Alan Dershowitz

My response to Alan Dershowitz's essay “The origin of fake news in holocaust denial” published at Gatestone Institute

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-03-27 18:59

An American lawyer and Harvard law professor for many years, the 78-year-old Alan Dershowitz has always been a strong supporter of Israel.

By Carolyn Yeager

I DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT GATESTONE INSTITUTE, but it appears to be comprised of Neo-Conservative, pro-Israel Washington DC-New York types, with John R. Bolton paid to be the figurehead. I didn't think this essay written by Alan Dershowitz claiming holocaust denial to be an example of 'fake news' was up to any sort of quality standard, but Dershowitz himself is listed on the Board of Governors, so that explains it.

The well-known Jewish attorney takes the Trumpian theme of “fake news,” which perfectly fits the changing holocaust narrative through it's 73 years of existence, and turns it to mean denial of the holocaust is what constitutes fake news. I, on the other hand, have used the terms fake news and fake history to describe the holocaust itself.

Dershowitz brings up the importance of “facts and evidence” quite a number of times in distinguishing between the official holocaust narrative and holocaust denial, yet he produces not a single fact or piece of evidence in his argument. He starts out with a number of unproved statements presented as though they are fact. The underlining is all in the original – I didn't add any.