, 2013 at 7:17 pm
I wanted to make more remarks about David Duke and Veterans Today, but didn’t want to do all the talking (!).
I don’t know if I said this or not, but I felt that Gordy Duff was working on getting David Duke to “join up” with VT, and DD was feeling out his listenership as to how acceptable that would be.
Lo and behold, listening to the Mike Harris “Rense Network” program with guest Gordy just now, I hear Gordy saying that very thing. He brags that he has Ingrid Zundel (a sell-out too, who can never get enough money)AND Ernst Zundel with VT … and … maybe … David Duke might come on board. Ohhh, Lordy. Has Jeff Rense totally captured Duke’s mind with visions of $$$$$$? I think so. Although that has always been Duke’s weak point.
So yes, we need a new generation of leaders, but we better vet them really good, and that’s the reason for my harsh criticism on this program (and it was not really harsh enough).
January 26, 2013 at 7:46 pm
One more thing – Gordy tried to get Fredrick Toben to write for VT also; don’t recall if it was after or at the same time he got Ingrid Zundel. He invited Fredrick to his home and wined and dined him. But Fred was cautious, and finally figured out Duff’s game. What Gordy wants is to claim he’s a holo-revisionist, too (after a fashion), while continuing to attack Adolf Hitler. Gordy’s “thing” is that he is a “German” on his mother’s side (actually Jewish Vienna-inhabitants) and wants to free the “German people” from the guilt and crimes of Hitler and his Third Reich.
MORE: Ingrid herself tells us that Ernst doesn’t have a computer and is ignorant of what is on the Internet, except for what she tells him. If all he know is what she tells him, he can be excused for thinking Gordy Duff is a great guy, along with the fabulous Jeff Rense, and jim fetzer and kevin barrett and all the rest. Ingrid tells us (in her monthly Power letter, which I’m sure I will no longer get now, LOL) that she talks to Ernst several times a day on the phone … because she has really cheap rates. And she always clues him in on the wonderful items she has “discovered” on the Internet.
So if you can’t figure out what’s going on here, I guess you’re hopeless.
January 26, 2013 at 8:48 pm
Going to upload this one been months great one to start with Carolyn
January 26, 2013 at 9:21 pm
WaffenSS – we like to have our comments here written in proper English with punctuation. No offense, but that will be a requirement from now on. Everyone should take note. It took me a little while to understand your meaning. We are White people, after all — not illiterates (I hope). But thanks if you spread it around.
Golden Dawn Party
January 26, 2013 at 9:49 pm
One of the best shows so far. Carolyn and Mike are a good team. I really enjoyed this show. To have Total Fascism on was nice, as well.
January 27, 2013 at 6:41 am
I think alot of the criticisms levelled at certain internet activists in the first hour are jusitified, however, I do believe that most of them have their hearts in the right place (obviously not the VT clowns). The difficulty seems to come with people who are just starting to learn about National Socialism or the Jewish problem and have the urge to do something to help, but lack the knowledge to defend and justify their position.
I myself am relatively new to this movement, and was admonished as “irresponsible” a few months ago due to a comment I made with regards to “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion”. I didn’t intentionally post inaccurate information, but it was right for me to be admonished, it was irresponsible. It taught me a valuable lesson, if you don’t know or are unsure, keep quiet until you do know, because you either add to the mass of dis/mis-information out there, or you undermine and discredit your cause.
It seems alot of newcomers to the movement are Jew wise, and are coming round to the issue of race, but then they reject National Socialism. My question is, is it enough to be just an anti-Jew movement, or do we have to explicitly be a National Socialist movement and market (for want of a better word) pro National Socialist material as zealously as material that highlights the Jewish issue?
My personal oppinion is that being anti-jew, without a positive common ideology that binds us and offers us the solutions (which can only be National Socialism), will only serve to delay real world results and prolong infighting amongst useful people within our own ranks.
Thank you for the show Carolyn, and a big thanks to Mike Delaney, whose work was instrumental in bringing me out of the nonsense conspiracy movement and into the truth.
January 27, 2013 at 7:28 am
I certainly did see the pattern and didn’t even bother to listen the first time Duke had G. Duff on. That should be expected of ‘leaders’ like D. Duke, whose reputation will always precede him. Well, he could say that at this point he has nothing left to lose. He’ll always be known as ‘mr. white’ after all.
Now, I don’t think you should be that tough on John Friend. Like Delaney said, people grow up and change their views. Also, the guy that called in, Andre, from Totalfascism, John, Zfc and Dana among other young activists could become a counter force to Gordon’s disinfo rubbish. At least that is the way it could work out.
January 27, 2013 at 9:11 am
James – Thanks for a very nice comment. I think that anyone can certainly be anti-Jew without being pro-National Socialist, but I agree with you that we are so much stronger when we have a common belief – when we are united in ideology. This is exactly what our enemies try to prevent, so smart people would be looking at this to see how it’s being done.
January 27, 2013 at 9:19 am
Mike – People should more actively write negative comments to VT articles; call in when Gordy is on a program, or complain if calls are not taken, and otherwise harass him directly so that those still hanging on will see it.
January 27, 2013 at 12:40 pm
Hi Carolyn,
Early in the show I think you and Mike were getting your Keith’s mixed up. Keith and Rich run the Truth Militia and they are not anti-Hitler.
Keith Johnson is who you were thinking of and he is part of The Ugly Truth Network and writes for AFP. Mark Glenn is promoting the idea that essentially jews and white’s are synonymous and Max French endorses Glenn’s point of view.
Ashkenazi’s are an admixture of European and Jew but hey will ALWAYS claim their jewish-ness first but Mark conveniently avoids this point as he is a know-it-all who wants to control the message as does so many others, hence all the in-fighting.
January 27, 2013 at 1:58 pm
Hi rockclimer – NO, I was not getting my Keith’s mixed up at all. It was Keith Johnson whose last name I couldn’t think of. He is a good guy, “pro-Hitler” I would say, even if he doesn’t talk about it a lot, and Israel is his main preoccupation. However, he can’t bring himself to be a White’s only Nationalist and wants to include especially middle-eastern muslims, the same as Mark Glenn and Mike Piper … and AFP. I don’t think Mark Glenn promotes the idea that jews and Whites are synonymous; where do you get that idea? Or are you saying he hates Whites as much as Jews? I doubt it, and really, what Mark Glenn thinks has nothing to do with this program.
Keith and Rich of the Truth Militia I don’t know, only listened to one program which gave me a poor impression. They seem to have a strong streak of Libertarianism, and reject ‘White’s only Nationalism’ also. They didn’t seem to have a clear idea of what to talk about – except they want to talk dirty. They call that freedom. IMO, they just want to own a network. I don’t see a unifying thread at Truth Militia.
P.S. UPDATE: On listening to the show, I do see how Mike meant the Truth Militia Keith, and for some reason I (because he said “I was on with him, I can’t think of Keith’s last name”) I imagined he meant he and this other Keith were both guests together, and Keith Johnson popped into my mind. You are right, it was a mix-up in Keiths on my part. But I do know the difference between the two; and I actually know Keith Johnson. But I don’t know the other one.
See how much trouble it is to explain a misunderstanding?! Much easier not to make one in the first place.
Has C.
January 27, 2013 at 2:03 pm
James: the period of National Socialism may be seen as a great laboratory, showing us today how to break away from the prison and what to do afterwards. Of course, the lesson must be adapted to different circumstances but general principles are sound.
What I see as a problem is that German society was not only homogenous but also highly organized even before 1933, as opposed to the atomized, amorphous American. When a hope in the form of Hitler appeared, the news flew through thousands of visible and invisible channels. Thus, it was possible to swing the entire society like a dinghy. America is a ‘USS Eisenhower’ in comparison (with huge holes and sinking).
On Mike Delaney’s idea of dehumanizing the Jews:
I want to say that I cannot subscribe to this. We shouldn’t use the methods of their vilest fanatics like Shneerson and Yosef. It would not only be un-Aryan and deprive us of the higher moral ground – the truth is on our side, after all. It would also repel potential dissidents in the Jewish camp: never forget people like David Cole. Jewish masses are far from homogenous. Let us not underestimate them: they are neither deaf nor stupid; groups and individuals take note of what our revisionists are saying. Driving all of them into a corner would be both immoral and counterproductive. Or, as Talleyrand said: ‘worse than a crime: a mistake’
January 27, 2013 at 5:40 pm
A good introduction to Mike Delany, discussion of on line dis-information, and the intellectual transformation from blindness to sight in connection with racial and political affairs today.
I enjoyed hearing how Delany transformed from a liberal to a militant, successful pro-white activist. The stories of how we became pro-whites from so many different perspectives is always interesting and instructive.
I was also impressed with Delany’s technical computer and internet expertise and his seemingly inexhaustible energy. He has a sense of humor and the ability to combine substantive material with a humorous off the wall presentation.
The lessons of this show are timeless: (1) We must be ceaselessly vigilant for provocateurs and masters of disinformation like Gordon Duff; (2) The behavior and associations of even seasoned veterans like David Duke must be continually tested; (3) People who learn the truth “never go back.”
January 27, 2013 at 7:31 pm
In fairness here is what Glenn said:
–ed note from me, MG–
Ok, simple logic here– You say the Jews are not ‘white’, even though they came from Europe. Ok then are they–
1) Black/African?
2) Chinese/Oriental?
3) Aboriginal?
4) Semitic/Arab?
–only a small percentage
This is what I find so intellectually galling about white activists. They can sit and stare logic/fact in the face and still make claims to the contrary.
A pic I used in today’s news updates pretty much says it all.
Here you have the VERY white Netanyahu–OF WHITE, EUROPEAN, POLISH ORIGIN–shaking hands with the very non-white Susan Rice.
And as for your non-sequiter in claiming that somehow I, by following a ‘Jewish/abrahamic’ religion, which I can only assume means Christianity, means that somehow I am not ‘white’–how then does our brilliant white nationalist rationalize the fact that virtually all of WHITE Europe and WHITE Russia and WHITE australia and WHITE Canada and a half dozen other locales peopled by WHITE people practice Christianity as well? Are they also not whites?
Like I said, too stupid for their own good and their own worst enemies. Everytime they open their mouths they give the Jews all the ammo they need in depicting them as inbred, uneducated and intellectually unsophisticated knuckledraggers. Wish I could say otherwise but unfortunately the truth is ugly sometimes.
January 27, 2013 at 8:12 pm
Hi Carolyn,
I’m the guy who made the video (Gordon Duff is a Jewish Disinformation Agent) which Mike mentions @ 1:08:50 on your show. It’s good to hear that the message is getting out…
In subsequent email exchanges (and also on Kevin Barrett’s show) he accused me of working for the Jewish state, and (stangely) he also accused me of secretly being Frederic Toben!
You wrote on January 27 at 9:19 am:
They want everyone to sign in with Facebook, etc just to comment. Just the fact that you have to login using Facebook, Yahoo, AOL, or Hotmail should tell us something shouldn’t it?
And even then if Duff or Fetzer or any of them don’t like your comment – they just delete it anyway.
People should also wonder – just who pays for Veterans Today to operate anyway? Seems to me that a site like that with so many writers and so much going on can’t be cheap to run…
There’s some pretty fancy coding going on over there too… I guarantee you Duff doesn’t do any of that. For a ‘Senior Editor’ isn’t it odd that the guy’s pretty much functionally illiterate?
I think Veterans Today was probably started by (and is funded by) Cass Sunstein and the boys as part of their “Cognitive Infiltration” program.
January 27, 2013 at 8:12 pm
To Golden Dawn Party – You are either not white or are pushing a “multicultural NS movement” for some other reason. I will not approve stuff like this, so give up. I will say what I think of such a thing on tomorrow’s Heretics’ Hour.
January 27, 2013 at 9:22 pm
I think it is probably okay to ‘dehumanize’ the Jews. It’s just natural to use humor and to make an enemy resemble an enemy. It’s only in the last fifty years or so that White people have learned to stop short of saying what they really think, and where has it gotten us?
Sal Brown
January 27, 2013 at 10:32 pm
Hi Carolyn,
“Keith and Rich of the Truth Militia I don’t know, only listened to one program which gave me a poor impression. They seem to have a strong streak of Libertarianism, and reject ‘White’s only Nationalism’ also. They didn’t seem to have a clear idea of what to talk about – except they want to talk dirty. They call that freedom. IMO, they just want to own a network. I don’t see a unifying thread at Truth Militia.”
Couldn’t agree with you more.
Kyle Hunt from the the same network was told recently they could use no more “hate speech” or say the word “jew” or they’d be kicked off. You can hear that here:
The Blitzkrieg Broadcast w/ Kyle Hunt
by Renegade Broadcasting in Radio
Mon, January 7, 2013 07:00 pm
January 27, 2013 at 10:38 pm
Hi Wallace – that is a very effective video and just the length I like – short. I’m glad the way he really looks has come out, to add to that single picture of him 30 to 40 years ago!
Haha! I was included in some email exchanges initiated by Fredrick Toben with Gordy, and boy did he get mad because Toben let other people in on what he (Gordy) was writing. Fred does that – he thinks everyone should be transparent! One cannot come to the truth until everything is out in the open … so he practices that!
I lost my commenting privileges at VT a long time ago. You’re right, commenting isn’t worth the hassle.
As far as the costs of VT, they have ads, although Duffy says “We don’t get any money from ads.”
That’s the best answer I’ve heard yet. So I’m not far off at all with my sense he’s an operative of Democrat Party liberalism trying to subvert the “conservative red-state constitutionalists” and encourage them vote for Democrats. Gordy is always praising or excusing Obama.
Sal Brown
January 27, 2013 at 10:48 pm
One more thing. Thanks for having Mike D. as a guest. The broadcast with Mike Delaney was very good! It was his call to the Alex Jones show that started my research on the jews. I couldn’t understand why Jones totally lost it when Mike called his show, so decided to do some research. Thank you Mike (and indirectly, A. Jones). This is one rabbit hole that just never ends. Have also recommended 911 Missing Links all over the net. It was also Mike D’s 911 Missing Links that finally exposed the real truth, and made total sense of all the events of that day.
Keep up the good work…everyone.
January 28, 2013 at 2:32 am
One solution is to refer to “Finns”. That’s the rather amusing solution devised by a well-known youtuber.
John Friend
January 28, 2013 at 3:55 am
Very interesting show, much to reflect on. I appreciate criticism, and Carolyn sure does like to provide it – about pretty much everyone. I enjoy her shows dealing with white nationalism, Holohoax fraudsters, Adolf Hitler, and WWII history generally much more than when she spends the majority of the time criticizing and deriding others, although it is necessary to point out the shills like Duff.
Duff is a major suspect in my book, always has been. I had to stop listening to Kevin Barrett months ago, he just still doesn’t get that Jews are the problem, not merely Zionism. Dr. Fetzer is a mixed bag – I think he’s done some very valuable research on a number of different topics, particularly 9/11, but he’s a typical liberal college professor. And he thinks Zionism is the problem, too. To say Fetzer is “disinfo” or “an agent” or whatever just isn’t true though, at least in my opinion. Duff on the other hand… he probably is.
What I don’t get is Mike’s (and Carolyn’s?) total refusal to face the reality that the videos we were shown on teLIEvision of airplanes crashing into the WTC were totally fake. There’s just no other way around this guys, the videos are fake. There were no Arab hijackings, no plane crashes, and more than likely no genuine victims. 9/11 was a total PSYOP (just like the Holohoax!). There were even scripted actors in place to sell the official government story on what was ostensibly live news broadcasts that day. These facts have been overwhelmingly established at this point. Why Mike simply can’t admit he’s wrong about this and stop bashing people who expose media fakery is beyond me.
Nick Dean
January 28, 2013 at 5:58 am
@ rockclimber January 27, 2013 at 7:31 pm
I stopped listening to UT when I realized how unwilling Glenn was to accept the genetic research on Ashkenazi Jews and their middle east origins. There’s something decdedly odd about it. The last straw was I posted some links to a thread on a Jonathan Azaziah show where the talk had all been about White Jews colonizing Palestinians and said if Azaziah didn’t know who he was talking about then he didn’t know what he was talking about. Glenn wouldn’t let this comment through and I gave up there and then.
My best guess with Glenn is there’s something similar to what’s going on with Kevin Barrett which I went into here:
you should know about Kevin Barrett that he isn’t always honest about race and nation issues and related historical events. Even were he aware these myths are untrue, he might still promote them if he deemed it useful politically. I say this from sad experience.
Kevin Barrett believes and has stated that the standard politicized history put out by Hollywood and social scientists in that it identifies an eternal villain, the European White world, and an eternal victim, the non-European, non-White world, is ‘useful’ to the anti-Zionist/pro-Palestinian and related Islamic causes.
This conventional narrative and the biases it has engendered can be exploited by the Islamic world according to Kevin Barrett.
I tried pointing out that this conventional narrative is historically flawed and objectively racist, that to deploy it as a weapon in a cultural struggle is wrong on moral grounds, but he wasn’t moved by those concerns.
I also suggested that his strategy is doomed to failure because Jews control the discourse and hold the trump card with the holo. Muslims are never gonna usurp the Jews as parasite-like controllers of European or American consciences as long as Jews control history and the media, but he wants to at least try.
I was willing to tolerate these morally questionable choices of his, and it wasn’t until I discovered that Kevin Barrett is willing to outright lie about some matters that I stopped dealing with him.
For example, he continues to assert that Ashkenazi Jews are a people of European origin even after being apprised on multiple occasions, by myself and others, of the heavy preponderance of genetic studies confirming a middle-eastern origin for that group, with Ashkenazi Jews more closely related to Palestinian Arabs than to any other non-Jewish group. He is so committed to exploiting inflamed prejudices against yet another ‘White’ population colonising and subjugating yet another non-White group, that he is willing to lie and say the Ashkenazim are White.
A second glaring example is his refusal to modify his discussion of Zionist history after being alerted, again multiple times, to scholarly works documenting that Zionism originated not within the Jewish colonies of Europe but among Baghdadi Jewish colonies in the far-east. He again prefers to exploit the conventional anti-White narrative and talk about the Zionism being ‘just one more European settler movement,’ and the truth, that Zionism originated among Iraqi Jews in India, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Burma and other places east of Istanbul just isn’t fit for that purpose, so Kevin Barrett lies about it.
Then again I later came to think Barrett is under someone’s influence. Unlike most of the conspindustry radio hosts he tended not to talk about how all that’s bad is ‘fascist’ until quite recently. It changed when he had Stephen Sniegoski on his AFR show. Sniegoski took the conspindustry and especially Tarpley to task for misusing this word and Barrett didn’t just accept Sniegoski’s complaint he agreed very forcefully with it, as though it had been on his mind too. There was no mistaking that Barrett thought Sniegoski right. Yet within a show or two, Barrett began using ‘fascism’ himself in just the same way all the rest of the mainline truthers and anti-NWO crowd do. Such a sudden switch! I really think he was told to get on message by someone – his paid work on Press TV especially became more frequent at the very same time. …
January 28, 2013 at 10:55 am
Sal – I listened to the first half of the program you mentioned. Is Kyle Hunt a part of the Truth Militia line-up? Or is he independently under Blog Talk Radio? It says that Kyle’s show is with Renegade Broadcasting. Blog Talk Radio may have those rules but TM is not following them?
Nick Dean
January 28, 2013 at 11:51 am
Kyle Hunt is now with Renegade Broadcasting on BTR, having been on Oracle between March and December 2012 with the show Star Theory.
Good guy, but some of the people around him are much less bright than he is and a drag on his political development: Lugh, a ‘National Socialist’ who preaches anti-nationalism and race-blindness; Alex the Celtic Rebel, a middle aged-juvenile misfit who fantasizes about going to Brazil and having children of every race and has a hostile fixation on nameless White supremacists, presumably cos they’d laugh at him; Mike Sledge, a conflicted personality who doesn’t like Jews but only found that out after he’d sired a Jewish kid. They’re not consciously trying to slow Hunt down as he runs Whitewards, they’re just running on memes designed to do that.
It’s clear from the way he talks that Kyle has read some of the Amren/Sailer/Macdonald/Vdare-type material as well as some holo-revisionism. He’s more mature and better informed than his RB co-hosts and I wonder how long he’ll stay in the alternative-political kiddie pool.
January 28, 2013 at 12:53 pm
January 28, 2013 at 2:35 pm
I hope you didn’t miss his point about Mark Glenn also.
January 28, 2013 at 2:55 pm
rc – How could I? I had my own bad experience with Mark Glenn. I’m going to look to see if it’s still in his archives.
Yep. Look for my comments to the program. They’re there. I had a negative reaction to Mark Glenn’s acquiescence to shill Alan Hart on that program and wrote an angry, but accurate, comment that Glenn took offense at. It went on from there. But the worst part of what he said was in private emails to me, which I still have. He carried on with some pretty serious lying about me sending him emails. I only answered ONE from him. I have known what a deeply nasty guy he is since then, and never listened again, unless I wanted to check out others on the program. Still, I don’t want to start in on MG because he wasn’t a part of the MD interview that I recall. This is a comments section, not a forum.
P.S. Let me just say that I was right about Alan Hart when so many people still saw him as a wonderful new truth teller.
January 28, 2013 at 3:02 pm
I have so much to say regarding all of these topics, I couldn’t possibly address it all in one comment. On the issue of Duff, I’m totally with you guys. We need to just ignore and forget about people like that and not give them any attention. Eventually people will have to come to their senses. However, when it comes to attacking this or that person, such as Duke or Glen, I really think you guys are missing a huge part of this. There’s a tendency to assume most people out there have all the information and are going to be dedicated, intelligent National Socialists once they hear it – nothing could be further from reality. There are more people who believe in the illuminati, lizards, reptiles, annunaki, the black pope and Vatican assassins and other assembled garbage, than those who really know the cold hard truth about Jewry. People like Duke and Glen are very important in bringing in people who are Christian, Muslim, etc. and awakening to this problem. Carolyn, you admit on this program that you are not going to go out in the street at this point in your life, so you have to remember that when one does this he/she encounters all different types of people, and there are smart ways in going about educating and mobilizing them. Taking a hardline approach to philosophy is NOT one of those ways. I am totally against patriotard conservatism, but we can’t always let everything out and expect people to pick it all up in one shot, this is a process, and unfortunately we are running out of time, so new, radical measures/approaches need to be taken. I would be happy to discuss any of these issues with you in the future.
January 28, 2013 at 4:03 pm
Hi John, Thanks for writing a comment. Yes, I am a natural critic – can’t help it – and am almost always right on the mark and proved to be so.
I pointed out Duff as a shill over two years ago on The Heretics’ Hour, when no one else had ever said so, although I heard from some people right away who agreed with me. Tanstaafl was investigating him at the same time, but posted his essay a couple of weeks later. We were both unaware of each other then. But you, John, are still saying Duff “probably is.” And Fetzer is just a “typical liberal college professor” who has done valuable conspiracy research (including trying hard to make Jew Judy Wood credible). Ask 9/11 videomaker Anthony Lawson about Fetzer (and Duff). As to Kevin Barrett, he played a dirty trick on me when I was a guest on his radio show to discuss Adolf Hitler with him, He had told me it was going to be titled one thing, rather fair-minded to the Hitler Question, but he changed it, without telling me, to something else with a joke title and wanted me to address that! The whole thing was a fiasco. Maybe, like Nick Dean said, Barrett gets cold feet and reverts to type.
Another dirty trick was: he booked me for only the first hour of his two-hour American Freedom Network show (I told him it wasn’t enough time, with all his commercials, but he said we’ll start with that and can do more later if it goes alright), and unbeknowst to me, booked Gordy Duff for the second hour. He wanted Gordo (meaning very fat in Spanish) to tear into what I said and have the last word. BUT, coward and ignoramus that he is, Duff told Barrett that he did not listen to the first hour! Really, his knowledge was not sufficient to comment. Gordo always has an agenda of what he will talk about on any guest appearance and takes over the show with his own script. I’ve seen it again and again.
It is necessary to be critical of everyone who claims to be in the White Identity arena, and from now on I’m going to do more of it.
January 28, 2013 at 4:28 pm
Dana – You need to develop some focus. When you can stick to one subject and communicate something definite, then you could have a radio program.
Oh, that’s a simple solution, isn’t it? Easy, and no hurt feelings … which is the important part, right?
I don’t expect anyone to become a National Socialist. You go around saying you are one, but think you can change the meaning and “update” it to suit yourself.
Are you kidding? This is The White Network – Whites talking to Whites about White interests.
January 28, 2013 at 8:18 pm
I’m glad that you have taken the time to sort out all the disinformation agents, like Duff, Makow, etc. There are all kinds of crazy people on the internet saying crazy things, what more can you do about it? Other than pointing them out/exposing them for what they are, I’m at a loss. And anyone who can’t tell when someone is lying to them or spewing falsehoods constantly, quite frankly is too stupid to really be of any worth to us. There is so much of the Nazi-Zionist-Rothschild idiocy I can’t keep track of it. I don’t know how you write off Duke though, or Glen, they are qualitatively different than Duff.
I have never changed the meaning of anything – I’m just looking at what is the best approach for today, and is there one approach that fits all? I think you read me wrong – when i said we need a libertarian approach, i’m not speaking of the political/economic philosophy of Ron Paul or anything like that – i mean within the racialist movement itself. Just take religion, either we put Race over religion and tolerate each other or we’re all going to fight over Christianity, Creativity, Odinism, Christian Identity, Atheism, etc. It seems pushing for decentralization, secession, and separation from the Federal Government (ZOG) makes more sense than running for office under a banner of taking over politically which seems impossible. These are just two topics where theory and practical politics collide. We have to adapt and work within the reality of today, not homogenous Germany of the 30′s which you can’t compare to present day America.
January 28, 2013 at 9:20 pm
Good for you Carolyn regarding Glenn and thanks for sharing. MG is a nasty little guy when someone dares to question him. I agree about Alan Hart also, in my opinion he is a lightweight ‘truth-teller’ and a coward.I also understand that you want to stay on topic so enough said. Thanks for hearing me out.
January 29, 2013 at 12:30 am
Don’t rewrite what I say in your own words, please. I give reasons for everything I say about people. I didn’t say those two were like Duff, but David Duke himself said he agrees 95% with Gordo Duff. It’s “documented!” So what do you make of that? Is Duke just spewing nonsense to “make friends and money?” If so, should he not be criticized for it? In fact, I don’t think he is above being asked to answer to it.
Is that your plan? Decentralization, secession, and separation? If so, are you going to start working on it in earnest, or continue to be ‘all over the place.’
January 30, 2013 at 4:44 pm
Dana, Yes there is one approach that fits all (White) people, but not all people who you want to include in some kind of movement. I’m not reading you wrong, I’m reading you right. But you want to fool people while you are wearing several hats. It’s not that you intend to fool, but you just can’t make up your mind about various possibilities and, like so many Whites, want to turn the problem over to “muslims” or “black nationalists” to do it for us. If you believe that could ever succeed for us, you should retire now.
No, you can’t, but the same principles hold true. And are you trying to save the Palestinian people or we White people?
January 30, 2013 at 5:06 pm
One point I see is that people believe our problems are very difficult to sort out, given our impending minority status. But in reality, separating populations could be quite easy. For example, if White people wanted to be free of a given demographic group, the simplest thing in the world would be to cut off their electricity, water, and data. Within hours they’d be out, wandering around, trying to decide what to do. And we’d have suggestions. The cutting off of those things, upon which dependency is very high, can be done largely remotely, so that conflict would actually be quite minimal. So we needn’t assume the necessity of unseemly alliances.
Alexander from Flanders
January 30, 2013 at 10:40 pm
Great interview. Mike Delany came across as a very positive guy. I really like his style. 10/10
January 31, 2013 at 8:05 am
Finally got to hear it. Great show, Mike is one of the first people I came across that pointed staright at the Jewish issue, with 9/11 Missing Links. Some of his other early activism was good though he wasn’t racially aware, so I put him on the back burner until he showed up firmly in our camp with my friend Bill.
Wallace, I thought your video was great too. But let’s face it. The Internet would NOT be up at all if they weren’t monitoring each and every one of us anyhow. They were admittedly doing it in Clinton’s time, so it has nothing to do with Facebook or the other social media web apps. How do you think Larry Ellison (Jew) of Oracle became a billionaire in the early 90′s. Not even Fortune 500 companies use Oracle, and the Internet, which is used by the ENTIRE world still runs through the CIA’s backdoor in Virginia. The only thing stopping them from busting your door down right now is that we all know people who BELIEVE this system is NOT what we say it is and if it acted overtly against us even the lemmings would freak out. They want you to sign in using FB because people FEAR having their profiles seen with the stuff they mention, but you can set your privacy so people won’t know anything about you. It’s that simple. I have a public site for my business and people who want to snoop can’t see what my personal page is about.
The reason I bring this up is because we can’t sit HERE listening to Carolyn once or twice a week. We HAVE to interact with the rest of the population to make them aware, and that is what I and hundreds of friends are doing out on Liberty pages, gun ownership pages, 9/11 pages, etc. When we see people bashing Hitler in relation to gun control, we post in those discussions, and we keep posting until we’ve made the point. People who see these pictures of Hitler and automatically agree with the lies get a serious wake up call I can assure you. I try to hit a bunch every day, and I post them to my friends so they can flame the page too.
We here listening to Carolyn, Mike, Bill, Tan, Alex, et al, KNOW what is going on, and we know that the average Jew, while not an overt enemy agent, is a Liberal canker destroying our people’s spirit and values. We need to reach our people and pull them out of the Jew think they are drowning in.
January 31, 2013 at 10:11 am
Hey David, here’s an idea. Why not post links to my shows at all these Liberty pages, gun ownership pages, 9/11 pages, etc? You know, to pull them out of the Jew think they are drowning in. And it’s not once or twice a week, but 3 times a week … don’t forget “The International Jew” Study Hour. Thanks to all of you who are doing that.
February 10, 2013 at 11:59 pm
I sure appreciate your character analysis (assassination? ha!) of Charles Giuliani. Top notch, excellent — complete! Thank you for your greater overview.